package tr.xip.wanikani;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.text.TextWatcher;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface;
import android.webkit.ValueCallback;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.TextView.OnEditorActionListener;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;

import tr.xip.wanikani.models.WaniKaniItem;
import tr.xip.wanikani.managers.PrefManager;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.IgnoreButton;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.LessonOrder;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.MistakeDelay;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.ReviewOrder;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.WaniKaniImprove;
import tr.xip.wanikani.userscripts.WaniKaniKunOn;
import tr.xip.wanikani.utils.Fonts;
import tr.xip.wanikani.utils.Utils;

 *  Copyright (c) 2013 Alberto Cuda
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

 * Implementation of the "Custom IME" keyboard. This is now the preferred choice,
 * since it is the only one that features tilde substitution, ignore button, and
 * is much more appealing on small devices. Basically we put a textbox on top
 * of the real answer form, and use a regular keyboard to input text. If it is
 * a "reading" question, we perform kana translation directly inside the app,
 * instead of using the WK JS-based IME.
public class LocalIMEKeyboard implements Keyboard {

     * A listener of meaningful webview events. We need this to synchronized the position
     * of our text box with that of the HTML form.
    private class WebViewListener implements FocusWebView.Listener {

         * Called when the webview scrolls vertically. We relay the event
         * to {@link LocalIMEKeyboard#scroll(int, int)}.
        public void onScroll (int dx, int dy)
            Handler handler;

            if (!bpos.visible)

            scroll (dx, dy);
            handler = new Handler ();
            handler.postDelayed (new UpdatePositionTask (), 707);

    private class UpdatePositionTask implements Runnable {

        public UpdatePositionTask ()
            lpt = this;

        public void run ()
            if (lpt == this && bpos.visible)
                wv.js (JS_UPDATE_POSITION);


     * Listener of all the events related to the IME. This class is the glue between the app
     * and {@link JapaneseIME}: it handles text changes, delivers them to the IME and updates
     * the contents accordingly.
    private class IMEListener implements TextWatcher, OnEditorActionListener, View.OnClickListener {

        /// Set if we need to perform kana translation
        boolean translate;

        /// The list of chars are not allowed when entering a meaning
        private static final String M_BANNED_CHARS = ",/;[]\\`\"=+.?!";

        /// The list of chars are not allowed when entering a reading
        private static final String R_BANNED_CHARS = M_BANNED_CHARS + " ";

        private int findFirstBannedChar (String s, boolean kana)
            String chars;
            int i;

            chars = kana ? R_BANNED_CHARS : M_BANNED_CHARS;

            for (i = 0; i < s.length (); i++)
                if (chars.indexOf (s.charAt (i)) >= 0)
                    return i;

            return -1;

         * Called after the text is changed to perform kana translation (if enabled).
         * In that case, the new text is sent the IME and, if some changes need to be performed,
         * they are applied to the text view. After that, android will call this method again,
         * but that's safe because the IME won't ask for a replacement any more.
        public void afterTextChanged (Editable et)
            JapaneseIME.Replacement repl;
            int pos, i;

            i = findFirstBannedChar (et.toString (), translate);
            if (i >= 0) {
                et.replace (i, i + 1, "");

            // Aralox: Pressing backspace after a wrong answer will trigger the 'ignore' button.
            if (canIgnore && et.length() < previousLength) {
                if (et.length() <= 0)   // Have at least one character so we can easily move to next Q.

            if (!translate)

            pos = ew.getSelectionStart ();
            repl = ime.replace (et.toString (), pos);
            if (repl != null)
                et.replace (repl.start, repl.end, repl.text);

        //Aralox: used for checking backspace press (used to trigger 'ignore' button).
        int previousLength;
        char previousLastCharacter = ' ';

        public void beforeTextChanged (CharSequence cs, int start, int count, int after)
            //Aralox: used for checking backspace press (used to trigger 'ignore' button).
	    	previousLength = cs.length();
            if (previousLength > 0)
                previousLastCharacter = cs.charAt(previousLength-1);

        public void onTextChanged (CharSequence cs, int start, int before, int count)
	    	/* empty */

         * Enable or disable kana translation.
         * @param enable set if should be enabled
        public void translate (boolean enable)
            translate = enable;

         * Handler of editor actions. It intercepts the "enter" key and moves to the
         * next question, by calling {@link #next()}.
        public boolean onEditorAction (TextView tv, int actionId, KeyEvent event)
            if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE
                    || (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_NULL && event != null &&
                        event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)) {
                next ();
                return true;

            return false;

         * Handler of the next button. Calls {@link #next()}.
        public void onClick (View view)
            next ();

         * Called when the user presses the "next" button. It completes kana translation
         * (to fix trailing 'n's), and injects the answer.
        private void next ()
            String s, orgs;

            s = ew.getText ().toString ();

