package org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.editor;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.WorkspaceJob;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IPageChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder2Adapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder2Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.INavigationHistory;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPartService;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.IMessageManager;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.IFormPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.Activator;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.spec.Spec;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.spec.parser.IParseConstants;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.TLCActivator;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.launch.IModelConfigurationConstants;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.launch.IModelConfigurationDefaults;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.launch.TLCModelLaunchDelegate;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model.AbstractModelStateChangeListener;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model.Model;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model.TLCModelFactory;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.output.source.TLCOutputSourceRegistry;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.TLCUIActivator;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.editor.preference.IModelEditorPreferenceConstants;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.preference.ITLCPreferenceConstants;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.util.ModelEditorPartListener;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.util.SemanticHelper;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.view.TLCErrorView;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.util.ChangedSpecModulesGatheringDeltaVisitor;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.util.ModelHelper;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.ui.handler.OpenSpecHandler;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.ui.view.PDFBrowser;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.ui.view.PDFBrowserEditor;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.util.ResourceHelper;
import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.util.UIHelper;

import com.abstratt.graphviz.GraphViz;

import tla2sany.semantic.ModuleNode;
import util.TLAConstants;

 * Editor for the model.
 * TODO this class should be cleaned up - there's no consistent grouping of static v instance methods; nor scoped
 * 		instance methods; nor ...
 * @author Simon Zambrovski
public class ModelEditor extends FormEditor {
     * Editor ID
    public static final String ID = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.editor.ModelEditor";
    public static final String ZERO_COVERAGE_ACTION_MARKER = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.zerocoverage";

	private static final SimpleDateFormat SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss");

     * working copy of the model
    // helper to resolve semantic matches of words
    private SemanticHelper helper;
    private ModelStateListener modelStateListener = new ModelStateListener();

     * This runnable is responsible for the validation of the pages.
     * It iterates over the pages and calls validate on them. At this point it assumes,
     * that every page is a subclass of the BasicFormPage.
     * This runnable must be called in the UI thread (using UIHelper.runUIAsync() method).
     * It is used in the workspace root listener and is called once after the input is set and after the pages 
     * are added.
    private final ValidateRunnable validateRunable = new ValidateRunnable();

    // data binding manager
    private DataBindingManager dataBindingManager = new DataBindingManager();

     * A listener that reacts to when editor tabs showing saved modules
     * get closed. This listener properly disposes of the editor and its contents.
     * See the class documentation for more details.
    private CTabFolder2Listener listener = new CloseModuleTabListener();
    private final Map<Integer, Closeable> indexCloseableMap;

    // array of pages to add
    private BasicFormPage[] pagesToAdd;

	private Model model;

    // react on spec file changes
	private IResourceChangeListener workspaceResourceChangeListener = (event) -> {
		final IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta();

		 * This is a helper method that returns a new instance of
		 * ChangedModulesGatheringDeltaVisitor, which gathers the changed TLA modules
		 * from a resource delta tree.
		final ChangedSpecModulesGatheringDeltaVisitor visitor = new ChangedSpecModulesGatheringDeltaVisitor(model) {
			public IResource getModel() {
				return model.getFile();

		try {
			// one of the modules in the specification has changed
			// this means that identifiers defined in a spec might have changed
			// re-validate the editor
			if (!visitor.getModules().isEmpty() || visitor.isModelChanged() || visitor.getCheckpointChanged()) {
				// update the specObject of the helper

				// iff the model has changed, switch to the error page after the validation
				validateRunable.switchToErrorPage = visitor.isModelChanged();

				// re-validate the pages

		} catch (CoreException e) {
			TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error visiting changed resource", e);
	 * This IPageChangedListener is responsible to mark the current page in the
	 * navigation location history (stack). It is here in addition to a
	 * FocusListener in BasicFormPage which additionally track the in-page
	 * selection. However, if the user does not click into the page effectively
	 * changing the selection, the FocusListener isn't triggered.
	private final IPageChangedListener pageChangedListener = (event) -> {
		final INavigationHistory navigationHistory = getSite().getPage().getNavigationHistory();
		navigationHistory.markLocation((IEditorPart) event.getSelectedPage());
	private final IPropertyChangeListener preferenceChangeListener = (event) -> {
		if (IModelEditorPreferenceConstants.I_MODEL_EDITOR_SHOW_ECE_AS_TAB.equals(event.getProperty())) {
			final boolean eceAsTab = ((Boolean) event.getNewValue()).booleanValue();
			final Pair<Integer, FormPage> pair = getLastFormPage();
			final String id = pair.getRight().getId();
			// No results page open, so don't show the ECE page, slash, affect the results page to show the ECE section
			if (!ResultPage.ID.equals(id) && !EvaluateConstantExpressionPage.ID.equals(id)) {

			if (eceAsTab) {
				if (!EvaluateConstantExpressionPage.ID.equals(id)) {
					try {
						final EvaluateConstantExpressionPage ecePage = new EvaluateConstantExpressionPage(this);
						addPage((pair.getLeft().intValue() + 1), ecePage, getEditorInput());
						final ResultPage rp = (ResultPage) findPage(ResultPage.ID);
						final EvaluateConstantExpressionPage.State eceState = rp.getECEContent();
					} catch (final Exception e) {
						TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error attempting to open ECE page.", e);
			} else {
				if (EvaluateConstantExpressionPage.ID.equals(id)) {
					try {
						final EvaluateConstantExpressionPage ecePage = (EvaluateConstantExpressionPage)pair.getRight();
						final EvaluateConstantExpressionPage.State eceState = ecePage.getECEContent();
						final ResultPage rp = (ResultPage) findPage(ResultPage.ID);
					} catch (final Exception e) {
						TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error attempting to close ECE page.", e);

     * Simple editor constructor
	public ModelEditor() {
		helper = new SemanticHelper();
		indexCloseableMap = new HashMap<>();
	 * This constructor should only be used with certain unit tests.
	public ModelEditor(final Model testingModel) {
		model = testingModel;

     * Initialize the editor
	public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException {
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("entering ModelEditor#init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input)");
        super.init(site, input);

        // grab the input
		final FileEditorInput finput = getFileEditorInput();

