
TrakEM2 plugin for ImageJ(C).
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Albert Cardona and Rodney Douglas.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt )

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. 

You may contact Albert Cardona at acardona at ini.phys.ethz.ch
Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich / ETH, Switzerland.

package ini.trakem2.display;

import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ini.trakem2.ControlWindow;
import ini.trakem2.Project;
import ini.trakem2.imaging.LayerStack;
import ini.trakem2.parallel.Process;
import ini.trakem2.parallel.TaskFactory;
import ini.trakem2.persistence.DBObject;
import ini.trakem2.persistence.XMLOptions;
import ini.trakem2.tree.LayerThing;
import ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing;
import ini.trakem2.tree.TemplateThing;
import ini.trakem2.tree.Thing;
import ini.trakem2.utils.IJError;
import ini.trakem2.utils.ProjectToolbar;
import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

/** A LayerSet is a container for a list of Layer.
 *  LayerSet methods are NOT synchronized. It is your reponsibility to synchronize access to a LayerSet instance methods. Failure to do so may result in corrupted internal data structures and overall misbehavior.
public final class LayerSet extends Displayable implements Bucketable { // Displayable is already extending DBObject

	// the anchors for resizing
	static public final int NORTH = 0;
	static public final int NORTHEAST = 1;
	static public final int EAST = 2;
	static public final int SOUTHEAST = 3;
	static public final int SOUTH = 4;
	static public final int SOUTHWEST = 5;
	static public final int WEST = 6;
	static public final int NORTHWEST = 7;
	static public final int CENTER = 8;

	// the possible rotations
	static public final int R90 = 9;
	static public final int R270 = 10;
	// the possible flips
	static public final int FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 11;
	static public final int FLIP_VERTICAL = 12;

	// positions in the stack
	static public final int TOP = 13;
	static public final int UP = 14;
	static public final int DOWN = 15;
	static public final int BOTTOM = 16;

	static public final String[] snapshot_modes = new String[]{"Full","Outlines","Disabled"};

	/** 0, 1, 2 -- corresponding to snapshot_modes entries above. */
	private int snapshots_mode = 0;

	static public final String[] ANCHORS =  new String[]{"north", "north east", "east", "southeast", "south", "south west", "west", "north west", "center"};
	static public final String[] ROTATIONS = new String[]{"90 right", "90 left", "Flip horizontally", "Flip vertically"};

	private float layer_width = 5000, // the Displayable.width is for the representation, not for the dimensions of the LayerSet!
				  layer_height = 5000;
	private double rot_x;
	private double rot_y;
	private double rot_z; // should be equivalent to the Displayable.rot
	private final ArrayList<Layer> al_layers = new ArrayList<Layer>();

	/** A map of Long vs Layer, that is lock-free for reading, but locks for modifying it,
	 *  by synchronizing onto IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK. */
	private HashMap<Long,Layer> idlayers = new HashMap<Long,Layer>();
	private final Object IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK = new Object();

	private final HashMap<Layer,Integer> layerindices = new HashMap<Layer,Integer>();
	/** The layer in which this LayerSet lives. If null, this is the root LayerSet. */
	private Layer parent = null;
	/** A LayerSet can contain Displayables that are show in every single Layer, such as Pipe objects. */
	private final ArrayList<ZDisplayable> al_zdispl = new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>();

	/** For creating snapshots. */
	private boolean snapshots_quality = true;

	/** The maximum size of either width or height when virtualizing pixel access to the layers.*/
	private int max_dimension = 1024;
	private boolean virtualization_enabled = false;

	protected boolean color_cues = true;
	protected boolean area_color_cues = true;
	protected boolean use_color_cue_colors = true;
	protected boolean paint_arrows = true;
	protected boolean paint_tags = true;
	protected boolean paint_edge_confidence_boxes = true;
	protected int n_layers_color_cue = 0; // -1 means all
	protected boolean prepaint = false;
	protected int preload_ahead = 0;

	private Calibration calibration = new Calibration(); // default values

	/** Dummy. */
	protected LayerSet(Project project, long id) {
		super(project, id, null, false, null, 20, 20);

	/** Create a new LayerSet with a 0,0,0 rotation vector and default 20,20 px Displayable width,height. */
	public LayerSet(Project project, String title, double x, double y, Layer parent, float layer_width, float layer_height) {
		super(project, title, x, y);
		rot_x = rot_y = rot_z = 0.0D;
		this.width = 20;
		this.height = 20; // for the label that paints into the parent Layer
		this.parent = parent;
		this.layer_width = layer_width;
		this.layer_height = layer_height;

	/** Reconstruct from the database. */
	public LayerSet(Project project, long id, String title, float width, float height, double rot_x, double rot_y, double rot_z, float layer_width, float layer_height, boolean locked, int snapshots_mode, AffineTransform at) {
		super(project, id, title, locked, at, width, height);
		this.rot_x = rot_x;
		this.rot_y = rot_y;
		this.rot_z = rot_z;
		this.layer_width = layer_width;
		this.layer_height= layer_height;
		this.snapshots_mode = snapshots_mode;
		// the parent will be set by the LayerThing.setup() calling Layer.addSilently()
		// the al_layers will be filled idem.

	/** Reconstruct from an XML entry. */
	public LayerSet(final Project project, final long id, final HashMap<String,String> ht_attributes, final HashMap<Displayable,String> ht_links) {
		super(project, id, ht_attributes, ht_links);
		String data;
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("layer_width"))) this.layer_width = Float.parseFloat(data);
		else xmlError("layer_width", this.layer_width);
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("layer_height"))) this.layer_height = Float.parseFloat(data);
		else xmlError("layer_height", this.layer_height);
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("rot_x"))) this.rot_x = Double.parseDouble(data);
		else xmlError("rot_x", this.rot_x);
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("rot_y"))) this.rot_y = Double.parseDouble(data);
		else xmlError("rot_y", this.rot_y);
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("rot_z"))) this.rot_y = Double.parseDouble(data);
		else xmlError("rot_z", this.rot_z);
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("snapshots_quality"))) snapshots_quality = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("snapshots_mode"))) {
			final String smode = data.trim();
			for (int i=0; i<snapshot_modes.length; i++) {
				if (smode.equals(snapshot_modes[i])) {
					snapshots_mode = i;
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("color_cues"))) color_cues = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("area_color_cues"))) area_color_cues = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("n_layers_color_cue"))) {
			n_layers_color_cue = Integer.parseInt(data.trim().toLowerCase());
			if (n_layers_color_cue < -1) n_layers_color_cue = -1;
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("avoid_color_cue_colors"))) {
			// If there's any error in the parsing, default to true for use_color_cue_colors:
			use_color_cue_colors = !Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("paint_arrows"))) paint_arrows = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("paint_tags"))) paint_tags = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("paint_edge_confidence_boxes"))) paint_edge_confidence_boxes = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("prepaint"))) prepaint = Boolean.valueOf(data.trim().toLowerCase());
		if (null != (data = ht_attributes.get("preload_ahead"))) preload_ahead = Integer.parseInt(data);

	/** For reconstruction purposes: set the active layer to the ZDisplayable objects. Recurses through LayerSets in the children layers. */
	public void setup() {
		final Layer la0 = al_layers.get(0);
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) zd.setLayer(la0); // just any Layer
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
			for (final Displayable d : layer.getDisplayables()) {
				if (d.getClass() == LayerSet.class) {

	/** Create a new LayerSet in the middle of the parent Layer. */
	public LayerSet create(Layer parent_layer) {
		if (null == parent_layer) return null;
		GenericDialog gd = ControlWindow.makeGenericDialog("New Layer Set");
		gd.addMessage("In pixels:");
		gd.addNumericField("width: ", this.layer_width, 3);
		gd.addNumericField("height: ", this.layer_height, 3);
		if (gd.wasCanceled()) return null;
		try {
			float width = (float)gd.getNextNumber();
			float height = (float)gd.getNextNumber();
			if (Double.isNaN(width) || Double.isNaN(height)) return null;
			if (0 == width || 0 == height) {
				Utils.showMessage("Cannot accept zero width or height for LayerSet dimensions.");
				return null;
			// make a new LayerSet with x,y in the middle of the parent_layer
			return new LayerSet(project, "Layer Set", parent_layer.getParent().getLayerWidth() / 2, parent_layer.getParent().getLayerHeight() / 2, parent_layer, width/2, height/2);
		} catch (Exception e) { Utils.log("LayerSet.create: " + e); }
		return null;

	/** Add a new Layer silently, ordering by z as well.*/
	public void addSilently(final Layer layer) {
		if (null == layer || al_layers.contains(layer)) return;
		try {
			synchronized (IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK) {
				// Like put, but replacing the map instance
				final HashMap<Long,Layer> m = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(idlayers);
				m.put(layer.getId(), layer);
				idlayers = m;
			synchronized (layerindices) { layerindices.clear(); }
			double z = layer.getZ();
			int i = 0;
			for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
				if (! (la.getZ() < z) ) {
					al_layers.add(i, layer);
			// else, add at the end
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Utils.log("LayerSet.addSilently: Not a Layer, not adding DBObject id=" + layer.getId());

	/** Add a new Layer, inserted according to its Z. */
	public void add(final Layer layer) {
		if (layer.getProject() != this.project)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("LayerSet rejected a Layer: belongs to a different project.");

		if (null != idlayers.get(layer.getId())) return;

		final double z = layer.getZ();
		final int n = al_layers.size();
		int i = 0;
		for (; i<n; i++) {
			Layer l = al_layers.get(i);
			if (l.getZ() < z) continue;
		if (i < n) {
			al_layers.add(i, layer);
		} else {
		synchronized (IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK) {
			// Like put, but replacing the map instance
			final HashMap<Long,Layer> m = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(idlayers);
			m.put(layer.getId(), layer);
			idlayers = m;
		synchronized (layerindices) { layerindices.clear(); }

	public void printDebugInfo() {
		Utils.log("LayerSet debug:");
		for (int i=0; i<al_layers.size(); i++)
			Utils.log(i + " : " + al_layers.get(i).getZ());

	public Layer getParent() {
		return parent;

	/** 'update' in database or not. */
	public void setLayer(Layer layer, boolean update) {
		super.setLayer(layer, update);
		if (null != layer) this.parent = layer; // repeated pointer, eliminate 'parent' !

	public void setParent(Layer layer) {
		if (null == layer || layer == parent) return;
		this.parent = layer;

	public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me, int x_p, int y_p, Rectangle srcRect, double mag) {
		if (ProjectToolbar.SELECT != ProjectToolbar.getToolId()) return;
		Display.setActive(me, this);
		if (2 == me.getClickCount() && al_layers.size() > 0) {
			new Display(project, al_layers.get(0));

	public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me, int x_p, int y_p, int x_d, int y_d, int x_d_old, int y_d_old, Rectangle srcRect, double mag) {
		if (ProjectToolbar.SELECT != ProjectToolbar.getToolId()) return;
		super.translate(x_d - x_d_old, y_d - y_d_old);
		Display.repaint(layer, this, 0);

	public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me, int x_p, int y_p, int x_d, int y_d, int x_r, int y_r, Rectangle srcRect, double mag) {
		// nothing

	public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
		Utils.log("LayerSet.keyPressed: not yet implemented.");
		// TODO

	public String toString() {
		return this.title;

	public void paint(Graphics2D g, Rectangle srcRect, double magnification, boolean active, int channels, Layer active_layer) {
		//arrange transparency
		Composite original_composite = null;
		if (alpha != 1.0f) {
			original_composite = g.getComposite();
			g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha));