        	/* This prevents some race conditions */
            if (s.length () == 0 || frozen)

            frozen = true;

            if (translate) {
                s = ime.fixup (orgs = s);
                if (!s.equals (orgs))	// We do this only if needed to avoid glitch on cursor
                    ew.setText (s);
            if (!editable)
                wv.js (JS_ENTER);
            else if (isWKIEnabled)
                wv.js (String.format (JS_INJECT_ANSWER, s) +  WaniKaniImprove.getCode());
                wv.js (String.format (JS_INJECT_ANSWER, s));


     * Chain runnable that handles "setText" events on the UI thread.
    private class JSSetText implements Runnable {

        /// The text to set
        public String text;

         * Constructor
         * @param text the text to set
        public JSSetText (String text)
            this.text = text;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

         * Sets the text on the EditView.
        public void run ()


     * Chain runnable that handles "setClass" events on the UI thread.
    private class JSListenerSetClass implements Runnable {

        /// Set if the classes should be added. If unset, all CSS classes should be removed
        public boolean enable;

        /// The CSS class to emulate
        public String clazz;

        /// Set if we reviewing, unset if we are in the lessons quiz module
        public boolean reviews;

        /// SRS level
        public int level;

         * Constructor. Used when the edittext changes class.
         * @param clazz the CSS class
         * @param reviews are we in the review module
        public JSListenerSetClass (String clazz, boolean reviews)
            this.clazz = clazz;
   = reviews;

            enable = true;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

         * Constructor. Used when the edittext goes back to the default class
        public JSListenerSetClass (int level)
            this.level = level;

            enable = false;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

         * Delivers the event to {@link LocalIMEKeyboard#setClass(String)}
         * or {@link LocalIMEKeyboard#unsetClass()}, depending on the type of event.
        public void run ()
            if (enable)
                setClass (clazz, reviews);
                unsetClass (level);



    private class JSHideShow implements Runnable {

        boolean show;

        public JSHideShow (boolean show)
   = show;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

        public void run ()
            if (show) {
                divw.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);
                if (!hwkeyb) {
                    imm.showSoftInput (wv, InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);
                    if (PrefManager.getPortraitMode())
                        wav.setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
                ew.requestFocus ();
                if (hwkeyb)
                    imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow (ew.getWindowToken (), 0);
            } else {
                if (!hwkeyb) {
                    if (PrefManager.getPortraitMode())
                        wav.setRequestedOrientation (orientation);
                divw.setVisibility (View.GONE);
                imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow (ew.getWindowToken (), 0);

            showQuestionPatch (bpos.qvisible && show);


    private class JSListenerShow implements Runnable {

        int sequence;

        Rect frect, trect;

        public JSListenerShow (int sequence, Rect frect, Rect trect)
            this.sequence = sequence;
            this.frect = frect;
            this.trect = trect;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

        public void run ()
            if (updateSequence (sequence))
                replace(frect, trect);

    private class JSListenerShowQuestion implements Runnable {

        int sequence;

        WaniKaniItem.Type type;

        String name;

        Rect rect;

        int size;

        public JSListenerShowQuestion (int sequence, WaniKaniItem.Type type, String name, Rect rect, int size)
            this.sequence = sequence;
            this.type = type;
   = name;
            this.rect = rect;
            this.size = size;

            wav.runOnUiThread (this);

        public void run ()
            if (updateSequence (sequence))
                showQuestion (type, name, rect, size);

    private class BoxPosition {

        Rect frect;

        Rect trect;

        /// The box is visible, or ought to be unless there is a timeout screen showing
        boolean visible;

        /// Is the timeout screen visible
        boolean timeout;

        /// Is the qbox visible
        boolean qvisible;

        /// Is this a review session
        boolean reviews;

        public boolean update (Rect frect, Rect trect)
            boolean changed;

            changed = false;
            if (this.frect == null || !this.frect.equals (frect)) {
                changed = true;
                this.frect = frect;

            if (this.trect == null || !this.trect.equals (trect)) {
                changed = true;
                this.trect = trect;

            return changed;

        public void shift (int yofs)
            if (frect != null)
                frect.offset (0, yofs);

            if (trect != null)
                trect.offset (0, yofs);

        public boolean shallShow ()
            return visible && !timeout;

     * A JS bridge that handles the answer text-box events.
    private class JSListener {

         * Called by {@link LocalIMEKeyboard#JS_INIT_TRIGGERS} when the form changes its position.
         * @param fleft form top-left X coordinate
         * @param ftop form top-left Y coordinate
         * @param fright form bottom-right X coordinate
         * @param fbottom form bottom-right Y coordinate
         * @param tleft textbox top-left X coordinate
         * @param ttop textbox top-left Y coordinate
         * @param tright textbox bottom-right X coordinate
         * @param tbottom textbox bottom-right Y coordinate
        public void replace (int sequence, int fleft, int ftop, int fright, int fbottom,
                             int tleft, int ttop, int tright, int tbottom)
            fleft = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, fleft, dm);
            fright = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, fright, dm);
            ftop = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, ftop, dm);
            fbottom = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, fbottom, dm);

            tleft = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, tleft, dm);
            tright = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, tright, dm);
            ttop = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, ttop, dm);
            tbottom = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, tbottom, dm);

            new JSListenerShow (sequence, new Rect (fleft, ftop, fright, fbottom),
                    new Rect (tleft, ttop, tright, tbottom));


