// Copyright (c) YugaByte, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

package com.yugabyte.sample.apps;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import com.yugabyte.sample.common.CmdLineOpts;
import com.yugabyte.sample.common.TimeseriesLoadGenerator;

 * A sample timeseries metric data application.
 * There are NUM_USERS users in the demo system. Each of these users has some number of
 * nodes (which is between MIN_NODES_PER_USER and MAX_NODES_PER_USER) that emit time series data.
 * The usersTable has a list of users, the number of nodes they each have, etc.
 * The metricsTable has the metric timeseries data for all the users' nodes.
public class CassandraTimeseries extends AppBase {
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CassandraTimeseries.class);
  // Static initialization of this workload's config.
  static {
    // Disable the read-write percentage.
    appConfig.readIOPSPercentage = -1;
    // Set the read and write threads to 1 each.
    appConfig.numReaderThreads = 1;
    appConfig.numWriterThreads = 16;
    // Set the number of keys to read and write.
    appConfig.numKeysToRead = -1;
    appConfig.numKeysToWrite = -1;
    // The size of the value.
    appConfig.valueSize = 100;
    // Set the TTL for the raw table.
    appConfig.tableTTLSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60;

  // The number of users.
  private static int num_users = 100;
  // The minimum number of metrics emitted per data source.
  private static int min_nodes_per_user = 5;
  // The maximum number of metrics emitted per data source.
  private static int max_nodes_per_user = 10;
  // The minimum number of metrics emitted per data source.
  private static int min_metrics_count = 5;
  // The maximum number of metrics emitted per data source.
  private static int max_metrics_count = 10;
  // The rate at which each metric is generated in millis.
  private static long data_emit_rate_millis = 1 * 1000;
  static Random random = new Random();
  // The default table name that has the raw metric data.
  private final String DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME = "ts_metrics_raw";
  // The structure to hold all the user info.
  static List<DataSource> dataSources = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<DataSource>();
  // Variable to track if verification is turned off for any datasource.
  private AtomicBoolean verificationDisabled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
  // Max write lag across data sources.
  private AtomicLong maxWriteLag = new AtomicLong(0);
  // The shared prepared select statement for fetching the data.
  private static volatile PreparedStatement preparedSelect;
  // The shared prepared statement for inserting into the table.
  private static volatile PreparedStatement preparedInsert;
  // Lock for initializing prepared statement objects.
  private static final Object prepareInitLock = new Object();

  public void initialize(CmdLineOpts configuration) {
    synchronized (dataSources) {
      // If the datasources have already been created, we have already initialized the static
      // variables, so nothing to do.
      if (!dataSources.isEmpty()) {

      // Read the various params from the command line.
      CommandLine commandLine = configuration.getCommandLine();
      if (commandLine.hasOption("num_users")) {
        num_users = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("num_users"));
      if (commandLine.hasOption("min_nodes_per_user")) {
        min_nodes_per_user = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("min_nodes_per_user"));
      if (commandLine.hasOption("max_nodes_per_user")) {
        max_nodes_per_user = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("max_nodes_per_user"));
      if (commandLine.hasOption("min_metrics_count")) {
        min_metrics_count = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("min_metrics_count"));
      if (commandLine.hasOption("max_metrics_count")) {
        max_metrics_count = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("max_metrics_count"));
      if (commandLine.hasOption("data_emit_rate_millis")) {
        data_emit_rate_millis =

      for (int user_idx = 0; user_idx < num_users; user_idx++) {
        // Generate the number of nodes this user would have.
        int num_nodes = min_nodes_per_user +
                        (max_nodes_per_user > min_nodes_per_user ?
                            random.nextInt(max_nodes_per_user - min_nodes_per_user) : 0);
        for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < num_nodes; node_idx++) {
          // Generate the number of metrics this data source would emit.
          int num_metrics = min_metrics_count +
                            (max_metrics_count > min_metrics_count ?
                                random.nextInt(max_metrics_count - min_metrics_count) : 0);
          // Create the data source.
          DataSource dataSource =
              new DataSource(user_idx, node_idx, data_emit_rate_millis, num_metrics);

  public String getTableName() {
    return appConfig.tableName != null ? appConfig.tableName : DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME;

