package com.github.twitch4j.helix;

import com.github.twitch4j.helix.domain.*;
import com.github.twitch4j.helix.webhooks.domain.WebhookRequest;
import feign.*;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

 * Twitch - Helix API
public interface TwitchHelix {

     * Gets a URL that extension developers can use to download analytics reports (CSV files) for their extensions. The URL is valid for 5 minutes.
     * <p>
     * For detail about analytics and the fields returned, see the Insights and Analytics guide.
     * @param authToken   Auth Token
     * @param after       Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit       Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param extensionId Client ID value assigned to the extension when it is created. If this is specified, the returned URL points to an analytics report for just the specified extension.
     * @param type        Type of analytics report that is returned. If this is specified, the response includes one URL, for the specified report type. If this is not specified, the response includes multiple URLs (paginated), one for each report type available for the authenticated user’s Extensions. Limit: 1. Valid values: "overview_v1", "overview_v2".
     * @param startedAt   Starting date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
     * @param endedAt     Ending date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
     * @return ExtensionAnalyticsList
    @RequestLine("GET /analytics/extensions?after={after}&ended_at={ended_at}&first={first}&extension_id={extension_id}&started_at={started_at}&type={type}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ExtensionAnalyticsList> getExtensionAnalyticUrl(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("extension_id") String extensionId,
        @Param("type") String type,
        @Param("started_at") String startedAt,
        @Param("ended_at") String endedAt

     * Gets a URL that game developers can use to download analytics reports (CSV files) for their games. The URL is valid for 5 minutes.
     * <p>
     * For detail about analytics and the fields returned, see the Insights and Analytics guide.
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param after     Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit     Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param gameId    Game ID. If this is specified, the returned URL points to an analytics report for just the specified game.
     * @param type      Type of analytics report that is returned. If this is specified, the response includes one URL, for the specified report type. If this is not specified, the response includes multiple URLs (paginated), one for each report type available for the authenticated user’s Extensions. Limit: 1. Valid values: "overview_v1", "overview_v2".
     * @param startedAt Starting date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
     * @param endedAt   Ending date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
     * @return GameAnalyticsList
    @RequestLine("GET /analytics/games?after={after}&ended_at={ended_at}&first={first}&game_id={game_id}&started_at={started_at}&type={type}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<GameAnalyticsList> getGameAnalyticUrl(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("game_id") String gameId,
        @Param("type") String type,
        @Param("started_at") String startedAt,
        @Param("ended_at") String endedAt

     * Retrieves the list of available Cheermotes, animated emotes to which viewers can assign Bits, to cheer in chat
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterId ID for the broadcaster who might own specialized Cheermotes (optional)
     * @return CheermoteList
    @RequestLine("GET /bits/cheermotes?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<CheermoteList> getCheermotes(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId

     * Gets a ranked list of Bits leaderboard information for an authorized broadcaster.
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param count     Number of results to be returned. Maximum: 100. Default: 10.
     * @param period    Time period over which data is aggregated (PST time zone). This parameter interacts with started_at. Valid values are given below. Default: "all".
     * @param startedAt Timestamp for the period over which the returned data is aggregated. Must be in RFC 3339 format. If this is not provided, data is aggregated over the current period; e.g., the current day/week/month/year. This value is ignored if period is "all".
     * @param userId    ID of the user whose results are returned; i.e., the person who paid for the Bits.
     * @return StreamList
    @RequestLine("GET /bits/leaderboard?count={count}&period={period}&started_at={started_at}&user_id={user_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<BitsLeaderboard> getBitsLeaderboard(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("count") String count,
        @Param("period") String period,
        @Param("started_at") String startedAt,
        @Param("user_id") String userId