		// the file might not exist anymore (e.g. manually removed by the user) 
		if ((finput == null) || !finput.exists()) {
			throw new PartInitException("Editor input does not exist: " + finput.getName());
        model = TLCModelFactory.getBy(finput.getFile());
        int openTabsValue = 0;
        try {
			openTabsValue = model.getLaunchConfiguration().getAttribute(IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TABS, 0);
        } catch (CoreException e) { }

        final boolean mustShowResultsPage
        			= model.isSnapshot()
        				|| parsePotentialAssociatedTLCRunToDetermineWhetherResultsPageMustBeShown();
		final IPreferenceStore ips = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
        if (openTabsValue == IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_NONE) {
			pagesToAdd = mustShowResultsPage
									? new BasicFormPage[] { new MainModelPage(this), new ResultPage(this) }
									: new BasicFormPage[] { new MainModelPage(this) };
        } else {
        	final ArrayList<BasicFormPage> editorPages = new ArrayList<>();
        	editorPages.add(new MainModelPage(this));
			if ((openTabsValue & IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_ADVANCED_MODEL) != 0) {
				editorPages.add(new AdvancedModelPage(this));
			if ((openTabsValue & IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_ADVANCED_TLC) != 0) {
				editorPages.add(new AdvancedTLCOptionsPage(this));
			if (mustShowResultsPage
							|| ((openTabsValue & IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_RESULTS) != 0)) {
				editorPages.add(new ResultPage(this));
	        	if (ips.getBoolean(IModelEditorPreferenceConstants.I_MODEL_EDITOR_SHOW_ECE_AS_TAB)) {
	        		editorPages.add(new EvaluateConstantExpressionPage(this));
	        	if (mustShowResultsPage) {
	        		final int openTabState = getModel().getOpenTabsValue();
	        		updateOpenTabsState(openTabState | IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_RESULTS);	        		

            pagesToAdd = editorPages.toArray(new BasicFormPage[editorPages.size()]);
        // setContentDescription(path.toString());
        if (model.isSnapshot()) {
        	final String date = SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.format(model.getSnapshotTimeStamp());
            this.setPartName(model.getSnapshotFor().getName() + " (" + date + ")");
        } else {

        // add a listener that will update the tlc error view when a model editor
        // is made visible
        IPartService service = (IPartService) getSite().getService(IPartService.class);

         * Install resource change listener on the workspace root to react on any changes in th current spec

        // update the spec object of the helper

        // initial re-validate the pages, which are already loaded
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("leaving ModelEditor#init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input)");

        // Asynchronously register a PageChangedListener to now cause cyclic part init warnings
		UIHelper.runUIAsync(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
    // how's that for a method name....
    private boolean parsePotentialAssociatedTLCRunToDetermineWhetherResultsPageMustBeShown() {
        final TLCModelLaunchDataProvider ldp = TLCOutputSourceRegistry.getModelCheckSourceRegistry().getProvider(model);
        final AtomicBoolean hasStartTime = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        final AtomicBoolean hasError = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        final AtomicBoolean hasZeroCoverage = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    	final ITLCModelLaunchDataPresenter consumer = (dataProvider, fieldId) -> {
    		switch (fieldId) {
    			case ITLCModelLaunchDataPresenter.START_TIME:
    				hasStartTime.set(dataProvider.getStartTimestamp() > 0);
    			case ITLCModelLaunchDataPresenter.COVERAGE:
    				if (!hasZeroCoverage.get()) {
						final CoverageInformation coverageInfo = dataProvider.getCoverageInfo();
						if (dataProvider.isDone() && !coverageInfo.isEmpty() && dataProvider.hasZeroCoverage()) {
    			case ITLCModelLaunchDataPresenter.ERRORS:
    				if (dataProvider.getErrors().size() > 0) {
    	return hasStartTime.get() || hasError.get() || hasZeroCoverage.get();
	 * @param index the tab index
	 * @return null if the index is greater than or equal to the number of tabs,
	 *         else the id of the {@link FormPage} which is at that index
    public String getIdForEditorAtIndex(final int index) {
    	final FormPage editor = (FormPage)getEditor(index);
    	if (editor != null) {
    		return editor.getId();
    	return null;

	 * @see org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor#dispose()
	public void dispose() {
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("entering ModelEditor#dispose()");
        // remove the listeners

        // super.dispose still needs the model instance
        model = null;
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("leaving ModelEditor#dispose()");
	public boolean isDisposed() {
		return model == null;

     * This method saves the model even if the spec is not parsed.  This is probably
     * a good idea, since the user may want to quit in the middle of his work without
     * losing what he's done to the model.
     * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart#doSave(org.eclipse.core.runtime.
     * IProgressMonitor)
    public void doSave(IProgressMonitor monitor)
        this.commitPages(monitor, true);;

        // remove existing markers

        final boolean revalidate = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(
        if (revalidate)
            // run SANY
            launchModel(TLCModelLaunchDelegate.MODE_GENERATE, false, monitor /*
                                                                     * the SANY
                                                                     * will run
                                                                     * only if
                                                                     * the
                                                                     * editor is
                                                                     * valid


     * Commits the pages and saves the config without running validation
     * on the model.
     * @param monitor
    public void doSaveWithoutValidating(IProgressMonitor monitor)
        this.commitPages(monitor, true);;


     * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart#doSaveAs()
    public void doSaveAs()

     * Ask the view for an adapter for certain class
	public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> required)
        // ask for the launch data provider
        if (TLCModelLaunchDataProvider.class.equals(required))
            // return a provider, if this can be found
            TLCModelLaunchDataProvider provider = TLCOutputSourceRegistry.getModelCheckSourceRegistry().getProvider(
            if (provider != null)
                return (T) provider;
        }  else if (IFile.class.equals(required)) {
			// The GraphViz viewer tries to get a .dot from an editor. The
			// Toolbox's model editor is the closest thing corresponding to the
			// state graph (stored as dot).
        	final IFolder folder = model.getFolder();
			final String name = model.getName().concat(".dot");
			return (T) folder.getFile(name);
        return super.getAdapter(required);

    public void setFocus()
         * The following commented code was causing a warning that
         * said "Prevented recursive attempt to activate part
         * toolbox.tool.tlc.view.TLCErrorView while still in the
         * middle of activating part
         * org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.editor.ModelEditor"
         * The updating of the error view is now done by registering a
         * part listener in the init method of the modeleditor. This
         * part listener is an instance of ModelEditorPartListener()
         * whose partVisible() method does the updating of the
         * TLCErrorView.
        // final TLCModelLaunchDataProvider provider = (TLCModelLaunchDataProvider) ModelEditor.this
        // .getAdapter(TLCModelLaunchDataProvider.class);
        // if (!provider.getErrors().isEmpty())
        // {
        // TLCErrorView errorView = (TLCErrorView) UIHelper.findView(TLCErrorView.ID);
        // if (errorView != null)
        // {
        // UIHelper.runUISync(new Runnable() {
        // public void run()
        // {
        // TLCErrorView.updateErrorView(provider);
        // }
        // });
        // }
        // }
        // // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("Focusing " + getConfig().getName() +
        // // " editor");

    	final IFormPage page = getActivePageInstance();
    	if (page != null) {

     * @see org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart#isSaveAsAllowed()
    public boolean isSaveAsAllowed()
        return false;

