 _______ __   _ _______ _______ ______  ______
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 Copyright (c) 2016, antsdb.com and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. *-xguo0<@

 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 GNU GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
 If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html>
package com.antsdb.saltedfish.cpp;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

import com.antsdb.saltedfish.util.CodingError;

public class FishNumber extends Value {
    public final static boolean isNumber(long addr) {
        byte type = Unsafe.getByte(addr);
        byte kind = Value.getType(type);
        return (kind == Value.TYPE_NUMBER);

    public final static long allocSet(Heap heap, BigDecimal result) {
        int scale = result.scale();
        BigInteger bigint = result.unscaledValue();
        byte[] bytes = bigint.toByteArray();
        long addr = heap.alloc(2 + 2 + bytes.length);
        Unsafe.putByte(addr, Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL);
        Unsafe.putByte(addr+1, (byte)scale);
        BigInt.set(heap, addr+2, bytes);
        return addr;

    public static final long add(Heap heap, long addr1, long addr2) {
        int type1 = getFormat(heap, addr1);
        int type2 = getFormat(heap, addr2);
        if (type1 >= type2) {
            return add(heap, type1, addr1, type2, addr2);
        else {
            return add(heap, type2, addr2, type1, addr1);
    public static final long multiply(Heap heap, long addr1, long addr2) {
        int type1 = getFormat(heap, addr1);
        int type2 = getFormat(heap, addr2);
        if (type1 >= type2) {
            return multiply(heap, type1, addr1, type2, addr2);
        else {
            return multiply(heap, type2, addr2, type1, addr1);
    private static long multiply(Heap heap, int type1, long addr1, int type2, long addr2) {
        if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            int value = Int4.get(heap, addr1);
            return multiply_int4(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            long value = Int8.get(heap, addr1);
            return multiply_int8(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL) {
            BigDecimal value = FastDecimal.get(heap, addr1);
            return multiply_decimal(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL) {
            BigDecimal value = FishDecimal.get(heap, addr1);
            return multiply_decimal(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FLOAT4) {
            return Float8.multiply(heap, addr1, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FLOAT8) {
            return Float8.multiply(heap, addr1, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError();

    private static long multiply_decimal(Heap heap, BigDecimal value, int type2, long addr2) {
        BigDecimal value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(Int4.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(Int8.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_BIGINT) {
            value2 = new BigDecimal(BigInt.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL) {
            int scale2 = FastDecimal.getScale(heap, addr2);
            long unscaled2 = FastDecimal.getUnscaledLong(heap, addr2);
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscaled2, scale2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL) {
            value2 = FishDecimal.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        BigDecimal result = value.multiply(value2);
        return FishNumber.allocSet(heap, result);

    private static long multiply_int8(Heap heap, long value1, int type2, long addr2) {
        long value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = Int4.get(heap, addr2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = Int8.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        long result = value1 * value2;
        if ( (((result ^ value1) & (result ^ value2))) >= 0L) {
            // not overflow
            long addr = Int8.allocSet(heap, result);
            return addr;
        else {
            // overflow
            return multiply_bigint(heap, BigInteger.valueOf(value1), type2, addr2);

    private static long multiply_bigint(Heap heap, BigInteger value, int type2, long addr2) {
        BigInteger value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = BigInteger.valueOf(Int4.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = BigInteger.valueOf(Int8.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_BIGINT) {
            value2 = BigInt.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        BigInteger result = value.multiply(value2);
        return BigInt.allocSet(heap, result);

    private static long multiply_int4(Heap heap, int value1, int type2, long addr2) {
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            int value2 = Int4.get(heap, addr2);
            int result = value1 * value2;
            if ( (((result ^ value1) & (result ^ value2))) >= 0L) {
                // not overflow
                long addr = Int4.allocSet(heap, result);
                return addr;
            else {
                // overflow
                return multiply_int8(heap, value1, type2, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError();

    private static final long add(Heap heap, int type1, long addr1, int type2, long addr2) {
        if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            int value = Int4.get(heap, addr1);
            return add_int4(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            long value = Int8.get(heap, addr1);
            return add_int8(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL) {
            int scale = FastDecimal.getScale(heap, addr1);
            long unscaled = FastDecimal.getUnscaledLong(heap, addr1);
            return add_fast(heap, unscaled, scale, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL) {
            BigDecimal value = FishDecimal.get(heap, addr1);
            return add_decimal(heap, value, type2, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FLOAT4) {
            return Float8.add(heap, addr1, addr2);
        else if (type1 == Value.FORMAT_FLOAT8) {
            return Float8.add(heap, addr1, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError();

