 * #%L
 * Ridge Detection plugin for ImageJ
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Thorsten Wagner (ImageJ java plugin), 1996-1998 Carsten Steger (original C code), 1999 R. Balasubramanian (detect lines code to incorporate within GRASP)
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>.
 * #L%
package de.biomedical_imaging.ij.steger;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * The Class Width.
public class Width {

	/* Maximum search line length. */
	// #define MAX_LINE_WIDTH (2.5*sigma)

	 * This constant is introduced because for very narrow lines the facet model
	 * width detection scheme sometimes extracts the line width too narrow. Since
	 * the correction function has a very steep slope in that area, this will lead
	 * to lines of almost zero width, especially since the bilinear interpolation in
	 * correct.c will tend to overcorrect. Therefore it is wise to make the
	 * extracted line width slightly larger before correction.
	public static final double LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION = 1.05;

	/** The Constant MIN_LINE_WIDTH. */
	/* Minimum line width allowed (used for outlier check in fix_locations()) */
	public static final double MIN_LINE_WIDTH = 0.1;

	/** The Constant MAX_CONTRAST. */
	/* Maximum contrast allowed (used for outlier check in fix_locations()) */
	public static final double MAX_CONTRAST = 275.0;

	 * Bresenham.
	 * @param nx
	 *            the nx
	 * @param ny
	 *            the ny
	 * @param px
	 *            the px
	 * @param py
	 *            the py
	 * @param length
	 *            the length
	 * @param line
	 *            the line
	 * @param num_points
	 *            the num points
	 * Modified Bresenham algorithm. It returns in line all pixels that are
	 * intersected by a half line less than length away from the point (px,py) aint
	 * the direction (nx,ny). The point (px,py) must lie within the pixel of the
	 * origin, i.e., fabs(px) <= 0.5 and fabs(py) <= 0.5.
	public void bresenham(double nx, double ny, double px, double py, double length, Offset[] line,
			MutableInt num_points) {
		int i, n, x, y, s1, s2, xchg, maxit;
		double e, dx, dy, t;

		x = 0;
		y = 0;
		dx = Math.abs(nx);
		dy = Math.abs(ny);
		s1 = (int) Math.signum(nx);
		s2 = (int) Math.signum(ny);
		px *= s1;
		py *= s2;
		if (dy > dx) {
			t = dx;
			dx = dy;
			dy = t;
			t = px;
			px = py;
			py = t;
			xchg = 1;
		} else {
			xchg = 0;
		maxit = (int) Math.ceil(length * dx);
		e = (0.5 - px) * dy / dx - (0.5 - py);
		n = 0;
		for (i = 0; i <= maxit; i++) {
			line[n].x = x;
			line[n].y = y;
			while (e >= -1e-8) {
				if (!(xchg == 0))
					x += s1;
					y += s2;
				if (e > -1) {
					line[n].x = x;
					line[n].y = y;
			if (!(xchg == 0))
				y += s2;
				x += s1;
			e += dy / dx;

	 * Fill gaps.
	 * @param master
	 *            the master
	 * @param slave1
	 *            the slave 1
	 * @param slave2
	 *            the slave 2
	 * @param cont
	 *            the cont
	 * Fill gaps in the arrays master, slave1, and slave2, i.e., points where
	 * master=0, by interpolation (interior points) or extrapolation (end points).
	 * The array master will usually be the width of the line, while slave1 and
	 * slave2 will be values that depend on master[i] being 0, e.g., the gradient at
	 * each line point. The arrays slave1 and slave2 can be NULL.
	private void fill_gaps(double[] master, double[] slave1, double[] slave2, Line cont) {
		int i, j, k, s, e;
		int num_points;
		double m_s, m_e, s1_s, s1_e, s2_s, s2_e, d_r, d_c, arc_len, len;

