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JPA Schema Generator Plugin


Why another tool to dump the JPA schema? All tools that we've found were related to legacy versions of Hibernate or were covering just simple cases, without options to configure dialect or naming strategy. Also all of the tools we've found are based on the SchemaExport class, which does not always correlate with the runtime schema - for example due to the lack of support for the Integrator services, used to register UserType classes like JodaTime or similar. We were also looking for a tool that is be able to handle further schema migrations, not just dump the current version.

Configuration parameters

Maven Plugin

You can run this plugin directly or integrate it into the default build lifecycle.

Simple configuration example

            <extensions>true</extensions> <!-- required to run automatically -->

Generate schema

            <extensions>true</extensions> <!-- required to run automatically -->

Generate migrations

It's also possible to generate automated migrations scripts. JPA2DDL supports Flyway naming patterns for versioned migrations.

All subsequent migration scripts are saved in the outputPath, in the following layout:

 ... next

Please note that after generation you can change the name of the file to make it more descriptive following the filename pattern v(N)__jpa2ddl(_custom_description).sql - for example v1__jpa2ddl_init.sql

Sample configuration:

            <extensions>true</extensions> <!-- required to run automatically -->

Direct invocation

./mvnw com.devskiller.jpa2ddl:jpa2ddl-maven-plugin:0.9.12:generate

Gradle Plugin

Below you can find a sample build.gradle script configuration:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.devskiller.jpa2ddl:jpa2ddl-gradle-plugin:0.9.12"

apply plugin: 'com.devskiller.jpa2ddl'

jpa2ddl {
    packages = ['com.test.model']