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EasyGuide is an easy-to-use tool to create guide layer on Android using Kotlin, which supports adding highlight on any View on screen, or any item in RecyclerView or ListView, or any area in dialog. And adding any custom view on the layer around the highlight area is also supported.



Add the dependency to your project build.gradle file

compile 'com.github.markshawn:easy-guide:1.0.2'

Basic Usage

new EasyGuideManager(activity).
            new CommonGuideLayer(context).addHighlightTarget(yourHighlightView)

Then the guide layer will appear. As shown above, addLayer() is used to add a particuler layer and addHighlightTarget() a particuler highlight area. The yourHighlightView is a view's area that needs to highlight and it is also supported to highlight any location with Rect.

Set the layer's location

There have been 3 kinds of parameter in the constrcuctor of EasyGuideManager so far as below: