
CityBench is a java-based benchmarking toolset for RSP engines, currently CQELS and C-SPARQL are supported.


Folders & Files

  1. cqels_query: sample queries in CQELS syntax;
  2. csparql_query: sample queries in C-SPARQL syntax;
  3. dataset: background knowledge base, mostly sensor service repositories;
  4. ontology: ontologies used;
  5. result_log: output files generated by CityBench, e.g., query latency, result count and memory consumption;
  6. src:source code;
  7. lib: libraries used;
  8. streams: sensor observation raw data in .csv formats, used to generate RDF streams;
  9. EC-log: logger file output;
  10. configuration file loaded by CityBench.

To run

  1. Download all resources and source code
  2. Import to your Java IDE and run Or
  3. Use "java -jar" command to execute the CityBench.jar

Configuration file

// All paths are relative path to the project root

// Normally if you use the downloaded resources as they are, you would not need to change the default content in the configuration file. The exception is the dataset property: you might want to change the default sensor repositories and use a different repository file (e.g., dataset/simrepo-5-10.n3) in order to test the performance of the cqels engine with different KB sizes loaded

Program Parameters

Acceptable params:

engine, start and end dates are mandatory.

Notice for C-SPARQL tests

Some C-sparql queries needs loading static knowledge bases, those queries contains clauses like " FROM ".

To load such RDF files, deploy the rdf files under "dataset/csparql_web_server/" on your local web server and make sure they are accessible from the url specified in the clause (you can change the url according to your web server configuration).