     * Instead of committing pages, forms and form-parts, we just commit pages 
    protected synchronized void commitPages(IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean onSave)
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("entering ModelEditor#commitPages(IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean onSave)");
        for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++)
             * Note that all pages are not necessarily
             * instances of BasicFormPage. Some are read
             * only editors showing saved versions of
             * modules.
            if (pages.get(i) instanceof BasicFormPage)
                BasicFormPage page = (BasicFormPage) pages.get(i);
                if (page.isInitialized())
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("leaving ModelEditor#commitPages(IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean onSave)");

     * @see org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor#addPages()
    protected void addPages()
        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("entering ModelEditor#addPages()");
            // This code moves the tabs to the top of the page.
            // This makes them more obvious to the user.
        	final CTabFolder tabFolder = (CTabFolder)getContainer();

			for (int i = 0; i < pagesToAdd.length; i++) {
                // initialize the page
                // this means the content will be created
                // the data will be loaded
                // the refresh method will update the UI state
                // the dirty listeners will be activated
                if (pagesToAdd[i].getPartControl() == null)
                    setControl(i, pagesToAdd[i].getPartControl());
                final CTabItem item = tabFolder.getItem(i);
                // we have to do this to allow our superclass' getEditor(int) to work correctly since we don't
                //		add the page via addPage(IEditorPart,IEditorInput)
                if (pagesToAdd[i] instanceof Closeable) {
        			indexCloseableMap.put(new Integer(i), (Closeable)pagesToAdd[i]);

            // at this point everything is activated and initialized.
            // run the validation

            final ModuleNode rootModule = SemanticHelper.getRootModuleNode();
			if ((rootModule != null) && (rootModule.getVariableDecls().length == 0)
					&& (rootModule.getConstantDecls().length == 0)) {
            if (model.hasStateGraphDump()) {
        } catch (CoreException e)
            TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error initializing editor", e);

        // TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logDebug("leaving ModelEditor#addPages()");
     * For some reason, the superclass comments out the setPageImage(...) code.
     * {@inheritDoc}
	protected void configurePage(final int index, final IFormPage page)
			throws PartInitException {
		setPageImage(index, page.getTitleImage());
    	super.configurePage(index, page);
	public void addOrUpdateStateGraphEditor(final IFile stateGraphDotDump) throws CoreException {
		// -Dorg.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.ui.editor.ModelEditor.dotWebView=true
		if (Boolean.getBoolean(ModelEditor.class.getName() + ".dotWebView")) {
			try {
				final Path path = stateGraphDotDump.getLocation().toFile().toPath();
				//TODO: This might be too large to handle.
				final String dotString =  new String(Files.readAllBytes(path), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
				final String urlEncodedDotString = URLEncoder.encode(dotString, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString())
		                .replaceAll("\\+", "%20") // Something about Java and JavaScript incompatibilities...
		                .replaceAll("\\%21", "!")
		                .replaceAll("\\%27", "'")
		                .replaceAll("\\%28", "(")
		                .replaceAll("\\%29", ")")
		                .replaceAll("\\%7E", "~");
				//TODO: Choose engine based on size of input string (there are cheaper layouts than 'dot').
				final String url = "" + urlEncodedDotString;

				final PDFBrowser browser = (PDFBrowser) UIHelper.openView(PDFBrowser.ID);
				browser.setInput(model.getName(), url);
			} catch (IOException e) {
				throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage(), e));
		// For historical reasons this preference is found in the tlatex bundle. Thus,
		// we read the value from there, but don't refer to the corresponding string
		// constants to not introduce a plugin dependency.
		// org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tla2tex.TLA2TeXActivator.PLUGIN_ID
		// org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tla2tex.preference.ITLA2TeXPreferenceConstants.EMBEDDED_VIEWER
		// org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tla2tex.preference.ITLA2TeXPreferenceConstants.HAVE_OS_OPEN_PDF
		final boolean useEmbeddedViewer = Platform.getPreferencesService()
				.getBoolean("org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tla2tex", "embeddedViewer", false, null);
		final boolean osOpensPDF = Platform.getPreferencesService()
				.getBoolean("org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tla2tex", "osHandlesPDF", false, null);
		final IEditorPart pdfEditor;
		if (osOpensPDF) {
			pdfEditor = null;
		} else if (useEmbeddedViewer) {
			// Try to get hold of the editor instance without opening it yet. Opening is
			// triggered by calling addPage.
			pdfEditor = UIHelper.findEditor("de.vonloesch.pdf4eclipse.editors.PDFEditor");
		} else {
			pdfEditor = UIHelper.findEditor(PDFBrowserEditor.ID);

		// Load a previously generated pdf file.
		final IFile pdfFile = model.getFolder().getFile(model.getName() + ".pdf");
		if (pdfFile.exists()) {
			saferAddPage(stateGraphDotDump, pdfEditor, pdfFile, useEmbeddedViewer);