         * Called when the question changes.
         * @param qtype the type of question (reading vs meaning)
        public void newQuestion (String qtype, int level)
            imel.translate (qtype.equals ("reading"));
            new JSListenerSetClass (level);

        public void overrideQuestion (int sequence, String radical, String kanji, String vocab,
                                      int left, int top, int right, int bottom, String size)
            WaniKaniItem.Type type;
            String name;
            int xsize;

            left = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, left, dm);
            right = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, right, dm);
            top = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, top, dm);
            bottom = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension (TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, bottom, dm);

            if (radical != null) {
                type = WaniKaniItem.Type.RADICAL;
                name = radical;
            } else if (kanji != null) {
                type = WaniKaniItem.Type.KANJI;
                name = kanji;
            } else if (vocab != null) {
                type = WaniKaniItem.Type.VOCABULARY;
                name = vocab;
            } else {
                type = null;
                name = null;

            try {
                if (size.endsWith ("px"))
                    xsize = Integer.parseInt (size.substring (0, size.length () - 2));
                    xsize = 0;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                xsize = 0;

            new JSListenerShowQuestion (sequence, type, name, new Rect (left, top, right, bottom), xsize);

         * Called when the text box changes its class
         * @param clazz the new CSS class
         * @param reviews if we are doing reviews
        public void setClass (String clazz, boolean reviews)
            new JSListenerSetClass (clazz, reviews);

         * Called when a full CSS class and contents synchronization needs to be done.
         * @param correct
         * @param incorrect
         * @param text
         * @param reviews if we are doing reviews
        public void sync (boolean correct, boolean incorrect, String text, boolean reviews)
            //boolean needMenuUpdate;     // Unused?
            //needMenuUpdate = reviews !=;

   = reviews;     // Also unused?

            //Log.d("aralox", "css sync called. correct: "+correct+" incorrect: "+incorrect+" text: '" + text +"' reviews: " + reviews);

            if (correct) {
                new JSListenerSetClass("correct", reviews);
                // No case where both correct and incorrect are true, so dont need to handle.
            else if (incorrect) {
                new JSListenerSetClass("incorrect", reviews);
            else {
                // Both correct and incorrect are false => answer was ignored. @Aralox
                // Blank text for the first element.
                // This only applies to reviews, as cannot ignore wrong answers in lessons (also causes issue #54).
                if (reviews) {
                    if (!text.equals("")) {
                        //Log.d("aralox", "set class to ignored. Blank text: " + (text.equals("")));
                        new JSListenerSetClass("WKO_ignored", reviews);
                else {
                    // There are only 2 situations where correct, incorrect and reviews are all False:
                    //  1. Start of a lesson quiz
                    //  2. Tabbed out and back into the app during a lesson quiz
                    // In situation 2, the text in the textbox is not saved (for whatever reason, even though it could be useful), but in situation 1,
                    // the text is carried over from the previous quiz. Since this behaviour is undesired, we forcefully blank the text here.
                    // In the future, if we figure out a way to preserve answer text on tabbing out, it would be best to not blank the text here
                    // but instead do it after the 'start lesson quiz' button is clicked or on some other event that signals start of lesson quiz.
                    text = "";


            new JSSetText (text);

         * Called when the text box should be shown
        public void showKeyboard ()
            bpos.visible = true;
            new JSHideShow (bpos.shallShow ());

         * Called when the text box should be hidden
        public void hideKeyboard ()
            bpos.visible = false;
            new JSHideShow (bpos.shallShow ());

         * Called when the timeout div is shown or hidden. Need to catch this event to hide
         * and show the windows as well.
         * @param enabled if the div is shown
        public void timeout (boolean enabled)
            bpos.timeout = enabled;
            new JSHideShow (bpos.shallShow ());

         * Re-enables the edit box, because the event has been delivered.
        @JavascriptInterface ()
        public void unfreeze ()
            frozen = false;

        @JavascriptInterface ()
        public void refreshWKLO ()
            if (PrefManager.getLessonOrder())
                wv.js (ifLessons (LessonOrder.JS_REFRESH_CODE));

         * Called by LocalIMEKeyboard.replace(), to appropriately call ew.requestFocus() if we are not editing a note/synonym. Added by @Aralox.
         * @param noteBeingEdited return value of javascript which checks if note/synonym being edited (true/false).
        public void requestFocusIfSafe (String noteBeingEdited)
            //Log.d("aralox", "received " + noteBeingEdited);

            if (noteBeingEdited.equals("false")) {
                //Log.d("aralox", "note not being edited. calling ew.requestFocus()");

