package org.littleshoot.proxy.impl;

import org.littleshoot.proxy.ActivityTracker;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.ChainedProxyManager;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.DefaultHostResolver;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.DnsSecServerResolver;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HostResolver;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpFilters;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpFiltersSource;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpFiltersSourceAdapter;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpProxyServer;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpProxyServerBootstrap;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.MitmManager;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.ProxyAuthenticator;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.SslEngineSource;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.TransportProtocol;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.UnknownTransportProtocolException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;


import io.netty.bootstrap.ChannelFactory;
import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import io.netty.handler.traffic.GlobalTrafficShapingHandler;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor;

 * <p>
 * Primary implementation of an {@link HttpProxyServer}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * {@link DefaultHttpProxyServer} is bootstrapped by calling
 * {@link #bootstrap()} or {@link #bootstrapFromFile(String)}, and then calling
 * {@link DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap#start()}. For example:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <pre>
 * DefaultHttpProxyServer server =
 *         DefaultHttpProxyServer
 *                 .bootstrap()
 *                 .withPort(8090)
 *                 .start();
 * </pre>
public class DefaultHttpProxyServer implements HttpProxyServer {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultHttpProxyServer.class);

     * The interval in ms at which the GlobalTrafficShapingHandler will run to compute and throttle the
     * proxy-to-server bandwidth.
    private static final long TRAFFIC_SHAPING_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = 250L;

    private static final int MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 8192;
    private static final int MAX_HEADER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 8192 * 2;
    private static final int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT = 8192 * 2;

     * The proxy alias to use in the Via header if no explicit proxy alias is specified and the hostname of the local
     * machine cannot be resolved.
    private static final String FALLBACK_PROXY_ALIAS = "littleproxy";

     * Our {@link ServerGroup}. Multiple proxy servers can share the same
     * ServerGroup in order to reuse threads and other such resources.
    private final ServerGroup serverGroup;

    private final TransportProtocol transportProtocol;
     * The address that the server will attempt to bind to.
    private final InetSocketAddress requestedAddress;
     * The actual address to which the server is bound. May be different from the requestedAddress in some circumstances,
     * for example when the requested port is 0.
    private volatile InetSocketAddress localAddress;
    private volatile InetSocketAddress boundAddress;
    private final SslEngineSource sslEngineSource;
    private final boolean authenticateSslClients;
    private final ProxyAuthenticator proxyAuthenticator;
    private final ChainedProxyManager chainProxyManager;
    private final MitmManager mitmManager;
    private final HttpFiltersSource filtersSource;
    private final boolean transparent;
    private volatile int connectTimeout;
    private volatile int idleConnectionTimeout;
    private final HostResolver serverResolver;
    private volatile GlobalTrafficShapingHandler globalTrafficShapingHandler;
    private final int maxInitialLineLength;
    private final int maxHeaderSize;
    private final int maxChunkSize;
    private final boolean allowRequestsToOriginServer;

     * The alias or pseudonym for this proxy, used when adding the Via header.
    private final String proxyAlias;

     * True when the proxy has already been stopped by calling {@link #stop()} or {@link #abort()}.
    private final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);

     * Track all ActivityTrackers for tracking proxying activity.
    private final Collection<ActivityTracker> activityTrackers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ActivityTracker>();

     * Keep track of all channels created by this proxy server for later shutdown when the proxy is stopped.
    private final ChannelGroup allChannels = new DefaultChannelGroup("HTTP-Proxy-Server", GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE);

     * JVM shutdown hook to shutdown this proxy server. Declared as a class-level variable to allow removing the shutdown hook when the
     * proxy server is stopped normally.
    private final Thread jvmShutdownHook = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    }, "LittleProxy-JVM-shutdown-hook");

     * Bootstrap a new {@link DefaultHttpProxyServer} starting from scratch.
     * @return
    public static HttpProxyServerBootstrap bootstrap() {
        return new DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap();

     * Bootstrap a new {@link DefaultHttpProxyServer} using defaults from the
     * given file.
     * @param path
     * @return
    public static HttpProxyServerBootstrap bootstrapFromFile(String path) {
        final File propsFile = new File(path);
        Properties props = new Properties();

        if (propsFile.isFile()) {
            try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(propsFile)) {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Could not load props file?", e);

        return new DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap(props);

     * Creates a new proxy server.
     * @param serverGroup                 our ServerGroup for shared thread pools and such
     * @param transportProtocol           The protocol to use for data transport
     * @param requestedAddress            The address on which this server will listen
     * @param sslEngineSource             (optional) if specified, this Proxy will encrypt inbound
     *                                    connections from clients using an {@link SSLEngine} obtained
     *                                    from this {@link SslEngineSource}.
     * @param authenticateSslClients      Indicate whether or not to authenticate clients when using SSL
     * @param proxyAuthenticator          (optional) If specified, requests to the proxy will be
     *                                    authenticated using HTTP BASIC authentication per the provided
     *                                    {@link ProxyAuthenticator}
     * @param chainProxyManager           The proxy to send requests to if chaining proxies. Typically
     *                                    <code>null</code>.
     * @param mitmManager                 The {@link MitmManager} to use for man in the middle'ing
     *                                    CONNECT requests
     * @param filtersSource               Source for {@link HttpFilters}
     * @param transparent                 If true, this proxy will run as a transparent proxy. This will
     *                                    not modify the response, and will only modify the request to
     *                                    amend the URI if the target is the origin server (to comply
     *                                    with RFC 7230 section 5.3.1).
     * @param idleConnectionTimeout       The timeout (in seconds) for auto-closing idle connections.
     * @param activityTrackers            for tracking activity on this proxy
     * @param connectTimeout              number of milliseconds to wait to connect to the upstream
     *                                    server
     * @param serverResolver              the {@link HostResolver} to use for resolving server addresses
     * @param readThrottleBytesPerSecond  read throttle bandwidth
     * @param writeThrottleBytesPerSecond write throttle bandwidth
     * @param maxInitialLineLength
     * @param maxHeaderSize
     * @param maxChunkSize
     * @param allowRequestsToOriginServer when true, allow the proxy to handle requests that contain an origin-form URI, as defined in RFC 7230 5.3.1
    private DefaultHttpProxyServer(ServerGroup serverGroup,
                                   TransportProtocol transportProtocol,
                                   InetSocketAddress requestedAddress,
                                   SslEngineSource sslEngineSource,
                                   boolean authenticateSslClients,
                                   ProxyAuthenticator proxyAuthenticator,
                                   ChainedProxyManager chainProxyManager,
                                   MitmManager mitmManager,
                                   HttpFiltersSource filtersSource,
                                   boolean transparent,
                                   int idleConnectionTimeout,
                                   Collection<ActivityTracker> activityTrackers,
                                   int connectTimeout,
                                   HostResolver serverResolver,
                                   long readThrottleBytesPerSecond,
                                   long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond,
                                   InetSocketAddress localAddress,
                                   String proxyAlias,
                                   int maxInitialLineLength,
                                   int maxHeaderSize,
                                   int maxChunkSize,
                                   boolean allowRequestsToOriginServer) {
        this.serverGroup = serverGroup;
        this.transportProtocol = transportProtocol;
        this.requestedAddress = requestedAddress;
        this.sslEngineSource = sslEngineSource;
        this.authenticateSslClients = authenticateSslClients;
        this.proxyAuthenticator = proxyAuthenticator;
        this.chainProxyManager = chainProxyManager;
        this.mitmManager = mitmManager;
        this.filtersSource = filtersSource;
        this.transparent = transparent;
        this.idleConnectionTimeout = idleConnectionTimeout;
        if (activityTrackers != null) {
        this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
        this.serverResolver = serverResolver;

        if (writeThrottleBytesPerSecond > 0 || readThrottleBytesPerSecond > 0) {
            this.globalTrafficShapingHandler = createGlobalTrafficShapingHandler(transportProtocol, readThrottleBytesPerSecond, writeThrottleBytesPerSecond);
        } else {
            this.globalTrafficShapingHandler = null;
        this.localAddress = localAddress;

        if (proxyAlias == null) {
            // attempt to resolve the name of the local machine. if it cannot be resolved, use the fallback name.
            String hostname = ProxyUtils.getHostName();
            if (hostname == null) {
                hostname = FALLBACK_PROXY_ALIAS;
            this.proxyAlias = hostname;
        } else {
            this.proxyAlias = proxyAlias;
        this.maxInitialLineLength = maxInitialLineLength;
        this.maxHeaderSize = maxHeaderSize;
        this.maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;
        this.allowRequestsToOriginServer = allowRequestsToOriginServer;

