 *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

 *    ContractRotationForest.java. An adaptation of Rotation Forest, 2008 Juan Jose Rodriguez
 *      Contract Version by @author Tony Bagnall, Michael Flynn, first implemented 2018, updated 2019 (checkpointable)
 *      and 2020 (conform to structure)
 * We have cloned the code from RotationForest rather than extend it because core changes occur in most methods, and
 * to decouple from Weka, which has removed random forest from the latest releases.

package machine_learning.classifiers.ensembles;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.OptionHandler;
import weka.core.Randomizable;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.filters.Filter;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Normalize;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.PrincipalComponents;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.RemoveUseless;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.RemovePercentage;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import tsml.classifiers.EnhancedAbstractClassifier;
import weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.core.DenseInstance;
import tsml.classifiers.Checkpointable;
import tsml.classifiers.TrainTimeContractable;

public class ContractRotationForest extends EnhancedAbstractClassifier
  implements TrainTimeContractable, Checkpointable, Serializable{
    Classifier baseClassifier;
    ArrayList<Classifier> classifiers;
    /** for serialization */
    static final long serialVersionUID = -3255631880798499936L;
    /** The minimum size of a group */
    protected int minGroup = 3;
    /** The maximum size of a group */
    protected int maxGroup = 3;
    /** The percentage of instances to be removed */
    protected int removedPercentage = 50;
    /** The attributes of each group */
    ArrayList< int[][]> groups;
    /** The type of projection filter */
    protected Filter projectionFilter;
    /** The projection filters */
    protected ArrayList<Filter []> projectionFilters;
    /** Headers of the transformed dataset */
    protected ArrayList<Instances> headers;
    /** Headers of the reduced datasets */
    protected ArrayList<Instances []> reducedHeaders;
    /** Filter that remove useless attributes */
    protected RemoveUseless removeUseless = null;
    /** Filter that normalized the attributes */
    protected Normalize normalize = null;

    protected static double CHECKPOINTINTERVAL=2.0;    //Minimum interval between checkpoointing

    private boolean trainTimeContract = false;
    transient private long trainContractTimeNanos =0;
    double contractHours=0;    //Defaults to no contract
    //Added features
    double estSingleTree;
    int numTrees=0;
    int minNumTrees=50;
    int maxNumTrees=200;
    int maxNumAttributes;
    String checkpointPath=null;
    boolean checkpoint=false;
    TimingModel tm;
    double timeUsed;
    double alpha=0.2;//Learning rate for timing update

    double perForBag = 0.5;
    double[][][] distributions;
    double[] bagAccuracies;

   * Constructor.
  public ContractRotationForest() {
    baseClassifier = new weka.classifiers.trees.J48();
    projectionFilter = defaultFilter();
    tm=new TimingModel();

   * Default projection method.
  protected Filter defaultFilter() {
    PrincipalComponents filter = new PrincipalComponents();
    return filter;

   * Sets the minimum size of a group.
   * @param minGroup the minimum value.
   * of attributes.
  public void setMinGroup( int minGroup ) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if( minGroup <= 0 )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "MinGroup has to be positive." );
    this.minGroup = minGroup;

   * Gets the minimum size of a group.
   * @return 		the minimum value.
  public int getMinGroup() {
    return minGroup;

  public void setMaxNumTrees(int t) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if( t <= 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "maxNumTrees has to be positive." );
    public void setMinNumTrees(int t) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if( t <= 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minNumTrees has to be positive." );

   * Sets the maximum size of a group.
   * @param maxGroup the maximum value.
   * of attributes.
  public void setMaxGroup( int maxGroup ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if( maxGroup <= 0 )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "MaxGroup has to be positive." );
    this.maxGroup = maxGroup;

   * Gets the maximum size of a group.
   * @return 		the maximum value.
  public int getMaxGroup() {
    return maxGroup;


   * Sets the percentage of instance to be removed
   * @param removedPercentage the percentage.
  public void setRemovedPercentage( int removedPercentage ) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if( removedPercentage < 0 )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "RemovedPercentage has to be >=0." );
    if( removedPercentage >= 100 )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "RemovedPercentage has to be <100." );
    this.removedPercentage = removedPercentage;

   * Gets the percentage of instances to be removed
   * @return 		the percentage.
  public int getRemovedPercentage() {
    return removedPercentage;

   * Sets the filter used to project the data.
   * @param projectionFilter the filter.
  public void setProjectionFilter( Filter projectionFilter ) {

    this.projectionFilter = projectionFilter;

   * Gets the filter used to project the data.
   * @return 		the filter.
  public Filter getProjectionFilter() {
    return projectionFilter;

   * Gets the filter specification string, which contains the class name of
   * the filter and any options to the filter
   * @return the filter string.
  /* Taken from FilteredClassifier */
  protected String getProjectionFilterSpec() {
    Filter c = getProjectionFilter();
    if (c instanceof OptionHandler) {
      return c.getClass().getName() + " "
	+ Utils.joinOptions(((OptionHandler)c).getOptions());
    return c.getClass().getName();

  public String toString() {
      return "toString not implemented for ContractRotationForest";

