package com.test.project.courseManagementSystem;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;

import java.util.List;

 * Created by beigui on 2016/3/17.
 * 选择了apache的一个都配置文件的工具,通过官网的例子,写出一个实例
 * try
 * {
 *  XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration("tables.xml");
 *  // do something with config
 *  }
 *  catch(ConfigurationException cex)
 *  {
 *  // something went wrong, e.g. the file was not found
 *  }
 *  String backColor = config.getString("colors.background");
 *  String textColor = config.getString("colors.text");
 *  String linkNormal = config.getString("[@normal]");
 *  String defColor = config.getString("colors.default");
 *  int rowsPerPage = config.getInt("rowsPerPage");
 *  List<Object> buttons = config.getList("");
 *  实验时,不加载common collection包,会报错。看异常信息解决
public class readMultiNode {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException {
        XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration("CourseManagementSystem.xml");
        List techIdList = config.getList("");
        for (Object id : techIdList) {