     * Creates a new GlobalTrafficShapingHandler for this HttpProxyServer, using this proxy's proxyToServerEventLoop.
     * @param transportProtocol
     * @param readThrottleBytesPerSecond
     * @param writeThrottleBytesPerSecond
     * @return
    private GlobalTrafficShapingHandler createGlobalTrafficShapingHandler(TransportProtocol transportProtocol, long readThrottleBytesPerSecond, long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond) {
        EventLoopGroup proxyToServerEventLoop = this.getProxyToServerWorkerFor(transportProtocol);
        return new GlobalTrafficShapingHandler(proxyToServerEventLoop,

    boolean isTransparent() {
        return transparent;

    public int getIdleConnectionTimeout() {
        return idleConnectionTimeout;

    public void setIdleConnectionTimeout(int idleConnectionTimeout) {
        this.idleConnectionTimeout = idleConnectionTimeout;

    public int getConnectTimeout() {
        return connectTimeout;

    public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeoutMs) {
        this.connectTimeout = connectTimeoutMs;

    public HostResolver getServerResolver() {
        return serverResolver;

    public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
        return localAddress;

    public InetSocketAddress getListenAddress() {
        return boundAddress;

    public void setThrottle(long readThrottleBytesPerSecond, long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond) {
        if (globalTrafficShapingHandler != null) {
            globalTrafficShapingHandler.configure(writeThrottleBytesPerSecond, readThrottleBytesPerSecond);
        } else {
            // don't create a GlobalTrafficShapingHandler if throttling was not enabled and is still not enabled
            if (readThrottleBytesPerSecond > 0 || writeThrottleBytesPerSecond > 0) {
                globalTrafficShapingHandler = createGlobalTrafficShapingHandler(transportProtocol, readThrottleBytesPerSecond, writeThrottleBytesPerSecond);

    public long getReadThrottle() {
        return globalTrafficShapingHandler.getReadLimit();

    public long getWriteThrottle() {
        return globalTrafficShapingHandler.getWriteLimit();

    public int getMaxInitialLineLength() {
        return maxInitialLineLength;

    public int getMaxHeaderSize() {
        return maxHeaderSize;

    public int getMaxChunkSize() {
        return maxChunkSize;

    public boolean isAllowRequestsToOriginServer() {
        return allowRequestsToOriginServer;

    public HttpProxyServerBootstrap clone() {
        return new DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap(serverGroup,
                new InetSocketAddress(requestedAddress.getAddress(),
                        requestedAddress.getPort() == 0 ? 0 : requestedAddress.getPort() + 1),
                globalTrafficShapingHandler != null ? globalTrafficShapingHandler.getReadLimit() : 0,
                globalTrafficShapingHandler != null ? globalTrafficShapingHandler.getWriteLimit() : 0,

    public void stop() {

    public void abort() {

     * Performs cleanup necessary to stop the server. Closes all channels opened by the server and unregisters this
     * server from the server group.
     * @param graceful when true, waits for requests to terminate before stopping the server
    protected void doStop(boolean graceful) {
        // only stop the server if it hasn't already been stopped
        if (stopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            if (graceful) {
      "Shutting down proxy server gracefully");
            } else {
      "Shutting down proxy server immediately (non-graceful)");


            serverGroup.unregisterProxyServer(this, graceful);

            // remove the shutdown hook that was added when the proxy was started, since it has now been stopped
            try {
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                // ignore -- IllegalStateException means the VM is already shutting down