     * Get Extension Transactions allows extension back end servers to fetch a list of transactions that have occurred for their extension across all of Twitch.
     * @param authToken App Access  OAuth Token
     * @param extensionId ID of the extension to list transactions for.
     * @param transactionIds Transaction IDs to look up. Can include multiple to fetch multiple transactions in a single request. Maximum: 100
     * @param after The cursor used to fetch the next page of data. This only applies to queries without ID. If an ID is specified, it supersedes the cursor.
     * @param limit Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100 Default: 20
     * @return ExtensionTransactionList
    @RequestLine("GET /extensions/transactions?after={after}&extension_id={extension_id}&first={first}&id={id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ExtensionTransactionList> getExtensionTransactions(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("extension_id") String extensionId,
        @Param("id") List<String> transactionIds,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("first") Integer limit

     * Returns a list of games or categories that match the query via name either entirely or partially
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param query the search query
     * @param limit Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param after Cursor for forward pagination
     * @return CategorySearchList
    @RequestLine("GET /search/categories?after={after}&first={first}&query={query}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<CategorySearchList> searchCategories(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("query") String query,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("after") String after

     * Gets channel information for users
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterIds IDs of the channels to be retrieved
     * @return ChannelInformationList
    @RequestLine("GET /channels?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ChannelInformationList> getChannelInformation(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") List<String> broadcasterIds

     * Modifies channel information for users
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: user:edit:broadcast)
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the channel to be updated (required)
     * @param channelInformation {@link ChannelInformation} (at least one parameter must be provided)
     * @return 204 No Content upon a successful update
    @RequestLine("PATCH /channels?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    HystrixCommand<Void> updateChannelInformation(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        ChannelInformation channelInformation

     * Returns a list of channels (those that have streamed within the past 6 months) that match the query either entirely or partially
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param query the search query
     * @param limit Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param after Cursor for forward pagination
     * @param liveOnly Filter results for live streams only. Default: false
     * @return ChannelSearchList
    @RequestLine("GET /search/channels?after={after}&first={first}&live_only={live_only}&query={query}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ChannelSearchList> searchChannels(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("query") String query,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("live_only") Boolean liveOnly

     * Starts a commercial on a specified channel
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: channel:edit:commercial)
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the channel requesting a commercial
     * @param length Desired length of the commercial in seconds. Valid options are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180.
     * @return CommercialList
    @RequestLine("POST /channels/commercial")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    HystrixCommand<CommercialList> startCommercial(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("length") Integer length

     * Creates a clip programmatically. This returns both an ID and an edit URL for the new clip.
     * @param authToken     Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the stream from which the clip will be made.
     * @param hasDelay      If false, the clip is captured from the live stream when the API is called; otherwise, a delay is added before the clip is captured (to account for the brief delay between the broadcaster’s stream and the viewer’s experience of that stream). Default: false.
     * @return CreateClip
    @RequestLine("POST /clips?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&has_delay={has_delay}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<CreateClipList> createClip(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("has_delay") Boolean hasDelay

     * Gets clip information by clip ID (one or more), broadcaster ID (one only), or game ID (one only).
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the broadcaster for whom clips are returned. The number of clips returned is determined by the first query-string parameter (default: 20). Results are ordered by view count.
     * @param gameId        ID of the game for which clips are returned. The number of clips returned is determined by the first query-string parameter (default: 20). Results are ordered by view count.
     * @param id            ID of the clip being queried. Limit: 100.
     * @param after         Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param before        Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit         Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param startedAt     Starting date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format. (Note that the seconds value is ignored.)
     * @param endedAt       Ending date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format. (Note that the seconds value is ignored.)
     * @return ClipList Clip List
    @RequestLine("GET /clips?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&game_id={game_id}&id={id}&after={after}&before={before}&first={first}&started_at={started_at}&ended_at={ended_at}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ClipList> getClips(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("game_id") String gameId,
        @Param("id") String id,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("started_at") Date startedAt,
        @Param("ended_at") Date endedAt