		// Translate graphics context accordingly
		AffineTransform gt = g.getTransform();
		AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(this.at);

		//set color
		// fill a background box
		g.fillRect(0, 0, (int)(this.width), (int)(this.height));
		g.setColor(new Color(255 - color.getRed(), 255 - color.getGreen(), 255 - color.getBlue()).brighter()); // the "opposite", but brighter, so it won't fail to generate contrast if the color is 127 in all channels
		int x = (int)(this.width/5);
		int y = (int)(this.height/5);
		int width = (int)(this.width/5);
		int height = (int)(this.height/5 * 3);

		g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

		x = (int)(this.width/5 * 2);
		y = (int)(this.height/5 * 3);
		width = (int)(this.width/5 * 2);
		height = (int)(this.height/5);

		g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

		//Transparency: fix composite back to original.
		if (alpha != 1.0f) {

	public float getLayerWidth() { return layer_width; }
	public float getLayerHeight() { return layer_height; }
	public double getRotX() { return rot_x; }
	public double getRotY() { return rot_y; }
	public double getRotZ() { return rot_z; }

	/** The number of Layers in this LayerSet. */
	public int size() {
		return al_layers.size();

	public void setRotVector(double rot_x, double rot_y, double rot_z) {
		if (Double.isNaN(rot_x) || Double.isNaN(rot_y) || Double.isNaN(rot_z)) {
			Utils.showMessage("LayerSet: Rotation vector contains NaNs. Not updating.");
		} else if (rot_x == this.rot_x && rot_y == this.rot_y && rot_z == this.rot_z) {
		this.rot_x = rot_x;
		this.rot_y = rot_y;
		this.rot_z = rot_z;

	/** Used by the Loader after loading blindly a lot of Patches. Will crop the canvas to the minimum size possible. */
	public boolean setMinimumDimensions() {
		// find current x,y,width,height that crops the canvas without cropping away any Displayable
		double x = Double.NaN;
		double y = Double.NaN;
		double xe = 0; // lower right corner (x end)
		double ye = 0;
		double tx = 0;
		double ty = 0;
		double txe = 0;
		double tye = 0;
		// collect all Displayable and ZDisplayable objects
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (int i=al_layers.size() -1; i>-1; i--) {

		// find minimum bounding box
		Rectangle b = new Rectangle();
		for (final Displayable d : al) {
			b = d.getBoundingBox(b); // considers rotation
			tx = b.x;//d.getX();
			ty = b.y;//d.getY();
			// set first coordinates
			if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y)) { // Double.NaN == x fails!
				x = tx;
				y = ty;
			txe = tx + b.width;//d.getWidth();
			tye = ty + b.height;//d.getHeight();
			if (tx < x) x = tx;
			if (ty < y) y = ty;
			if (txe > xe) xe = txe;
			if (tye > ye) ye = tye;
		// if none, then stop
		if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y)) {
			Utils.showMessage("No displayable objects, don't know how to resize the canvas and Layerset.");
			return false;

		double w = xe - x;
		double h = ye - y;
		if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
			Utils.log("LayerSet.setMinimumDimensions: zero width or height, NOT resizing.");
			return false;

		// Record previous state
		if (prepareStep(this)) {
			addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

		// translate
		if (0 != x || 0 != y) {
			try {
				final AffineTransform at2 = new AffineTransform();
				at2.translate(-x, -y);
				//Utils.log2("translating all displayables by " + x + "," + y);
				for (final Displayable d : al) {
					//((Displayable)it.next()).translate(-x, -y, false); // drag regardless of getting off current LayerSet bounds
					// optimized to avoid creating so many AffineTransform instances:
					//Utils.log2("BEFORE: " + d.getBoundingBox());
					//Utils.log2("AFTER: " + d.getBoundingBox());
			} catch (Exception e) {
				return false;

		//Utils.log("x,y  xe,ye : " + x + "," + y + "  " + xe + "," + ye);
		// finally, accept:
		if (w != layer_width || h != layer_height) {
			this.layer_width = (float)Math.ceil(w); // stupid int to double conversions ... why floating point math is a non-solved problem? It is for SBCL
			this.layer_height = (float)Math.ceil(h);
			// and notify the Displays, if any

		// Record current state:
		addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

		return true;

	/** Enlarge the 2D universe so that all Displayable in the collection fit in it;
	 * that is, that no Displayable has a negative x,y position or lays beyond bounds.*/
	synchronized public void enlargeToFit(final Collection<? extends Displayable> ds) {
		Rectangle r = null;
		for (Displayable d : ds) {
			if (null == r) r = d.getBoundingBox();
			else r.add(d.getBoundingBox());
		if (null == r) return; //empty collection
		setDimensions(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

	/** Enlarges the display in the given direction; the anchor is the point to keep still, and can be any of LayerSet.NORTHWEST (top-left), etc. */
	synchronized public boolean enlargeToFit(final Displayable d, final int anchor) {
		final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Math.ceil(layer_width), (int)Math.ceil(layer_height));
		final Rectangle b = d.getBoundingBox(null);
		// check if necessary
		if (r.contains(b)) return false;
		// else, enlarge to fit it
		return setDimensions(r.width, r.height, anchor);

	/** May leave objects beyond the visible window. */
	public void setDimensions(float x, float y, float layer_width, float layer_height) {
		// Record previous state
		if (prepareStep(this)) {
			addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

		this.layer_width = layer_width;
		this.layer_height = layer_height;
		final AffineTransform affine = new AffineTransform();
		affine.translate(-x, -y);
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
		for (Layer la : al_layers) la.apply(Displayable.class, affine);



		// Record new state
		addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

	/** Returns false if any Displayables are being partially or totally cropped away. */
	public boolean setDimensions(float layer_width, float layer_height, int anchor) {
		// check preconditions
		if (Double.isNaN(layer_width) || Double.isNaN(layer_height)) { Utils.log("LayerSet.setDimensions: NaNs! Not adjusting."); return false; }
		if (layer_width <=0 || layer_height <= 0) { Utils.showMessage("LayerSet: can't accept zero or a minus for layer width or height"); return false; }
		if (anchor < NORTH || anchor > CENTER) {  Utils.log("LayerSet: wrong anchor, not resizing."); return false; }

		// Record previous state
		if (prepareStep(this)) {
			addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

		// new coordinates:
		double new_x = 0;// the x,y of the old 0,0
		double new_y = 0;
		switch (anchor) {
			case NORTH:
			case SOUTH:
			case CENTER:
				new_x = (layer_width - this.layer_width) / 2; // (this.layer_width - layer_width) / 2;
			case NORTHWEST:
			case WEST:
			case SOUTHWEST:
				new_x = 0;
			case NORTHEAST:
			case EAST:
			case SOUTHEAST:
				new_x = layer_width - this.layer_width; // (this.layer_width - layer_width);
		switch (anchor) {
			case WEST:
			case EAST:
			case CENTER:
				new_y = (layer_height - this.layer_height) / 2;
			case NORTHWEST:
			case NORTH:
			case NORTHEAST:
				new_y = 0;
			case SOUTHWEST:
			case SOUTH:
			case SOUTHEAST:
				new_y = (layer_height - this.layer_height);

		Utils.log("anchor: " + anchor);
		Utils.log("LayerSet: existing w,h = " + this.layer_width + "," + this.layer_height);
		Utils.log("LayerSet: new      w,h = " + layer_width + "," + layer_height);

		// collect all Displayable and ZDisplayable objects
		ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (int i=al_layers.size() -1; i>-1; i--) {

		// check that no displayables are being cropped away
		if (layer_width < this.layer_width || layer_height < this.layer_height) {
			for (final Displayable d : al) {
				Rectangle b = d.getBoundingBox(null);
				double dw = b.getWidth();
				double dh = b.getHeight();
				// respect 10% margins
				if (b.x + dw + new_x < 0.1 * dw || b.x + 0.9 * dw + new_x > layer_width || b.y + dh + new_y < 0.1 * dh || b.y + 0.9 * dh + new_y > layer_height) {
					// cropping!
					Utils.showMessage("Cropping " + d + "\nLayerSet: not resizing.");
					return false;
		this.layer_width = layer_width;
		this.layer_height = layer_height;
		//Utils.log("LayerSet.setDimensions: new_x,y: " + new_x + "," + new_y);
		// translate all displayables
		if (0 != new_x || 0 != new_y) {
			for (final Displayable d : al) {
				Rectangle b = d.getBoundingBox(null);
				//Utils.log("d x,y = " + b.x + ", " + b.y);
				d.setLocation(b.x + new_x, b.y + new_y);

		// and notify the Display

		// Record new state
		addEditStep(new LayerSet.DoResizeLayerSet(this));

		return true;

	protected boolean remove2(boolean check) {
		if (check) {
			if (!Utils.check("Really delete " + this.toString() + (null != al_layers && al_layers.size() > 0 ? " and all its children?" : ""))) return false;
		LayerThing lt = project.findLayerThing(this);
		if (null == lt) return false;
		return project.getLayerTree().remove(check, lt, null); // will end up calling remove(boolean) on this object

	public boolean remove(boolean check) {
		if (check) {
			if (!Utils.check("Really delete " + this.toString() + (null != al_layers && al_layers.size() > 0 ? " and all its children?" : ""))) return false;
		// delete all layers
		while (0 != al_layers.size()) {
			if (!al_layers.get(0).remove(false)) {
				Utils.showMessage("LayerSet id= " + id + " : Deletion incomplete, check database.");
				return false;
		// delete the ZDisplayables
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			zd.remove(false); // will call back the LayerSet.remove(ZDisplayable)
		// remove the self
		if (null != parent) parent.remove(this);
		return true;

	/** Remove a child. Does not destroy it or delete it from the database. */
	public void remove(final Layer layer) {
		if (null == layer || null == idlayers.get(layer.getId())) return;
		synchronized (IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK) {
			// Like remove, but replacing the map instance
			final HashMap<Long,Layer> m = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(idlayers);
			idlayers = m;
		synchronized (layerindices) { layerindices.clear(); }
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>(al_zdispl)) zd.layerRemoved(layer); // may call back and add/remove ZDisplayable objects

	public Layer next(final Layer layer) {
		final int i = indexOf(layer);
		if (-1 == i) {
			Utils.log("LayerSet.next: no such Layer " + layer);
			return layer;
		if (al_layers.size() -1 == i) return layer;
		else return al_layers.get(i+1);

	public Layer previous(final Layer layer) {
		final int i = indexOf(layer);
		if (-1 == i) {
			Utils.log("LayerSet.previous: no such Layer " + layer);
			return layer;
		if (0 == i) return layer;
		else return al_layers.get(i-1);

	public Layer nextNonEmpty(Layer layer) {
		Layer next = layer;
		Layer given = layer;
		do {
			layer = next;
			next = next(layer);
			if (!next.isEmpty()) return next;
		} while (next != layer);
		return given;
	public Layer previousNonEmpty(Layer layer) {
		Layer previous = layer;
		Layer given = layer;
		do {
			layer = previous;
			previous = previous(layer);
			if (!previous.isEmpty()) return previous;
		} while (previous != layer);
		return given;

	public int getLayerIndex(final long id) {
		final Layer layer = getLayer(id);
		if (null == layer) return -1;
		return indexOf(layer);