		// Generating a PDF from the dot file can be a time consuming task. Thus, wrap
		// the generation inside a background job for processing. When done, the job will join the
		// main thread and update the UI (create the multipage editor page that renders
		// the pdf). Errors (IStatus) are handled by the Job framework and trigger a dialog, unless
		// errors occur inside the UI runnable. There we handle errors manually.
		final Job j = new WorkspaceJob("Generating State Graph Visualization...") {
			public IStatus runInWorkspace(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
				try {
					// Generate PDF (this process runs with a timeout of one minute which is why we
					// don't provide a mechanism to cancel it.
					final byte[] load = GraphViz.load(new FileInputStream(stateGraphDotDump.getLocation().toFile()),
							"pdf", 0, 0);
					// Write byte[] into IFile file
					pdfFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(load), IResource.NONE, null);
					UIHelper.runUISync(new Runnable() {
						public void run() {
							ModelEditor.this.saferAddPage(stateGraphDotDump, pdfEditor, pdfFile, useEmbeddedViewer);
				} catch (CoreException e) {
					// If generation failed to generate a pdf, inform the user by raising a dialog.
					// Reason of failure can be 1) input too large 2) incorrect dot path 3) ...
					return shortenStatusMessage(e.getStatus());
				} catch (FileNotFoundException notExpectedTohappen) {
					// We don't expect this to happen, because addOrUpdateStateGraphEditor gets
					// called with a valid file.
					return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID, notExpectedTohappen.getMessage(),
				return Status.OK_STATUS;

	// Attempt to handle (primarily) OutOfMemory errors when opening large pdf files. 
	private void saferAddPage(final IFile stateGraphDotDump, final IEditorPart pdfEditor, final IFile file,
			final boolean usesEmbeddedViewer) {
		if (pdfEditor == null) {
			// This is the case when the user would like the OS to open the PDF.
			final String openCommand = "open " + file.getLocation().toOSString();
			try {
			} catch (final Exception e) {
				TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Unable to execute 'open' command on PDF.", e);
		try {
			addPage(pdfEditor, new FileEditorInput(file));
		} catch (PartInitException e) {
			final Shell shell = Display.getDefault().getActiveShell();
			MessageDialog.openError(shell == null ? new Shell() : shell,
					"Opening state graph visualization failed.",
					"Opening state graph visualization failed: " + e.getMessage());
		} catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
			// Try to reclaim memory to be able to keep code below from running into more OOMs.
			// Rename dot and pdf files with too large input to keep them from causing
			// troubles in the future (just renaming pdf means the Toolbox will generate a
			// new pdf from the .dot input on the next invocation).
			try {
				stateGraphDotDump.move(stateGraphDotDump.getFullPath().addFileExtension("large"), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
				file.move(file.getFullPath().addFileExtension("large"), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
			} catch (CoreException e) {
			// Instruct user about what happened and what to do.
			final Shell shell = Display.getDefault().getActiveShell();
			 String label = "Opening state graph visualization ran out of memory. The state graph is likely too large. ";
			if (usesEmbeddedViewer) {
				label += "\n\nTry switching from the built-in to a standalone PDF viewer by unchecking "
						+ "\"Use built-in PDF viewer\" on the Toolbox's \"PDF Viewer\" preference page.\n\n";
			label += String.format("To prevent future problems, the file %s has been renamed to %s.",
					file.getLocation().toOSString(), file.getLocation().addFileExtension("large").toOSString());
			label += "\n\nPlease restart the Toolbox in case it now behaves strangely.";
			MessageDialog.openError(shell == null ? new Shell() : shell,
					"Opening state graph visualization ran out of memory.", label);

	// Shorten message to 1024 chars in case GraphViz attached the complete dot
	// input which can be huge.
	private static IStatus shortenStatusMessage(IStatus status) {
		if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
			final IStatus[] convertedChildren = new Status[status.getChildren().length];
			// convert nested status objects.
			final IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
			for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
				final IStatus child = children[i];
				convertedChildren[i] = new Status(child.getSeverity(), child.getPlugin(), child.getCode(),
			return new MultiStatus(status.getPlugin(), status.getCode(), convertedChildren,
		} else {
			return new Status(status.getSeverity(), status.getPlugin(), status.getCode(),
	private static String substring(String in) {
		if (in.length() > 1024) {
			return in.substring(0, 1024) + "... (" + (in.length() - 1024) + " chars omitted)";
		return in;
	private Pair<Integer, FormPage> getLastFormPage() {
		int index = getPageCount() - 1;
		while (index >= 0) {
			final IEditorPart iep = getEditor(index);
			if (iep instanceof FormPage) {
				return Pair.of(new Integer(index), (FormPage)iep);
		return null;
	 * @return true if the model is currently configured with no behavior spec
	public boolean modelIsConfiguredWithNoBehaviorSpec() {
		try {
			return (IModelConfigurationDefaults.MODEL_BEHAVIOR_TYPE_NO_SPEC == model
					.getAttribute(IModelConfigurationConstants.MODEL_BEHAVIOR_SPEC_TYPE, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
		} catch (final CoreException ce) {
					.logError("Encountered error attempting to determine previous run configuration.", ce);
		return false;
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	public void launchModel(final String mode, final boolean userPased) {
		launchModel(mode, userPased, new NullProgressMonitor());
	 * Launch TLC or SANY
	 * @param mode
	 * @param userInvoked true, if the action is performed on behalf of the user
	 *                    action (explicit click on the launch button)
	 * @throws CoreException
	public void launchModel(final String mode, final boolean userInvoked, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		if (userInvoked && model.isSnapshot()) {
			final boolean launchSnapshot = MessageDialog.openConfirm(getSite().getShell(), "Model is a snapshot",
					"The model which is about to launch is a snapshot of another model. "
					+ "Beware that no snapshots of snapshots are taken. "
					+ "Click the \"OK\" button to launch the snapshot anyway.");
			if (!launchSnapshot) {
		final IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
		try { IWorkspaceRunnable() {
				public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {

					 * The user should not be able to run the model checker or
					 * generate MC files if the spec is unparsed. Right now, the
					 * user will simply see an message dialog that has a
					 * different message depending on whether the mode is model
					 * check or generate. If the mode is generate, there will be
					 * a different message depending on whether the user
					 * explicitly clicked generate or the generation is
					 * occurring because the preference to automatically
					 * revalidate on save is selected. The messages appear
					 * below.
					 * It would be nice to eventually add a button that allows
					 * the user to parse the spec from that dialog, and if
					 * parsing succeeds, to run TLC, but right now, that is not
					 * implemented.
					if (Activator.isSpecManagerInstantiated()) {
						Spec spec = Activator.getSpecManager().getSpecLoaded();
						if (spec == null || spec.getStatus() != IParseConstants.PARSED) {
							if (mode == TLCModelLaunchDelegate.MODE_MODELCHECK) {
										.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Model checking not allowed",
												"The spec status is not \"parsed\". The status must be \"parsed\" before model checking is allowed.");
							} else if (mode == TLCModelLaunchDelegate.MODE_GENERATE) {
								if (userInvoked) {
											.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Revalidation not allowed",
													"The spec status is not \"parsed\". The status must be \"parsed\" before model revalidation is allowed.");
								} else {
											.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Revalidation not allowed",
													"The model can be saved, but since the spec status is not \"parsed\" model revalidation is not allowed.");
						} else {
							 * The spec cannot be model checked if it contains a
							 * module named MC or a module named TE. Pop-up an
							 * error message to the user and do not run TLC.
							String rootModuleName = spec.getRootModule().getName();
							if (ModelHelper.containsModelCheckingModuleConflict(rootModuleName)) {
								MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Illegal module name",
										"Model validation and checking is not allowed on a spec containing a module named "
												+ TLAConstants.Files.MODEL_CHECK_FILE_BASENAME + "."
												+ (userInvoked ? "" : " However, the model can still be saved."));
							if (ModelHelper.containsTraceExplorerModuleConflict(rootModuleName)) {
								MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Illegal module name",
										"Model validation and checking is not allowed on a spec containing a module named "
												+ ModelHelper.TE_MODEL_NAME + "."
												+ (userInvoked ? "" : " However, the model can still be saved."));
						// Delete any zero coverage markers when model checking starts. The outcome of
						// model checking can invalidate old markers. Noop if no markers are present.
					} else {
						Activator.getDefault().logDebug("The spec manager has not been instantiated. This is a bug.");

					 * Ask and save _spec_ editor if it's dirty
					final IEditorReference[] editors = getSite().getPage().getEditorReferences();
					for (IEditorReference ref : editors) {
						if (OpenSpecHandler.TLA_EDITOR_CURRENT.equals(ref.getId())) {
							if (ref.isDirty()) {
								final String title = ref.getName();
								boolean save = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getSite().getShell(), "Save " + title
										+ " spec?", "The spec " + title
										+ " has not been saved, should the spec be saved prior to launching?");
								if (save) {
									// TODO decouple from ui thread
								} else {

					 * The pages should be validated one last time before TLC is
					 * run. This is currently necessary when auto-parse spec is
					 * disabled. In such cases, if the user removes a constant
					 * or a definition from the spec, saves, and then later
					 * parses the spec, the model pages will not be validated on
					 * parsing. The removed constant should cause a validation
					 * error as should the removed definition if there is an
					 * override for that definition. However, validation is not
					 * called, so no error is displayed to the user and the
					 * pages are all complete, so the toolbox attempts to run
					 * TLC. This is incorrect, so validation must occur here.
					 * This is a quick fix. A better fix would be to revalidate
					 * the pages when the spec is parsed.
					 * This must be run synchronously so that it finishes before
					 * this method checks if the pages are complete.

					// save the model editor if not saved
					if (isDirty()) {
						// TODO decouple from ui thread
						doSave(SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1));

					if (!isComplete()) {
						// user clicked launch
						if (userInvoked) {
							MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Model processing not allowed",
									"The model contains errors, which should be corrected before further processing");
					} else {
						 * Notify that model checking has begun ahead the launch to avoid potentially cleaning state
						 * 	after it has started mutating.
						 * Close any tabs in this editor containing read-only versions of modules. They
						 * will be changed by the launch, regardless of the mode. We could do something
						 * more sophisticated like listening to resource changes and updating the
						 * editors when the underlying files change, but the doesn't seem worth the
						 * effort.
						 * Close pages in reverse order because removing a page invalidates indices.
						for (int i = getPageCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
							if (pages.get(i) instanceof BasicFormPage) {
							} else {
								 * The normal form pages (main model page, advanced options, results) are remain
								 * open, all other pages get closed i.e. Saved Module Editor and State Graph
								 * editor.

						// launching the config
						model.launch(mode, SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1), true);
						// clear the error view when launching the model
						// checker
						// but not when validating
						if (mode.equals(TLCModelLaunchDelegate.MODE_MODELCHECK)) {
							TLCErrorView errorView = (TLCErrorView) UIHelper.findView(TLCErrorView.ID);
							if (errorView != null) {
			}, workspace.getRoot(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, monitor);
		} catch (CoreException e) {
					"Error launching the configuration " + model.getName(), e);
			MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Model processing failed", e.getMessage());

     * Stops TLC
    public void stop()
        if (getModel().isRunning())
            Job[] runningSpecJobs = Job.getJobManager().find(getModel().getLaunchConfiguration());
            for (int i = 0; i < runningSpecJobs.length; i++)
                // send cancellations to all jobs...
        } else if (getModel().isRunningRemotely()) {
        	final Job[] remoteJobs = Job.getJobManager().find(getModel());
        	for (Job remoteJob : remoteJobs) {

    public Model getModel()
        return model;

     * Checks whether the pages are complete and goes to the first (in order of addition) incomplete page if any
     * @return true if all pages are complete, false otherwise
    public boolean isComplete()
        for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++)
             * Note that all pages are not necessarily
             * instances of BasicFormPage. Some are read
             * only editors showing saved versions of
             * modules.
            if (pages.get(i) instanceof BasicFormPage)
                BasicFormPage page = (BasicFormPage) pages.get(i);
                if (!page.isComplete())
                    return false;
        return true;

     * Handles the problem markers attached to the model file. For those of them having the 
     * attribute set, the error bubbles will be attached to the corresponding field 
     * <br><b>Note</b>: has to be called from UI thread
    public void handleProblemMarkers(boolean switchToErrorPage)
        int errorPageIndex = -1;
        int currentPageIndex = getActivePage();
            IMarker[] modelProblemMarkers = model.getMarkers();
            DataBindingManager dm = getDataBindingManager();

			for (int j = 0; j < getPageCount(); j++) {
                 * Note that all pages are not necessarily
                 * instances of BasicFormPage. Some are read
                 * only editors showing saved versions of
                 * modules.
				if (pages.get(j) instanceof BasicFormPage) {
                    // get the current page
                    BasicFormPage page = (BasicFormPage) pages.get(j);
                    Assert.isNotNull(page.getManagedForm(), "Page not initialized, this is a bug.");
        			// The loop is going to update the page's messages for potentially
        			// each marker (nested loop). Thus, turn auto update off during the
        			// loop for all pages (we don't yet know which marker gets displayed
        			// on which page).
                    for (int i = 0; i < modelProblemMarkers.length; i++)
                        String attributeName = modelProblemMarkers[i].getAttribute(

