package com.mammen.main;

import com.mammen.file_io.FileIO;
import com.mammen.generator.*;
import com.mammen.generator.generator_vars.Units;
import com.mammen.path.Path;
import com.mammen.path.Waypoint;
import com.mammen.settings.SettingsModel;
import com.mammen.util.Mathf;

import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry;

import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 *   MainUIModel
 *       This is the model for the program. It contains all the data needed to
 *       generate a path as well as the path itself. We use the JavaBeans model
 *       of properties. The trajectories are setup so that
 *       they are recalculated whenever any of their dependencies changes value.
 *       These dependencies (velocity, accel, jerk, ect. ) are bound to gui
 *       elements in their respective fxml controllers.
public class MainUIModel
	private static final String PROJECT_EXTENSION = "xml";

     *   Waypoints
    private ListProperty<Waypoint> waypointList = new SimpleListProperty<>(
                                                                        p -> new Observable[]{ p.xProperty(), p.yProperty(), p.angleProperty() } ) );

     *   Generated path.
    private Property<Path> path = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    // File stuff
    private DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory;
    private File workingProject;

     *   Program settings.
    private SettingsModel settings;

     *   The one and only instance of this class.
    private static MainUIModel backend = null;

     *   Constructor
    private MainUIModel()
        settings = SettingsModel.getInstance();

    	dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    	settings.getSharedGeneratorVars().unitProperty().addListener( (o, oldValue, newValue) ->
            updateVarUnits( oldValue, newValue )

    }   /* MainUIModel() */

     * <p>Returns the backend model.</p>
     * @return The one and only instance of the backend model.
    public static MainUIModel getInstance()
        if( backend == null )
            backend = new MainUIModel();

        return backend;

     * <p>Generates a Path that fits the given waypoints.</p>
     * @throws com.mammen.generator.Generator.PathGenerationException
     *      The path failed to generate.
     * @throws com.mammen.generator.Generator.NotEnoughPointsException
     *      There were not enough points to generate a path.
    public void generatePath() throws Generator.PathGenerationException, Generator.NotEnoughPointsException
        Path newPath = settings.getGenerator().generate( waypointList );

        if( newPath != null )
            path.setValue( newPath );
    }   /* generatePath() */

     *  updateVarUnits
     *      Converts the waypoints list from one Unit to another.
     * @param old_unit The current Unit.
     * @param new_unit The Unit to convert to.
    private void updateVarUnits( Units old_unit, Units new_unit )
        // TODO: Find a better way of doing this!!!
        //          Maybe storing the values in the backend in feet
        //          and only convert it for display.

        List<Waypoint> tmpList = new ArrayList<>();

    	// Convert each point in the waypoints list
        for( Waypoint wp : waypointList )
            double tmp_x = 0, tmp_y = 0;

            // convert to intermediate unit of feet
            switch( old_unit )
                case FEET:
                    tmp_x = wp.getX();
                    tmp_y = wp.getY();

                case INCHES:
                    tmp_x = Mathf.inchesToFeet( wp.getX() );
                    tmp_y = Mathf.inchesToFeet( wp.getY() );

                case METERS:
                    tmp_x = Mathf.meterToFeet( wp.getX() );
                    tmp_y = Mathf.meterToFeet( wp.getY() );

            // convert from intermediate unit of feet
            switch( new_unit )
                case FEET:
                    tmpList.add( new Waypoint( tmp_x, tmp_y, wp.getAngle() ) );

                case INCHES:
                    tmpList.add( new Waypoint( Mathf.feetToInches( tmp_x ),
                                               Mathf.feetToInches( tmp_y ),
                                               wp.getAngle() ) );


                case METERS:
                    tmpList.add( new Waypoint( Mathf.feetToMeter( tmp_x ),
                                               Mathf.feetToMeter( tmp_y ),
                                               wp.getAngle() ) );

        waypointList.addAll( tmpList );

    }   /* updateVarUnits() */

     * <p>Exports the Path to the parent folder, with the given root
     *      name and file extension.</p>
     * @param parentPath The .csv file to save to. This method will write to
     *                   multiple files depending on the drivebase of the Path.
     *                   Each filename will be an appended version of the .csv
     *                   that parentPath references.
    public void exportPath( File parentPath ) throws FileNotFoundException
        FileIO.savePath( path.getValue(), parentPath, settings.getChosenCSVElements() );
    }   /* exportPath() */

     * Saves the project in XML format.
    public void saveProjectAs( File path ) throws ParserConfigurationException
        if( !path.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("." + PROJECT_EXTENSION ) )
            path = new File(path + "." + PROJECT_EXTENSION );

        File dir = path.getParentFile();

        if( dir != null && !dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() )
            if (!dir.mkdirs())

        if( path.exists() && !path.delete() )

        workingProject = path;


     * Saves the working project.
    public void saveWorkingProject() throws ParserConfigurationException
        if( workingProject != null )
            // Create document
            DocumentBuilder db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document dom = db.newDocument();

            // XML entry for the path waypoints and vars
            Element pathElement = dom.createElement("Path" );

            // Save generator type
            pathElement.setAttribute( "GeneratorType", settings.getGeneratorType().name() );

            // Save shared vars
            settings.getSharedGeneratorVars().writeXMLAttributes( pathElement );

            // Write generator vars to xml file
            settings.getGeneratorVars().writeXMLAttributes( pathElement );
            dom.appendChild( pathElement );

            // Write waypoints to xml file
            for( Waypoint wp : waypointList )
                Element waypointEle = dom.createElement("Waypoint" );
                Element xEle = dom.createElement("X" );
                Element yEle = dom.createElement("Y" );
                Element angleEle = dom.createElement("Angle" );
                Text xText = dom.createTextNode("" + wp.getX() );
                Text yText = dom.createTextNode("" + wp.getY() );
                Text angleText = dom.createTextNode("" + wp.getAngle() );

                xEle.appendChild( xText );
                yEle.appendChild( yText );
                angleEle.appendChild( angleText );

                waypointEle.appendChild( xEle );
                waypointEle.appendChild( yEle );
                waypointEle.appendChild( angleEle );

                pathElement.appendChild( waypointEle );

            FileOutputStream fos;
                fos = new FileOutputStream( workingProject );
                DOMImplementationRegistry reg = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
                DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) reg.getDOMImplementation("LS" );
                LSSerializer serializer = impl.createLSSerializer();
                serializer.getDomConfig().setParameter("format-pretty-print", Boolean.TRUE );
                LSOutput lso = impl.createLSOutput();
                lso.setByteStream( fos );
                serializer.write( dom, lso );
            catch( Exception e )
                throw new RuntimeException( e );
     * Loads a project from file.
    public void loadProject( File path ) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException
        if( !path.exists() || path.isDirectory() )

        if( path.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith( "." + PROJECT_EXTENSION ) )
            DocumentBuilder db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document dom = db.parse( path );

            Element docEle = dom.getDocumentElement();

            // Get generator type
            settings.setGeneratorType( Generator.Type.valueOf( docEle.getAttribute( "GeneratorType" ) ));

            // Get shared vars from xml file
            settings.getSharedGeneratorVars().readXMLAttributes( docEle );

            // TODO: Does the settings.generatorType change listener get called before the next line?
            //  If not, the settings.generatorVars variable will potentially be the wrong one.
            //  I suspect that it does.

            // Get generator vars from xml file.
            settings.getGeneratorVars().readXMLAttributes( docEle );

            // Get waypoints from xml file.
            NodeList waypointEleList = docEle.getElementsByTagName( "Waypoint" );

            if( waypointEleList != null && waypointEleList.getLength() > 0 )
                for( int i = 0; i < waypointEleList.getLength(); i++ )
                    Element waypointEle = (Element) waypointEleList.item( i );

                    String xText = waypointEle.getElementsByTagName("X").item(0).getTextContent();
                    String yText = waypointEle.getElementsByTagName("Y").item(0).getTextContent();
                    String angleText = waypointEle.getElementsByTagName("Angle").item(0).getTextContent();

                    waypointList.add( new Waypoint(
                                            Double.parseDouble( xText ),
                                            Double.parseDouble( yText ),
                                            Double.parseDouble( angleText )
                                        ) );

            workingProject = path;
     * Clears the working project files
    public void clearWorkingFiles()
        workingProject = null;

     * Adds a waypoint to the list of waypoints
    public void addPoint( double x, double y, double angle ) 
        waypointList.add( new Waypoint( x, y, angle ) );

     * Adds a waypoint to the list of waypoints
    public void addPoint( Waypoint wp )
        waypointList.add( wp );
    private void removePoint( int index )
        waypointList.remove( index );

    public void removeLastPoint()
        removePoint( waypointList.get().size() - 1 );

    public void removePoints( int first, int last )
        waypointList.remove( first, last + 1 );

    public int getNumWaypoints()
        return waypointList.size();

    public Waypoint getWaypoint(int index )
        return waypointList.get( index );

     * Clears all the existing waypoints in the list.
     * This also clears all trajectories generated by the waypoints.
    public void clearPoints() 
        path.setValue( null );

    public ListProperty<Waypoint> waypointListProperty()
        return waypointList;

    public List<Waypoint> getWaypointList()
        return waypointList;

    public boolean isWaypointListEmpty()
        return waypointList.isEmpty();

    public Path getPath()
        return path.getValue();

    public Property<Path> pathProperty()
        return path;