	/** Find a layer by index, or null if none. */
	public Layer getLayer(final int i) {
		if (i >=0 && i < al_layers.size()) return al_layers.get(i);
		return null;

	/** Find a layer with the given id, or null if none. */
	public Layer getLayer(final long id) {
		return idlayers.get(id);

	/** Same as getLayer(long) but without box/unbox. */
	public Layer getLayer(final Long id) {
		return idlayers.get(id);

	/** Returns the first layer found with the given Z coordinate, rounded to seventh decimal precision, or null if none found. */
	public Layer getLayer(final double z) {
		double error = 0.0000001; // TODO adjust to an optimal
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
			if (error > Math.abs(layer.getZ() - z)) { // floating-point arithmetic is still not a solved problem!
				return layer;
		return null;

	public Layer getNearestLayer(final double z) {
		double min_dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
		Layer closest = null;
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
			double dist = Math.abs(layer.getZ() - z);
			if (dist < min_dist) {
				min_dist = dist;
				closest = layer;
		return closest;

	/** Returns null if none has the given z and thickness. If 'create' is true and no layer is found, a new one with the given Z is created and added to the LayerTree. */
	public Layer getLayer(double z, double thickness, boolean create) {
		Iterator<Layer> it = al_layers.iterator();
		Layer layer = null;
		double error = 0.0000001; // TODO adjust to an optimal
		while (it.hasNext()) {
			Layer l = it.next();
			if (error > Math.abs(l.getZ() - z) && error > Math.abs(l.getThickness() - thickness)) { // floating point is still not a solved problem.
				//Utils.log("LayerSet.getLayer: found layer with z=" + l.getZ());
				layer = l;
		if (create && null == layer && !Double.isNaN(z) && !Double.isNaN(thickness)) {
			//Utils.log("LayerSet.getLayer: creating new Layer with z=" + z);
			layer = new Layer(project, z, thickness, this);
			project.getLayerTree().addLayer(this, layer);
		return layer;

	/** Useful for typeless scripts so that a ZDisplayable can be added; the
	 * overloaded method add(Layer) and add(ZDisplayable) is not distinguishable otherwise. */
	public void addZDisplayable(final ZDisplayable zdispl) {

	/** Add a Displayable to be painted in all Layers, such as a Pipe. Also updates open displays of the fact. */
	public void add(final ZDisplayable zdispl) {
		if (null == zdispl || -1 != al_zdispl.indexOf(zdispl)) {
			Utils.log2("LayerSet: not adding zdispl");
		if (zdispl.getProject() != this.project)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("LayerSet rejected a ZDisplayable: belongs to a different project.");

		al_zdispl.add(zdispl); // at the top

		// The line below can fail (and in the addSilently as well) if one can add zdispl objects while no Layer has been created. But the ProjectThing.createChild prevents this situation.
		zdispl.updateInDatabase("layer_set_id"); // TODO: update stack index? It should!

		// insert into bucket
		if (null != root) {
			// add as last, then update
			root.put(al_zdispl.size()-1, zdispl, zdispl.getBoundingBox(null));
			// Updating takes too long, just don't do it
			//root.update(this, zdispl, 0, al_zdispl.size()-1);
		addToBuckets(zdispl, al_zdispl.size()-1);

		Display.add(this, zdispl);

	public void addAll(final Collection<? extends ZDisplayable> coll) {
		if (null == coll || 0 == coll.size()) return;
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : coll) {
		recreateBuckets(false); // only ZDisplayable
		Display.addAll(this, coll);

	/** Used for reconstruction purposes, avoids repainting or updating. */
	public void addSilently(final ZDisplayable zdispl) {
		if (null == zdispl || -1 != al_zdispl.indexOf(zdispl)) return;
		try {
			zdispl.setLayer(0 == al_layers.size() ? null : al_layers.get(0));
			zdispl.setLayerSet(this, false);
			//Utils.log2("setLayerSet to ZDipl id=" + zdispl.getId());
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Utils.log("LayerSet.addSilently: not adding ZDisplayable with id=" + zdispl.getId());

	/** Remove a child. Does not destroy the child nor remove it from the database, only from the LayerSet and the Display. */
	public boolean remove(final ZDisplayable zdispl) {
		if (null == zdispl || null == al_zdispl) return false;
		final int old_stack_index = al_zdispl.indexOf(zdispl);
		if (-1 == old_stack_index) {
			Utils.log2("LayerSet.remove: Not found: " + zdispl);
			return false;
		// remove from Bucket AFTER modifying stack index, so it gets reindexed properly
		removeFromBuckets(zdispl, old_stack_index);
		return true;
	/** Remove a child. Does not destroy the child nor remove it from the database, only from the LayerSet and the Display.
	 *  Returns false if at least one failed to be removed. */
	public boolean removeAll(final Set<ZDisplayable> zds) {
		if (null == zds || null == al_zdispl) return false;
		// Ensure list is iterated only once: don't ask for index every time!
		int count = 0;
		for (final Iterator<ZDisplayable> it = al_zdispl.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
			final ZDisplayable zd = it.next();
			if (zds.contains(zd)) {
				if (zds.size() == count) break;
		return true;

	public boolean contains(final Layer layer) {
		if (null == layer) return false;
		return -1 != indexOf(layer);

	public boolean contains(final Displayable zdispl) {
		if (null == zdispl) return false;
		return -1 != al_zdispl.indexOf(zdispl);

	/** Returns a copy of the layer list. */
	public ArrayList<Layer> getLayers() {
		return new ArrayList<Layer>(al_layers); // for integrity and safety, return a copy.

	/** Returns a sublist of layers from first to last, both inclusive. If last is larger than first, the order is reversed.  */
	public List<Layer> getLayers(final int first, final int last) {
		final List<Layer> las = al_layers.subList(Math.min(first, last), Math.max(first, last) +1);
		if (first > last) {
			final List<Layer> las2 = new ArrayList<Layer>(las);
			Collections.reverse(las2); // would otherwise reverse the original list! A monumental error.
			return las2;
		return new ArrayList<Layer>(las); // editable, thread-safe (a copy)

	/** Returns the layer range from first to last, both included. If last.getZ() &lt; first.getZ(), the order is reversed. */
	public List<Layer> getLayers(final Layer first, final Layer last) {
		return getLayers(indexOf(first), indexOf(last));

	/** Returns the list of layers to paint by considering the range of n_layers_color_cue around the active layer index. */
	public List<Layer> getColorCueLayerRange(final Layer active_layer) {
		if (n_layers_color_cue < 0) {
			return new ArrayList<Layer>(al_layers); // a copy of all
		} else if (0 == n_layers_color_cue) {
			final ArrayList<Layer> list = new ArrayList<Layer>();
			return list;
		// Else:
		final int i = indexOf(active_layer);
		if (-1 == i) {
			Utils.log("An error ocurred: could not find an index for layer " + active_layer);
			final ArrayList<Layer> a = new ArrayList<Layer>(); a.add(active_layer); return a;
		int first = i - n_layers_color_cue;
		int last = i + n_layers_color_cue;
		if (first < 0) first = 0;
		int size = al_layers.size();
		if (last >= size) last = size -1;
		return getLayers(first, last);

	public boolean isDeletable() {
		return false;

	/** Overiding. The alpha is used to show whether the LayerSet object is selected or not. */
	public void setAlpha(float alpha) { return; }

	/** Move the given Displayable to the next layer if possible. */
	public void moveDown(final Layer layer, final Displayable d) {
		final int i = indexOf(layer);
		if (al_layers.size() -1 == i || -1 == i) return;
		(al_layers.get(i +1)).add(d);
	/** Move the given Displayable to the previous layer if possible. */
	public void moveUp(final Layer layer, final Displayable d) {
		final int i = indexOf(layer);
		if (0 == i || -1 == i) return;
		al_layers.get(i -1).add(d);

	/** Move all Displayable objects in the HashSet to the given target layer. */
	public void move(final Set<Displayable> hs_d, final Layer source, final Layer target) {
		if (0 == hs_d.size() || null == source || null == target || source == target) return;
		Display.setRepaint(false); // disable repaints
		for (final Displayable d : hs_d) {
			if (d instanceof ZDisplayable) continue; // ignore
			if (source == d.getLayer()) {
				target.add(d, false, false); // these contortions to avoid repeated DB traffic
				Display.add(target, d, false); // don't activate
		Display.setRepaint(true); // enable repaints
		Display.repaint(source); // update graphics: true

	/** Returns the hash set of objects whose visibility has changed. */
	public HashSet<Displayable> setVisible(String type, final boolean visible, final boolean repaint) {
		type = type.toLowerCase();
		final HashSet<Displayable> hs = new HashSet<Displayable>();
		try {
			if (type.equals("connector") || type.equals("treeline") || type.equals("areatree") || type.equals("pipe") || type.equals("ball") || type.equals("arealist") || type.equals("polyline") || type.equals("stack") || type.equals("dissector")) {
				for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
					if (visible != zd.isVisible() && zd.getClass().getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(type)) { // endsWith, because DLabel is called as Label
						zd.setVisible(visible, false); // don't repaint
			} else {
				for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
					hs.addAll(layer.setVisible(type, visible, false)); // don't repaint
		} catch (Exception e) {
		} finally {
		if (repaint) {
			Display.repaint(this); // this could be optimized to repaint only the accumulated box
		return hs;
	/** Hide all except those whose type is in 'type' list, whose visibility flag is left unchanged. Returns the list of displayables made hidden. */
	public HashSet<Displayable> hideExcept(ArrayList<Class<?>> type, boolean repaint) {
		final HashSet<Displayable> hs = new HashSet<Displayable>();
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (!type.contains(zd.getClass()) && zd.isVisible()) {
				zd.setVisible(false, repaint);
		for (Layer la : al_layers) hs.addAll(la.hideExcept(type, repaint));
		return hs;
	/** Returns the collection of Displayable whose visibility state has changed. */
	public Collection<Displayable> setAllVisible(final boolean repaint) {
		final Collection<Displayable> col = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (!zd.isVisible()) {
				zd.setVisible(true, repaint);
		for (Layer la : al_layers) col.addAll(la.setAllVisible(repaint));
		return col;

	/** Returns true if any of the ZDisplayable objects are of the given class. */
	public boolean contains(final Class<?> c) {
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.getClass() == c) return true;
		return false;
	/** Check in all layers. */
	public boolean containsDisplayable(final Class<?> c) {
		for (final Layer layer : al_layers) {
			if (layer.contains(c)) return true;
		return false;

	/** Returns the distance from the first layer's Z to the last layer's Z. */
	public double getDepth() {
		if (null == al_layers || al_layers.isEmpty()) return 0;
		return al_layers.get(al_layers.size() -1).getZ() - al_layers.get(0).getZ();

	/** Return all the Displayable objects from all the layers of this LayerSet. Does not include the ZDisplayables. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> getDisplayables() {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
		return al;
	/** Return all the Displayable objects from all the layers of this LayerSet of the given class. Does not include the ZDisplayables. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> getDisplayables(Class<?> c) {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
		return al;
	/** Return all the Displayable objects from all the layers of this LayerSet of the given class that intersect the given area. Does not include the ZDisplayables. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> getDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only) {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (Layer layer : al_layers) {
			al.addAll(layer.getDisplayables(c, aroi, visible_only));
		return al;