   * builds the classifier.
   * @param data 	the training data to be used for generating the
   * 			classifier.
   * @throws Exception 	if the classifier could not be built successfully
    public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {
    // can classifier handle the data? These default capabilities
    // only allow real valued series and classification. To be adjusted
        long startTime=System.nanoTime(); 
        String relationName=data.relationName();
        data = new Instances( data );
        File file = new File(checkpointPath + "RotF" + seed + ".ser");
        //if checkpointing and serialised files exist load said files
        if (checkpoint && file.exists()){
        //path checkpoint files will be saved to
            printLineDebug("Loading from checkpoint file");
            loadFromFile(checkpointPath + "RotF" + seed + ".ser");
 //               checkpointTimeElapsed -= System.nanoTime()-t1;
            if (baseClassifier == null) {
                throw new Exception("A base classifier has not been specified!");
//            m_Classifiers = AbstractClassifier.makeCopies(m_Classifier, m_NumIterations);
        //Initialise everything to the max size, then do in batches. 
        //At the end we reduce back to numTrees
            groups=new ArrayList<>();
            // These arrays keep the information of the transformed data set
            headers =new ArrayList<>();
            //Store the PCA transforms
            projectionFilters =new ArrayList<>();
            reducedHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
            classifiers=new ArrayList<>();
            numTrees = 0;

        if (getEstimateOwnPerformance()) {
            this.setTrainTimeLimit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, (long) ((trainContractTimeNanos * (1.0 / perForBag))));
            numTrees = 0;

            groups=new ArrayList<>();
            // These arrays keep the information of the transformed data set
            headers =new ArrayList<>();
            //Store the PCA transforms
            projectionFilters =new ArrayList<>();
            reducedHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
            classifiers=new ArrayList<>();

        rand = new Random(seed);

//This is from the RotationForest: remove zero variance and normalise attributes. 
//Do this before loading from file, so we can perform checks of dataset?
        removeUseless = new RemoveUseless();
        data = Filter.useFilter(data, removeUseless);
        normalize = new Normalize();
        data = Filter.useFilter(data, normalize);

        int numClasses = data.numClasses();

        // Split the instances according to their class. 
        // Does not handle regression for clarity
        Instances [] instancesOfClass; 
        instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses]; 
        for( int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++ ) {
            instancesOfClass[ i ] = new Instances( data, 0 );
        for(Instance instance:data) {
            if( instance.classIsMissing() )
                continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                int c = (int)instance.classValue();
                instancesOfClass[c].add( instance );
        int n=data.numInstances();
        int m=data.numAttributes()-1;
        double treeTime;
//Re-estimate even if loading serialised, may be different hardware ....
        printLineDebug("n ="+n+" m = "+m+" estSingleTree = "+estSingleTree);
        printLineDebug("Contract time ="+trainContractTimeNanos/1000000000+" seconds ");
        int maxAtts=m;
//CASE 1: think we can build the minimum number of trees with full data.
        if(contractHours==0 || (estSingleTree*minNumTrees)<contractHours){
                System.out.println("Think we are able to build at least 50 trees");
            boolean buildFullTree=true;
            int size;
//Option to build in batches for smaller data, but not used at the moment            
            int batchSize=1;//setBatchSize(estSingleTree);    //Set larger for smaller data
//            if(debug)
//                System.out.println("Batch size = "+batchSize);
            long startBuild=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
            while((contractHours==0 || timeUsed<contractHours) && numTrees<maxNumTrees){
                long singleTreeStartTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
                for(int i=0;i<batchSize;i++)
            //Update time used
                long newTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
            //  Update single tree estimate                
           //Taking much longer than we thought!
                if(contractHours>0 && estSingleTree*minNumTrees>contractHours)
            //Checkpoint here   
                        System.out.println("Built tree number "+numTrees+" in "+timeUsed+" hours ");
                    //save the serialised version
                        File f=new File(checkpointPath);
                            System.out.println("HERE!!!  Saved to "+checkpointPath+relationName+"ContractRotationForest.ser");
                    catch(Exception e){
                        System.out.println("Serialisation to "+checkpointPath+"/"+relationName+"ContractRotationForest.ser  FAILED");
//CASE 2 and 3: dont think we can build min number of trees        
                System.out.println("Dont think we can build 50 trees in the time allowed ");
//estimate maximum number of attributes allowed, x, to get minNumberOfTrees.                
                long startBuild=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                while(timeUsed<contractHours && numTrees<minNumTrees){
                    int size=rand.nextInt(maxAtts/2)+maxAtts/2;
                        System.out.print("Max estimated attributes ="+maxAtts);
                        System.out.println("    using "+size+" attributes, building single tree at a time. Total time used ="+timeUsed);
                    long sTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
            //Update time used
                    long newTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
//                    (1-alpha)*estSingleTree+alpha*treeTime;
                        System.out.println(" actual time used ="+timeUsed+" new est single tree = "+estSingleTree);
                //Checkpoint here   
//Use up any time left here on randomised trees
                while(timeUsed<contractHours && numTrees<maxNumTrees){
                    int size=tm.estimateMaxAttributes(m, 1, estSingleTree,contractHours-timeUsed);
   //                 if(estSingleTree<timeUsed-contractHours || size>m)//Build a whole treee
   //                     size=m;
                        System.out.println("OVERTIME: using "+size+" attributes, building single tree at a time. Time used -"+timeUsed);
            //Update time used
                    long newTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                //Checkpoint here   
                        System.out.println("Built tree number "+numTrees+" in "+timeUsed+" hours ");
            else{ //n>m
//estimate maximum number of cases we can use                
                int maxCases=tm.estimateMaxCases(n,minNumTrees,estSingleTree,contractHours);
                    System.out.println("using max "+maxCases+" case, building single tree at a time");
                long startBuild=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                while(timeUsed<contractHours && numTrees<minNumTrees){
                    int size=rand.nextInt(maxCases/2)+maxCases/2;
            //Update time used
                    long newTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                //Checkpoint here   
//Use up any time left here on randomised trees
                while(timeUsed<contractHours && numTrees<maxNumTrees){
                    int size=tm.estimateMaxCases(n, 1, estSingleTree,contractHours-timeUsed);
            //Update time used
                    long newTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                //Checkpoint here   
                        System.out.println("Built tree number "+numTrees+" in "+timeUsed+" hours ");
        printLineDebug("Finished build");