  public void dropTable() {

  protected List<String> getCreateTableStatements() {
    String create_stmt = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + getTableName() + " (" +
                         "  user_id varchar" +
                         ", metric_id varchar" +
                         ", node_id varchar" +
                         ", ts timestamp" +
                         ", value varchar" +
                         ", primary key ((user_id, metric_id), node_id, ts))";
    if (appConfig.tableTTLSeconds > 0) {
      create_stmt += " WITH default_time_to_live = " + appConfig.tableTTLSeconds;
    create_stmt += ";";
    return Arrays.asList(create_stmt);

  private PreparedStatement getPreparedSelect()  {
    if (preparedSelect == null) {
      synchronized (prepareInitLock) {
        if (preparedSelect == null) {
          // Create the prepared statement object.
          String select_stmt =
              String.format("SELECT * from %s WHERE user_id = :userId" +
                            " AND metric_id = :metricId" +
                            " AND node_id = :nodeId" +
                            " AND ts > :startTs AND ts < :endTs;",
          preparedSelect = getCassandraClient().prepare(select_stmt);
    return preparedSelect;

  public synchronized void resetClients() {
    synchronized (prepareInitLock) {
      preparedInsert = null;
      preparedSelect = null;

  public synchronized void destroyClients() {
    synchronized (prepareInitLock) {
      preparedInsert = null;
      preparedSelect = null;

  public long doRead() {
    // Pick a ransom data source.
    DataSource dataSource = dataSources.get(random.nextInt(dataSources.size()));
    // Make sure it has emitted data, otherwise there is nothing to read.
    if (!dataSource.getHasEmittedData()) {
      return 0;
    long startTs = dataSource.getStartTs();
    long endTs = dataSource.getEndTs();

    // Bind the select statement.
    BoundStatement select =
        getPreparedSelect().bind().setString("userId", dataSource.getUserId())
                                  .setString("nodeId", dataSource.getNodeId())
                                  .setString("metricId", dataSource.getRandomMetricId())
                                  .setTimestamp("startTs", new Date(startTs))
                                  .setTimestamp("endTs", new Date(endTs));
    // Make the query.
    ResultSet rs = getCassandraClient().execute(select);
    List<Row> rows = rs.all();

    // TODO: there is still a verification bug that needs to be tracked down.
    // If the load tester is not able to keep up, data verification will be turned off.
//    int expectedNumDataPoints = dataSource.getExpectedNumDataPoints(startTs, endTs);
//    if (expectedNumDataPoints == -1 && !verificationDisabled.get()) {
//      verificationDisabled.set(true);
//      long writeLag = dataSource.getWriteLag();
//      if (maxWriteLag.get() < writeLag) {
//        maxWriteLag.set(writeLag);
//      }
//    }
//    // If the load tester is able to keep up, we may end up inserting the latest data point a
//    // little after the timestamp it denotes. This causes that data point to expire a little later
//    // than the timestamp it denotes, causing some unpredictability on when the last data point
//    // will expire. To get over this, we allow for a fuzzy match on the number of results
//    // returned.
//    if (expectedNumDataPoints > -1 && Math.abs(rows.size() -  expectedNumDataPoints) > 1) {
//      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//      for (Row row : rows) {
//        sb.append(row.toString() + " | ");
//      }
//      LOG.warn("Read " + rows.size() + " data points from DB, expected " +
//               expectedNumDataPoints + " data points, query [" + select_stmt + "], " +
//               "results from DB: { " + sb.toString() + " }, " +
//               "debug info: " + dataSource.printDebugInfo(startTs, endTs));
//    }
    return 1;

  private PreparedStatement getPreparedInsert()  {
    if (preparedInsert == null) {
      synchronized (prepareInitLock) {
        if (preparedInsert == null) {
          // Create the prepared statement object.
          String insert_stmt =
              String.format("INSERT INTO %s (user_id, metric_id, node_id, ts, value) VALUES " +
                            "(:user_id, :metric_id, :node_id, :ts, :value);",
          preparedInsert = getCassandraClient().prepare(insert_stmt);
    return preparedInsert;