                        int bubbleType = -1;
                        if (modelProblemMarkers[i].getType().equals(Model.TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER_SANY))
                            // SANY markers are errors
                            bubbleType = IMessageProvider.ERROR;
                        } else if (modelProblemMarkers[i].getType().equals(ModelHelper.TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER_TLC))
                            // TLC markers are warnings
                            bubbleType = IMessageProvider.WARNING;
                        } else
                            bubbleType = IMessageProvider.INFORMATION;

						if (ModelHelper.EMPTY_STRING.equals(attributeName)) {
                            final String message = modelProblemMarkers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE,
							final String pageId = modelProblemMarkers[i]
									.getAttribute(ModelHelper.TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE, null);
                            // no attribute, this is a global error, not bound to a particular attribute
                            // install it on the first page
                            // if it is a global TLC error, then we call addGlobalTLCErrorMessage()
                            // to add a hyperlink to the TLC Error view
							if ((pageId != null) && (bubbleType == IMessageProvider.WARNING)
									&& !IModelConfigurationDefaults.EMPTY_STRING.equals(message)) {
								final ResultPage rp = (ResultPage)findPage(ResultPage.ID);
								if (rp != null) {
									rp.addGlobalTLCErrorMessage(ResultPage.RESULT_PAGE_PROBLEM, message);
							} else if (bubbleType == IMessageProvider.WARNING) {
								final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();		
								while (iterator.hasNext()) {
									final BasicFormPage bfp =;
									if (!ResultPage.ID.equals(bfp.getId())) {
										bfp.addGlobalTLCErrorMessage("modelProblem_" + i);
							} else {
								// else install as with other messages
								IMessageManager mm = ((BasicFormPage)pages.get(0)).getManagedForm().getMessageManager();
								mm.addMessage("modelProblem_" + i, message, null, bubbleType);
						} else {
                            // attribute found
                            String sectionId = dm.getSectionForAttribute(attributeName);
                                    "Page is either not initialized or attribute not bound, this is a bug.");

                            String pageId = dm.getSectionPage(sectionId);

                            // relevant, since the attribute is displayed on the current
                            // page
                            // if (page.getId().equals(pageId))
                            // {

                            // We now want the error message to be displayed on
                            // the header of every page, so the if statement that is commented
                            // out is no longer relevant
                            IMessageManager mm = page.getManagedForm().getMessageManager();
                            String message = modelProblemMarkers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE,

                            Control widget = UIHelper.getWidget(dm.getAttributeControl(attributeName));
                            if (widget != null)
                                // we set the message's data object to the page id
                                // of the attribute with the error
                                // this makes it simple to switch to that page
                                // when the user clicks on the hyperlink because
                                // the hyperlink listener recieves that message and
                                // the message contains the data object.
                                mm.addMessage("modelProblem_" + i, message, pageId, bubbleType, widget);
                            // expand the section with an error

                            if (page.getId().equals(pageId) && errorPageIndex < j)
                                errorPageIndex = j;
                            // }
            // Once all markers have been processed, re-enable auto update again.
			final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();
			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
				final IMessageManager mm =;
            if (switchToErrorPage && errorPageIndex != -1 && currentPageIndex != errorPageIndex)
                // the page has a marker
                // make it active

        } catch (CoreException e)
            TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error retrieving model error markers", e);
    public void setActivePage(int index) {
		if ((pages != null) && (getCurrentPage() != index)) {

     * Current helper instance
     * @return
    public SemanticHelper getHelper()
        return this.helper;

     * Retrieves the data binding manager for this editor
    public DataBindingManager getDataBindingManager()
        return this.dataBindingManager;

     * Retrieve the file editor input
     * @return
    public FileEditorInput getFileEditorInput()
        IEditorInput input = getEditorInput();
        if (input instanceof FileEditorInput)
            return (FileEditorInput) input;
        } else
            throw new IllegalStateException("Something weird. The editor is designed for FileEditorInputOnly");

     * Returns the nested editor instance open on moduleName (without the .tla extension).
     * Returns null if no such editor is open in this model editor.
     * @param moduleName
     * @return
    public ITextEditor getSavedModuleEditor(String moduleName)
        for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++)
            IEditorPart nestedEditor = getEditor(i);
            if (nestedEditor != null
                    && nestedEditor instanceof ITextEditor
                    && ((FileEditorInput) nestedEditor.getEditorInput()).getName().equals(
                return (ITextEditor) nestedEditor;
        return null;
	 * Expands the given sections on the model editor pages. 
	public void expandSections(final String[] sections) {
		final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();		
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {;
	public void expandSections(final String pageId, final List<String> sections) {
		final BasicFormPage formPage = getFormPage(pageId);
		formPage.expandSections(sections.toArray(new String[sections.size()]));

	public BasicFormPage getFormPage(final String id) {
		final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();		
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
			final BasicFormPage basicFormPage =;
			if (basicFormPage.getId().equals(id)) {
				return basicFormPage;
		return null;

     * This adds error messages to all pages for the given control.
     * If the control is null, it will do nothing.
     * WARNING: Because of addMessage(...) this is an expensive operation.
     * @param key the unique message key
     * @param messageText the message to add
     * @param pageId the id of the page that contains the control
     * @param type the message type
     * @param control the control to associate the message with
	public void addErrorMessage(Object key, String messageText, String pageId, int type, Control control) {
		if (control != null) {
			final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();		
			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      , messageText, pageId, type, control);
	public void addErrorMessage(final ErrorMessage errorMessage) {
		addErrorMessage(errorMessage.getKey(), errorMessage.getMessage(), errorMessage.getModelEditorPageId(),
		expandSections(errorMessage.getModelEditorPageId(), errorMessage.getSections());