    double updateTreeTime(double estSingleTree,double obsTreeTime,double alpha,int numAtts,int m){
        double t=(1-alpha)*estSingleTree;
            return estSingleTree;
        return t;

    private int[][] generateBags(int numBags, int bagProp, Instances data){
        int[][] bags = new int[numBags][data.size()];

        Random random = new Random(seed);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBags; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < data.size() * (bagProp/100.0); j++) {
        return bags;

    private void estimateOwnPerformance(Instances data) throws Exception {
        //int numTrees = 200;
        int bagProp = 100;
        int treeCount = 0;
        Classifier[] classifiers = new Classifier[maxNumTrees];
        int[] timesInTest = new int[data.size()];
        double[][][] distributions = new double[maxNumTrees][data.size()][(int) data.numClasses()];
        double[][] finalDistributions = new double[data.size()][(int) data.numClasses()];
        int[][] bags;
        ArrayList[] testIndexs = new ArrayList[maxNumTrees];
        double[] bagAccuracies = new double[maxNumTrees];

        this.trainContractTimeNanos = (long) ((double) trainContractTimeNanos * perForBag);

        //Grimness starts here.
        rand = new Random(seed);

//This is from the RotationForest: remove zero variance and normalise attributes.
//Do this before loading from file, so we can perform checks of dataset?
        removeUseless = new RemoveUseless();
        data = Filter.useFilter(data, removeUseless);
        normalize = new Normalize();
        data = Filter.useFilter(data, normalize);

        int numClasses = data.numClasses();
        bags = generateBags(maxNumTrees, bagProp, data);
        // Split the instances according to their class.
        // Does not handle regression for clarity
        /*Instances [] instancesOfClass;
        instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
        for( int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++ ) {
            instancesOfClass[ i ] = new Instances( data, 0 );
        for(Instance instance:data) {
            if( instance.classIsMissing() )
                continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                int c = (int)instance.classValue();
                instancesOfClass[c].add( instance );
        int n = data.numInstances();
        int m = data.numAttributes() - 1;
        double treeTime;
//Re-estimate even if loading serialised, may be different hardware ....
        estSingleTree = tm.estimateSingleTreeHours(n, m);
        printLineDebug("n =" + n + " m = " + m + " estSingleTree = " + estSingleTree);
        printLineDebug("Contract time =" + contractHours + " hours ");
        int maxAtts = m;
//CASE 1: think we can build the minimum number of trees with full data.
        if (contractHours == 0 || (estSingleTree * minNumTrees) < contractHours) {
            if (debug)
                System.out.println("Think we are able to build at least 50 trees");
            boolean buildFullTree = true;
            int size;
//Option to build in batches for smaller data, but not used at the moment
            int batchSize = 1;//setBatchSize(estSingleTree);    //Set larger for smaller data
//            if(debug)
//                System.out.println("Batch size = "+batchSize);
            long startBuild = System.currentTimeMillis();
            while ((contractHours == 0 || timeUsed < contractHours) && numTrees < maxNumTrees) {
                long singleTreeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                Instances trainHeader = new Instances(data, 0);
                Instances testHeader = new Instances(data, 0);

                ArrayList<Integer> indexs = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int j = 0; j < bags[numTrees].length; j++) {
                    if (bags[numTrees][j] == 0) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < bags[numTrees][j]; k++) {
                testIndexs[numTrees] = indexs;

                Instances[] instancesOfClass;
                instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
                for (int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++) {
                    instancesOfClass[i] = new Instances(trainHeader, 0);
                for (Instance instance : trainHeader) {
                    if (instance.classIsMissing())
                        continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                    else {
                        int c = (int) instance.classValue();

                if (buildFullTree)
                    size = trainHeader.size();
                else {
                    maxAtts = tm.estimateMaxAttributes(trainHeader.size(), minNumTrees - numTrees, estSingleTree, contractHours);
                    size = rand.nextInt(maxAtts / 2) + maxAtts / 2;

                if (batchSize + numTrees > maxNumTrees)
                    batchSize = maxNumTrees - numTrees;
                for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)
                    buildTreeAttSample(trainHeader, instancesOfClass, numTrees++, m);

                testing(testHeader, distributions, numTrees, bagAccuracies, indexs);
                //Update time used
                long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                timeUsed = (newTime - startBuild) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                treeTime = (newTime - singleTreeStartTime) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);

