Annotation Error Decoder

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This module allows to annotate Feign's interfaces with annotations to generate Exceptions based on error codes

To use AnnotationErrorDecoder with Feign, add the Annotation Error Decoder module to your classpath. Then, configure Feign to use the AnnotationErrorDecoder:

GitHub github = Feign.builder()
                     .target(GitHub.class, "");

Leveraging the annotations and priority order

For annotation decoding to work, the class must be annotated with @ErrorHandling tags. The tags are valid in both the class level as well as method level. They will be treated from 'most specific' to 'least specific' in the following order:

@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {401}, generate = UnAuthorizedException.class),
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {403}, generate = ForbiddenException.class),
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = UnknownItemException.class),
    defaultException = ClassLevelDefaultException.class
interface GitHub {

    @ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
            @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = NonExistentRepoException.class),
            @ErrorCodes( codes = {502, 503, 504}, generate = RetryAfterCertainTimeException.class),
        defaultException = FailedToGetContributorsException.class
    @RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
    List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);

In the above example, error responses to 'contributors' would hence be mapped as follows by status codes:

Code Exception Reason
401 UnAuthorizedException from Class definition
403 ForbiddenException from Class definition
404 NonExistenRepoException from Method definition, note that the class generic exception won't be thrown here
502,503,504 RetryAfterCertainTimeException from method definition. Note that you can have multiple error codes generate the same type of exception
Any Other FailedToGetContributorsException from Method default

For a class level default exception to be thrown, the method must not have a defaultException defined, nor must the error code be mapped at either the method or class level.

If the return code cannot be mapped to any code and no default exceptions have been configured, then the decoder will drop to a default decoder (by default, the standard one provided by feign). You can change the default drop-into decoder as follows:

GitHub github = Feign.builder()
                            .withDefaultDecoder(new MyOtherErrorDecoder())
                     .target(GitHub.class, "");

Complex Exceptions

Any exception can be used if they have a default constructor:

class DefaultConstructorException extends Exception {}

However, if you want to have parameters (such as the feign.Request object or response body or response headers), you have to annotate its constructor appropriately (the body annotation is optional, provided there aren't paramters which will clash)

All the following examples are valid exceptions:

class JustBody extends Exception {

    public JustBody(String body) {

class JustRequest extends Exception {

    public JustRequest(Request request) {

class RequestAndResponseBody extends Exception {

    public RequestAndResponseBody(Request request, String body) {

//Headers must be of type Map<String, Collection<String>>
class BodyAndHeaders extends Exception {

    public BodyAndHeaders(@ResponseBody String body, @ResponseHeaders Map<String, Collection<String>> headers) {

class RequestAndResponseBodyAndHeaders extends Exception {

    public RequestAndResponseBodyAndHeaders(Request request, @ResponseBody String body, @ResponseHeaders Map<String, Collection<String>> headers) {

class JustHeaders extends Exception {

    public JustHeaders(@ResponseHeaders Map<String, Collection<String>> headers) {


If you want to have the body decoded, you'll need to pass a decoder at construction time (just as for normal responses):

GitHub github = Feign.builder()
                            .withResponseBodyDecoder(new JacksonDecoder())
                     .target(GitHub.class, "");

This will enable you to create exceptions where the body is a complex pojo:

class ComplexPojoException extends Exception {

    public ComplexPojoException(GithubExceptionResponse body) {
        if (body != null) {
            // extract data
        } else {
            // fallback code
//The pojo can then be anything you'd like provided the decoder can manage it
class GithubExceptionResponse {
    public String message;
    public int githubCode;
    public List<String> urlsForHelp;

It's worth noting that at setup/startup time, the generators are checked with a null value of the body. If you don't do the null-checker, you'll get an NPE and startup will fail.

Inheriting from other interface definitions

You can create a client interface that inherits from a different one. However, there are some limitations that you should be aware of (for most cases, these shouldn't be an issue):

That means that as long as you only ever extend from a base interface (where you may decide that all 404's are "NotFoundException", for example) then you should be ok. But if you get complex in polymorphism, all bets are off - so don't go crazy!

Example: In the following code:

@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific = { @ErrorCodes( codes = {401}, generate = UnAuthorizedException.class), @ErrorCodes( codes = {403}, generate = ForbiddenException.class), @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = UnknownItemException.class), }, defaultException = ClassLevelDefaultException.class ) interface FeignClientBase {}

interface GitHub1 extends FeignClientBase {

@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = NonExistentRepoException.class),
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {502, 503, 504}, generate = RetryAfterCertainTimeException.class),
    defaultException = FailedToGetContributorsException.class
@RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);


interface GitHub2 extends FeignClientBase {

@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = NonExistentRepoException.class),
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {502, 503, 504}, generate = RetryAfterCertainTimeException.class),
    defaultException = FailedToGetContributorsException.class
@RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);


@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific = { @ErrorCodes( codes = {401}, generate = UnAuthorizedException.class) }, defaultException = ClassLevelDefaultException.class ) interface GitHub3 extends FeignClientBase {

@ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = NonExistentRepoException.class),
        @ErrorCodes( codes = {502, 503, 504}, generate = RetryAfterCertainTimeException.class),
    defaultException = FailedToGetContributorsException.class
@RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(@Param("owner") String owner, @Param("repo") String repo);