	/** From zero to size-1. */
	public int indexOf(final Layer layer) {
		synchronized (layerindices) {
			Integer i = layerindices.get(layer);
			if (null == i) {
				// Recreate
				int k = 0;
				for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
					layerindices.put(la, k);
				i = layerindices.get(layer);
				if (null == i) {
					Utils.log("ERROR: could not find an index for layer " + layer);
					return -1;
			return i.intValue();

	private static java.lang.reflect.Field sbvalue = null;
	static {
		try {
			sbvalue = StringBuilder.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("value");
		} catch (Exception e) {

	public void exportXML(final java.io.Writer writer, final String indent, final XMLOptions options) throws Exception {
		final StringBuilder sb_body = new StringBuilder(512);
		final String in = indent + "\t";
		super.exportXML(sb_body, in, options);
		       // TODO: alpha! But it's not necessary.
		if (null != calibration) {
		if (null == sbvalue) {
		} else {
			writer.write((char[])sbvalue.get(sb_body), 0, sb_body.length()); // avoid making a copy of the array
		// Count objects
		int done = 0;
		int total = 0;
		total += al_zdispl.size();
		for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
			total += la.getDisplayableList().size();
		// export ZDisplayable objects
		if (null != al_zdispl) {
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
				zd.exportXML(sb_body, in, options);
				if (null == sbvalue) {
					writer.write(sb_body.toString()); // each separately, for they can be huge
				} else {
					writer.write((char[])sbvalue.get(sb_body), 0, sb_body.length()); // avoid making a copy of the array
			done += al_zdispl.size();
			Utils.showProgress(done / (double)total);
		// export Layer and contained Displayable objects
		if (null != al_layers) {
			//Utils.log("LayerSet " + id + " is saving " + al_layers.size() + " layers.");
			for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
				la.exportXML(sb_body, in, options);
				if (null == sbvalue) {
				} else {
					writer.write((char[])sbvalue.get(sb_body), 0, sb_body.length()); // avoid making a copy of the array
				done += la.getDisplayableList().size();
				Utils.showProgress(done / (double)total);
		if (sb_body.length() > 0) {
			super.restXML(sb_body, in, options);
			if (null == sbvalue) {
			} else {
				writer.write((char[])sbvalue.get(sb_body), 0, sb_body.length()); // avoid making a copy of the array
		writer.write(indent + "</t2_layer_set>\n");

	/** Includes the !ELEMENT */
	static public void exportDTD(final StringBuilder sb_header, final HashSet<String> hs, final String indent) {
		final String type = "t2_layer_set";
		if (!hs.contains(type)) {
			sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ELEMENT t2_layer_set (").append(Displayable.commonDTDChildren()).append(",t2_layer,t2_pipe,t2_ball,t2_area_list,t2_calibration,t2_stack,t2_treeline)>\n");
			Displayable.exportDTD(type, sb_header, hs, indent);
			sb_header.append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" layer_width").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" layer_height").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" rot_x").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" rot_y").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" rot_z").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" snapshots_quality").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" color_cues").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" area_color_cues").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" avoid_color_cue_colors").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" n_layers_color_cue").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" paint_arrows").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" paint_tags").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" paint_edge_confidence_boxes").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append(type).append(" preload_ahead").append(TAG_ATTR2)
			sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ELEMENT t2_calibration EMPTY>\n")
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration pixelWidth").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration pixelHeight").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration pixelDepth").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration xOrigin").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration yOrigin").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration zOrigin").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration info").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration valueUnit").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration timeUnit").append(TAG_ATTR2)
				 .append(indent).append(TAG_ATTR1).append("t2_calibration unit").append(TAG_ATTR2)

	public void setSnapshotsMode(final int mode) {
		if (mode == snapshots_mode) return;
		this.snapshots_mode = mode;

	public int getSnapshotsMode() {
		return this.snapshots_mode;

	public void destroy() {
		for (Iterator<Layer> it = al_layers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
			Layer layer = it.next();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
		synchronized (IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK) { this.idlayers = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(); } // like .clear()
		synchronized (layerindices) { this.layerindices.clear(); }

	/** Used by the Layer.setZ method. */
	protected void reposition(final Layer layer) {
		if (null == layer || !idlayers.containsKey(layer.getId())) return;

	/** Get up to 'n' layers before and after the given layers. */
	public ArrayList<Layer> getNeighborLayers(final Layer layer, final int n) {
		final int i_layer = indexOf(layer);
		final ArrayList<Layer> al = new ArrayList<Layer>();
		if (-1 == i_layer) return al;
		int start = i_layer - n;
		if (start < 0) start = 0;
		int end = i_layer + n;
		if (end > al_layers.size()) end = al_layers.size();
		for (int i=start; i<i_layer; i++) al.add(al_layers.get(i));
		for (int i=i_layer+1; i<= i_layer + n || i < end; i++) al.add(al_layers.get(i));
		return al;

	public boolean isTop(ZDisplayable zd) {
		if (null != zd && al_zdispl.size() > 0 && al_zdispl.indexOf(zd) == al_zdispl.size() -1) return true;
		return false;

	public boolean isBottom(ZDisplayable zd) {
		if (null != zd && al_zdispl.size() > 0 && al_zdispl.indexOf(zd) == 0) return true;
		return false;

	/** Hub method: ZDisplayable or into the Displayable's Layer. */
	protected boolean isTop(Displayable d) {
		if (d instanceof ZDisplayable) return isTop((ZDisplayable)d);
		else return d.getLayer().isTop(d);
	/** Hub method: ZDisplayable or into the Displayable's Layer. */
	protected boolean isBottom(Displayable d) {
		if (d instanceof ZDisplayable) return isBottom((ZDisplayable)d);
		else return d.getLayer().isBottom(d);

	/** Change z position in the layered stack, which defines the painting order. */ // the BOTTOM of the stack is the first element in the al_zdispl array
	synchronized protected void move(final int place, final Displayable d) {
		if (d instanceof ZDisplayable) {
			int i = al_zdispl.indexOf(d);
			if (-1 == i) {
				Utils.log("LayerSet.move: object does not belong here");
			int size = al_zdispl.size();
			if (1 == size) return;
			switch(place) {
				case LayerSet.TOP:
					// To the end of the list:
					// OLD // if (null != root) root.update(this, d, i, al_zdispl.size()-1);
					updateRangeInBuckets(d, i, al_zdispl.size()-1);
				case LayerSet.UP:
					// +1 in the list
					if (size -1 == i) return;
					al_zdispl.add(i+1, al_zdispl.remove(i));
					//if (null != root) root.update(this, d, i, i+1);
					updateRangeInBuckets(d, i, i+1);
				case LayerSet.DOWN:
					// -1 in the list
					if (0 == i) return;
					al_zdispl.add(i-1, al_zdispl.remove(i)); //swap
					//if (null != root) root.update(this, d, i-1, i);
					updateRangeInBuckets(d, i-1, i);
				case LayerSet.BOTTOM:
					// to first position in the list
					al_zdispl.add(0, al_zdispl.remove(i));
					//if (null != root) root.update(this, d, 0, i);
					updateRangeInBuckets(d, 0, i);
			Display.updatePanelIndex(d.getLayer(), d);
		} else {
			switch (place) {
				case LayerSet.TOP: d.getLayer().moveTop(d); break;
				case LayerSet.UP: d.getLayer().moveUp(d); break;
				case LayerSet.DOWN: d.getLayer().moveDown(d); break;
				case LayerSet.BOTTOM: d.getLayer().moveBottom(d); break;

	/** Returns the reverse index of ZDisplayable zd, which is the actual index as seen in the screen. */
	public int indexOf(final ZDisplayable zd) {
		int k = al_zdispl.indexOf(zd);
		if (-1 == k) return -1;
		return al_zdispl.size() - k -1;

	public boolean isEmptyAt(final Layer layer) {
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.paintsAt(layer)) return false;
		return true;

	public Displayable clone(final Project pr, final boolean copy_id) {
		final Rectangle roi = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Math.ceil(getLayerWidth()), (int)Math.ceil(getLayerHeight()));
		final LayerSet copy = (LayerSet) clone(pr, al_layers.get(0), al_layers.get(al_layers.size()-1), roi, false, copy_id, false);
		try {
			LayerSet.cloneInto(this, al_layers.get(0), al_layers.get(al_layers.size()-1), pr, copy, roi, copy_id);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;
		return copy;

	/** Clone the contents of this LayerSet, from first to last given layers, and cropping for the given rectangle;
	 *  does NOT copy the ZDisplayable, which may be copied using the LayerSet.cloneInto method. */
	public Displayable clone(Project pr, Layer first, Layer last, Rectangle roi, boolean add_to_tree, boolean copy_id, boolean ignore_hidden_patches) {
		// obtain a LayerSet
		final long nid = copy_id ? this.id : pr.getLoader().getNextId();
		final LayerSet copy = new LayerSet(pr, nid, getTitle(), this.width, this.height, this.rot_x, this.rot_y, this.rot_z, roi.width, roi.height, this.locked, this.snapshots_mode, (AffineTransform)this.at.clone());
		copy.snapshots_quality = this.snapshots_quality;
		// copy objects that intersect the roi, from within the given range of layers
		final java.util.List<Layer> range = new ArrayList<Layer>(al_layers).subList(indexOf(first), indexOf(last) +1);
		Utils.log2("range.size() : " + range.size());
		for (Layer layer : range) {
			Layer layercopy = layer.clone(pr, copy, roi, copy_id, ignore_hidden_patches);
			if (add_to_tree) pr.getLayerTree().addLayer(copy, layercopy);
		return copy;

	static public void cloneInto(final LayerSet src, Layer src_first, Layer src_last,
								 final Project pr, final LayerSet copy, Rectangle roi, boolean copy_id)
	throws Exception {
		// copy ZDisplayable objects if they intersect the roi, and translate them properly
		final AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();
		trans.translate(-roi.x, -roi.y);
		final List<Layer> range = copy.getLayers();
		List<Layer> src_range = null;
		if (0 == range.size()) throw new Exception("Cannot cloneInto for a range of zero layers!");
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : src.find(range.get(0), range.get(range.size()-1), new Area(roi))) {
			if (src.project != pr && zd instanceof Tree<?>) {
				// Special in-cloning + crop + out-cloning for Tree instances, since they hold Layer pointers
				// 1. Clone within same project, with ALL layers present
				ZDisplayable src_zd_copy = (ZDisplayable)zd.clone(src.project, true); // NOTICE I use src.project, not pr! And also reuse same id -- this is a throwaway.
				// 2. Crop to the desired range, using the range from the original project
				if (null == src_range) src_range = new ArrayList<Layer>(src.al_layers).subList(src.indexOf(src_first), src.indexOf(src_last) +1);
				// 3. Clone the cropped Tree
				Tree<?> tcopy = (Tree<?>)src_zd_copy.clone(pr, copy_id);
				tcopy.calculateBoundingBox(null); // for all layers. Will update buckets.
			// Else, normally:
			ZDisplayable zdcopy = (ZDisplayable)zd.clone(pr, copy_id);
			copy.addSilently(zdcopy); // must be added before attempting to crop it, because crop needs a LayerSet ref.
			if (zdcopy.crop(range)) {
				if (zdcopy.isDeletable()) {
					Utils.log("Skipping empty " + zdcopy);
				} else {
					zdcopy.calculateBoundingBox(null); // null means update buckets for all layers
			} else {
				Utils.log("Could not crop " + zd);
		// fix links:

	/** Create a virtual layer stack that acts as a virtual ij.ImageStack, in RGB and set to a scale of max_dimension / Math.max(layer_width, layer_height). */
	public LayerStack createLayerStack(Class<?> clazz, int type, int c_alphas) {
		return new LayerStack(this,

	public int getPixelsMaxDimension() { return max_dimension; }
	/** From 0.000... to 1. */
	public double getVirtualizationScale() {
		double scale = max_dimension / Math.max(layer_width, layer_height);
		return scale > 1 ? 1 : scale;
	public void setPixelsMaxDimension(final int d) {
		if (d > 2) {
			if (d != max_dimension) {
				max_dimension = d;
				Polyline.flushTraceCache(project); // depends on the scale value
				Utils.log("3D Viewer NOT updated:\n  close it and recreate meshes for any objects you had in it.");
		} else Utils.log("Can't set virtualization max pixels dimension to smaller than 2!");

	public void setPixelsVirtualizationEnabled(boolean b) { this.virtualization_enabled = b; }
	public boolean isPixelsVirtualizationEnabled() { return virtualization_enabled; }

	/** Returns a new Rectangle of 0, 0, layer_width, layer_height. */
	public Rectangle get2DBounds() {
		return new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Math.ceil(layer_width), (int)Math.ceil(layer_height));

	/** Set the calibration to a clone of the given calibration. */
	public void setCalibration(Calibration cal) {
		if (null == cal) return;
		this.calibration = (Calibration)cal.clone();

	public Calibration getCalibration() {
		return this.calibration;

	public Calibration getCalibrationCopy() {
		return calibration.copy();

	public boolean isCalibrated() {
		Calibration identity = new Calibration();
		if (identity.equals(this.calibration)) return false;
		return true;

	/** Restore calibration from the given XML attributes table.*/
	public void restoreCalibration(HashMap<String,String> ht_attributes) {
		for (final Map.Entry<String,String> entry : ht_attributes.entrySet()) {
			final String key = (String)entry.getKey();
			final String value = (String)entry.getValue();
			// remove the prefix 't2_'
			key.substring(3).toLowerCase(); // case-resistant
			try {
				if (key.equals("pixelwidth")) {
					calibration.pixelWidth = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("pixelheight")) {
					calibration.pixelHeight = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("pixeldepth")) {
					calibration.pixelDepth = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("xorigin")) {
					calibration.xOrigin = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("yorigin")) {
					calibration.yOrigin = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("zorigin")) {
					calibration.zOrigin = Double.parseDouble(value);
				} else if (key.equals("info")) {
					calibration.info = value;
				} else if (key.equals("valueunit")) {
				} else if (key.equals("timeunit")) {
				} else if (key.equals("unit")) {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Utils.log2("LayerSet.restoreCalibration, key/value failed:" + key + "=\"" + value +"\"");
		//Utils.log2("Restored LayerSet calibration: " + calibration);

	/** For creating snapshots, using a very slow but much better scaling algorithm (the Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING method). */
	public boolean snapshotsQuality() {
		return snapshots_quality;

	public void setSnapshotsQuality(boolean b) {
		this.snapshots_quality = b;
		// TODO this is obsolete

	/** Find, in this LayerSet and contained layers and their nested LayerSets if any, all Displayable instances of Class c. Includes the ZDisplayables. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> get(final Class<?> c) {
		return get(new ArrayList<Displayable>(), c);

	/** Find, in this LayerSet and contained layers and their nested LayerSets if any, all Displayable instances of Class c, which are stored in the given ArrayList; returns the same ArrayList, or a new one if its null. Includes the ZDisplayables. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> get(ArrayList<Displayable> all, final Class<?> c) {
		if (null == all) all = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		// check whether to include all the ZDisplayable objects
		if (Displayable.class == c || ZDisplayable.class == c) all.addAll(al_zdispl);
		else {
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
				if (zd.getClass() == c) all.add(zd);
		for (final Layer layer : al_layers) {
			for (final Displayable ls : layer.getDisplayables(LayerSet.class)) {
				((LayerSet)ls).get(all, c);
		return all;

	/** Returns the region defined by the rectangle as an image in the type and format specified.
	 *  The type is either ImagePlus.GRAY8 or ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB.
	 *  The format is either Layer.IMAGE (an array) or Layer.ImagePlus (it returns an ImagePlus containing an ImageStack), from which any ImageProcessor or pixel arrays can be retrieved trivially.
	public Object grab(final int first, final int last, final Rectangle r, final double scale, final Class<?> c, final int c_alphas, final int format, final int type) {
		// check preconditions
		if (first < 0 || first > last || last >= al_layers.size()) {
			Utils.log("Invalid first and/or last layers.");
			return null;
		// Ensure some memory is free
		project.getLoader().releaseToFit(r.width, r.height, type, 1.1f);
		if (Layer.IMAGEPLUS == format) {
			ImageStack stack = new ImageStack((int)(r.width*scale), (int)(r.height*scale));
			for (int i=first; i<=last; i++) {
				Layer la = al_layers.get(i);
				Utils.log2("c is " + c);
				ImagePlus imp = project.getLoader().getFlatImage(la, r, scale, c_alphas, type, c, null, true);
				if (null != imp) try {
					//if (0 == stack.getSize()) stack.setColorModel(imp.getProcessor().getColorModel());
					stack.addSlice(imp.getTitle(), imp.getProcessor()); //.getPixels());
				} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
				} else Utils.log("LayerSet.grab: Ignoring layer " + la);
			if (0 == stack.getSize()) {
				Utils.log("LayerSet.grab: could not make slices.");
				return null;
			return new ImagePlus("Stack " + first + "-" + last, stack);
		} else if (Layer.IMAGE == format) {
			final Image[] image = new Image[last - first + 1];
			for (int i=first, j=0; i<=last; i++, j++) {
				image[j] = project.getLoader().getFlatAWTImage(al_layers.get(i), r, scale, c_alphas, type, c, null, true, Color.black);
			return image;
		return null;

	/** Searches in all layers. Ignores the ZDisplaybles. */
	public Displayable findDisplayable(final long id) {
		for (Layer la : al_layers) {
			for (Displayable d : la.getDisplayables()) {
				if (d.getId() == id) return d;
		return null;

	/** Searches in all ZDisplayables and in all layers, recursively into nested LayerSets. */
	public DBObject findById(final long id) {
		if (this.id == id) return this;
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.getId() == id) return zd;
		for (Layer la : al_layers) {
			DBObject dbo = la.findById(id);
			if (null != dbo) return dbo;
		return null;

	// private to the package
	void linkPatchesR() {
		for (Layer la : al_layers) la.linkPatchesR();
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) zd.linkPatches();

	/** Recursive into nested LayerSet objects.*/
	public void updateLayerTree() {
		for (Layer la : al_layers) {

	/** Find the ZDisplayable objects that intersect with the 3D roi defined by the first and last layers, and the area -all in world coordinates. */
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> find(final Layer first, final Layer last, final Area area) {
		final ArrayList<ZDisplayable> al = new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>();
		for (ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.intersects(area, first.getZ(), last.getZ())) {
		return al;

	/** A Bucket for the ZDisplayable parts that show in every Layer. */
	protected final class LayerBucket {
		protected final Bucket root;
		protected final HashMap<Displayable,HashSet<Bucket>> db_map = new HashMap<Displayable,HashSet<Bucket>>();

		LayerBucket(final Layer la) {
			this.root = new Bucket(0, 0, (int)(0.00005 + getLayerWidth()), (int)(0.00005 + getLayerHeight()), Bucket.getBucketSide(LayerSet.this, la));
			this.root.populate(LayerSet.this, la, this.db_map);

	/** For fast search. */
	protected HashMap<Layer,LayerBucket> lbucks = new HashMap<Layer,LayerBucket>();

	final private void addToBuckets(final Displayable zd, final int i) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (lbucks.isEmpty()) return;
			for (final Long lid : zd.getLayerIds()) {
				final Layer la = getLayer(lid); // map lookup
				final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.get(la);
				if (null == lb) {
				lb.root.put(i, zd, la, lb.db_map);
	/** Recreate the buckets of every layer in which the {@link Displayable} has data. */
	final private void removeFromBuckets(final Displayable zd, final int old_stack_index) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (lbucks.isEmpty()) return;
			for (final Long lid : zd.getLayerIds()) {
				final Layer la = getLayer(lid);
				final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.get(la);
				if (null == lb) {
				recreateBuckets(getLayer(lid), false);

	/** Recreate the buckets for all layers involved. */
	final private void removeFromBuckets(final Collection<ZDisplayable> zds) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (lbucks.isEmpty()) return;
			final Set<Layer> touched = new HashSet<Layer>();
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : zds) {
			for (final Layer la : touched) {
				final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.remove(la);
				if (null == lb) {
				lbucks.put(la, new LayerBucket(la));
	/** Used ONLY by move up/down/top/bottom. */
	final private void updateRangeInBuckets(final Displayable zd, final int i, final int j) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (lbucks.isEmpty()) return;
			for (final Long lid : zd.getLayerIds()) {
				final Layer la = getLayer(lid);
				final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.get(la);
				if (null == lb) {
				for (final Bucket bu : lb.db_map.get(zd)) {
					bu.updateRange(this, zd, i, j);

	/** Returns a copy of the list of ZDisplayable objects. */
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getZDisplayables() { return new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>(al_zdispl); }

	/** Returns the real list of displayables, not a copy. If you modify this list, Thor may ground you with His lightning. */
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getDisplayableList() {
		return al_zdispl;

	public HashMap<Displayable, HashSet<Bucket>> getBucketMap(final Layer la) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (lbucks.isEmpty()) return null;
			final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.get(la);
			if (null == lb) {
				return null;
			return lb.db_map;

	public void updateBucket(final Displayable d, final Layer layer) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			final LayerBucket lb = lbucks.get(layer);
			if (null != lb) lb.root.updatePosition(d, layer, lb.db_map);

	/** Recreate the ZDisplayable buckets, and also the Layer Displayable buckets if desired. */
	public void recreateBuckets(final boolean layer_buckets) {
		recreateBuckets(al_layers, layer_buckets);

	/** Recreate the ZDisplayable buckets for {@code layer}, and also the {@link Layer} {@link Displayable} buckets if desired.
	 * @param layer The {@link Layer} to recreate {@link ZDisplayable} buckets for.
	 * @param layer_buckets Whether to also recreate the {@link Layer}-specific buckets for images and text labels.
	public void recreateBuckets(final Layer layer, final boolean layer_buckets) {
		LayerBucket lb = new LayerBucket(layer);
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lbucks.put(layer, lb);
		if (layer_buckets && null != layer.root) layer.recreateBuckets();