     * Creates a URL where you can upload a manifest file and notify users that they have an entitlement
     * @param authToken App access token
     * @param manifestId Unique identifier of the manifest file to be uploaded. Must be 1-64 characters.
     * @param type Type of entitlement being granted. Only "bulk_drops_grant" is supported.
     * @return UploadEntitlementUrlList
    @RequestLine("POST /entitlements/upload?manifest_id={manifest_id}&type={type}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<UploadEntitlementUrlList> createEntitlementUploadUrl(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("manifest_id") String manifestId,
        @Param("type") String type

     * Gets game information by game ID or name.
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param id Game ID. At most 100 id values can be specified.
     * @param name Game name. The name must be an exact match. For instance, “Pokemon� will not return a list of Pokemon games; instead, query the specific Pokemon game(s) in which you are interested. At most 100 name values can be specified.
     * @return GameList
    @RequestLine("GET /games?id={id}&name={name}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<GameList> getGames(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("id") List<String> id,
        @Param("name") List<String> name

     * Gets the information of the most recent Hype Train of the given channel ID.
     * After 5 days, if no Hype Train has been active, the endpoint will return an empty response
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: channel:read:hype_train)
     * @param broadcasterId User ID of the broadcaster (required)
     * @param limit Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 1. (optional)
     * @param id The id of the wanted event, if known. (optional)
     * @param cursor Cursor for forward pagination (optional)
     * @return HypeTrainEventList
    @RequestLine("GET /hypetrain/events?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&first={first}&id={id}&cursor={cursor}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<HypeTrainEventList> getHypeTrainEvents(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("id") String id,
        @Param("cursor") String cursor

     * Returns all moderators in a channel.
     * @param authToken User Token for the broadcaster
     * @param broadcasterId Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
     * @param userIds Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
     * @param after Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @return ModeratorList
    @RequestLine(value = "GET /moderation/moderators?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&user_id={user_id}&after={after}", collectionFormat = CollectionFormat.CSV)
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ModeratorList> getModerators(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("user_id") List<String> userIds,
        @Param("after") String after

     * Returns a list of moderators or users added and removed as moderators from a channel.
     * @param authToken User Token for the broadcaster
     * @param broadcasterId Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
     * @param userIds Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
     * @param after Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @return ModeratorList
    @RequestLine(value = "GET /moderation/moderators/events?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&user_id={user_id}&after={after}", collectionFormat = CollectionFormat.CSV)
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ModeratorEventList> getModeratorEvents(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("user_id") List<String> userIds,
        @Param("after") String after

     * Gets games sorted by number of current viewers on Twitch, most popular first.
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param after Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param before Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param first Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @return GameList
    @RequestLine("GET /games/top?after={after}&before={before}&first={first}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<GameTopList> getTopGames(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") String first

     * Gets information about active streams. Streams are returned sorted by number of current viewers, in descending order. Across multiple pages of results, there may be duplicate or missing streams, as viewers join and leave streams.
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param after       Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param before      Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param limit       Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param communityId Returns streams in a specified community ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param gameIds     Returns streams broadcasting a specified game ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param language    Stream language. You can specify up to 100 languages.
     * @param userIds     Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param userLogins  Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user login names. You can specify up to 100 names.
     * @return StreamList
    @RequestLine("GET /streams?after={after}&before={before}&community_id={community_id}&first={first}&game_id={game_id}&language={language}&user_id={user_id}&user_login={user_login}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamList> getStreams(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("community_id") List<UUID> communityId,
        @Param("game_id") List<String> gameIds,
        @Param("language") String language,
        @Param("user_id") List<String> userIds,
        @Param("user_login") List<String> userLogins

     * Gets the channel stream key for a user
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: channel:read:stream_key)
     * @param broadcasterId User ID of the broadcaster
     * @return StreamKeyList
    @RequestLine("GET /streams/key?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamKeyList> getStreamKey(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId

     * Gets metadata information about active streams playing Overwatch or Hearthstone. Streams are sorted by number of current viewers, in descending order. Across multiple pages of results, there may be duplicate or missing streams, as viewers join and leave streams.
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken   User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param after       Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param before      Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param limit       Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param communityId Returns streams in a specified community ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param gameIds     Returns streams broadcasting a specified game ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param language    Stream language. You can specify up to 100 languages.
     * @param userIds     Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
     * @param userLogins  Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user login names. You can specify up to 100 names.
     * @return StreamMetadataList
     * @deprecated <a href="">Expected to break on/after July 20, 2020</a>
    @RequestLine("GET /streams/metadata?after={after}&before={before}&community_id={community_id}&first={first}&game_id={game_id}&language={language}&user_id={user_id}&user_login={user_login}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamMetadataList> getStreamsMetadata(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("community_id") List<UUID> communityId,
        @Param("game_id") List<String> gameIds,
        @Param("language") String language,
        @Param("user_id") List<String> userIds,
        @Param("user_login") List<String> userLogins

     * Gets available Twitch stream tags.
     * @param authToken User Token or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param after     Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param limit     Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param tagIds    Returns tags by one or more specified tag IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs. If you search by tagIds, no pagination is used.
     * @return StreamTagList
    @RequestLine("GET /tags/streams?after={after}&first={first}&tag_id={tag_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamTagList> getAllStreamTags(
            @Param("token") String authToken,
            @Param("after") String after,
            @Param("first") Integer limit,
            @Param("tag_id") List<UUID> tagIds

     * Gets stream tags which are active on the specified stream.
     * @param authToken     User Token or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the stream to fetch current tags from
     * @return StreamTagList
    @RequestLine("GET /streams/tags?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamTagList> getStreamTags(
            @Param("token") String authToken,
            @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId

     * Replaces the active stream tags on the specified stream with the specified tags (or clears all tags, if no new tags are specified).
     * Requires scope: user:edit:broadcast
     * @param authToken     Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterId ID of the stream to replace tags for
     * @param tagIds        Tag ids to replace the current stream tags with. Maximum: 100. If empty, all tags are cleared from the stream. Tags currently expire 72 hours after they are applied, unless the stream is live within that time period.
     * @return Object       nothing
    @RequestLine("PUT /streams/tags?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    @Body("%7B\"tag_ids\": [{tag_ids}]%7D")
    HystrixCommand<Void> replaceStreamTags(
            @Param("token") String authToken,
            @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
            @Param(value = "tag_ids", expander = ObjectToJsonExpander.class) List<UUID> tagIds

     * Creates a marker at the current time during a live stream. A marker is a temporal indicator that appears on the Twitch web UI for highlight creation and can also be retrieved with
     * {@link #getStreamMarkers(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) getStreamMarkers}. Markers are meant to remind streamers and their video editors of important moments during a stream.
     * Markers can be created only if the broadcast identified by the specified {@code userId} is live and has enabled VOD (past broadcast) storage. Marker creation will fail if the broadcaster is airing a premiere or a rerun.
     * Requires scope: user:edit:broadcast
     * @param authToken     Auth Token
     * @param highlight     User id and optional description for the marker
     * @return StreamMarker
    @RequestLine("POST /streams/markers")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    HystrixCommand<StreamMarker> createStreamMarker(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        Highlight highlight

     * Gets a list of markers for either a specified user’s most recent stream or a specified VOD/video (stream), ordered by recency. A marker is an arbitrary point in a stream that the broadcaster wants to mark; e.g., to easily return to later. The only markers returned are those created by the user identified by the Bearer token.
     * @param authToken User Auth Token
     * @param after     Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param before    Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param limit     Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @param userId    ID of the broadcaster from whose stream markers are returned.
     * @param videoId   ID of the VOD/video whose stream markers are returned.
     * @return StreamMarkersList
    @RequestLine("GET /streams/markers?after={after}&before={before}&first={first}&user_id={user_id}&video_id={video_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<StreamMarkersList> getStreamMarkers(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit,
        @Param("user_id") String userId,
        @Param("video_id") String videoId

     * Get all subscribers of a channel
     * @param authToken User Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterId User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
     * @param after     Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param before    Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
     * @param limit     Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @return SubscriptionList
    @RequestLine("GET /subscriptions?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&after={after}&before={before}&first={first}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<SubscriptionList> getSubscriptions(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit

     * Check subscription status of provided user IDs (one or more) for a given channel
     * @param authToken User Auth Token
     * @param broadcasterId User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
     * @param userIds Unique identifier of account to get subscription status of. Accepts up to 100 values.
     * @return SubscriptionList
    @RequestLine("GET /subscriptions?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&user_id={user_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<SubscriptionList> getSubscriptionsByUser(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
        @Param("user_id") List<String> userIds

     * Get Users
     * <p>
     * Gets information about one or more specified Twitch users. Users are identified by optional user IDs and/or login name. If neither a user ID nor a login name is specified, the user is looked up by Bearer token.
     * @param authToken Auth Token, optional, will include the users email address
     * @param userIds   User ID. Multiple user IDs can be specified. Limit: 100.
     * @param userNames User login name. Multiple login names can be specified. Limit: 100.
     * @return HelixUser
    @RequestLine("GET /users?id={id}&login={login}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<UserList> getUsers(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("id") List<String> userIds,
        @Param("login") List<String> userNames

     * Get Followers
     * <p>
     * Gets information on follow relationships between two Twitch users. Information returned is sorted in order, most recent follow first. This can return information like “who is lirik following,” “who is following lirik,” or “is user X following user Y.”
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param fromId User ID. The request returns information about users who are being followed by the from_id user.
     * @param toId   User ID. The request returns information about users who are following the to_id user.
     * @param after  Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit  Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
     * @return FollowList
    @RequestLine("GET /users/follows?from_id={from_id}&to_id={to_id}&after={after}&first={first}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<FollowList> getFollowers(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("from_id") String fromId,
        @Param("to_id") String toId,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("first") Integer limit

     * Adds a specified user to the followers of a specified channel
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: user:edit:follows)
     * @param fromId User ID of the follower
     * @param toId ID of the channel to be followed by the user
     * @param allowNotifications Whether the user gets email or push notifications (depending on the user’s notification settings) when the channel goes live. Default value is false
     * @return 204 No Content upon a successfully created follow
    @RequestLine("POST /users/follows")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    HystrixCommand<Void> createFollow(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("from_id") String fromId,
        @Param("to_id") String toId,
        @Param("allow_notifications") boolean allowNotifications

     * Deletes a specified user from the followers of a specified channel
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: user:edit:follows)
     * @param fromId User ID of the follower
     * @param toId Channel to be unfollowed by the user
     * @return 204 No Content upon a successful deletion from the list of channel followers
    @RequestLine("DELETE /users/follows?from_id={from_id}&to_id={to_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<Void> deleteFollow(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("from_id") String fromId,
        @Param("to_id") String toId

     * Update User
     * <p>
     * Updates the description of a user specified by a Bearer token.
     * Requires scope: user:edit
     * @param authToken   Auth Token
     * @param description New user description
     * @return UserList
    @RequestLine("PUT /users?description={description}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<UserList> updateUser(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("description") String description

     * Get User Extensions
     * <p>
     * Gets a list of all extensions (both active and inactive) for a specified user, identified by a Bearer token. The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of user-information elements.
     * Required scope: user:read:broadcast
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @return ExtensionList
    @RequestLine("GET /users/extensions/list")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ExtensionList> getUserExtensions(
        @Param("token") String authToken

     * Get User Active Extensions
     * <p>
     * Gets information about active extensions installed by a specified user, identified by a user ID or Bearer token.
     * Optional scope: user:read:broadcast or user:edit:broadcast
     * @param authToken Auth Token
     * @param userId    ID of the user whose installed extensions will be returned. Limit: 1.
     * @return ExtensionActiveList
    @RequestLine("GET /users/extensions?user_id={user_id}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<ExtensionActiveList> getUserActiveExtensions(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("user_id") String userId