                // Need to run EditText.requestFocus() on main thread, not UI thread. Technique from
                Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
                Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        //Log.d("aralox", "calling EditText.requestFocus()");
            //else Log.d("aralox", "note being edited. not calling ew.requestFocus()");


     * A JS condition that evaluates to true if we are reviewing, false if we are in the lessons module
    private static final String JS_REVIEWS_P =
            "(document.getElementById (\"quiz\") == null)";

     * The javascript triggers. They are installed when the keyboard is shown.
    private static final String JS_INIT_TRIGGERS =
            "window.wknSequence = 1;" +
                    "window.wknReplace = function () {" +
                    "   var form, frect, txt, trect, button, brect;" +
                    "   form = document.getElementById (\"answer-form\");" +
                    "   txt = document.getElementById (\"user-response\");" +
                    "   button = form.getElementsByTagName (\"button\") [0];" +
                    "   frect = form.getBoundingClientRect ();" +
                    "   trect = txt.getBoundingClientRect ();" +
                    "   brect = button.getBoundingClientRect ();" +
                    "   wknJSListener.replace (window.wknSequence, frect.left,, frect.right, frect.bottom," +
                    "						   trect.left,, brect.left, trect.bottom);" +
                    "   window.wknSequence++;" +
                    "};" +
                    "window.wknOverrideQuestion = function () {" +
                    "   var item, question, rect, style;" +
                    "   item = $.jStorage.get (\"currentItem\");" +
                    "   question = document.getElementById (\"character\");" +
                    "   if (question.getElementsByTagName (\"span\").length > 0)" +
                    "       question = question.getElementsByTagName (\"span\") [0];" +
                    "   rect = question.getBoundingClientRect ();" +
                    "   style = window.getComputedStyle (question, null);" +
                    "   wknJSListener.overrideQuestion (window.wknSequence," +
                    "                                   item.rad ? item.rad : null," +
                    "							        item.kan ? item.kan : null," +
                    "							        item.voc ? item.voc : null, " +
                    "							        rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom," +
                    "							        style.getPropertyValue(\"font-size\"));" +
                    "   window.wknSequence++;" +
                    "};" +
                    "window.wknNewQuestion = function (entry, type) {" +

                    WebReviewActivity.getHideLinkCode() + // Added by @Aralox, to hook onto new question event.

                    "   var qtype, e, item;" +
                    "   qtype = $.jStorage.get (\"questionType\");" +
                    "   window.wknReplace ();" +
                    "   if (" + JS_REVIEWS_P + ") " +
                    "        window.wknOverrideQuestion ();" +
                    "   if ($(\"#character\").hasClass (\"vocabulary\")) {" +
                    "        e = $(\"#character span\");" +
                    "        e.text(e.first().text().replace (/〜/g, \"~\")); " + // JQuery will automatically call this on every element retrieved by query

//                    // Added by @Aralox, use these lines to print the page HTML, for debugging.
//                    "    console.log('document 2: ');" +
//                    "    doclines = $('body').html().split('\\n');" +
//                    "    for (var di = 0; di < doclines.length; di++) { console.log(doclines[di]); } " +

