FlatLaf - Flat Look and Feel

FlatLaf is a modern open-source cross-platform Look and Feel for Java Swing desktop applications.

It looks almost flat (no shadows or gradients), clean, simple and elegant. FlatLaf comes with Light, Dark, IntelliJ and Darcula themes, scales on HiDPI displays and runs on Java 8 or newer.

The look is heavily inspired by Darcula and IntelliJ themes from IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2+ and uses almost the same colors and icons.

Flat Light Demo

Flat Dark Demo

IntelliJ Platform Themes

FlatLaf can use 3rd party themes created for IntelliJ Platform (see IntelliJ Themes Pack):

Cyan Light Demo

Dark Purple Demo


Download Demo

Run demo with java -jar flatlaf-demo-<version>.jar (or double-click it). Requires Java 8 or newer.


FlatLaf binaries are available on JCenter and Maven Central.

If you use Maven or Gradle, add a dependency with following coordinates to your build script:

groupId:     com.formdev
artifactId:  flatlaf
version:     (see button below)

Otherwise download flatlaf-<version>.jar here:



FlatLaf snapshot binaries are available in JFrog Artifactory. To access the latest snapshot, change the FlatLaf version(s) in the dependencies to <version>-SNAPSHOT (e.g. 0.27-SNAPSHOT) and add the repository https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-snapshot-local to your build (see Maven and Gradle docs).


Projects using FlatLaf



For more information and documentation visit FlatLaf Home