  "Done shutting down proxy server");

     * Register a new {@link Channel} with this server, for later closing.
     * @param channel
    protected void registerChannel(Channel channel) {

     * Closes all channels opened by this proxy server.
     * @param graceful when false, attempts to shutdown all channels immediately and ignores any channel-closing exceptions
    protected void closeAllChannels(boolean graceful) {"Closing all channels " + (graceful ? "(graceful)" : "(non-graceful)"));

        ChannelGroupFuture future = allChannels.close();

        // if this is a graceful shutdown, log any channel closing failures. if this isn't a graceful shutdown, ignore them.
        if (graceful) {
            try {
                future.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for channels to shut down gracefully.");

            if (!future.isSuccess()) {
                for (ChannelFuture cf : future) {
                    if (!cf.isSuccess()) {
              "Unable to close channel.  Cause of failure for {} is {}",, cf.cause());

    private HttpProxyServer start() {
        if (!serverGroup.isStopped()) {
  "Starting proxy at address: " + this.requestedAddress);


        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to start proxy, but proxy's server group is already stopped");

        return this;

    private void doStart() {
        ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap().group(

        ChannelInitializer<Channel> initializer = new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
            protected void initChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception {
                new ClientToProxyConnection(
        switch (transportProtocol) {
            case TCP:
      "Proxy listening with TCP transport");
                serverBootstrap.channelFactory(new ChannelFactory<ServerChannel>() {
                    public ServerChannel newChannel() {
                        return new NioServerSocketChannel();
            case UDT:
      "Proxy listening with UDT transport");
//                serverBootstrap.channelFactory(NioUdtProvider.BYTE_ACCEPTOR)
//                        .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 10)
//                        .option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true);

//                break;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("un support  UDT transport");
                throw new UnknownTransportProtocolException(transportProtocol);
        ChannelFuture future = serverBootstrap.bind(requestedAddress)
                .addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
                    public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future)
                            throws Exception {
                        if (future.isSuccess()) {

        Throwable cause = future.cause();
        if (cause != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(cause);

        this.boundAddress = ((InetSocketAddress);"Proxy started at address: " + this.boundAddress);


    protected ChainedProxyManager getChainProxyManager() {
        return chainProxyManager;

    protected MitmManager getMitmManager() {
        return mitmManager;

    protected SslEngineSource getSslEngineSource() {
        return sslEngineSource;

    protected ProxyAuthenticator getProxyAuthenticator() {
        return proxyAuthenticator;

    public HttpFiltersSource getFiltersSource() {
        return filtersSource;

    protected Collection<ActivityTracker> getActivityTrackers() {
        return activityTrackers;

    public String getProxyAlias() {
        return proxyAlias;

    protected EventLoopGroup getProxyToServerWorkerFor(TransportProtocol transportProtocol) {
        return serverGroup.getProxyToServerWorkerPoolForTransport(transportProtocol);

    // TODO: refactor bootstrap into a separate class
    private static class DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap implements HttpProxyServerBootstrap {
        private String name = "LittleProxy";
        private ServerGroup serverGroup = null;
        private TransportProtocol transportProtocol = TransportProtocol.TCP;
        private InetSocketAddress requestedAddress;
        private int port = 8080;
        private boolean allowLocalOnly = true;
        private SslEngineSource sslEngineSource = null;
        private boolean authenticateSslClients = true;
        private ProxyAuthenticator proxyAuthenticator = null;
        private ChainedProxyManager chainProxyManager = null;
        private MitmManager mitmManager = null;
        private HttpFiltersSource filtersSource = new HttpFiltersSourceAdapter();
        private boolean transparent = false;
        private int idleConnectionTimeout = 70;
        private Collection<ActivityTracker> activityTrackers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ActivityTracker>();
        private int connectTimeout = 40000;
        private HostResolver serverResolver = new DefaultHostResolver();
        private long readThrottleBytesPerSecond;
        private long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond;
        private InetSocketAddress localAddress;
        private String proxyAlias;
        private int clientToProxyAcceptorThreads = ServerGroup.DEFAULT_INCOMING_ACCEPTOR_THREADS;
        private int clientToProxyWorkerThreads = ServerGroup.DEFAULT_INCOMING_WORKER_THREADS;
        private int proxyToServerWorkerThreads = ServerGroup.DEFAULT_OUTGOING_WORKER_THREADS;
        private int maxInitialLineLength = MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH_DEFAULT;
        private int maxHeaderSize = MAX_HEADER_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        private int maxChunkSize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        private boolean allowRequestToOriginServer = false;