	/** Regenerate the quad-tree bucket system for the ZDisplayable instances that have data at each of the given layers,
	 *  and optionally regenerate the buckets as well for the 2D Displayable instances of that layer as well. */
	public void recreateBuckets(final Collection<Layer> layers, final boolean layer_buckets) {
		final HashMap<Layer,LayerBucket> m = new HashMap<Layer,LayerBucket>();
		try {
			Process.progressive(layers, new TaskFactory<Layer,Object>() {
				public Object process(final Layer layer) {
					LayerBucket lb = new LayerBucket(layer);
					synchronized (m) {
						m.put(layer, lb);
					if (layer_buckets && null != layer.root) layer.recreateBuckets();
					return null;
			}, Process.NUM_PROCESSORS -1); // works even when there is only 1 core, since it checks and fixes the '0' processors request
		} catch (Exception e) {
		synchronized (lbucks) {

	/** Checks only buckets for ZDisplayable, not any related to any layer. */
	public void checkBuckets() {
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			if (!lbucks.isEmpty()) return;

	/** Returns the minimal 2D bounding box for Displayables of class @param c in all layers. */
	public Rectangle getMinimalBoundingBox(final Class<?> c) {
		Rectangle r = null;
		for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
			if (null == r) r = la.getMinimalBoundingBox(c);
			else {
				Rectangle box = la.getMinimalBoundingBox(c); // may be null if Layer is empty
				if (null != box) r.add(box);
		return r;

	/** Time vs DoStep. Not all steps may be specific for a single Displayable. */
	final private TreeMap<Long,DoStep> edit_history = new TreeMap<Long,DoStep>();

	/** The step representing the current diff state. */
	private long current_edit_time = 0;
	private DoStep current_edit_step = null;

	/** Displayable vs its own set of time vs DoStep, for quick access, for those edits that are specific of a Displayable.
	 *  It's necessary to set a ground, starting point for any Displayable whose data will be edited. */
	final private Map<Displayable,TreeMap<Long,DoStep>> dedits = new HashMap<Displayable,TreeMap<Long,DoStep>>();

	/** Time vs DoStep; as steps are removed from the end of edit_history, they are put here. */
	final private TreeMap<Long,DoStep> redo = new TreeMap<Long,DoStep>();

	/** Whether an initial step should be added or not. */
	final boolean prepareStep(final Object ob) {
		synchronized (edit_history) {
			if (0 == edit_history.size() || redo.size() > 0) return true;
			// Check if the last added entry contains the exact same elements and data
			DoStep step = edit_history.get(edit_history.lastKey());
			boolean b = step.isIdenticalTo(ob);
			//Utils.log2(b + " == prepareStep for " + ob);
			// If identical, don't prepare one!
			return !b;

	/** If last step is not a DoEdit "data" step for d, then call addDataEditStep(d). */
	boolean addPreDataEditStep(final Displayable d) {
		if (  null == current_edit_step
		  || (current_edit_step.getD() != d || !((DoEdit)current_edit_step).containsKey("data"))) {
			//Utils.log2("Adding pre-data edit step");
			//return addDataEditStep(d);
			return addEditStep(new Displayable.DoEdit(d).init(d, new String[]{"data"}));
		return false;

	/** A new undo step for the "data" field of Displayable d. */
	boolean addDataEditStep(final Displayable d) {
		//Utils.log2("Adding data edit step");
		// Adds "data", which contains width,height,affinetransform,links, and the data (points, areas, etc.)
		return addDataEditStep(d, new String[]{"data"});
	/** A new undo step for any desired fields of Displayable d. */
	boolean addDataEditStep(final Displayable d, final String[] fields) {
		return addEditStep(new Displayable.DoEdit(d).init(d, fields));

	/** A new undo step for the "data" field of all Displayable in the set. */
	public boolean addDataEditStep(final Set<? extends Displayable> ds) {
		return addDataEditStep(ds, new String[]{"data"});

	boolean addDataEditStep(final Set<? extends Displayable> ds, final String[] fields) {
		final Displayable.DoEdits edits = new Displayable.DoEdits(ds);
		return addEditStep(edits);

	/** Add an undo step for the transformations of all Displayable in the layer. */
	public void addTransformStep(final Layer layer) {
	public void addTransformStep(final List<Layer> layers) {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> all = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final Layer la : layers) all.addAll(la.getDisplayables());
	/** Add an undo step for the transformations of all Displayable in hs. */
	public void addTransformStep(final Collection<? extends Displayable> col) {
		//Utils.log2("Added transform step for col");
		addEditStep(new Displayable.DoTransforms().addAll(col));
	/** Add an undo step for the transformations of all Displayable in col, with data as well (for Patch, data includes the CoordinateTransform). */
	public DoEdits addTransformStepWithData(final Collection<? extends Displayable> col) {
		if (col.isEmpty()) return null;
		final Set<? extends Displayable> hs = col instanceof Set<?> ? (Set<? extends Displayable>)col : new HashSet<Displayable>(col);
		final DoEdits step = new Displayable.DoEdits(hs).init(new String[]{"data", "at", "width", "height"});
		return step;
	/** Includes all ZDisplayable that paint at any of the given layers. */
	public Collection<Displayable> addTransformStepWithDataForAll(final Collection<Layer> layers) {
		if (layers.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList();
		final Set<Displayable> hs = new HashSet<Displayable>();
		for (final Layer layer : layers) hs.addAll(layer.getDisplayables());
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			for (final Layer layer : layers) {
				if (zd.paintsAt(layer)) {
		return hs;
	/** Add an undo step for the transformations of all Displayable in all layers. */
	public void addTransformStep() {
		//Utils.log2("Added transform step for all");
		Displayable.DoTransforms dt = new Displayable.DoTransforms();
		for (final Layer la : al_layers) {

	/** Add a step to undo the addition or deletion of one or more objects in this project and LayerSet. */
	public DoChangeTrees addChangeTreesStep() {
		DoChangeTrees step = new LayerSet.DoChangeTrees(this);
		if (prepareStep(step)) {
			Utils.log2("Added change trees step.");
		return step;
	/** Add a step to undo the addition or deletion of one or more objects in this project and LayerSet,
	 *  along with an arbitrary set of steps that may alter, for example the data. */
	public DoChangeTrees addChangeTreesStep(final Set<DoStep> dependents) {
		DoChangeTrees step = addChangeTreesStep();
		return step;
	/** For the Displayable contained in a Layer: their number, and their stack order. */
	public void addLayerContentStep(final Layer la) {
		DoStep step = new Layer.DoContentChange(la);
		if (prepareStep(step)) {
			Utils.log2("Added layer content step.");
	/** For the Z and thickness of a layer. */
	public void addLayerEditedStep(final Layer layer) {
		addEditStep(new Layer.DoEditLayer(layer));
	/** For the Z and thickness of a list of layers. */
	public void addLayerEditedStep(final List<Layer> al) {
		addEditStep(new Layer.DoEditLayers(al));

	public void addUndoStep(final DoStep step) {

	boolean addEditStep(final DoStep step) {
		if (null == step || step.isEmpty()) {
			Utils.log2("Warning: can't add empty step " + step);
			return false;

		synchronized (edit_history) {
			// Check if it's identical to current step
			if (step.isIdenticalTo(current_edit_step)) {
				//Utils.log2("Skipping identical undo step of class " + step.getClass() + ": " + step);
				return false;

			// Store current in undo queue
			if (null != current_edit_step) {
				edit_history.put(current_edit_time, current_edit_step);
				// Store for speedy access, if its Displayable-specific:
				final Displayable d = current_edit_step.getD();
				if (null != d) {
					TreeMap<Long,DoStep> edits = dedits.get(d);
					if (null == edits) {
						edits = new TreeMap<Long,DoStep>();
						dedits.put(d, edits);
					edits.put(current_edit_time, current_edit_step);

				// prune if too large
				while (edit_history.size() > project.getProperty("n_undo_steps", 32)) {
					long t = edit_history.firstKey();
					DoStep st = edit_history.remove(t);
					if (null != st.getD()) {
						TreeMap<Long,DoStep> m = dedits.get(st.getD());
						if (0 == m.size()) dedits.remove(st.getD());

			// Set step as current
			current_edit_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
			current_edit_step = step;

			// Bye bye redo! Can't branch.

		return true;

	public boolean canUndo() {
		return edit_history.size() > 0;
	public boolean canRedo() {
		return redo.size() > 0 || null != current_edit_step;

	/** Undoes one step of the ongoing transformation history, otherwise of the overall LayerSet history. */
	public boolean undoOneStep() {
		synchronized (edit_history) {
			if (0 == edit_history.size()) {
				Utils.logAll("Empty undo history!");
				return false;

			//Utils.log2("Undoing one step");

			// Add current (if any) to redo queue
			if (null != current_edit_step) {
				redo.put(current_edit_time, current_edit_step);

			// Remove last step from undo queue, and set it as current
			current_edit_time = edit_history.lastKey();
			current_edit_step = edit_history.remove(current_edit_time);

			// Remove as well from dedits
			if (null != current_edit_step.getD()) {

			if (!current_edit_step.apply(DoStep.UNDO)) {
				Utils.log("Undo: could not apply step!");
				return false;

			Utils.log("Undoing " + current_edit_step.getClass().getSimpleName());

		return true;

	protected boolean removeLastUndoStep() {
		synchronized (edit_history) {
			if (edit_history.isEmpty()) return false;
			final long time = edit_history.lastKey();
			final DoStep step = edit_history.remove(time);
			if (null != step.getD()) dedits.get(step.getD()).remove(time);
			// shift current
			if (step == current_edit_step) {
				current_edit_time = edit_history.lastKey();
				current_edit_step = edit_history.get(current_edit_time);
		return true;

	/** Redoes one step of the ongoing transformation history, otherwise of the overall LayerSet history. */
	public boolean redoOneStep() {
		synchronized (edit_history) {
			if (0 == redo.size()) {
				Utils.logAll("Empty redo history!");
				if (null != current_edit_step) {
					return current_edit_step.apply(DoStep.REDO);
				return false;

			//Utils.log2("Redoing one step");

			// Add current (if any) to undo queue
			if (null != current_edit_step) {
				edit_history.put(current_edit_time, current_edit_step);
				if (null != current_edit_step.getD()) {
					dedits.get(current_edit_step.getD()).put(current_edit_time, current_edit_step);

			// Remove one step from undo queue and set it as current
			current_edit_time = redo.firstKey();
			current_edit_step = redo.remove(current_edit_time);

			if (!current_edit_step.apply(DoStep.REDO)) {
				Utils.log("Undo: could not apply step!");
				return false;

			Utils.log("Redoing " + current_edit_step.getClass().getSimpleName());

		return true;

	static public void applyTransforms(final Map<Displayable,AffineTransform> m) {
		for (final Map.Entry<Displayable,AffineTransform> e : m.entrySet()) {
			e.getKey().setAffineTransform(e.getValue()); // updates buckets

	static {
		// Undo background tasks: should be done in background threads,
		// but on attempting to undo/redo, the undo/redo should wait
		// until all tasks are done. For example, updating mipmaps when
		// undoing/redoing min/max or CoordinateTransform.
		// This could be done with futures: spawn and do in the
		// background, but on redo/undo, call for the Future return
		// value, which will block until there is one to return.
		// Since blocking would block the EventDispatchThread, just refuse to undo/redo and notify the user.
		// TODO