                    "   }" +
                    "   item = $.jStorage.get (\"currentItem\");" +
                    "   wknJSListener.newQuestion (qtype, item.srs);" +
                    "};" +
                    "$.jStorage.listenKeyChange (\"currentItem\", window.wknNewQuestion);" +
                    "var oldAddClass = jQuery.fn.addClass;" +
                    "jQuery.fn.addClass = function () {" +
                    "    var res;" +
                    "    res = oldAddClass.apply (this, arguments);" +
                    "    if (this.selector == \"#answer-form fieldset\")" +
                    "         wknJSListener.setClass (arguments [0], " + JS_REVIEWS_P + "); " +
                    "    if (arguments [0] == \"hidden\" && " +
                    "        (this.selector == \"#screen-quiz-ready\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-lesson-ready\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-lesson-done\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-time-out\"))" +
                    "			wknJSListener.timeout (false);" +
                    "    if (arguments [0] == \"hidden\" && " +
                    "        (this.selector == \"#screen-lesson-ready\"))" +
                    "			wknJSListener.refreshWKLO ();" +
                    "    return res;" +
                    "};" +
                    "var oldRemoveClass = jQuery.fn.removeClass;" +
                    "jQuery.fn.removeClass = function () {" +
                    "    var res;" +
                    "    res = oldRemoveClass.apply (this, arguments);" +
                    "    if (arguments [0] == \"hidden\" && " +
                    "        (this.selector == \"#screen-quiz-ready\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-lesson-ready\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-lesson-done\" || " +
                    "         this.selector == \"#screen-time-out\"))" +
                    "			wknJSListener.timeout (true);" +
                    "    return res;" +
                    "};" +
                    "window.wknNewQuiz = function (entry, type) {" +
                    "   var qtype, e;" +
                    "   qtype = $.jStorage.get (\"l/questionType\");" +
                    "   window.wknReplace ();" +
                    "   if ($(\"#main-info\").hasClass (\"vocabulary\")) {" +
                    "        e = $(\"#character\");" +
                    "        e.text (e.text ().replace (/〜/g, \"~\")); " +
                    "   }" +
                    "   if ($(\"#quiz\").is (\":visible\"))" +
                    "       wknJSListener.newQuestion (qtype, -1);" +
                    "};" +
                    "$.jStorage.listenKeyChange (\"l/currentQuizItem\", window.wknNewQuiz);" +
                    "var oldShow =;" +
                    "var oldHide = jQuery.fn.hide;" +
                    " = function () {" +
                    "    var res;" +
                    "    res = oldShow.apply (this, arguments);" +
                    "    if (this.selector == \"#quiz\")" +
                    "         wknJSListener.showKeyboard (); " +
                    "    if (this.selector == \"#timeout\") " +
                    "         wknJSListener.timeout (true);" +
                    "    return res;" +
                    "};" +
                    "jQuery.fn.hide = function () {" +
                    "    var res;" +
                    "    res = oldHide.apply (this, arguments);" +
                    "    if (this.selector == \"#quiz\")" +
                    "         wknJSListener.hideKeyboard (); " +
                    "    if (this.selector == \"#timeout\") " +
                    "         wknJSListener.timeout (false);" +
                    "    return res;" +
                    "};" +
                    "if (" + JS_REVIEWS_P + ") {" +
                    "  wknJSListener.showKeyboard ();" +
                    "  wknJSListener.timeout ($(\"#timeout\").is (\":visible\"));" +
                    "  window.wknNewQuestion ();" +
                    "} else if ($(\"#quiz\").is (\":visible\")) {" +
                    "  window.wknNewQuiz ();" +
                    "  wknJSListener.showKeyboard ();" +
                    "  wknJSListener.timeout (" +
                    "        $(\"#screen-quiz-ready\").is (\":visible\") || " +
                    "        $(\"#screen-lesson-ready\").is (\":visible\") || " +
                    "        $(\"#screen-lesson-done\").is (\":visible\") || " +
                    "        $(\"#screen-time-out\").is (\":visible\")" +
                    "			); " +
                    "} else {" +
                    "	wknJSListener.hideKeyboard ();" +
                    "   wknJSListener.timeout (false);" +
                    "}" +
                    "if (typeof idleTime === \"object\") {" +	 // An explicit reset when entering an answer would be much better,
                    "	idleTime.view = function() { };" +       // but the class does not expose it
                    "}" +
                    "var form, tbox;" +
                    "form = $(\"#answer-form fieldset\");" +
                    "form.css ('visibility', 'hidden');" +
                    "tbox = $(\"#user-response\");" +

                    "wknJSListener.sync (form.hasClass (\"correct\"), form.hasClass (\"incorrect\"), " +
                    "                    tbox.val (), " + JS_REVIEWS_P + ");" +

                    // Note: Don't need to print HTML, this involves android stuff, not HTML.
//                    // Added by @Aralox, use these lines to print the page HTML, for debugging.
//                    "    console.log('(aralox) Document HTML: ');" +
//                    "    doclines = $('body').html().split('\\n');" +
//                    "    for (var di = 0; di < doclines.length; di++) { console.log(doclines[di]); } " +


     * Uninstalls the triggers, when the keyboard is hidden
    private static final String JS_STOP_TRIGGERS =
            "var form;" +
                    "form = $(\"#answer-form fieldset\");" +
                    "form.css ('visibility','visible');" +
                    "$.jStorage.stopListening (\"currentItem\", window.wknNewQuestion);" +
                    "$.jStorage.stopListening (\"l/currentQuizItem\", window.wknNewQuiz);";

    private static final String JS_UPDATE_POSITION =
            "if (window.wknReplace != null) { " +
                    "    window.wknReplace ();" +
                    "    if (" + JS_REVIEWS_P + ")" +
                    "       window.wknOverrideQuestion ();" +

     * Clicks the "next" button. Similar to {@link #JS_INJECT_ANSWER}, but it does
     * not touch the user-response field
    private static final String JS_ENTER =
                    "$(\"#answer-form button\").click ();") +
                    "wknJSListener.unfreeze ();";