    private static final long add_int4(Heap heap, int value1, int type2, long addr2) {
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            int value2 = Int4.get(heap, addr2);
            int result = value1 + value2;
            if ( (((result ^ value1) & (result ^ value2))) >= 0L) {
                // not overflow
                long addr = Int4.allocSet(heap, result);
                return addr;
            else {
                // overflow
                return add_int8(heap, value1, type2, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError();

    private final static long add_int8(Heap heap, long value1, int type2, long addr2) {
        long value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = Int4.get(heap, addr2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = Int8.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        long result = value1 + value2;
        if ( (((result ^ value1) & (result ^ value2))) >= 0L) {
            // not overflow
            long addr = Int8.allocSet(heap, result);
            return addr;
        else {
            // overflow
            return add_bigint(heap, BigInteger.valueOf(value1), type2, addr2);

    private final static long add_bigint(Heap heap, BigInteger value, int type2, long addr2) {
        BigInteger value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = BigInteger.valueOf(Int4.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = BigInteger.valueOf(Int8.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_BIGINT) {
            value2 = BigInt.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        BigInteger result = value.add(value2);
        return BigInt.allocSet(heap, result);

    private final static long add_decimal(Heap heap, BigDecimal value, int type2, long addr2) {
        BigDecimal value2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(Int4.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(Int8.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_BIGINT) {
            value2 = new BigDecimal(BigInt.get(heap, addr2));
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL) {
            int scale2 = FastDecimal.getScale(heap, addr2);
            long unscaled2 = FastDecimal.getUnscaledLong(heap, addr2);
            value2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscaled2, scale2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL) {
            value2 = FishDecimal.get(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        BigDecimal result = value.add(value2);
        return FishNumber.allocSet(heap, result);

    private final static long add_fast(Heap heap, long unscaled1, int scale1, int type2, long addr2) {
        long unscaled2;
        int scale2;
        if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            scale2 = 0;
            unscaled2 = Int4.get(heap, addr2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            scale2 = 0;
            unscaled2 = Int8.get(heap, addr2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_BIGINT) {
            BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscaled1, scale1);
            return add_decimal(heap, bd, type2, addr2);
        else if (type2 == Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL) {
            scale2 = FastDecimal.getScale(heap, addr2);
            unscaled2 = FastDecimal.getUnscaledLong(heap, addr2);
        else {
            throw new CodingError(); 
        long addr = FastDecimal.add(heap, unscaled1, scale1, unscaled2, scale2);
        if (addr != FastDecimal.INFLATED) {
            return addr;
        else {
            // overflow
            BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscaled1, scale1);
            return add_decimal(heap, bd, type2, addr2);

    public final static int intValue(long addr) {
        byte type = Unsafe.getByte(addr);
        if (type == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            return Int4.get(addr);
        else {
            throw new ArithmeticException();

    public final static long longValue(long addr) {
        byte type = Unsafe.getByte(addr);
        if (type == Value.FORMAT_INT4) {
            return Int4.get(addr);
        else if (type == Value.FORMAT_INT8) {
            return Int8.get(null, addr);
        else if (type == Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL) {
            BigDecimal dec = FishDecimal.get(null, addr);
            return dec.longValueExact();
        else {
            throw new ArithmeticException();

    final static boolean equals(long addr1, long addr2) {
        return compare(addr1, addr2) == 0;

    public final static int compare(long addr1, long addr2) {
        byte type1 = Unsafe.getByte(addr1);
        byte type2 = Unsafe.getByte(addr2);
        if (type1 >= type2) {
            return compare(type1, addr1, type2, addr2);
        else {
            return -compare(type2, addr2, type1, addr1);
    public final static int compare(byte type1, long addr1, byte type2, long addr2) {
        switch (type1) {
        case Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL:
            return FishDecimal.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
        case Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL:
            return FastDecimal.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT8:
            return Int8.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT4:
            return Int4.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
        case Value.FORMAT_FLOAT4:
            return Float4.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
        case Value.FORMAT_FLOAT8:
            return Float8.compare(addr1, type2, addr2);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    public static long abs(Heap heap, long pValue) {
        int format = Value.getFormat(null, pValue);
        switch (format) {
        case Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL:
            return FishDecimal.abs(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL:
            return FastDecimal.abs(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT8:
            return Int8.abs(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT4:
            return Int4.abs(heap, pValue);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    public static long negate(Heap heap, long pValue) {
        int format = Value.getFormat(null, pValue);
        switch (format) {
        case Value.FORMAT_DECIMAL:
            return FishDecimal.negate(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_FAST_DECIMAL:
            return FastDecimal.negate(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT8:
            return Int8.negate(heap, pValue);
        case Value.FORMAT_INT4:
            return Int4.negate(heap, pValue);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