	/** Keeps the width,height of a LayerSet and the AffineTransform of every Displayable in it. */
	static private class DoResizeLayerSet implements DoStep {

		final LayerSet ls;
		final HashMap<Displayable,AffineTransform> affines;
		final float width, height;

		DoResizeLayerSet(final LayerSet ls) {
			this.ls = ls;
			this.width = ls.layer_width;
			this.height = ls.layer_height;
			this.affines = new HashMap<Displayable,AffineTransform>();

			final ArrayList<Displayable> col = ls.getDisplayables(); // it's a new list
			for (final Displayable d : col) {
				this.affines.put(d, d.getAffineTransformCopy());
		public boolean isIdenticalTo(final Object ob) {
			if (!(ob instanceof LayerSet)) return false;
			final LayerSet layerset = (LayerSet) ob;
			if (layerset.layer_width != this.width || layerset.height != this.height || layerset != this.ls) return false;
			final ArrayList<Displayable> col = ls.getDisplayables();
			for (final Displayable d : col) {
				final AffineTransform aff = this.affines.get(d);
				if (null == aff) return false;
				if (!aff.equals(d.getAffineTransform())) return false;
			return true;

		public boolean apply(int action) {
			ls.layer_width = width;
			ls.layer_height = height;
			for (final Map.Entry<Displayable,AffineTransform> e : affines.entrySet()) {

			final boolean dobuckets;
			synchronized (ls.lbucks) {
				dobuckets = ls.lbucks.isEmpty();
			if (dobuckets) ls.recreateBuckets(true);

			Display.update(ls); //so it's not left out painted beyond borders
			return true;
		public boolean isEmpty() { return false; }
		public Displayable getD() { return null; }

	/** Records the state of the LayerSet.al_layers, each Layer.al_displayables and all the trees and unique types of Project. */
	static protected class DoChangeTrees implements DoStep {
		final LayerSet ls;
		final HashMap<Thing,Boolean> ttree_exp, ptree_exp, ltree_exp;
		final Thing troot, proot, lroot;
		final ArrayList<Layer> all_layers;
		final HashMap<Layer,ArrayList<Displayable>> all_displ;
		final ArrayList<ZDisplayable> all_zdispl;
		final HashMap<Displayable,Set<Displayable>> links;
		final HashMap<Long,Layer> idlayers;
		final HashMap<Layer,Integer> layerindices;

		HashSet<DoStep> dependents = null;

		// TODO: does not consider recursive LayerSets!
		public DoChangeTrees(final LayerSet ls) {
			this.ls = ls;
			final Project p = ls.getProject();

			this.ttree_exp = new HashMap<Thing,Boolean>();
			this.troot = p.getTemplateTree().duplicate(this.ttree_exp);
			this.ptree_exp = new HashMap<Thing,Boolean>();
			this.proot = p.getProjectTree().duplicate(this.ptree_exp);
			this.ltree_exp = new HashMap<Thing,Boolean>();
			this.lroot = p.getLayerTree().duplicate(this.ltree_exp);

			this.all_layers = ls.getLayers(); // a copy of the list, but each object is the running instance
			this.all_zdispl = ls.getZDisplayables(); // idem
			this.idlayers = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(ls.idlayers);
			synchronized (ls.layerindices) {
				this.layerindices = new HashMap<Layer,Integer>(ls.layerindices);

			this.links = new HashMap<Displayable,Set<Displayable>>();
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : this.all_zdispl) {
				this.links.put(zd, zd.hs_linked); // LayerSet is a Displayable

			this.all_displ = new HashMap<Layer,ArrayList<Displayable>>();
			for (final Layer layer : all_layers) {
				final ArrayList<Displayable> al = layer.getDisplayables(); // a copy
				this.all_displ.put(layer, al);
				for (final Displayable d : al) {
					this.links.put(d, null == d.hs_linked ? null : new HashSet<Displayable>(d.hs_linked));
		public Displayable getD() { return null; }
		public boolean isEmpty() { return false; }
		public boolean isIdenticalTo(final Object ob) {
			// TODO
			return false;
		public boolean apply(int action) {
			// Replace all trees
			final Project p = ls.getProject();
			p.resetRootTemplateThing((TemplateThing)this.troot, ttree_exp);
			p.resetRootProjectThing((ProjectThing)this.proot, ptree_exp);
			p.resetRootLayerThing((LayerThing)this.lroot, ltree_exp);
			// Replace all layers
			synchronized (ls.IDLAYERS_WRITE_LOCK) {
				ls.idlayers = new HashMap<Long,Layer>(this.idlayers);
			synchronized (ls.layerindices) {

			// Replace all Displayable in each Layer
			for (final Map.Entry<Layer,ArrayList<Displayable>> e : all_displ.entrySet()) {
				// Acquire pointer to the actual instance list in each Layer
				final ArrayList<Displayable> al = e.getKey().getDisplayableList(); // the real one!
				// Create a list to contain those Displayable present in old list but not in list to use now
				final HashSet<Displayable> diff = new HashSet<Displayable>(al); // create with all Displayable of old list
				diff.removeAll(e.getValue()); // remove all Displayable present in list to use now, to leave the diff or remainder only
				// Clear current list
				// Insert all to the current list
				// Add to remove-on-shutdown queue all those Patch no longer in the list to use now:
				for (final Displayable d : diff) {
					if (d.getClass() == Patch.class) {
						d.getProject().getLoader().tagForMipmapRemoval((Patch)d, true);
				// Remove from queue all those Patch in the list to use now:
				for (final Displayable d : al) {
					if (d.getClass() == Patch.class) {
						d.getProject().getLoader().tagForMipmapRemoval((Patch)d, false);

			// Replace all ZDisplayable

			// Replace all links
			for (final Map.Entry<Displayable,Set<Displayable>> e : this.links.entrySet()) {
				final Set<Displayable> hs = e.getKey().hs_linked;
				if (null != hs) {
					final Set<Displayable> hs2 = e.getValue();
					if (null == hs2) e.getKey().hs_linked = null;
					else {

			// Invoke dependents
			if (null != dependents) for (DoStep step : dependents) step.apply(action);


			Display.update(ls, false);

			return true;

		synchronized public void addDependents(Set<DoStep> dep) {
			if (null == this.dependents) this.dependents = new HashSet<DoStep>();

	/** To undo moving up/down/top/bottom. */
	public DoStep createUndoMoveStep(final Displayable d) {
		return d instanceof ZDisplayable ?
			new LayerSet.DoMoveZDisplayable(this)
			: new Layer.DoMoveDisplayable(d.getLayer());

	/** To undo moving up/down/top/bottom. */
	public void addUndoMoveStep(final Displayable d) {
	static protected class DoMoveZDisplayable implements DoStep {
		final ArrayList<ZDisplayable> al_zdispl;
		final LayerSet ls;
		HashSet<DoStep> dependents = null;
		DoMoveZDisplayable(final LayerSet ls) {
			this.ls = ls;
			this.al_zdispl = new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>(ls.al_zdispl);
		public boolean apply(int action) {
			// Replace all ZDisplayable
			Display.update(ls, false);
			return true;
		public boolean isEmpty() {
			return false;
		public Displayable getD() {
			return null;
		public boolean isIdenticalTo(Object ob) {
			if (!(ob instanceof DoMoveZDisplayable)) return false;
			final DoMoveZDisplayable dmz = (DoMoveZDisplayable)ob;
			if (dmz.ls != this.ls) return false;
			if (dmz.al_zdispl.size() != this.al_zdispl.size()) return false;
			for (int i=0; i<this.al_zdispl.size(); ++i) {
				if (dmz.al_zdispl.get(i) != this.al_zdispl.get(i)) return false;
			return true;

	private Overlay overlay = null;

	/** Return the current Overlay or a new one if none yet. */
	synchronized public Overlay getOverlay() {
		if (null == overlay) overlay = new Overlay();
		return overlay;
	// Used by DisplayCanvas to paint
	Overlay getOverlay2() {
		return overlay;
	/** Set to null to remove the Overlay.
	 *  @return the previous Overlay, if any. */
	synchronized public Overlay setOverlay(final Overlay o) {
		Overlay old = this.overlay;
		this.overlay = o;
		return old;

	private final HashMap<DisplayCanvas.ScreenshotProperties,DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> offscreens = new HashMap<DisplayCanvas.ScreenshotProperties,DisplayCanvas.Screenshot>();
	private final HashMap<Layer,HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot>> offscreens2 = new HashMap<Layer,HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot>>();

	final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot getScreenshot(final DisplayCanvas.ScreenshotProperties props) {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
			return offscreens.get(props);

	final private void putO2(final Layer la, final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc) {
		HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> hs = offscreens2.get(la);
		if (null == hs) {
			hs = new HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot>();
			offscreens2.put(la, hs);
	final private void removeO2(final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc) {
		HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> hs = offscreens2.get(sc.layer);
		if (null == hs) return;

	final void storeScreenshot(DisplayCanvas.Screenshot s) {
		synchronized(offscreens) {
			offscreens.put(s.props, s);
			putO2(s.layer, s);
	final void clearScreenshots() {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
			for (final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot s : offscreens.values()) {
	final void trimScreenshots() {
		synchronized(offscreens) {
			if (offscreens.size() > 1000) {
				TreeMap<Long,DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> m = new TreeMap<Long,DisplayCanvas.Screenshot>();
				for (final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot s : offscreens.values()) {
					m.put(s.born, s);
				ArrayList<Long> t = new ArrayList<Long>(m.keySet());
				for (final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc : m.subMap(m.firstKey(), t.get(t.size()/2)).values()) {
					offscreens.put(sc.props, sc);
					putO2(sc.layer, sc);
				// not flushing: they will get thrown out eventually
	final void removeFromOffscreens(final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc) {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
	public final void removeFromOffscreens(final Layer la) {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
			final HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> hs = offscreens2.remove(la);
			if (null != hs) {
				for (final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc : hs) {
	final void removeFromOffscreens(final ZDisplayable zd) {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
			// Throw away any cached that intersect the zd
			final Rectangle box = zd.getBoundingBox();
			for (final Iterator<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> it = offscreens.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
				final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc = it.next();
				if (box.intersects(sc.props.srcRect)) {
					final HashSet<DisplayCanvas.Screenshot> hs = offscreens2.get(sc.layer);
					if (null != hs) hs.remove(sc.props);

	final boolean containsScreenshot(final DisplayCanvas.Screenshot sc) {
		synchronized (offscreens) {
			return offscreens.containsKey(sc.props);

	/** Find all java.awt.geom.Area in layer that intersect with box, if visible.
	 *  Areas are returned as they are, with coords local to the Displayable they come from.
	 *  Modifying the Area instances will modify the actual data in the AreaContainer Displayable. */
	protected Map<Displayable,List<Area>> findAreas(final Layer layer, final Rectangle box, final boolean visible) {
		final Map<Displayable,List<Area>> m = new HashMap<Displayable,List<Area>>();
		for (final Displayable zd : findZDisplayables(layer, box, visible)) {
			if (!(zd instanceof AreaContainer)) continue;
			List<Area> a = ((AreaContainer)zd).getAreas(layer, box);
			if (null == a) continue;
			m.put(zd, a);
		return m;

