 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the
 * Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Copyright Contributors to the Zowe Project.
package org.zowe.apiml.apicatalog.services.status;

import org.zowe.apiml.apicatalog.instance.InstanceRetrievalService;
import org.zowe.apiml.eurekaservice.client.util.EurekaMetadataParser;
import org.zowe.apiml.apicatalog.services.cached.model.ApiDocInfo;
import org.zowe.apiml.apicatalog.services.status.model.ApiDocNotFoundException;
import org.zowe.apiml.apicatalog.swagger.SubstituteSwaggerGenerator;
import org.zowe.apiml.config.ApiInfo;
import org.zowe.apiml.product.gateway.GatewayClient;
import org.zowe.apiml.product.gateway.GatewayConfigProperties;
import org.zowe.apiml.product.routing.RoutedService;
import org.zowe.apiml.product.routing.RoutedServices;
import com.netflix.appinfo.InstanceInfo;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.http.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponents;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * Retrieves the API documentation for a registered service
public class APIDocRetrievalService {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private final InstanceRetrievalService instanceRetrievalService;
    private final GatewayClient gatewayClient;

    private final EurekaMetadataParser metadataParser = new EurekaMetadataParser();
    private final SubstituteSwaggerGenerator swaggerGenerator = new SubstituteSwaggerGenerator();

     * Retrieve the API docs for a registered service
     * <p>
     * API doc URL is taken from the application metadata in the following
     * order:
     * <p>
     * 1. 'apiml.apiInfo.swaggerUrl' (preferred way)
     * 2. 'apiml.apiInfo' is present and 'swaggerUrl' is not, ApiDoc info is automatically generated
     * 3. URL is constructed from 'apiml.routes.api-doc.serviceUrl'. This method is deprecated and used for
     * backwards compatibility only
     * @param serviceId  the unique service id
     * @param apiVersion the version of the API
     * @return the API doc and related information for transformation
     * @throws ApiDocNotFoundException if the response is error
    public ApiDocInfo retrieveApiDoc(@NonNull String serviceId, String apiVersion) {
        InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceRetrievalService.getInstanceInfo(serviceId);
        if (instanceInfo == null) {
            throw new ApiDocNotFoundException("Could not load instance information for service " + serviceId + " .");

        List<ApiInfo> apiInfoList = metadataParser.parseApiInfo(instanceInfo.getMetadata());
        RoutedServices routes = metadataParser.parseRoutes(instanceInfo.getMetadata());

        ApiInfo apiInfo = findApi(apiInfoList, apiVersion);
        String apiDocUrl = getApiDocUrl(apiInfo, instanceInfo, routes);
        if (apiDocUrl == null) {
            return getApiDocInfoBySubstituteSwagger(instanceInfo, routes, apiInfo);

        String apiDocContent = getApiDocContentByUrl(serviceId, apiDocUrl);
        return new ApiDocInfo(apiInfo, apiDocContent, routes);

     * Get ApiDoc url
     * @param apiInfo      the apiInfo of service instance
     * @param instanceInfo the information about service instance
     * @param routes       the routes of service instance
     * @return the url of apidoc
    private String getApiDocUrl(ApiInfo apiInfo, InstanceInfo instanceInfo, RoutedServices routes) {
        String apiDocUrl = null;
        if (apiInfo == null) {
            apiDocUrl = createApiDocUrlFromRouting(instanceInfo, routes);
        } else if (apiInfo.getSwaggerUrl() != null) {
            apiDocUrl = apiInfo.getSwaggerUrl();

        return apiDocUrl;

     * Get ApiDoc content by Url
     * @param serviceId the unique service id
     * @param apiDocUrl the url of apidoc
     * @return the information about ApiDoc content as application/json
     * @throws ApiDocNotFoundException if the response is error
    private String getApiDocContentByUrl(@NonNull String serviceId, String apiDocUrl) {
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

        ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(
            new HttpEntity<>(headers),

        if (response.getStatusCode().isError()) {
            throw new ApiDocNotFoundException("No API Documentation was retrieved due to " + serviceId + " server error: '" + response.getBody() + "'.");
        return response.getBody();

     * Get ApiDocInfo by Substitute Swagger
     * @param instanceInfo the information about service instance
     * @param routes       the routes of service instance
     * @param apiInfo      the apiInfo of service instance
     * @return the information about APIDocInfo
    private ApiDocInfo getApiDocInfoBySubstituteSwagger(InstanceInfo instanceInfo,
                                                        RoutedServices routes,
                                                        ApiInfo apiInfo) {
        GatewayConfigProperties gatewayConfigProperties = gatewayClient.getGatewayConfigProperties();
        String response = swaggerGenerator.generateSubstituteSwaggerForService(
        return new ApiDocInfo(apiInfo, response, routes);

     * Find ApiInfo for the corresponding version, if not found the first one is returned
     * @param apiInfos   the list of APIs information
     * @param apiVersion the version to be find
     * @return the information about API
    private ApiInfo findApi(List<ApiInfo> apiInfos, String apiVersion) {
        if (apiInfos.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        return apiInfos.stream()
                f -> f.getGatewayUrl().equals(apiVersion == null ? "api" : "api/" + apiVersion)

     * Creates a URL from the routing metadata 'apiml.routes.api-doc.serviceUrl' when 'apiml.apiInfo.swaggerUrl' is
     * not present
     * @param instanceInfo the information about service instance
     * @return the URL of API doc endpoint
     * @deprecated Added to support services which were on-boarded before 'apiml.apiInfo.swaggerUrl' parameter was
     * introduced. It will be removed when all services will be using the new configuration style.
    private String createApiDocUrlFromRouting(InstanceInfo instanceInfo, RoutedServices routes) {
        String scheme;
        int port;
        if (instanceInfo.isPortEnabled(InstanceInfo.PortType.SECURE)) {
            scheme = "https";
            port = instanceInfo.getSecurePort();
        } else {
            scheme = "http";
            port = instanceInfo.getPort();

        String path = null;
        RoutedService route = routes.findServiceByGatewayUrl("api/v1/api-doc");
        if (route != null) {
            path = route.getServiceUrl();

        if (path == null) {
            throw new ApiDocNotFoundException("No API Documentation defined for service " + instanceInfo.getAppName().toLowerCase() + " .");

        UriComponents uri = UriComponentsBuilder

        return uri.toUriString();