package org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.rpc;

import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import net.floodlightcontroller.core.annotations.LogMessageCategory;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.annotations.LogMessageDoc;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.annotations.LogMessageDocs;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.util.SingletonTask;
import net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter.IDebugCounterService;

import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap;
import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import org.jboss.netty.util.internal.LinkedTransferQueue;
import org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.SyncManager;
import org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.config.Node;
import org.sdnplatform.sync.internal.util.Pair;
import org.sdnplatform.sync.thrift.SyncMessage;
import org.sdnplatform.sync.thrift.MessageType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * A lightweight RPC mechanism built on netty.
 * @author readams
@LogMessageCategory("State Synchronization")
public class RPCService {
    protected static final Logger logger =

     * Sync manager associated with this RPC service
    protected SyncManager syncManager;

     * Debug counter service
    protected IDebugCounterService debugCounter;

     * Channel group that will hold all our channels
    final ChannelGroup cg = new DefaultChannelGroup("Internal RPC");
     * {@link ExecutorService} used for netty boss threads
    protected ExecutorService bossExecutor;
     * {@link ExecutorService} used for netty worker threads
    protected ExecutorService workerExecutor;

     * Netty {@link ClientBootstrap} used for creating client connections 
    protected ClientBootstrap clientBootstrap;
     * Netty {@link ServerBootstrap} used for creating server connections 
    protected ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap;

     * {@link ChannelPipelineFactory} for creating connections 
    protected RPCPipelineFactory pipelineFactory;

     * Node connections
    protected HashMap<Short, NodeConnection> connections = 
            new HashMap<Short, NodeConnection>();

     * Transaction ID used in message headers in the RPC protocol
    protected AtomicInteger transactionId = new AtomicInteger();

     * Buffer size for sockets
    public static final int SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024;

     * Connect timeout for client connections
    public static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 500;

     * True after the {@link RPCService#run()} method is called
    protected boolean started = false;
     * true after the {@link RPCService#shutdown()} method
     * is called. 
    protected volatile boolean shutDown = false;

     * Task to periodically ensure that connections are active
    protected SingletonTask reconnectTask;
     * If we want to rate-limit certain types of messages, we can do
     * so by limiting the overall number of outstanding messages.  
     * The number of such messages will be stored in the
     * {@link MessageWindow}
    protected ConcurrentHashMap<Short, MessageWindow> messageWindows;
    protected static final EnumSet<MessageType> windowedTypes = 

     * A thread pool for handling sync messages.  These messages require
     * a separate pool since writing to the node can be a blocking operation
     * while waiting for window capacity, and blocking the I/O threads could
     * lead to deadlock
     * @see SyncMessageWorker
    protected ExecutorService syncExecutor;
     * A queue for holding sync messages that are awaiting being written
     * to the channel.
     * @see SyncMessageWorker
    protected LinkedTransferQueue<NodeMessage> syncQueue = 
            new LinkedTransferQueue<NodeMessage>();
     * Number of workers in the sync message thread pool
    protected static final int SYNC_MESSAGE_POOL = 2;

     * The maximum number of outstanding pending messages for messages
     * that use message windows
    protected static final int MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES = 500;

    public RPCService(SyncManager syncManager, 
                      IDebugCounterService debugCounter) {
        this.syncManager = syncManager;
        this.debugCounter = debugCounter;

        messageWindows = new ConcurrentHashMap<Short, MessageWindow>();

    // *************
    // public methods
    // *************

     * Start the RPC service
    public void run() {
        started = true;

        final ThreadGroup tg1 = new ThreadGroup("Sync Message Handlers");
        tg1.setMaxPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 3);
        ThreadFactory f1 = new ThreadFactory() {
            AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger();

            public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
                return new Thread(tg1, runnable, 
                                  "SyncMessage-" + id.getAndIncrement());
        syncExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(f1);
        for (int i = 0; i < SYNC_MESSAGE_POOL; i++) {
            syncExecutor.execute(new SyncMessageWorker());
        final ThreadGroup tg2 = new ThreadGroup("Sync I/O Threads");
        tg2.setMaxPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);
        ThreadFactory f2 = new ThreadFactory() {
            public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
                return new Thread(tg2, runnable);
        bossExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(f2);
        workerExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(f2);

        pipelineFactory = new RPCPipelineFactory(syncManager, this);


     * Stop the RPC service
                message="Failed to cleanly shut down RPC server",
                explanation="Could not close all open sockets cleanly"),
        message="Interrupted while shutting down RPC server",
        explanation="Could not close all open sockets cleanly")
    public void shutdown() {
        shutDown = true;
        try {
            if (!cg.close().await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
                logger.warn("Failed to cleanly shut down RPC server");
            if (clientBootstrap != null)
            clientBootstrap = null;
            if (serverBootstrap != null)
            serverBootstrap = null;
            if (pipelineFactory != null)
            pipelineFactory = null;
            if (bossExecutor != null)
            bossExecutor = null;
            if (workerExecutor != null)
            workerExecutor = null;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.warn("Interrupted while shutting down RPC server");
        logger.debug("Internal floodlight RPC shut down");