  public long doWrite(int threadIdx) {
    // Pick a random data source.
    DataSource dataSource = dataSources.get(random.nextInt(dataSources.size()));
    // Enter as many data points as are needed.
    long ts = dataSource.getDataEmitTs();
    long numKeysWritten = 0;
    if (ts == -1) {
      try {
        Thread.sleep(100 /* millisecs */);
      } catch (Exception e) {}
      return 0; /* numKeysWritten */
    if (ts > -1) {
      // Add the timestamp as the value.
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      int suffixSize = appConfig.valueSize <= sb.length() ? 0 : (appConfig.valueSize - sb.length());
      // Pad with random bytes if needed to create a string of the desired length.
      if (suffixSize > 0) {
        byte[] randBytesArr = new byte[suffixSize];
      BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement();
      for (String metric : dataSource.getMetrics()) {
        batch.add(getPreparedInsert().bind().setString("user_id", dataSource.getUserId())
                                            .setString("node_id", dataSource.getNodeId())
                                            .setString("metric_id", metric)
                                            .setTimestamp("ts", new Date(ts))
                                            .setString("value", sb.toString()));
      ts = dataSource.getDataEmitTs();
    return numKeysWritten;

  public void appendMessage(StringBuilder sb) {
    sb.append("Verification: " + (verificationDisabled.get()?"OFF":"ON"));
    if (verificationDisabled.get()) {
      sb.append(" (write lag = " + maxWriteLag.get() + " ms)");
    sb.append(" | ");

   * This class represents a single data source, which sends back timeseries data for a bunch of
   * metrics. Each data source generates data for all metrics at the same time interval, which is
   * governed by emit rate.
  public static class DataSource extends TimeseriesLoadGenerator {
    // The user id this data source represents.
    String user_id;
    // The node that this data source represents.
    String node_id;
    // The list of metrics to emit for this data source.
    List<String> metrics;
    // The data emit rate.
    long dataEmitRateMs;

    public DataSource(int user_idx, int node_idx, long dataEmitRateMs, int num_metrics) {
      super(user_idx, dataEmitRateMs, appConfig.tableTTLSeconds * 1000L);
      this.dataEmitRateMs = dataEmitRateMs;
      this.user_id = super.getId();
      this.node_id = String.format("node-%05d", node_idx);
      metrics = new ArrayList<String>(num_metrics);
      for (int idx = 0; idx < num_metrics; idx++) {
        metrics.add(String.format("metric-%05d.yugabyte.com", idx));

    public String getUserId() {
      return user_id;

    public String getNodeId() {
      return node_id;

    public List<String> getMetrics() {
      return metrics;

    public String getRandomMetricId() {
      return metrics.get(random.nextInt(metrics.size()));

    public long getEndTs() {
      return getLastEmittedTs() + 1;

    public long getStartTs() {
      // Return an interval that reads 30-120 data points.
      long deltaT = (30L + random.nextInt(90)) * dataEmitRateMs;
      return getEndTs() - deltaT;

    public String toString() {
      return getId() + ":" + "[" + getMetrics().size() + " metrics]";

  public List<String> getWorkloadDescription() {
    return Arrays.asList(
      "Sample timeseries/IoT app built on CQL. The app models users with devices, each emitting multiple metrics per second.",
      "The data is written into the 'ts_metrics_raw' table, which retains data for one day. Note ",
      "that the number of metrics written is a lot more than the number of metrics read as is",
      "typical in such workloads, and the payload size for each write is 100 bytes. Every read ",
      "query fetches the last 1-3 hours of metrics for a user's device.");

  public List<String> getWorkloadOptionalArguments() {
    return Arrays.asList(
      "--num_threads_read " + appConfig.numReaderThreads,
      "--num_threads_write " + appConfig.numWriterThreads,
      "--num_users " + num_users,
      "--min_nodes_per_user " + min_nodes_per_user,
      "--max_nodes_per_user " + max_nodes_per_user,
      "--min_metrics_count " + min_metrics_count,
      "--max_metrics_count " + max_metrics_count,
      "--data_emit_rate_millis " + data_emit_rate_millis,
      "--table_ttl_seconds " + appConfig.tableTTLSeconds);