		num_points = cont.num;
		for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
			if (master[i] == 0) {
				for (j = i + 1; j < num_points; j++) {
					if (master[j] > 0)
				m_s = 0;
				m_e = 0;
				s1_s = 0;
				s1_e = 0;
				s2_s = 0;
				s2_e = 0;
				if (i > 0 && j < num_points - 1) {
					s = i;
					e = j - 1;
					m_s = master[(s - 1)];
					m_e = master[(e + 1)];
					if (slave1 != null) {
						s1_s = slave1[(s - 1)];
						s1_e = slave1[(e + 1)];
					if (slave2 != null) {
						s2_s = slave2[(s - 1)];
						s2_e = slave2[(e + 1)];
				} else if (i > 0) {
					s = i;
					e = num_points - 2;
					m_s = master[(s - 1)];
					m_e = master[(s - 1)];
					master[(e + 1)] = m_e;
					if (slave1 != null) {
						s1_s = slave1[(s - 1)];
						s1_e = slave1[(s - 1)];
						slave1[(e + 1)] = s1_e;
					if (slave2 != null) {
						s2_s = slave2[(s - 1)];
						s2_e = slave2[(s - 1)];
						slave2[(e + 1)] = s2_e;
				} else if (j < num_points - 1) {
					s = 1;
					e = j - 1;
					m_s = master[(e + 1)];
					m_e = master[(e + 1)];
					master[(s - 1)] = m_s;
					if (slave1 != null) {
						s1_s = slave1[(e + 1)];
						s1_e = slave1[(e + 1)];
						slave1[(s - 1)] = s1_s;
					if (slave2 != null) {
						s2_s = slave2[(e + 1)];
						s2_e = slave2[(e + 1)];
						slave2[(s - 1)] = s2_s;
				} else {
					s = 1;
					e = num_points - 2;
					m_s = master[(s - 1)];
					m_e = master[(e + 1)];
					if (slave1 != null) {
						s1_s = slave1[(s - 1)];
						s1_e = slave1[(e + 1)];
					if (slave2 != null) {
						s2_s = slave2[(s - 1)];
						s2_e = slave2[(e + 1)];
				arc_len = 0;
				for (k = s; k <= e + 1; k++) {
					d_r = cont.row[k] - cont.row[(k - 1)];
					d_c = cont.col[k] - cont.col[(k - 1)];
					arc_len += Math.sqrt(d_r * d_r + d_c * d_c);
				len = 0;
				for (k = s; k <= e; k++) {
					d_r = cont.row[k] - cont.row[(k - 1)];
					d_c = cont.col[k] - cont.col[(k - 1)];
					len += Math.sqrt(d_r * d_r + d_c * d_c);
					master[k] = (arc_len - len) / arc_len * m_s + len / arc_len * m_e;
					if (slave1 != null)
						slave1[k] = (arc_len - len) / arc_len * s1_s + len / arc_len * s1_e;
					if (slave2 != null)
						slave2[k] = (arc_len - len) / arc_len * s2_s + len / arc_len * s2_e;
				i = j;

	 * Fix locations.
	 * @param width_l
	 *            the width l
	 * @param width_r
	 *            the width r
	 * @param grad_l
	 *            the grad l
	 * @param grad_r
	 *            the grad r
	 * @param pos_x
	 *            the pos x
	 * @param pos_y
	 *            the pos y
	 * @param correction
	 *            the correction
	 * @param contr
	 *            the contr
	 * @param asymm
	 *            the asymm
	 * @param sigma
	 *            the sigma
	 * @param mode
	 *            the mode
	 * @param correct_pos
	 *            the correct pos
	 * @param cont
	 *            the cont
	 * Correct the extracted line positions and widths. The algorithm first closes
	 * gaps in the extracted data width_l, width_r, grad_l, and grad_r to provide
	 * meaningful input over the whole line. Then the correction is calculated.
	 * After this, gaps that have been introduced by the width correction are again
	 * closed. Finally, the position correction is applied if correct_pos is set.
	 * The results are returned in width_l, width_r, and cont.
	private void fix_locations(double[] width_l, double[] width_r, double[] grad_l, double[] grad_r, double[] pos_x,
			double[] pos_y, double[] correction, double[] contr, double[] asymm, double sigma, int mode,
			boolean correct_pos, Line cont) {
		int i;
		int num_points;
		double px, py;
		double nx, ny;
		double w_est, r_est;
		MutableDouble w_real, h_real, corr;
		w_real = new MutableDouble();
		h_real = new MutableDouble();
		corr = new MutableDouble();
		MutableDouble w_strong = new MutableDouble();
		MutableDouble w_weak = new MutableDouble();
		double correct, asymmetry, response, width, contrast;
		boolean weak_is_r;
		boolean correct_start, correct_end;
		Convol convol = new Convol();
		fill_gaps(width_l, grad_l, null, cont);
		fill_gaps(width_r, grad_r, null, cont);

		num_points = cont.num;