     * This removes the error "message" added by the corresponding call to
     * addErrorMessage if it exists.  It does nothing if the "message  
     * does not exist.  This provides a partial fix to the problem of
     * page validation showing an error when the user has made a mistake, but
     * not removing the error when the user corrects the mistake.  Code that
     * checks for an error and calls addErrorMessage when it is found can
     * call removeErrorMessage when it's not found.  It is only a partial 
     * solution for two reasons:
     * 1. It can't be used where the same error "message" can
     *    be added in two different places in the code.  Perhaps this can be
     *    fixed by splitting such messages into separate ones with 
     *    different keys and different messages, it is added, but I haven't 
     *    tried this because I don't know where those keys might be used.  
     *    If all those places where the error is generated lie in the
     *    same call of pageValidate, then error messages generated in 
     *    the previous call of pageValidate can be remembered in a field
     *    and removed at the beginning of the call.
     * 2. Some of those keys are dynamically created when addErrorMessage is
     *    called, and it may be impossible to recompute the keys for which
     *    the error messages were previously generated.  Such cases could
     *    also be handled by adding a field that remembers what error messages 
     *    were added the last time the error was chaecked for. 
     * Added 21 Mar 2013 by LL.
     * @param key the unique message key
     * @param control the control to associate the message with
	public void removeErrorMessage(Object key, Control control) {
		if (control != null) {
			final PageIterator iterator = new PageIterator();		
			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      , control);
     * This updates the appropriate model attribute and saves the model.
     * @param newValue the new value representing currently open close-able tabs.
     * @see IModelConfigurationConstants#EDITOR_OPEN_TABS
    public void updateOpenTabsState(final int newValue) {


     * Invoke this to save the model via a workspace job.
    public void saveModel() {
    	final Job job = new WorkspaceJob("Saving updated model...") {
			public IStatus runInWorkspace(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
				return Status.OK_STATUS;
    public void addOrShowAdvancedModelPage() {
        if (setActivePage(AdvancedModelPage.ID) == null) {
        	try {
        		addPage(1, new AdvancedModelPage(this), getEditorInput());
        		final int openTabState = getModel().getOpenTabsValue();
        		updateOpenTabsState(openTabState | IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_ADVANCED_MODEL);
        	} catch (Exception e) {
				TLCActivator.getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID,
						"Could not add advanced model options page", e));
    public void addOrShowAdvancedTLCOptionsPage() {
        if (setActivePage(AdvancedTLCOptionsPage.ID) == null) {
        	try {
        		int pageIndex = 1;
        		if (pageIndex < getPageCount()) {
            		final String id = getIdForEditorAtIndex(pageIndex);

            		if (AdvancedModelPage.ID.equals(id)) {

        		addPage(pageIndex, new AdvancedTLCOptionsPage(this), getEditorInput());
        		final int openTabState = getModel().getOpenTabsValue();
        		updateOpenTabsState(openTabState | IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_ADVANCED_TLC);
        	} catch (Exception e) {
				TLCActivator.getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID,
						"Could not add advanced TLC options page", e));
    public void addOrShowResultsPage() {
        if (setActivePage(ResultPage.ID) == null) {
        	try {
        		int pageIndex = 1;
        		if (pageIndex < getPageCount()) {
            		String id = getIdForEditorAtIndex(pageIndex);

            		if (AdvancedTLCOptionsPage.ID.equals(id) || AdvancedModelPage.ID.equals(id)) {
                		if (pageIndex < getPageCount()) {
                    		id = getIdForEditorAtIndex(pageIndex);

                    		if (AdvancedTLCOptionsPage.ID.equals(id) || AdvancedModelPage.ID.equals(id)) {

        		addPage(pageIndex, new ResultPage(this), getEditorInput());

        		final IPreferenceStore ips = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
	        	if (ips.getBoolean(IModelEditorPreferenceConstants.I_MODEL_EDITOR_SHOW_ECE_AS_TAB)) {
	        		addPage((pageIndex + 1), new EvaluateConstantExpressionPage(this), getEditorInput());

        		ResultPage rp = (ResultPage)setActivePage(ResultPage.ID);
        		final int openTabState = getModel().getOpenTabsValue();
        		updateOpenTabsState(openTabState | IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_RESULTS);
        		// MMP for architecturally unclear reasons, is charged with updating content on the RP
        		final MainModelPage page = (MainModelPage)findPage(MainModelPage.ID);
        	} catch (Exception e) {
				TLCActivator.getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID,
						"Could not add results page", e));
    public void resultsPageIsClosing() {
		final IPreferenceStore ips = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
    	if (ips.getBoolean(IModelEditorPreferenceConstants.I_MODEL_EDITOR_SHOW_ECE_AS_TAB)) {
    		removePage(getPageCount() - 1);
		final int openTabState = getModel().getOpenTabsValue();
		updateOpenTabsState(openTabState & ~IModelConfigurationConstants.EDITOR_OPEN_TAB_RESULTS);
     * Overrides the method in {@link FormEditor}. Calls this method in the superclass
     * and then makes some changes if the input is a tla file.
     * This is done so that when read-only editor pages are added to this model editor,
     * we can make the following changes:
     * 1.) Set the title of the tabs of those pages to the name of the module being shown.
     *    If this is not done, the title of those tabs would be the empty string.
     * 2.) Set those pages to be closeable. This makes it possible to click on the tab
     *     to close it.
	public void addPage(int index, IEditorPart editor, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException {
        super.addPage(index, editor, input);
        //TODO This method screams to be refactored and simplified, but sadly life is short.
         * Do stuff if the input is a tla file.
         * 1.) Set the title of the page to be the
         * name of the file.
         * 2.) Set the page to be closeable.
        if (editor instanceof TLACoverageEditor) {
			// ... just add another special case to this supposed-to-be generic method. We
			// want the tab for the TLACoverageEditor to show not just the file name and an
			// icon indicating the editor type.
        	this.setPageText(index, editor.getTitle());
        	this.setPageImage(index, editor.getTitleImage());
			((CTabFolder) getContainer()).getItem(index).setShowClose(true);
        } else if (input instanceof FileEditorInput
				&& ((FileEditorInput) input).getFile().getFileExtension().equals(ResourceHelper.TLA_EXTENSION)) {
            setPageText(index, input.getName());