                //  Update single tree estimate
                estSingleTree = updateTreeTime(estSingleTree, treeTime, alpha, size, m);
                //Taking much longer than we thought!
                if (contractHours > 0 && estSingleTree * minNumTrees > contractHours)
                    buildFullTree = false;
                    buildFullTree = true;
                //Checkpoint here
                if (debug)
                    System.out.println("Built tree number " + numTrees + " in " + timeUsed + " hours ");
//CASE 2 and 3: dont think we can build min number of trees
        else {
            if (debug)
                System.out.println("Dont think we can build 50 trees in the time allowed ");
            if (m > n) {
//estimate maximum number of attributes allowed, x, to get minNumberOfTrees.
                maxAtts = m;
                long startBuild = System.currentTimeMillis();
                while (timeUsed < contractHours && numTrees < minNumTrees) {

                    Instances trainHeader = new Instances(data, 0);
                    Instances testHeader = new Instances(data, 0);

                    ArrayList<Integer> indexs = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < bags[numTrees].length; j++) {
                        if (bags[numTrees][j] == 0) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < bags[numTrees][j]; k++) {
                    testIndexs[numTrees] = indexs;

                    Instances[] instancesOfClass;
                    instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
                    for (int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++) {
                        instancesOfClass[i] = new Instances(trainHeader, 0);
                    for (Instance instance : trainHeader) {
                        if (instance.classIsMissing())
                            continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                        else {
                            int c = (int) instance.classValue();

                    maxAtts = tm.estimateMaxAttributes(trainHeader.size(), minNumTrees - numTrees, estSingleTree, contractHours);
                    int size = rand.nextInt(maxAtts / 2) + maxAtts / 2;
                    if (debug) {
                        System.out.print("Max estimated attributes =" + maxAtts);
                        System.out.println("    using " + size + " attributes, building single tree at a time. Total time used =" + timeUsed);
                    long sTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    buildTreeAttSample(trainHeader, instancesOfClass, numTrees++, size);
                    testing(testHeader, distributions, numTrees, bagAccuracies, indexs);
                    //Update time used
                    long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    timeUsed = (newTime - startBuild) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                    treeTime = (newTime - sTime) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                    estSingleTree = updateTreeTime(estSingleTree, treeTime, alpha, size, m);
//                    (1-alpha)*estSingleTree+alpha*treeTime;
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println(" actual time used =" + timeUsed + " new est single tree = " + estSingleTree);

                    //Checkpoint here
//Use up any time left here on randomised trees
                while (timeUsed < contractHours && numTrees < maxNumTrees) {

                    Instances trainHeader = new Instances(data, 0);
                    Instances testHeader = new Instances(data, 0);

                    ArrayList<Integer> indexs = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < bags[numTrees].length; j++) {
                        if (bags[numTrees][j] == 0) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < bags[numTrees][j]; k++) {
                    testIndexs[numTrees] = indexs;

                    Instances[] instancesOfClass;
                    instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
                    for (int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++) {
                        instancesOfClass[i] = new Instances(trainHeader, 0);
                    for (Instance instance : trainHeader) {
                        if (instance.classIsMissing())
                            continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                        else {
                            int c = (int) instance.classValue();

                    int size = tm.estimateMaxAttributes(trainHeader.size(), 1, estSingleTree, contractHours - timeUsed);
                    //                 if(estSingleTree<timeUsed-contractHours || size>m)//Build a whole treee
                    //                     size=m;
                    maxAtts *= 2;
                    if (maxAtts > size)
                        maxAtts = size;
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("OVERTIME: using " + size + " attributes, building single tree at a time. Time used -" + timeUsed);
                    buildTreeAttSample(trainHeader, instancesOfClass, numTrees++, maxAtts);
                    testing(testHeader, distributions, numTrees, bagAccuracies, indexs);
                    //Update time used
                    long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    timeUsed = (newTime - startBuild) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                    //Checkpoint here
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("Built tree number " + numTrees + " in " + timeUsed + " hours ");

            } else { //n>m
//estimate maximum number of cases we can use
                int maxCases = tm.estimateMaxCases(n, minNumTrees, estSingleTree, contractHours);
                if (debug)
                    System.out.println("using max " + maxCases + " case, building single tree at a time");
                long startBuild = System.currentTimeMillis();
                while (timeUsed < contractHours && numTrees < minNumTrees) {

                    Instances trainHeader = new Instances(data, 0);
                    Instances testHeader = new Instances(data, 0);

                    ArrayList<Integer> indexs = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < bags[numTrees].length; j++) {
                        if (bags[numTrees][j] == 0) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < bags[numTrees][j]; k++) {
                    testIndexs[numTrees] = indexs;