	/** A set of unique tags, retrievable by their own identity. */
	protected final Map<Integer,HashMap<String,Tag>> tags = new HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String,Tag>>();

		final Tag TODO = new Tag("TODO", KeyEvent.VK_T),
				  UNCERTAIN_END = new Tag("Uncertain end", KeyEvent.VK_U);
		final HashMap<String,Tag> m1 = new HashMap<String,Tag>(),
							      m2 = new HashMap<String,Tag>();
		m1.put(TODO.toString(), TODO);
		m2.put(UNCERTAIN_END.toString(), UNCERTAIN_END);
		tags.put(KeyEvent.VK_T, m1);
		tags.put(KeyEvent.VK_U, m2);

	/** Returns an existing immutable Tag instance if already there, or stores a new one and returns it. */
	public Tag putTag(final String tag, final int keyCode) {
		if (null == tag) return null;
		synchronized (tags) {
			HashMap<String,Tag> ts = tags.get(keyCode);
			if (null == ts) {
				ts = new HashMap<String,Tag>();
				tags.put(keyCode, ts);
			final Tag t = new Tag(tag, keyCode);
			final Tag existing = ts.get(t);
			if (null == existing) {
				ts.put(t.toString(), t);
				return t;
			} else {
				return existing;

	/** If there aren't any tags for keyCode, returns an empty TreeSet. */
	public TreeSet<Tag> getTags(final int keyCode) {
		synchronized (tags) {
			final HashMap<String,Tag> ts = tags.get(keyCode);
			return new TreeSet<Tag>(null == ts ? Collections.EMPTY_SET :
												 KeyEvent.VK_R == keyCode ? filterReviewTags(ts.values()) :
	private final Collection<Tag> filterReviewTags(final Collection<Tag> ts) {
		final ArrayList<Tag> a = new ArrayList<Tag>();
		for (final Tag tag : ts) {
			if ('#' == tag.toString().charAt(0)) continue;
			else a.add(tag);
		return a;

	protected Tag askForNewTag(final int keyCode) {
		GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Define new tag");
		gd.addMessage("Define new tag for key: " + ((char)keyCode));
		TreeSet<Tag> ts = getTags(keyCode);
		gd.addStringField("New tag:", "", 40);
		if (null != ts && ts.size() > 0) {
			String[] names = new String[ts.size()];
			int next = 0;
			for (Tag t : ts) names[next++] = t.toString();
			gd.addChoice("Existing tags for " + ((char)keyCode) + ":", names, names[0]);
		if (gd.wasCanceled()) return null;
		String tag = gd.getNextString().trim();
		if (0 == tag.length()) {
			Utils.logAll("Invalid tag " + tag);
			return null;
		return putTag(tag, keyCode);

	/** Returns false if the dialog was canceled or there wasn't any tag to remove. */
	protected boolean askToRemoveTag(final int keyCode) {
		TreeSet<Tag> ts = getTags(keyCode);
		if (null == ts || ts.isEmpty()) return false;
		String[] tags = new String[ts.size()];
		int next = 0;
		for (Tag t : ts) tags[next++] = t.toString();
		GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Remove tag");
		gd.addMessage("Remove a tag for key: " + ((char)keyCode));
		gd.addChoice("Remove:", tags, tags[0]);
		if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
		String tag = gd.getNextChoice();
		removeTag(tag, keyCode);
		return true;

	/** Removes the tag from the list of possible tags, and then from wherever it has been assigned. The @param tag is duck-typed. */
	public void removeTag(final String tag, final int keyCode) {
		removeTag(new Tag(tag, keyCode));
	public void removeTag(final Tag t) {
		synchronized (tags) {
			HashMap<String,Tag> ts = tags.get(t.getKeyCode());
			if (null == ts) return;
		for (final Displayable d : getDisplayables()) {
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {

	public void removeAllTags() {
		// the easy and unperformant way ... I have better things to do
		for (final HashMap<String,Tag> m : tags.values()) {
			for (final Tag t : m.values()) {

	public String exportTags() {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<tags>\n");
		for (final Map.Entry<Integer,HashMap<String,Tag>> e : tags.entrySet()) {
			final char key = (char)e.getKey().intValue();
			for (final Tag t : e.getValue().values()) {
				sb.append(" <tag key=\"").append(key).append("\" val=\"").append(t.toString()).append("\" />\n");
		return sb.append("</tags>").toString();

	public void importTags(String path, boolean replace) {
		HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String,Tag>> backup = new HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String,Tag>>(this.tags); // copy!
		InputStream istream = null;
		try {
			if (replace) removeAllTags();
			SAXParserFactory f = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
			SAXParser parser = f.newSAXParser();
			istream = Utils.createStream(path);
			parser.parse(new InputSource(istream), new TagsParser());
		} catch (Throwable t) {
			// restore:
			// no undo for all potentially removed tags ...
		} finally {
			try {
				if (null != istream) istream.close();
			} catch (Exception e) {}
	private class TagsParser extends DefaultHandler {
		public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {
			if (!"tag".equals(qName.toLowerCase())) return;
			final HashMap<String,String> m = new HashMap<String,String>();
			for (int i=attributes.getLength() -1; i>-1; i--) {
				m.put(attributes.getQName(i).toLowerCase(), attributes.getValue(i));
			final String key = m.get("key"),
				     content = m.get("val");
			if (null == key || key.length() > 1 || Character.isDigit(key.charAt(0)) || null == content) {
				Utils.log("Ignoring invalid tag with key '" + key + "' and value '" + content + "'");
			putTag(content, (int)key.charAt(0));

	// ==== GET ZDisplayable objects ====
	//  ESSENTIALLY, a filter operation on the al_zdispl list.

	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getZDisplayables(final Class<?> c) {
		return getZDisplayables(c, false);

	/** Returns a list of ZDisplayable of class c only.
	 *  If @param instance_of, use c.isInstance(...) instead of class equality. */
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final boolean instance_of) {
		final ArrayList<ZDisplayable> al = new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>();
		if (null == c) return al;
		if (Displayable.class == c || ZDisplayable.class == c) {
			return al;
		if (instance_of) {
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
				if (c.isInstance(zd)) al.add(zd);
		} else {
			for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
				if (zd.getClass() == c) al.add(zd);
		return al;

	// FILTER operations but also by an Area in a given Layer:

	/** Use method findZDisplayables(...) instead. */
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only) {
		return getZDisplayables(c, layer, aroi, visible_only, false);

	/** Use method findZDisplayables(...) instead. */
	@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
	public ArrayList<ZDisplayable> getZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
		if (!ZDisplayable.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) return new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>();
		return new ArrayList<ZDisplayable>((Collection<ZDisplayable>)(Collection)findZDisplayables(c, layer, aroi, visible_only, instance_of));

	// ============== FIND Displayable or ZDisplayable onjects ============

	/** Find any Displayable or ZDisplayable objects of class C which intersect with the Area @param aroi. If @param visible_only, then only those that are not hidden. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> find(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only) {
		return find(c, layer, aroi, visible_only, false);

	/** Find any Displayable or ZDisplayable objects of class C which intersect with the Area @param aroi. If @param visible_only, then only those that are not hidden. If @param instance_of is true, then classes are not check by equality but by instanceof. */
	public ArrayList<Displayable> find(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		if (!ZDisplayable.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
			al.addAll(layer.getDisplayables(c, aroi, visible_only, instance_of));
		al.addAll(findZDisplayables(c, layer, aroi, visible_only, instance_of));
		return al;

	public ArrayList<Displayable> find(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final int x, final int y, final boolean visible_only) {
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		if (!ZDisplayable.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
			al.addAll(layer.find(c, x, y, visible_only));
		al.addAll(findZDisplayables(c, layer, x, y, visible_only));
		return al;

	// ======== FIND ZDisplayable only =======

	/** Find ZDisplayable objects that contain the point x,y in the given layer. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Layer layer, final int x, final int y, final boolean visible_only) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.find(x, y, layer, visible_only);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.contains(layer, x, y)) al.add(zd);
		return al;

	/** Find ZDisplayable objects of Class c that contain the point x,y in the given layer. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final int x, final int y, final boolean visible_only) {
		return findZDisplayables(c, layer, x, y, visible_only, false);
	/** Find ZDisplayable objects of Class c that contain the point x,y in the given layer. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final int x, final int y, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.find(c, x, y, layer, visible_only, instance_of);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (zd.getClass() == c && zd.contains(layer, x, y)) al.add(zd);
		return al;

	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Rectangle r, final boolean visible_only) {
		return findZDisplayables(c, layer, r, visible_only, false);
	/** Find ZDisplayable objects of the given class that intersect the given rectangle in the given layer. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Rectangle r, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.find(c, r, layer, visible_only, instance_of);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (instance_of && !c.isInstance(zd)) continue;
			else if (zd.getClass() != c) continue;
			if (zd.getBounds(null, layer).intersects(r)) al.add(zd);
		return al;
	/** Find ZDisplayable objects of the given class that intersect the given area in the given layer.
	 *  If @param instance_of is true, use c.isAssignableFrom instead of class equality. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Class<?> c, final Layer layer, final Area aroi, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.find(c, aroi, layer, visible_only, instance_of);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (visible_only && !zd.isVisible()) continue;
			if (instance_of) {
				if (!c.isAssignableFrom(zd.getClass())) continue;
			} else if (zd.getClass() != c) continue;
			if (zd.intersects(layer, aroi)) al.add(zd);
		return al;
	/** Find ZDisplayable objects that intersect the given rectangle in the given layer. */
	public Collection<Displayable> findZDisplayables(final Layer layer, final Rectangle r, final boolean visible_only) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.find(r, layer, visible_only);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (visible_only && !zd.isVisible()) continue;
			if (zd.getBounds(null, layer).intersects(r)) al.add(zd);
		return al;

	/** Find ZDisplayable objects that intersect the given rectangle in the given layer.
	 *  May return false positives but never false negatives. */
	public Collection<Displayable> roughlyFindZDisplayables(final Layer layer, final Rectangle r, final boolean visible_only) {
		final LayerBucket lb;
		synchronized (lbucks) {
			lb = lbucks.get(layer);
		if (null != lb) return lb.root.roughlyFind(r, layer, visible_only);
		else nbmsg(layer);

		// Else, linear:
		final ArrayList<Displayable> al = new ArrayList<Displayable>();
		for (final ZDisplayable zd : al_zdispl) {
			if (visible_only && !zd.isVisible()) continue;
			if (zd.getBounds(null, layer).intersects(r)) al.add(zd);
		return al;

	private static final void nbmsg(final Layer la) {
		Utils.log2("No buckets for layer " + la);

	/** Get all Displayable or ZDisplayable of the given class.
	 *  Classes are tested by equality, except for ZDisplayable.class.
	 *  Will also consider Displayable.class and subclasses in
	 *  a similar fashion, by calling Layer.getAll(c). */
	public<T extends Displayable> List<T> getAll(final Class<T> c) {
		final ArrayList<T> al = new ArrayList<T>();
		if (null == c) return al;
		if (ZDisplayable.class == c) {
		} else if (ZDisplayable.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
			for (final ZDisplayable d : al_zdispl) {
				if (d.getClass() == c) al.add((T)d);
		} else if (Displayable.class == c) {
			for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
		} else if (Displayable.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
			for (final Layer la : al_layers) {
		return al;