     * Get a suitable transaction ID for sending a message
     * @return the unique transaction iD
    public int getTransactionId() {
        return transactionId.getAndIncrement();

     * Write a message to the node specified
     * @param nodeId the node ID
     * @param bsm the message to write
     * @return <code>true</code> if the message was actually written to 
     * the channel.  Note this is not the same as having been sent to the 
     * other node.
     * @throws InterruptedException 
    public boolean writeToNode(Short nodeId, SyncMessage bsm) 
            throws InterruptedException {
        if (nodeId == null) return false;
        NodeConnection nc = connections.get(nodeId);
        if (nc != null && nc.state == NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED) {
            waitForMessageWindow(bsm.getType(), nodeId, 0);
            return true;
        return false;

     * Remove the connection from the connection registry and clean up
     * any remaining shrapnel
     * @param nodeId
    public void disconnectNode(short nodeId) {
        synchronized (connections) {
            Short n = Short.valueOf(nodeId);
            MessageWindow mw = messageWindows.get(n);
            if (mw != null) {
                mw.disconnected = true;
                try {
                } finally {

            NodeConnection nc = connections.get(nodeId);
            if (nc != null) {
     * Check whether all links are established
     * @return
    public boolean isFullyConnected() {
        for (Node n : syncManager.getClusterConfig().getNodes()) {
            if (n.getNodeId() != syncManager.getLocalNodeId() &&
                !isConnected(n.getNodeId())) {
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("[{}->{}] missing connection",
                return false;
        return true;

     * Find out if a particular node is connected
     * @param nodeId
     * @return true if the node is connected
    public boolean isConnected(short nodeId) {
        NodeConnection nc = connections.get(nodeId);
        return (nc != null && nc.state == NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED);

     * Called when a message is acknowledged by a remote node
     * @param type the message type
     * @param nodeId the remote node
    public void messageAcked(MessageType type, Short nodeId) {
        if (nodeId == null) return;
        if (!windowedTypes.contains(type)) return;

        MessageWindow mw = messageWindows.get(nodeId);
        if (mw == null) return;

        int pending = mw.pending.decrementAndGet();
        if (pending < MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES) {
            try {
            } finally {

    // *************
    // Local methods
    // *************
     * Get the appropriate {@link MessageWindow} object for the given node. 
     * @param nodeId the remote node
     * @return a {@link MessageWindow} object 
    private MessageWindow getMW(short nodeId) {

        if (!isConnected(nodeId)) return null;

        Short n = Short.valueOf(nodeId);
        MessageWindow mw = messageWindows.get(n);
        if (mw == null) {
            mw = new MessageWindow();
            MessageWindow old = messageWindows.putIfAbsent(n, mw);
            if (old != null) mw = old;
        return mw;
     * Wait for a message window slow to be available for the given node and 
     * message type
     * @param type the type of the message
     * @param nodeId the node Id
     * @param maxWait the maximum time to wait in milliseconds
     * @throws InterruptedException 
     * @return <code>true</code> if the message can be safely written
    private boolean waitForMessageWindow(MessageType type, short nodeId,
                                         long maxWait) 
            throws InterruptedException {
        if (!windowedTypes.contains(type)) return true;

        long start = System.nanoTime();
        // note that this can allow slightly more than the maximum number
        // of messages.  This is fine.
        MessageWindow mw = getMW(nodeId);
        if (!mw.disconnected && 
            mw.pending.get() >= MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES) {
            try {
                while (!mw.disconnected && 
                       mw.pending.get() >= MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES) {
                    long now = System.nanoTime();
                    if (maxWait > 0 && 
                        (now - start) > maxWait * 1000) return false;
                    mw.full.awaitNanos(now - start);
            } finally {
        mw = getMW(nodeId);
        if (mw != null)
        return true;
     * Start listening sockets
                   message="Listening for internal floodlight RPC on {port}",
                   explanation="The internal RPC service is ready for connections")
    protected void startServer(ChannelPipelineFactory pipelineFactory) {
        final ServerBootstrap bootstrap =
                new ServerBootstrap(
                     new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(bossExecutor,
        bootstrap.setOption("reuseAddr", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.sendBufferSize", SEND_BUFFER_SIZE);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.receiveBufferSize", SEND_BUFFER_SIZE);

        serverBootstrap = bootstrap;

        int port = syncManager.getClusterConfig().getNode().getPort();
        InetSocketAddress sa;
        String listenAddress = 
        if (listenAddress != null)
            sa = new InetSocketAddress(listenAddress, port);
            sa = new InetSocketAddress(port);

        cg.add(bootstrap.bind(sa));"Listening for internal floodlight RPC on {}", sa);