                    Instances[] instancesOfClass;
                    instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
                    for (int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++) {
                        instancesOfClass[i] = new Instances(trainHeader, 0);
                    for (Instance instance : trainHeader) {
                        if (instance.classIsMissing())
                            continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                        else {
                            int c = (int) instance.classValue();

                    int size = rand.nextInt(maxCases / 2) + maxCases / 2;
                    buildTreeCaseSample(trainHeader, instancesOfClass, numTrees++, size);
                    testing(testHeader, distributions, numTrees, bagAccuracies, indexs);
                    //Update time used
                    long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    timeUsed = (newTime - startBuild) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                    //Checkpoint here
//Use up any time left here on randomised trees
                while (timeUsed < contractHours && numTrees < maxNumTrees) {

                    Instances trainHeader = new Instances(data, 0);
                    Instances testHeader = new Instances(data, 0);

                    ArrayList<Integer> indexs = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < bags[numTrees].length; j++) {
                        if (bags[numTrees][j] == 0) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < bags[numTrees][j]; k++) {
                    testIndexs[numTrees] = indexs;

                    Instances[] instancesOfClass;
                    instancesOfClass = new Instances[numClasses];
                    for (int i = 0; i < instancesOfClass.length; i++) {
                        instancesOfClass[i] = new Instances(trainHeader, 0);
                    for (Instance instance : trainHeader) {
                        if (instance.classIsMissing())
                            continue; //Ignore instances with missing class value
                        else {
                            int c = (int) instance.classValue();

                    int size = tm.estimateMaxCases(n, 1, estSingleTree, contractHours - timeUsed);
                    buildTreeCaseSample(trainHeader, instancesOfClass, numTrees++, size);
                    testing(testHeader, distributions, numTrees, bagAccuracies, indexs);
                    //Update time used
                    long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    timeUsed = (newTime - startBuild) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
                    //Checkpoint here
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("Built tree number " + numTrees + " in " + timeUsed + " hours ");


        for (int i = 0; i < bags.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < bags[i].length; j++) {
                if (bags[i][j] == 0) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < finalDistributions[j].length; k++) {
                        finalDistributions[j][k] += distributions[i][j][k];

        for (int i = 0; i < finalDistributions.length; i++) {
            if (timesInTest[i] > 1) {
                for (int j = 0; j < finalDistributions[i].length; j++) {
                    finalDistributions[i][j] /= timesInTest[i];

        //Add to trainResults.
        double acc = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < finalDistributions.length; i++) {
            double predClass = 0;
            double predProb = 0.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < finalDistributions[i].length; j++) {
                if (finalDistributions[i][j] > predProb) {
                    predProb = finalDistributions[i][j];
                    predClass = j;
            trainResults.addPrediction(data.get(i).classValue(), finalDistributions[i], predClass, 0, "");
            if (predClass == data.get(i).classValue()) {
            trainResults.setAcc(acc / data.size());

    private void testing (Instances testHeader, double[][][] distributions, int treeCount, double[] bagAccuracies, ArrayList<Integer> indexs) throws Exception {
        treeCount -= 1;
        for (int j = 0; j < testHeader.size(); j++) {
            Instance test = convertInstance(testHeader.get(j), treeCount);
            try {
                distributions[treeCount][indexs.get(j)] = classifiers.get(treeCount).distributionForInstance(test);
                if (classifiers.get(treeCount).classifyInstance(test) == testHeader.get(j).classValue()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        bagAccuracies[treeCount] /= testHeader.size();
/** Build a rotation forest tree on a random subsample of the attributes
 * @param data
 * @param instancesOfClass
 * @param i
 * @param numAtts
 * @throws Exception 
 public void buildTreeAttSample(Instances data, Instances [] instancesOfClass,int i, int numAtts) throws Exception{
        int[][] g=generateGroupFromSize(data, rand,numAtts);
        Filter[] projection=Filter.makeCopies(projectionFilter, g.length );
        Instances[] reducedHeaders = new Instances[ g.length ];

        ArrayList<Attribute> transformedAttributes = new ArrayList<>( data.numAttributes() );
        // Construction of the dataset for each group of attributes
        for( int j = 0; j < g.length; j++ ) {
            ArrayList<Attribute> fv = new ArrayList<>( g[j].length + 1 );
            for( int k = 0; k < g[j].length; k++ ) {
              String newName = data.attribute( g[j][k] ).name()
                + "_" + k;
              fv.add(data.attribute( g[j][k] ).copy(newName) );
            fv.add( (Attribute)data.classAttribute( ).copy() );
            Instances dataSubSet = new Instances( "rotated-" + i + "-" + j + "-", 
                fv, 0);
            dataSubSet.setClassIndex( dataSubSet.numAttributes() - 1 );
            // Select instances for the dataset
            reducedHeaders[j] = new Instances( dataSubSet, 0 );
            boolean [] selectedClasses = selectClasses( instancesOfClass.length, 
                  rand );
            for( int c = 0; c < selectedClasses.length; c++ ) {
                if( !selectedClasses[c] )
                for(Instance instance:instancesOfClass[c]) {
                    Instance newInstance = new DenseInstance(dataSubSet.numAttributes());
                    newInstance.setDataset( dataSubSet );
                    for( int k = 0; k < g[j].length; k++ ) {
                      newInstance.setValue( k, instance.value( g[j][k] ) );
                    newInstance.setClassValue( instance.classValue( ) );
                    dataSubSet.add( newInstance );
            // Remove a percentage of the instances
            Instances originalDataSubSet = dataSubSet;
            RemovePercentage rp = new RemovePercentage();
            rp.setPercentage(removedPercentage );
            rp.setInputFormat( dataSubSet );
            dataSubSet = Filter.useFilter( dataSubSet, rp );
            if( dataSubSet.numInstances() < 2 ) {
                dataSubSet = originalDataSubSet;
        // Project the data
            projection[j].setInputFormat( dataSubSet );
            Instances projectedData = null;
            do {
                try {
                    projectedData = Filter.useFilter( dataSubSet, 
                    projection[j] );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                // The data could not be projected, we add some random instances
                    addRandomInstances( dataSubSet, 10, rand );
            } while( projectedData == null );