     * Injects an answer into the HTML text box and clickes the "next" button.
    private static final String JS_INJECT_ANSWER =
            "$(\"#user-response\").val (\"%s\");" +

    private static final String JS_OVERRIDE =
            "window.wknOverrideQuestion ();";

    private static final String JS_INFO_POPUP =
            "$('#option-item-info').removeClass ();" +
                    "$('#option-item-info span').click ();";

    private static final String JS_SHOW_QUESTION =
            "$('#character span').css ('visibility', '%s');";

    private static final String JS_LESSONS_MUTE =
            "window.wkAutoplay = $.jStorage.get (\"l/audioAutoplay\"); " +

    private static final String JS_LESSONS_UNMUTE =
            "if (window.wkAutoplay != null)" +
                    "	$.jStorage.set(\"l/audioAutoplay\",window.wkAutoplay);";

    private static final String JS_REVIEWS_MUTE =
            "window.wkAutoplay = audioAutoplay;" +
                    "audioAutoplay = false;";

    private static final String JS_REVIEWS_UNMUTE =
            "if (window.wkAutoplay != null) " +
                    "	audioAutoplay = window.wkAutoplay;";

    /// Parent activity
    WebReviewActivity wav;

    /// Internal browser
    FocusWebView wv;

    /// The manager, used to popup the keyboard when needed
    InputMethodManager imm;

    /// The IME
    JapaneseIME ime;

    /// The view that is placed on top of the answer form
    View divw;

    /// The edit text
    EditText ew;

    /// The question
    TextView qvw;

    /// The handler of all the ime events
    IMEListener imel;

    /// Bridge between JS and the main class
    JSListener jsl;

    /// Display metrics, needed to translate HTML coordinates into pixels
    DisplayMetrics dm;

    /// The next button
    Button next;

    /// The current box position and state
    BoxPosition bpos;

    /// The SRS view
    View srsv;

    int correctFG, incorrectFG, ignoredFG;

    int correctBG, incorrectBG, ignoredBG;

    Map<Integer, Integer> srsCols;

    EnumMap<WaniKaniItem.Type, Integer> cmap;

    WaniKaniImprove wki;

    boolean isWKIEnabled;

    private static final String PREFIX = LocalIMEKeyboard.class + ".";

    private static final String PREF_FONT_OVERRIDE = PREFIX + "PREF_FONT_OVERRIDE";

    /// Set if the ignore button must be shown, because the answer is incorrect
    boolean canIgnore;

    boolean isMuted;

    /// Is the text box frozen because it is waiting for a class change
    boolean frozen;

    /// Is the text box disabled
    boolean editable;

    /// Was suggestion disabled last time we checked?
    boolean disableSuggestions;

    /// Was romaji enabled last time we checked?
    boolean romaji;

    /// Last Sequence number received from JS
    int lastSequence;

    /// Last scheduled position task
    UpdatePositionTask lpt;

    /// Use hw keyboard
    boolean hwkeyb;

    /// Default orientation
    int orientation;

     * Constructor
     * @param wav parent activity
     * @param wv the integrated browser
    public LocalIMEKeyboard (WebReviewActivity wav, FocusWebView wv)
        Resources res;

        this.wav = wav;
        this.wv = wv;

        editable = true;
        bpos = new BoxPosition ();

        imm = (InputMethodManager) wav.getSystemService (Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);

        disableSuggestions = PrefManager.getNoSuggestion() | PrefManager.getRomaji();

        dm = wav.getResources ().getDisplayMetrics ();

        ime = new JapaneseIME ();

        ew = (EditText) wav.findViewById (;
        divw = wav.findViewById (;
        imel = new IMEListener ();
        ew.addTextChangedListener (imel);
        ew.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT);
        ew.setOnEditorActionListener (imel);
        ew.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER);
        ew.setImeActionLabel (">>", EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE);
        ew.setImeOptions (EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE);

        qvw = (TextView) wav.findViewById (;

        next = (Button) wav.findViewById (;
        next.setOnClickListener (imel);

        srsv = wav.findViewById (;

        jsl = new JSListener ();
        wv.addJavascriptInterface (jsl, "wknJSListener");

        wki = new WaniKaniImprove (wav, wv);
        wv.registerListener (new WebViewListener ());

        res = wav.getResources ();
        correctFG = res.getColor (R.color.correctfg);
        incorrectFG = res.getColor (R.color.incorrectfg);
        ignoredFG = res.getColor (R.color.ignoredfg);

        setupSRSColors (res);

        correctBG = R.drawable.card_reviews_edittext_correct;
        incorrectBG = R.drawable.card_reviews_edittext_incorrect;
        ignoredBG = R.drawable.card_reviews_edittext_ignored;

        cmap = new EnumMap<WaniKaniItem.Type, Integer> (WaniKaniItem.Type.class);
        cmap.put (WaniKaniItem.Type.RADICAL, res.getColor (R.color.wanikani_radical));
        cmap.put (WaniKaniItem.Type.KANJI, res.getColor (R.color.wanikani_kanji));
        cmap.put (WaniKaniItem.Type.VOCABULARY, res.getColor (R.color.wanikani_vocabulary));

    private void setupSRSColors (Resources res)
        int c;

        srsCols = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer> ();
        c = R.drawable.oval_apprentice;
        srsCols.put (1, c);
        srsCols.put (2, c);
        srsCols.put (3, c);
        srsCols.put(4, c);

        c = R.drawable.oval_guru;
        srsCols.put (5, c);
        srsCols.put(6, c);

        c = R.drawable.oval_master;
        srsCols.put (7, c);

        c = R.drawable.oval_enlightened;
        srsCols.put (8, c);

        c = R.drawable.oval_burned;
        srsCols.put(9, c);