     * Wait for the client connection
     * @author readams
    protected class ConnectCFListener implements ChannelFutureListener {
        protected Node node;

        public ConnectCFListener(Node node) {
            this.node = node;

        public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture cf) throws Exception {
            if (!cf.isSuccess()) {
                synchronized (connections) {
                    NodeConnection c = connections.remove(node.getNodeId());
                    if (c != null) c.nuke();
                String message = "[unknown error]";
                if (cf.isCancelled()) message = "Timed out on connect";
                if (cf.getCause() != null) message = cf.getCause().getMessage();
                logger.debug("[{}->{}] Could not connect to RPC " +
                             "node: {}", 
                             new Object[]{syncManager.getLocalNodeId(), 
            } else {
                logger.trace("[{}->{}] Channel future successful", 

     * Add the node connection to the node connection map
     * @param nodeId the node ID for the channel
     * @param channel the new channel
    protected void nodeConnected(short nodeId, Channel channel) {
        logger.debug("[{}->{}] Connection established",
        synchronized (connections) {
            NodeConnection c = connections.get(nodeId);
            if (c == null) {
                connections.put(nodeId, c = new NodeConnection());
            c.nodeChannel = channel;
            c.state = NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED;

     * Connect to remote servers.  We'll initiate the connection to
     * any nodes with a lower ID so that there will be a single connection
     * between each pair of nodes which we'll use symmetrically
    protected void startClients(ChannelPipelineFactory pipelineFactory) {
        final ClientBootstrap bootstrap =
                new ClientBootstrap(
                     new NioClientSocketChannelFactory(bossExecutor,
        bootstrap.setOption("child.reuseAddr", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.sendBufferSize", SEND_BUFFER_SIZE);
        bootstrap.setOption("child.connectTimeoutMillis", CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
        clientBootstrap = bootstrap;

        ScheduledExecutorService ses = 
        reconnectTask = new SingletonTask(ses, new ConnectTask());
        reconnectTask.reschedule(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

     * Connect to a remote node if appropriate
     * @param bootstrap the client bootstrap object
     * @param n the node to connect to
    protected void doNodeConnect(Node n) {
        if (!shutDown && n.getNodeId() < syncManager.getLocalNodeId()) {
            Short nodeId = n.getNodeId();

            synchronized (connections) {
                NodeConnection c = connections.get(n.getNodeId());
                if (c == null) {
                    connections.put(nodeId, c = new NodeConnection());

                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("[{}->{}] Connection state: {}", 
                                 new Object[]{syncManager.getLocalNodeId(),
                                              nodeId, c.state});
                if (c.state.equals(NodeConnectionState.NONE)) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("[{}->{}] Attempting connection {} {}", 
                                     new Object[]{syncManager.getLocalNodeId(),
                    SocketAddress sa =
                            new InetSocketAddress(n.getHostname(), n.getPort());
                    c.pendingFuture = clientBootstrap.connect(sa);
                    c.pendingFuture.addListener(new ConnectCFListener(n));
                    c.state = NodeConnectionState.PENDING;
     * Ensure that all client connections are active
    protected void startClientConnections() {
        for (Node n : syncManager.getClusterConfig().getNodes()) {

     * Periodically ensure that all the node connections are alive
     * @author readams
    protected class ConnectTask implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            try {
                if (!shutDown)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error in reconnect task", e);
            if (!shutDown) {
                reconnectTask.reschedule(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
     * Various states for connections
     * @author readams
    protected enum NodeConnectionState {

     * Connection state wrapper for node connections
     * @author readams
    protected static class NodeConnection {
        volatile NodeConnectionState state = NodeConnectionState.NONE;        
        protected ChannelFuture pendingFuture;
        protected Channel nodeChannel;
        protected void nuke() {
            state = NodeConnectionState.NONE;
            if (pendingFuture != null) pendingFuture.cancel();
            if (nodeChannel != null) nodeChannel.close();
            pendingFuture = null;
            nodeChannel = null;
     * Maintain state for the pending message window for a given message type
     * @author readams
    protected static class MessageWindow {
        AtomicInteger pending = new AtomicInteger();
        volatile boolean disconnected = false;
        Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        Condition full = lock.newCondition();
     * A pending message to be sent to a particular mode.
     * @author readams
    protected static class NodeMessage extends Pair<Short,SyncMessage> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3443080461324647922L;

        public NodeMessage(Short first, SyncMessage second) {
            super(first, second);
     * A worker thread responsible for reading sync messages off the queue
     * and writing them to the appropriate node's channel.  Because calls 
     * {@link RPCService#writeToNode(Short, SyncMessage)} can block while
     * waiting for available slots in the message window, we do this in a
     * separate thread.
     * @author readams
    protected class SyncMessageWorker implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    NodeMessage m = syncQueue.take();
                    writeToNode(m.getFirst(), m.getSecond());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Error while dispatching message", e);