            // Include the projected attributes in the attributes of the 
            // transformed dataset
            for( int a = 0; a < projectedData.numAttributes() - 1; a++ ) {
                String newName = projectedData.attribute(a).name() + "_" + j;
                transformedAttributes.add( projectedData.attribute(a).copy(newName));
        transformedAttributes.add((Attribute)data.classAttribute().copy() );
        Instances buildClas = new Instances( "rotated-" + i + "-", 
            transformedAttributes, 0 );
        buildClas.setClassIndex( buildClas.numAttributes() - 1 );
        headers.add(new Instances( buildClas, 0 ));

      // Project all the training data
        for(Instance instance:data) {
            Instance newInstance = convertInstance( instance, i );
            buildClas.add( newInstance );
        Classifier c= AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(baseClassifier);
        // Build the base classifier
        if (c instanceof Randomizable) {
            ((Randomizable) c).setSeed(rand.nextInt());
        c.buildClassifier( buildClas );
/** Build a rotation forest tree on a random subsample of the instances
 * @param data
 * @param instancesOfClass
 * @param i
 * @param numCases
 * @throws Exception 
  public void buildTreeCaseSample(Instances data, Instances [] instancesOfClass,int i, int numCases) throws Exception{
        int[][] g=generateGroupFromSize(data, rand,data.numAttributes()-1);
        Filter[] projection=Filter.makeCopies(projectionFilter, g.length );
        Instances[] reducedHeaders = new Instances[ g.length ];
        data=new Instances(data);
        int m=data.numInstances();
        for(int k=0;k<m-numCases;k++)
        ArrayList<Attribute> transformedAttributes = new ArrayList<>( data.numAttributes() );
        // Construction of the dataset for each group of attributes
        for( int j = 0; j < g.length; j++ ) {
            ArrayList<Attribute>  fv = new ArrayList<>( g[j].length + 1 );
            for( int k = 0; k < g[j].length; k++ ) {
              String newName = data.attribute( g[j][k] ).name()
                + "_" + k;
              fv.add( data.attribute( g[j][k] ).copy(newName) );
            fv.add((Attribute)data.classAttribute( ).copy() );
            Instances dataSubSet = new Instances( "rotated-" + i + "-" + j + "-", 
                fv, 0);
            dataSubSet.setClassIndex( dataSubSet.numAttributes() - 1 );
            // Select instances for the dataset
            reducedHeaders[j] = new Instances( dataSubSet, 0 );
            boolean [] selectedClasses = selectClasses( instancesOfClass.length, 
                  rand );
            for( int c = 0; c < selectedClasses.length; c++ ) {
                if( !selectedClasses[c] )
                for(Instance instance:instancesOfClass[c]) {
                    Instance newInstance = new DenseInstance(dataSubSet.numAttributes());
                    newInstance.setDataset( dataSubSet );
                    for( int k = 0; k < g[j].length; k++ ) {
                      newInstance.setValue( k, instance.value( g[j][k] ) );
                    newInstance.setClassValue( instance.classValue( ) );
                    dataSubSet.add( newInstance );
            // Remove a percentage of the instances
            Instances originalDataSubSet = dataSubSet;
            RemovePercentage rp = new RemovePercentage();
            rp.setPercentage(removedPercentage );
            rp.setInputFormat( dataSubSet );
            dataSubSet = Filter.useFilter( dataSubSet, rp );
            if( dataSubSet.numInstances() < 2 ) {
                dataSubSet = originalDataSubSet;
        // Project the data
            projection[j].setInputFormat( dataSubSet );
            Instances projectedData = null;
            do {
                try {
                    projectedData = Filter.useFilter( dataSubSet, 
                    projection[j] );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                // The data could not be projected, we add some random instances
                    addRandomInstances( dataSubSet, 10, rand );
            } while( projectedData == null );

            // Include the projected attributes in the attributes of the 
            // transformed dataset
            for( int a = 0; a < projectedData.numAttributes() - 1; a++ ) {
                String newName = projectedData.attribute(a).name() + "_" + j;
                transformedAttributes.add( projectedData.attribute(a).copy(newName));
        transformedAttributes.add((Attribute)data.classAttribute().copy() );
        Instances buildClas = new Instances( "rotated-" + i + "-", 
            transformedAttributes, 0 );
        buildClas.setClassIndex( buildClas.numAttributes() - 1 );
        headers.add(new Instances( buildClas, 0 ));