		/* Calculate true line width, asymmetry, and position correction. */
		if (correct_pos) {
			 * Do not correct the position of a junction point if its width is found by
			 * interpolation, i.e., if the position could be corrected differently for each
			 * junction point, thereby destroying the junction.
			correct_start = ((cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_no_junc
					|| cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_end_junc
					|| cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed)
					&& (width_r[0] > 0 && width_l[0] > 0));
			correct_end = ((cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_no_junc
					|| cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_start_junc
					|| cont.getContourClass() == LinesUtil.contour_class.cont_closed)
					&& (width_r[(num_points - 1)] > 0 && width_l[(num_points - 1)] > 0));
			 * Calculate the true width and assymetry, and its corresponding correction for
			 * each line point.
			for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
				if (width_r[i] > 0 && width_l[i] > 0) {
					w_est = (width_r[i] + width_l[i]) * LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION;
					if (grad_r[i] <= grad_l[i]) {
						r_est = grad_r[i] / grad_l[i];
						weak_is_r = true;
					} else {
						r_est = grad_l[i] / grad_r[i];
						weak_is_r = false;
					Correct.line_corrections(sigma, w_est, r_est, w_real, h_real, corr, w_strong, w_weak);
					w_real.setValue(w_real.getValue() / LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION);
					corr.setValue(corr.getValue() / LINE_WIDTH_COMPENSATION);
					width_r[i] = w_real.getValue();
					width_l[i] = w_real.getValue();
					if (weak_is_r) {
						asymm[i] = h_real.getValue();
						correction[i] = -corr.getValue();
					} else {
						asymm[i] = -h_real.getValue();
						correction[i] = corr.getValue();

			fill_gaps(width_l, correction, asymm, cont);
			for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
				width_r[i] = width_l[i];

			/* Adapt the correction for junction points if necessary. */
			if (!correct_start)
				correction[0] = 0;
			if (!correct_end)
				correction[(num_points - 1)] = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
				px = pos_x[i];
				py = pos_y[i];
				nx = Math.cos(cont.angle[i]);
				ny = Math.sin(cont.angle[i]);
				px = px + correction[i] * nx;
				py = py + correction[i] * ny;
				pos_x[i] = px;
				pos_y[i] = py;

		/* Update the position of a line and add the extracted width. */
		cont.width_l = new float[num_points];
		cont.width_r = new float[num_points];
		for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
			cont.width_l[i] = (float) width_l[i];
			cont.width_r[i] = (float) width_r[i];
			cont.row[i] = (float) pos_x[i];
			cont.col[i] = (float) pos_y[i];

		/* Now calculate the true contrast. */
		if (correct_pos) {
			cont.asymmetry = new float[num_points];
			cont.intensity = new float[num_points];
			for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
				response = cont.response[i];
				asymmetry = Math.abs(asymm[i]);
				correct = Math.abs(correction[i]);
				width = cont.width_l[i];
				if (width < MIN_LINE_WIDTH)
					contrast = 0;
					contrast = (response / Math.abs(convol.phi2(correct + width, sigma)
							+ (asymmetry - 1) * convol.phi2(correct - width, sigma)));

				if (contrast > MAX_CONTRAST)
					contrast = 0;
				contr[i] = contrast;
			fill_gaps(contr, null, null, cont);
			for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
				cont.asymmetry[i] = (float) asymm[i];
				if (mode == LinesUtil.MODE_LIGHT)
					cont.intensity[i] = (float) contr[i];
					cont.intensity[i] = (float) -contr[i];

	 * Compute line width.
	 * @param dx
	 *            the dx
	 * @param dy
	 *            the dy
	 * @param width
	 *            the width
	 * @param height
	 *            the height
	 * @param sigma
	 *            the sigma
	 * @param mode
	 *            the mode
	 * @param correct_pos
	 *            the correct pos
	 * @param contours
	 *            the contours
	 * @param num_contours
	 *            the num contours
	 * Extract the line width by using a facet model line detector on an image of
	 * the absolute value of the gradient.
	public void compute_line_width(float[] dx, float[] dy, int width, int height, double sigma, int mode,
			boolean correct_pos, ArrayList<Line> contours, MutableInt num_contours) {
		float[] grad;
		int i, j, k;
		int r, c, l;
		int x, y, dir;
		Offset[] line;
		int max_line, num_line = 0;
		double length;
		Line cont;
		int num_points, max_num_points;
		double[] width_r, width_l;
		double[] grad_r, grad_l;
		double[] pos_x, pos_y, correct, asymm, contrast;
		double d, dr, dc, drr, drc, dcc;
		double i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9;
		double t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
		double[] eigval = new double[2];
		double[][] eigvec = new double[2][2];
		double a, b, t = 0;
		int num = 0;
		double nx, ny;
		double n1, n2;
		double p1, p2;
		double val;
		double px, py;
		Position p = new Position();
		max_num_points = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < num_contours.getValue(); i++) {
			num_points = contours.get(i).num;
			if (num_points > max_num_points)
				max_num_points = num_points;

		width_l = new double[max_num_points];
		width_r = new double[max_num_points];
		grad_l = new double[max_num_points];
		grad_r = new double[max_num_points];
		pos_x = new double[max_num_points];
		pos_y = new double[max_num_points];
		correct = new double[max_num_points];
		contrast = new double[max_num_points];
		asymm = new double[max_num_points];

		grad = new float[(width * height)];

		length = 2.5 * sigma;
		max_line = (int) Math.ceil(length * 3);
		line = new Offset[max_line];
		for (int o = 0; o < line.length; o++) {
			line[o] = new Offset();

