Real-time analysis and Viz with Storm-Camel-Highcharts

You might also be interested in checking out extension of this repo for Twitter sentiment of states of US using D3.js Choropleth Map and Highcharts Columncharts on StormTweetsSentimentD3Viz and also a similar project for UK Twitter Sentiment on StormTweetsSentimentD3UKViz.


This repository contains an application for demonstrating Apache Storm distributed framework by counting the names of the companies fed randomly by the code [in the Spout] in real-time.
This project also visualizes the output in real-time using Queues, Websockets and Highcharts.

Apache Storm is an open source distributed real-time computation system, developed at BackType by Nathan Marz and team. It has been open sourced by Twitter [post BackType acquisition] in August, 2011. And became a top level project in Apache on 29th September, 2014.
This application has been developed and tested with Storm v0.8.2 on Windows 7 in local mode; and was eventually updated and tested with Storm v0.9.3 on 04th January, 2015. Application may or may not work with earlier or later versions than Storm v0.9.3.

The initial version of this application was actually forked and later updated further from Robin van Breukelen's storm-camel-example project.



GIF of visualization

Screenshot of visualization


Also, please check pom.xml for complete information on the various dependencies of the project.


You need the following on your machine:


To build and run this topology, you must use Java 1.8.

Local Mode:

Local mode can also be run on Windows environment using either IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDE.
Note: Please be sure to clean your temp folder as it adds lot of temporary files in every run.

Remote Mode:



If you find any issues, please report them either raising an issue here on Github or alert me on my Twitter handle @P7h. Or even better, please send a pull request.
Appreciate your help. Thanks!


Copyright © 2013-2015 Robin van Breukelen and Prashanth Babu.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.