      // Project all the training data
        for(Instance instance:data) {
            Instance newInstance = convertInstance( instance, i );
            buildClas.add( newInstance );
        Classifier c= AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(baseClassifier);
        // Build the base classifier
        if (c instanceof Randomizable) {
            ((Randomizable) c).setSeed(rand.nextInt());
        c.buildClassifier( buildClas );
 private int setBatchSize(double singleTreeHours){
        if(singleTreeHours> CHECKPOINTINTERVAL)
            return 1;
        int hrs=(int)(CHECKPOINTINTERVAL/singleTreeHours);
        return hrs;

   * Adds random instances to the dataset.
   * @param dataset the dataset
   * @param numInstances the number of instances
   * @param random a random number generator
  protected void addRandomInstances( Instances dataset, int numInstances, 
                                  Random random ) {
    int n = dataset.numAttributes();				
    double [] v = new double[ n ];
    for( int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++ ) {
      for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
        Attribute att = dataset.attribute( j );
        if( att.isNumeric() ) {
	  v[ j ] = random.nextDouble();
	else if ( att.isNominal() ) { 
	  v[ j ] = random.nextInt( att.numValues() );
      dataset.add( new DenseInstance( 1, v ) );

   * Checks minGroup and maxGroup
   * @param data the dataset
  protected void checkMinMax(Instances data) {
    if( minGroup > maxGroup ) {
      int tmp = maxGroup;
      maxGroup = minGroup;
      minGroup = tmp;
    int n = data.numAttributes();
    if( maxGroup >= n )
      maxGroup = n - 1;
    if( minGroup >= n )
      minGroup = n - 1;

   * Selects a non-empty subset of the classes
   * @param numClasses         the number of classes
   * @param random 	       the random number generator.
   * @return a random subset of classes
  protected boolean [] selectClasses( int numClasses, Random random ) {

    int numSelected = 0;
    boolean selected[] = new boolean[ numClasses ];

    for( int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++ ) {
      if(random.nextBoolean()) {
        selected[i] = true;
    if( numSelected == 0 ) {
      selected[random.nextInt( selected.length )] = true;
    return selected;

   * generates the groups of attributes, given their minimum and maximum
   * sizes.
   * @param data 	the training data to be used for generating the
   * 			groups.
   * @param random 	the random number generator.
  protected int[][] generateGroupFromSize(Instances data, Random random, int maxAtts) {
    int[][] groups;
    int [] permutation = attributesPermutation(data.numAttributes(), 
                           data.classIndex(), random, maxAtts);

      // The number of groups that have a given size 
      int [] numGroupsOfSize = new int[maxGroup - minGroup + 1];

      int numAttributes = 0;
      int numGroups;

      // Select the size of each group
      for( numGroups = 0; numAttributes < permutation.length; numGroups++ ) {
        int n = random.nextInt( numGroupsOfSize.length );
        numAttributes += minGroup + n;

      groups = new int[numGroups][];
      int currentAttribute = 0;
      int currentSize = 0;
      for( int j = 0; j < numGroups; j++ ) {
        while( numGroupsOfSize[ currentSize ] == 0 )
        numGroupsOfSize[ currentSize ]--;
        int n = minGroup + currentSize;
        groups[j] = new int[n];
        for( int k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
          if( currentAttribute < permutation.length )
            groups[j][k] = permutation[ currentAttribute ];
	    // For the last group, it can be necessary to reuse some attributes
            groups[j][k] = permutation[ random.nextInt( 
	        permutation.length ) ];
      return groups;

     final protected int [] attributesPermutation(int numAttributes, int classAttribute,
                                         Random random, int maxNumAttributes) {
        int [] permutation = new int[numAttributes-1];
        int i = 0;
        //This just ignores the class attribute
        for(; i < classAttribute; i++){
          permutation[i] = i;
        for(; i < permutation.length; i++){
          permutation[i] = i + 1;

        permute( permutation, random );
        // we could do this more efficiently, but this is the simplest way. 
            int[] temp = new int[maxNumAttributes];
           System.arraycopy(permutation, 0, temp, 0, maxNumAttributes);
    return permutation;

   * permutes the elements of a given array.
   * @param v       the array to permute
   * @param random  the random number generator.
  protected void permute( int v[], Random random ) {

    for(int i = v.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
      int j = random.nextInt( i + 1 );
      if( i != j ) {
        int tmp = v[i];
        v[i] = v[j];
        v[j] = tmp;

   * prints the groups.
  protected void printGroups( ) {
    for( int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++ ) {
      for( int j = 0; j < groups.get(i).length; j++ ) {
        System.err.print( "( " );
        for( int k = 0; k < groups.get(i)[j].length; k++ ) {
          System.err.print(groups.get(i)[j][k] );
          System.err.print( " " );
        System.err.print( ") " );
      System.err.println( );

