
npm version

Access to Android AccountManager for React Native inspired by cordova-android-accountmanager plugin It currently only supports explicit account handling (programatically adding/removing/settin/getting account details to the AccountManager). Only the following methods are available;


npm install --save react-native-account-manager

Automatically link

With React Native 0.61+

No addiontional steps required.

With React Native 0.27+

react-native link react-native-account-manager

Manually link


dependencies {
    implementation project(':react-native-account-manager')
include ':app'
+ include ':react-native-account-manager''
+ project(':react-native-account-manager').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-account-manager/android')

With React Native 0.29+

+ import com.gointegro.accountmanager.AccountManagerPackage;

  public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
+         new AccountManagerPackage(),
          new MainReactPackage()


Basic Usage (Creating, removing an account)

import AccountManager from 'react-native-account-manager';

AccountManager.addAccountExplicitly('accountName', 'userName', 'userPassword')
.then((account) => {
  // console.log('account successfully added', account)
  AccountManager.removeAccount(account).then(() => {
    // console.log('account successfully removed');
}).catch((e) => {
  // console.log('fail to add account', e);

Basic Usage (Get accounts, get account data, set account data)

import AccountManager from 'react-native-account-manager';

AccountManager.getAccountsByType('accountName').then((accounts) => {
  // console.log('available accounts', accounts);
  let [firstAccount] = accounts;

  AccountManager.getUserData(firstAccount, 'storedKey').then((storedData) => {
    // console.log('stored data for storeKey', storedData);

    AccountManager.setUserData(account, 'storedKey', JSON.stringify({foo: "bar"})).then(() => {
      // console.log('data successfully stored');


uid XXXX cannot explicitly add accounts of type: xxxx

This means you're trying to access an account created with the same type but by an app with a different signature. The signature is defined in the signing of the app, defined by the keystore or upload key uploaded to the Play Store. You cannot solve this issue, all apps that share an account must have the same signature. Learn more