        private DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap() {

        private DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap(
                ServerGroup serverGroup,
                TransportProtocol transportProtocol,
                InetSocketAddress requestedAddress,
                SslEngineSource sslEngineSource,
                boolean authenticateSslClients,
                ProxyAuthenticator proxyAuthenticator,
                ChainedProxyManager chainProxyManager,
                MitmManager mitmManager,
                HttpFiltersSource filtersSource,
                boolean transparent, int idleConnectionTimeout,
                Collection<ActivityTracker> activityTrackers,
                int connectTimeout, HostResolver serverResolver,
                long readThrottleBytesPerSecond,
                long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond,
                InetSocketAddress localAddress,
                String proxyAlias,
                int maxInitialLineLength,
                int maxHeaderSize,
                int maxChunkSize,
                boolean allowRequestToOriginServer) {
            this.serverGroup = serverGroup;
            this.transportProtocol = transportProtocol;
            this.requestedAddress = requestedAddress;
            this.port = requestedAddress.getPort();
            this.sslEngineSource = sslEngineSource;
            this.authenticateSslClients = authenticateSslClients;
            this.proxyAuthenticator = proxyAuthenticator;
            this.chainProxyManager = chainProxyManager;
            this.mitmManager = mitmManager;
            this.filtersSource = filtersSource;
            this.transparent = transparent;
            this.idleConnectionTimeout = idleConnectionTimeout;
            if (activityTrackers != null) {
            this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
            this.serverResolver = serverResolver;
            this.readThrottleBytesPerSecond = readThrottleBytesPerSecond;
            this.writeThrottleBytesPerSecond = writeThrottleBytesPerSecond;
            this.localAddress = localAddress;
            this.proxyAlias = proxyAlias;
            this.maxInitialLineLength = maxInitialLineLength;
            this.maxHeaderSize = maxHeaderSize;
            this.maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;
            this.allowRequestToOriginServer = allowRequestToOriginServer;

        private DefaultHttpProxyServerBootstrap(Properties props) {
                    props, "dnssec"));
            this.transparent = ProxyUtils.extractBooleanDefaultFalse(
                    props, "transparent");
            this.idleConnectionTimeout = ProxyUtils.extractInt(props,
            this.connectTimeout = ProxyUtils.extractInt(props,
                    "connect_timeout", 0);
            this.maxInitialLineLength = ProxyUtils.extractInt(props,
                    "max_initial_line_length", MAX_INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH_DEFAULT);
            this.maxHeaderSize = ProxyUtils.extractInt(props,
                    "max_header_size", MAX_HEADER_SIZE_DEFAULT);
            this.maxChunkSize = ProxyUtils.extractInt(props,
                    "max_chunk_size", MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT);