			((CTabFolder) getContainer()).getItem(index).setShowClose(true);
            // setPageImage(pageIndex, image);
		} else if (input instanceof FileEditorInput && "pdf".equals(((FileEditorInput) input).getFile().getFileExtension())) {
			setPageText(index, "State Graph");
		} else if (editor instanceof Closeable) {
			final CTabFolder tabFolder = (CTabFolder)getContainer();

			final int tabCount = tabFolder.getItemCount();
			for (int i = tabCount - 2; i >= index; i--) {
				final Closeable c = indexCloseableMap.remove(new Integer(i));
				if (c != null) {
					indexCloseableMap.put(new Integer(i + 1), c);

			indexCloseableMap.put(new Integer(index), (Closeable)editor);

     * A listener that reacts to when editor tabs showing saved modules
     * get closed. This listener blocks the underlying folder widget
     * from directly closing the page. Instead, it calls the
     * {@link ModelEditor#removePage(int)} method to remove the page.
     * This properly disposes of the editor. If the editor page is not
     * removed this way, bad things happen, like memory leaks and bizarre
     * problems updating the editor contents.
     * @author Daniel Ricketts
	private class CloseModuleTabListener extends CTabFolder2Adapter {
		 * {@inheritDoc}
    	public void close(CTabFolderEvent event) {
			Assert.isTrue(event.item instanceof CTabItem,
					"Something other than a CTabItem was closed in a CTabFolder.");
			final CTabItem item = (CTabItem) event.item;
			final CTabFolder tabFolder = item.getParent();
			final int index = tabFolder.indexOf(item);

			// block the CTabFolder from directly removing the tab
			event.doit = false;

        	// oh glorious, crappy, SWT - honestly meritous of a class action lawsuit for the untold thousands of
        	//	man-years wasted writing and dealing with you..
        	// event.item is already disposed by the time we get notified so we can't use its data holder which is
			//	what is being used to hold the editor part by our super-superclass... kwality
			final Closeable c = indexCloseableMap.remove(new Integer(index));
			if (c != null) {
				final int tabCount = tabFolder.getItemCount();
				for (int i = index; i <= tabCount; i++) {
					final Closeable remaining = indexCloseableMap.remove(new Integer(i));
					if (remaining != null) {
						indexCloseableMap.put(new Integer(i - 1), remaining);

				try {
				} catch (Exception e) { }
			// remove the page properly
	 * We were, for some reason, only looping over the initially added page array at many places in this class; this
	 *	way of doing things became insufficient when we started having optionally open pages.
	private class PageIterator implements Iterator<BasicFormPage> {

		private final List<Object> cachedPages;
		private int counter;
		private BasicFormPage nextPage;
		PageIterator() {
			cachedPages = new ArrayList<>(pages);
			counter = 0;

			nextPage = findNextPage();
		private BasicFormPage findNextPage() {
			BasicFormPage page = null;
			while ((page == null) && (counter < cachedPages.size())) {
				final Object o = cachedPages.get(counter);
				if (o instanceof BasicFormPage) {
					page = (BasicFormPage)o;
			return page;
		public boolean hasNext() {
			return (nextPage != null);

		public BasicFormPage next() {
			final BasicFormPage next = nextPage;
			nextPage = findNextPage();

			return next;

    // TODO this is pretty poor design - there is one instance of this inner class per instance of ModelEditor; the 
    //			code below tweaks the switchToErrorPage ivar and then hands it off to a run async method, i guess just
    //			hoping that the flag isn't tweaked again before the async method does what was originally intended...
	private class ValidateRunnable implements Runnable {
        private boolean switchToErrorPage = false;

		public void run() {
            // Re-validate the pages, iff the model is not running.
			// Also check if the model is nulled by now which
			// happens if the ModelEditor disposed before a scheduled run gets
			// executed.
            if ((model != null) && !model.isRunning())
                 * Note that all pages are not necessarily
                 * instances of BasicFormPage. Some are read
                 * only editors showing saved versions of
                 * modules.
                for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++)
                    if (pages.get(i) instanceof BasicFormPage)
                        BasicFormPage page = (BasicFormPage) pages.get(i);
                for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++)
                    if (pages.get(i) instanceof BasicFormPage)
                        BasicFormPage page = (BasicFormPage) pages.get(i);
                        // re-validate the model on changes of the spec
	private class ModelStateListener extends AbstractModelStateChangeListener {
    	private State lastState = State.NOT_RUNNING;
		public boolean handleChange(final ChangeEvent event) {
			if (event.getState().in(State.NOT_RUNNING, State.RUNNING)) {
				final State lastStateCopy = lastState;
				UIHelper.runUIAsync(() -> {
					for (int i = 0; i < getPageCount(); i++) {
						final Object object = pages.get(i);
						if (object instanceof BasicFormPage) {
							final BasicFormPage bfp = (BasicFormPage) object;
					if (event.getState().in(State.RUNNING)) {
						// Switch to Result Page (put on top) of model editor stack. A user wants to see
						// the status of a model run she has just started.
						final IPreferenceStore ips = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
						final boolean eceInItsOwnTab = ips

						if (!eceInItsOwnTab || !modelIsConfiguredWithNoBehaviorSpec()) {
					} else if (event.getState().in(State.NOT_RUNNING)) {
						// Model checking finished, lets open state graph if any.
						if (event.getModel().hasStateGraphDump()) {
							try {
							} catch (CoreException e) {
								TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error initializing editor", e);

						if (, State.REMOTE_RUNNING)) {
							final IPreferenceStore ips = TLCUIActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
							final boolean eceInItsOwnTab = ips

							if (eceInItsOwnTab && modelIsConfiguredWithNoBehaviorSpec()) {

						// MAK 01/2018: Re-validate the page because running the model removes or sets
						// problem markers (Model#setMarkers) which are presented to the user by
						// ModelEditor#handleProblemMarkers. If we don't re-validate once a model is
						// done running, the user visible presentation resulting from an earlier run of
						// handleProblemMarkers gets stale.
						// This behavior can be triggered by creating a spec (note commented EXTENDS):
						// \* EXTENDS Integers
						// VARIABLE s
						// Spec == s = 0 /\ [][s'=s]_s
						// and a model that defines the invariant (s >= 0). Upon the first launch of
						// the model, the ModelEditor correctly marks the invariant due to the operator
						// >= being not defined. Uncommenting EXTENDS, saving the spec and rerunning
						// the model would incorrectly not remove the marker on the invariant.
			lastState = event.getState();
			return false;