   * Transforms an instance for the i-th classifier.
   * @param instance the instance to be transformed
   * @param i the base classifier number
   * @return the transformed instance
   * @throws Exception if the instance can't be converted successfully 
  protected Instance convertInstance( Instance instance, int i ) 
  throws Exception {
    Instance newInstance = new DenseInstance( headers.get(i).numAttributes( ) );
    int currentAttribute = 0;

    // Project the data for each group
    int[][] g=groups.get(i);
    for( int j = 0; j < g.length; j++ ) {
      Instance auxInstance = new DenseInstance(g[j].length + 1 );
      int k;
      for( k = 0; k < g[j].length; k++ ) {
        auxInstance.setValue( k, instance.value( g[j][k] ) );
      auxInstance.setValue( k, instance.classValue( ) );
      auxInstance.setDataset(reducedHeaders.get(i)[ j ] );
      Filter[] projection=projectionFilters.get(i);
      projection[j].input( auxInstance );
      auxInstance = projection[j].output( );
      for( int a = 0; a < auxInstance.numAttributes() - 1; a++ ) {
        newInstance.setValue( currentAttribute++, auxInstance.value( a ) );

    newInstance.setClassValue( instance.classValue() );
    return newInstance;

   * Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test
   * instance.
   * @param instance the instance to be classified
   * @return preedicted class probability distribution
   * @throws Exception if distribution can't be computed successfully 
  public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception {

    instance =removeUseless.output();

    instance =normalize.output();

    double [] sums = new double [instance.numClasses()], newProbs; 
    for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.size(); i++) {
      Instance convertedInstance = convertInstance(instance, i);
      if (instance.classAttribute().isNumeric() == true) {
	sums[0] += classifiers.get(i).classifyInstance(convertedInstance);
      } else {
	newProbs = classifiers.get(i).distributionForInstance(convertedInstance);
	for (int j = 0; j < newProbs.length; j++)
	  sums[j] += newProbs[j];
    if (instance.classAttribute().isNumeric() == true) {
      sums[0] /= (double)classifiers.size();
      return sums;
    } else if (Utils.eq(Utils.sum(sums), 0)) {
      return sums;
    } else {
      return sums;

    public String getParameters() {
        String result="BuildTime,"+trainResults.getBuildTime()+",RemovePercent,"+this.getRemovedPercentage()+",NumFeatures,"+this.getMaxGroup();
        return result;

    @Override //Checkpointable
    public boolean setCheckpointPath(String path) {
        boolean validPath=Checkpointable.super.createDirectories(path);
            checkpointPath = path;
            checkpoint = true;
        return validPath;

    public void copyFromSerObject(Object obj) throws Exception {
        if(!(obj instanceof ContractRotationForest))
            throw new Exception("The SER file is not an instance of ContractRotationForest"); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
        ContractRotationForest saved= ((ContractRotationForest)obj);

//Copy RotationForest attributes
        minGroup = saved.minGroup;
        maxGroup = saved.maxGroup;
        removedPercentage = saved.removedPercentage;
        groups = saved.groups;
        projectionFilter = saved.projectionFilter;
        projectionFilters = saved.projectionFilters;
        headers = saved.headers;
        reducedHeaders = saved.reducedHeaders;
        removeUseless = saved.removeUseless;
        normalize = saved.normalize;

//Copy ContractRotationForest attributes. Not su

     * abstract method from TrainTimeContractable interface
     * @param amount
    public void setTrainTimeLimit(long amount) {
        printLineDebug(" TSF setting contract to "+amount);

        if(amount>0) {
            trainContractTimeNanos = amount;
            trainTimeContract = true;
            trainTimeContract = false;
   * Main method for testing this class.
   * @param argv the options
  public static void main(String [] argv) throws Exception {
      ContractRotationForest cf =new ContractRotationForest();
      Class cls=cf.getClass();
      System.out.println("Class canonical name ="+cls.getCanonicalName()+" class simple name "+cls.getSimpleName()+" class full name ="+cls.getName());
      String path="C:/temp/ItalyPowerDemandContractRotationForest.ser";
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path);
        ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
        Object crf =in.readObject();
        TimingModel tm=cf.new TimingModel();

    private class TimingModel implements Serializable{
        double b0,b1,b2,b3,b4;
        double predictionInterval=3.67;
        double baseNumberOfTrees=200;
//Time taken to do a standard operation on the model build computer        
        static final double BASEFACTOR=1;
        double normalisingFactor;
        public TimingModel(){
//Default model an+bm+cmn    

            b1=0.000132076; //n
        double estimateSingleTreeHours(int n, int m){
//Estimate time    
            double t=b0+b1*n+b2*m+b3*n*m+predictionInterval;
//Normalise for this computer
            return t; //This is a fraction of an hour! so .1 ==6 minutes
        final double  normalise(){
            return 1.0;
//estimate of the number of possible attributes to build numTrees given a contract time         
        int estimateMaxAttributes(int m, int numTrees, double singleTreeTime, double contractTime){
            double estM=(m*contractTime)/(numTrees*singleTreeTime);
            else if(estM>m)
            return (int)(estM);
        int estimateMaxCases(int n, int numTrees, double singleTreeTime, double contractTime){
            double estN=(n*contractTime)/(numTrees*singleTreeTime);
            else if(estN>n)
            return (int)(estN);