     * Shows the keyboard. Actually we only inject the triggers: if the javascript code detects that
     * the form must be shown, it call the appropriate event listeners.
     * @param hasEnter
    public void show (boolean hasEnter)
        hwkeyb = false; // We no longer have a preference for this

        lastSequence = -1;
        wv.js (JS_INIT_TRIGGERS);

        orientation = wav.getRequestedOrientation ();

        if (PrefManager.getReviewOrder())
            wv.js (ifReviews (ReviewOrder.JS_CODE));
        if (PrefManager.getLessonOrder())
            wv.js (ifLessons (LessonOrder.JS_CODE));
        wv.js (MistakeDelay.JS_INIT);

        isWKIEnabled = PrefManager.getWaniKaniImprove();
        if (isWKIEnabled)
            wki.initPage ();

        setInputType ();

        wv.enableFocus ();

     * Called when the keyboard should be iconized. This does never happen when using the
     * native keyboard, so this method does nothing
     * @param hasEnter if the keyboard contains the enter key. If unset, the hide button is shown instead
    public void iconize (boolean hasEnter)
		/* empty */

     * Hides the keyboard and uninstalls the triggers.
    public void hide ()
        bpos.visible = false;
        if (isWKIEnabled)
            wki.uninitPage ();
        if (PrefManager.getPortraitMode())
        if (PrefManager.getReviewOrder())
            wv.js (ifReviews (ReviewOrder.JS_UNINIT_CODE));
        if (PrefManager.getLessonOrder())
            wv.js (ifReviews (LessonOrder.JS_UNINIT_CODE));

     * Hides the keyboard.
    public void reset ()
        imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow (ew.getWindowToken (), 0);
        divw.setVisibility (View.GONE);

    public void setMute (boolean m)
        this.isMuted = m;

/*      Doesn't seem to work
        wv.js (ifLessons (m ? JS_LESSONS_MUTE : JS_LESSONS_UNMUTE) +
                ifReviews (m ? JS_REVIEWS_MUTE : JS_REVIEWS_UNMUTE));
        // Use the old method instead:
        AudioManager am;
        am = (AudioManager) wav.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        am.setStreamMute (AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, m);

    public void showQuestionPatch (boolean enable)
        qvw.setVisibility (enable ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
        bpos.qvisible = enable;
        wv.js (String.format (JS_SHOW_QUESTION, enable ? "hidden" : "visible"));

     * Called when the HTML textbox is moved. It moves the edittext as well
     * @param frect the form rect
     * @param trect text textbox rect
    protected void replace (Rect frect, Rect trect)
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rparams;

        if (bpos.update (frect, trect)) {
            Utils utils = new Utils(wav);
            rparams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) divw.getLayoutParams ();
            rparams.topMargin = + (int) utils.pxFromDp(8);
            rparams.leftMargin = frect.left + (int) utils.pxFromDp(8);
            rparams.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
            divw.setLayoutParams (rparams);

        if (bpos.shallShow ()) {
            divw.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);

            // This function (replace()) is called whenever the page is scrolled during reviews, e.g. when looking at the answer.
            // This function usually just calls ew.requestFocus(), which switches keyboard focus to the answer textbox, which is not
            // a javascript element but an android object (which is why pure JS solutions do not work for this bug).
            // This refocusing causes problems as the page is resized/scrolled whenever the reading/meaning note (and occasionally synonym edit box) is opened.
            // This problem is fixed by using JS to check the HTML to see if we are currently editing a note, then only calling requestFocus if we are not.

            // jsl (JSListener)'s requestFocusIfSafe() will call ew.requestFocus() if we aren't editing a note or synonym.
            wv.loadUrl("javascript:wknJSListener.requestFocusIfSafe(" +
                    "$('#item-info').css('display') != 'none' && " +
                    "( (typeof $('form>fieldset>textarea')[0] !== 'undefined') || (typeof $('.user-synonyms-add-form')[0] !== 'undefined') )" +

            if (hwkeyb)
                imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow (ew.getWindowToken (), 0);

    private void adjustWidth (TextView view, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params, String text)
        Paint tpaint;

        tpaint = view.getPaint ();
        params.width = (int) Math.max (params.width, tpaint.measureText (text));

    protected void showQuestion (WaniKaniItem.Type type, String name, Rect rect, int size)
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params;
        Typeface jtf;

        if (!getOverrideFonts ())

        params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) qvw.getLayoutParams ();
        params.topMargin = - 5;
        params.leftMargin = rect.left - 5;
        params.height = rect.height () + 10;
        params.width = rect.width () + 10;
        params.addRule (RelativeLayout.CENTER_HORIZONTAL);

        if (!name.endsWith (".png")) {
            qvw.setTextSize (size);
            //qvw.setBackgroundColor (cmap.get (type));
            qvw.setTextColor (Color.WHITE);
            qvw.setText (name);
            jtf = new Fonts().getKanjiFont(wav);
            qvw.setTypeface (jtf);
            adjustWidth (qvw, params, name);
            showQuestionPatch (jtf != null);
        } else
            showQuestionPatch (false);

        qvw.setLayoutParams (params);

