
Schedge is an open source API to NYU's course catalog, geared at eventually helping NYU students plan their courses easier and faster.

NYU Albert is really annoying to use, and so is the rest of NYU's course catalog infrastructure. Our goal with this API is to make it easier for students to plan out their schedules, and eventually to also do some of that for them.

API Docs:


Please take a look at contributing guide. It will provide you a general overview of the project and how to contribute.

API Documentation

The API documentation is available at .


The following commands are valid in Schedge:

./schedge query catalog     # Query the catalog
./schedge query sections    # Query a section
./schedge query school      # Query a school/subject
./schedge parse catalog     # Parse the catalog
./schedge parse section     # Parse the section
./schedge parse school      # Parse the school/subject
./schedge scrape catalog    # scrape the catalog
./schedge scrape sections   # scrape the sections
./schedge scrape school     # scrape the school/subject
./schedge db scrape         # scrape the catalog for information
./schedge db query          # query the database for information
./schedge db serve          # Serve the database data through an API


./schedge scrape catalog --year 2020 --term sp --school UA --subject CSCI

The above command will scrape catalog data from Albert website for Computer Science courses at the College of Arts and Sciences for the Spring, 2020.

Front Ends

If you'd like to write a front end to this API, you can list it below!