     * Updates the activation state, extension ID, and/or version number of installed extensions for a specified user, identified by a Bearer token.
     * If you try to activate a given extension under multiple extension types, the last write wins (and there is no guarantee of write order).
     * @param authToken Auth Token (scope: user:edit:broadcast)
     * @param extensions {@link ExtensionActiveList}
     * @return ExtensionActiveList
    @RequestLine("PUT /users/extensions")
        "Authorization: Bearer {token}",
        "Content-Type: application/json"
    HystrixCommand<ExtensionActiveList> updateUserExtensions(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        ExtensionActiveList extensions

     * Get Videos
     * <p>
     * Gets video information by video ID (one or more), user ID (one only), or game ID (one only).
     * The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of video elements. For lookup by user or game, pagination is available, along with several filters that can be specified as query string parameters.
     * Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param id       ID of the video being queried. Limit: 100. If this is specified, you cannot use any of the optional query string parameters below.
     * @param userId   ID of the user who owns the video. Limit 1.
     * @param gameId   ID of the game the video is of. Limit 1.
     * @param language Language of the video being queried. Limit: 1.
     * @param period   Period during which the video was created. Valid values: "all", "day", "week", "month". Default: "all".
     * @param sort     Sort order of the videos. Valid values: "time", "trending", "views". Default: "time".
     * @param type     Type of video. Valid values: "all", "upload", "archive", "highlight". Default: "all".
     * @param after    Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param before   Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit    Number of values to be returned when getting videos by user or game ID. Limit: 100. Default: 20.
     * @return VideoList
    @RequestLine("GET /videos?id={id}&user_id={user_id}&game_id={game_id}&language={language}&period={period}&sort={sort}&type={type}&after={after}&before={before}&first={first}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<VideoList> getVideos(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("id") String id,
        @Param("user_id") String userId,
        @Param("game_id") String gameId,
        @Param("language") String language,
        @Param("period") String period,
        @Param("sort") String sort,
        @Param("type") String type,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("before") String before,
        @Param("first") Integer limit

     * Get Webhook Subscriptions
     * <p>
     * Gets the Webhook subscriptions of a user identified by a Bearer token, in order of expiration.
     * The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of subscription elements and a pagination field containing information required to query for more subscriptions.
     * @param authToken User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
     * @param after    Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
     * @param limit    Number of values to be returned when getting videos by user or game ID. Limit: 100. Default: 20.
     * @return WebhookSubscriptionList
    @RequestLine("GET /webhooks/subscriptions?after={after}&first={first}")
    @Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
    HystrixCommand<WebhookSubscriptionList> getWebhookSubscriptions(
        @Param("token") String authToken,
        @Param("after") String after,
        @Param("first") Integer limit

     * Subscribe to or unsubscribe from events for a specified topic.
     * <p>
     * Web hook response payloads mimic their respective New Twitch API endpoint responses (with minor omissions for unnecessary fields).
     * That is, a call to a web hook returns in its payload the same data as a call to the corresponding endpoint in the new Twitch API.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * When you submit a request to subscribe to an event (with the Subscribe To/Unsubscribe From Events endpoint), your request is asynchronously validated to confirm you are allowed to create the subscription.<br>
     * Depending on the results of this validation, Twitch responds by sending you one of two GET requests:
     * <p> * Subscription verify</p>
     * <p> * Subscription denied</p>
     * @param request WebhookRequest to be converted to the Json body of the API call.
     * @param authToken   Auth Token
     * @see <a href="">Twitch Webhooks Guide</a>
     * @return The response from the server
    @RequestLine("POST /webhooks/hub")
    @Headers({"Authorization: Bearer {token}", "content-type: application/json"})
    HystrixCommand<Response> requestWebhookSubscription(
        WebhookRequest request, // POJO as first arg is assumed by feign to be body if no @Body annotation
        @Param("token") String authToken