     * Called when the webview is scrolled. It moves the edittext as well
     * @param dx the horizontal displacement
     * @param dy the vertical displacement
    protected void scroll (int dx, int dy)
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rparams;

        rparams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) divw.getLayoutParams ();
        rparams.topMargin -= dy;
        divw.setLayoutParams (rparams);

        rparams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) qvw.getLayoutParams ();
        rparams.topMargin -= dy;
        qvw.setLayoutParams (rparams);

        bpos.shift (-dy);

     * Called when the HTML textbox changes class. It changes the edit text accordingly.
     * @param clazz the CSS class
     * @param reviews if we are reviewing
    public void setClass (String clazz, boolean reviews)
        if (clazz.equals ("correct")) {
            enableIgnoreButton (false);
            disable (correctFG, correctBG);
        } else if (clazz.equals ("incorrect")) {
            if (PrefManager.getAutoPopup())
                errorPopup ();
            if (PrefManager.getMistakeDelay())
                wv.js (MistakeDelay.JS_MISTAKE);
            enableIgnoreButton (reviews && PrefManager.getIgnoreButton());
            disable (incorrectFG, incorrectBG);
        } else if (clazz.equals ("WKO_ignored")) {
            enableIgnoreButton (false);
            disable (ignoredFG, ignoredBG);

     * Show the info popup
    protected void errorPopup ()
        imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow (ew.getWindowToken (), 0);
        wv.js (JS_INFO_POPUP);

     * Called when the HTML textbox goes back to the default CSS class.
    public void unsetClass (int level)
        Integer res;

        enableIgnoreButton (false);
        enable ();

        wv.js (ifReviews (WaniKaniKunOn.JS_CODE));

        res = srsCols.get (level);
        if (PrefManager.getSRSIndication() && res != null) {
            srsv.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);
        } else
            srsv.setVisibility (View.GONE);

     * Called to set/unset ignore button visbility
     * @param enable if it should be visible
    public void enableIgnoreButton (boolean enable)
        canIgnore = enable;
        wav.updateCanIgnore ();

     * Disables editing on the edit text
     * @param fg foreground color
     * @param backgroundResource background resource
    private void disable (int fg, int backgroundResource)
        editable = false;
        ew.setTextColor (fg);

     * Enable editing on the edit text. It also clears the contents.
    private void enable ()
        editable = true;
        ew.setText ("");

        if (!hwkeyb)
            imm.showSoftInput (ew, 0);
        ew.requestFocus ();

     * Runs the ignore button script.
    public void ignore ()
        wv.js (IgnoreButton.JS_CODE);

     * Tells if the ignore button can be shown
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the current answer is wrong
    public boolean canIgnore ()
        return canIgnore;

    public static String ifReviews (String js)
        return "if (" + JS_REVIEWS_P + ") {" + js + "}";

    public static String ifLessons (String js)
        return "if (!" + JS_REVIEWS_P + ") {" + js + "}";

    public boolean getOverrideFonts ()
        SharedPreferences prefs;

        if (!canOverrideFonts ())
            return false;

        prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (wav);

        return prefs.getBoolean (PREF_FONT_OVERRIDE, false);

    protected boolean toggleFontOverride ()
        SharedPreferences prefs;
        boolean ans;

        prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (wav);
        ans = !prefs.getBoolean (PREF_FONT_OVERRIDE, false);
        prefs.edit ().putBoolean (PREF_FONT_OVERRIDE, ans).commit ();

        return ans;

    public boolean canOverrideFonts ()
        return true;

    public void overrideFonts ()
        if (toggleFontOverride ())
            wv.js (JS_OVERRIDE);
            showQuestionPatch (false);

    protected void setInputType ()
        boolean tren, trjp;
        trjp = PrefManager.getNoSuggestion();
        tren = PrefManager.getRomaji();

        if (trjp || tren) {
            disableSuggestions = true;
            if ((imel.translate && trjp) || (!imel.translate && tren))
                ew.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD);
                ew.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT);
        } else if (disableSuggestions) {	// This strange trick is to avoid messing with inputtype when not needed
            disableSuggestions = false;
            ew.setInputType (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT);

    private boolean updateSequence (int sequence)
        if (sequence > lastSequence) {
            lastSequence = sequence;
            return true;
        } else
            return false;