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withName(String name) {
   = name;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withTransportProtocol(
                TransportProtocol transportProtocol) {
            this.transportProtocol = transportProtocol;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withAddress(InetSocketAddress address) {
            this.requestedAddress = address;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withPort(int port) {
            this.requestedAddress = null;
            this.port = port;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withNetworkInterface(InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress) {
            this.localAddress = inetSocketAddress;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withProxyAlias(String alias) {
            this.proxyAlias = alias;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withAllowLocalOnly(
                boolean allowLocalOnly) {
            this.allowLocalOnly = allowLocalOnly;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withListenOnAllAddresses(boolean listenOnAllAddresses) {
            LOG.warn("withListenOnAllAddresses() is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use withNetworkInterface().");
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withSslEngineSource(
                SslEngineSource sslEngineSource) {
            this.sslEngineSource = sslEngineSource;
            if (this.mitmManager != null) {
                LOG.warn("Enabled encrypted inbound connections with man in the middle. "
                        + "These are mutually exclusive - man in the middle will be disabled.");
                this.mitmManager = null;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withAuthenticateSslClients(
                boolean authenticateSslClients) {
            this.authenticateSslClients = authenticateSslClients;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withProxyAuthenticator(
                ProxyAuthenticator proxyAuthenticator) {
            this.proxyAuthenticator = proxyAuthenticator;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withChainProxyManager(
                ChainedProxyManager chainProxyManager) {
            this.chainProxyManager = chainProxyManager;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withManInTheMiddle(
                MitmManager mitmManager) {
            this.mitmManager = mitmManager;
            if (this.sslEngineSource != null) {
                LOG.warn("Enabled man in the middle with encrypted inbound connections. "
                        + "These are mutually exclusive - encrypted inbound connections will be disabled.");
                this.sslEngineSource = null;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withFiltersSource(
                HttpFiltersSource filtersSource) {
            this.filtersSource = filtersSource;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withUseDnsSec(boolean useDnsSec) {
            if (useDnsSec) {
                this.serverResolver = new DnsSecServerResolver();
            } else {
                this.serverResolver = new DefaultHostResolver();
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withTransparent(
                boolean transparent) {
            this.transparent = transparent;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withIdleConnectionTimeout(
                int idleConnectionTimeout) {
            this.idleConnectionTimeout = idleConnectionTimeout;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withConnectTimeout(
                int connectTimeout) {
            this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withServerResolver(
                HostResolver serverResolver) {
            this.serverResolver = serverResolver;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap plusActivityTracker(
                ActivityTracker activityTracker) {
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withThrottling(long readThrottleBytesPerSecond, long writeThrottleBytesPerSecond) {
            this.readThrottleBytesPerSecond = readThrottleBytesPerSecond;
            this.writeThrottleBytesPerSecond = writeThrottleBytesPerSecond;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withMaxInitialLineLength(int maxInitialLineLength) {
            this.maxInitialLineLength = maxInitialLineLength;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withMaxHeaderSize(int maxHeaderSize) {
            this.maxHeaderSize = maxHeaderSize;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withMaxChunkSize(int maxChunkSize) {
            this.maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withAllowRequestToOriginServer(boolean allowRequestToOriginServer) {
            this.allowRequestToOriginServer = allowRequestToOriginServer;
            return this;

        public HttpProxyServer start() {
            return build().start();

        public HttpProxyServerBootstrap withThreadPoolConfiguration(ThreadPoolConfiguration configuration) {
            this.clientToProxyAcceptorThreads = configuration.getAcceptorThreads();
            this.clientToProxyWorkerThreads = configuration.getClientToProxyWorkerThreads();
            this.proxyToServerWorkerThreads = configuration.getProxyToServerWorkerThreads();
            return this;

        private DefaultHttpProxyServer build() {
            final ServerGroup serverGroup;

            if (this.serverGroup != null) {
                serverGroup = this.serverGroup;
            } else {
                serverGroup = new ServerGroup(name, clientToProxyAcceptorThreads, clientToProxyWorkerThreads, proxyToServerWorkerThreads);

            return new DefaultHttpProxyServer(serverGroup,
                    transportProtocol, determineListenAddress(),
                    sslEngineSource, authenticateSslClients,
                    proxyAuthenticator, chainProxyManager, mitmManager,
                    filtersSource, transparent,
                    idleConnectionTimeout, activityTrackers, connectTimeout,
                    serverResolver, readThrottleBytesPerSecond, writeThrottleBytesPerSecond,
                    localAddress, proxyAlias, maxInitialLineLength, maxHeaderSize, maxChunkSize,

        private InetSocketAddress determineListenAddress() {
            if (requestedAddress != null) {
                return requestedAddress;
            } else {
                // Binding only to localhost can significantly improve the
                // security of the proxy.
                if (allowLocalOnly) {
                    return new InetSocketAddress("", port);
                } else {
                    return new InetSocketAddress(port);