		/* Compute the gradient image. */
		for (r = 0; r < height; r++) {
			for (c = 0; c < width; c++) {
				l = LinesUtil.LINCOOR(r, c, width);
				grad[l] = (float) Math.sqrt(dx[l] * dx[l] + dy[l] * dy[l]);

		for (i = 0; i < num_contours.getValue(); i++) {
			cont = contours.get(i);
			num_points = cont.num;

			for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {
				px = cont.row[j];
				py = cont.col[j];
				pos_x[j] = px;
				pos_y[j] = py;
				r = (int) Math.floor(px + 0.5);
				c = (int) Math.floor(py + 0.5);
				nx = Math.cos(cont.angle[j]);
				ny = Math.sin(cont.angle[j]);
				/* Compute the search line. */
				MutableInt num_lineh = new MutableInt(num_line);
				bresenham(nx, ny, 0.0, 0.0, length, line, num_lineh);
				num_line = num_lineh.intValue();
				width_r[j] = width_l[j] = 0;
				/* Look on both sides of the line. */
				for (dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2) {
					for (k = 0; k < num_line; k++) {
						x = LinesUtil.BR(r + dir * line[k].x, height);
						y = LinesUtil.BC(c + dir * line[k].y, width);
						i1 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
						i2 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), y, width)];
						i3 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x - 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
						i4 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
						i5 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, y, width)];
						i6 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(x, LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
						i7 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y - 1, width), width)];
						i8 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), y, width)];
						i9 = grad[LinesUtil.LINCOOR(LinesUtil.BR(x + 1, height), LinesUtil.BC(y + 1, width), width)];
						t1 = i1 + i2 + i3;
						t2 = i4 + i5 + i6;
						t3 = i7 + i8 + i9;
						t4 = i1 + i4 + i7;
						t5 = i2 + i5 + i8;
						t6 = i3 + i6 + i9;
						dr = (t3 - t1) / 6;
						dc = (t6 - t4) / 6;
						drr = (t1 - 2 * t2 + t3) / 6;
						dcc = (t4 - 2 * t5 + t6) / 6;
						drc = (i1 - i3 - i7 + i9) / 4;
						p.compute_eigenvals(2 * drr, drc, 2 * dcc, eigval, eigvec);
						val = -eigval[0];
						if (val > 0.0) {
							n1 = eigvec[0][0];
							n2 = eigvec[0][1];
							a = 2.0 * (drr * n1 * n1 + drc * n1 * n2 + dcc * n2 * n2);
							b = dr * n1 + dc * n2;
							MutableDouble th = new MutableDouble(t);
							MutableInt numh = new MutableInt(num);
							p.solve_linear(a, b, th, numh);
							t = th.getValue();
							num = numh.getValue();
							if (num != 0) {
								p1 = t * n1;
								p2 = t * n2;
								if (Math.abs(p1) <= 0.5 && Math.abs(p2) <= 0.5) {
									 * Project the maximum point position perpendicularly onto the search line.
									a = 1;
									b = nx * (px - (r + dir * line[k].x + p1)) + ny * (py - (c + dir * line[k].y + p2));
									th = new MutableDouble(t);
									numh = new MutableInt(num);
									p.solve_linear(a, b, th, numh);
									t = th.getValue();
									num = numh.getValue();
									d = (-i1 + 2 * i2 - i3 + 2 * i4 + 5 * i5 + 2 * i6 - i7 + 2 * i8 - i9) / 9;
									if (dir == 1) {
										grad_r[j] = d + p1 * dr + p2 * dc + p1 * p1 * drr + p1 * p2 * drc
												+ p2 * p2 * dcc;
										width_r[j] = Math.abs(t);
									} else {
										grad_l[j] = d + p1 * dr + p2 * dc + p1 * p1 * drr + p1 * p2 * drc
												+ p2 * p2 * dcc;
										width_l[j] = Math.abs(t);

			fix_locations(width_l, width_r, grad_l, grad_r, pos_x, pos_y, correct, contrast, asymm, sigma, mode,
					correct_pos, cont);
