package org.wickedsource.docxstamper.util;

import org.docx4j.XmlUtils;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.Docx4JException;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.wml.*;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.ppp.Child;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.wickedsource.docxstamper.api.DocxStamperException;
import org.wickedsource.docxstamper.util.walk.BaseDocumentWalker;
import org.wickedsource.docxstamper.util.walk.DocumentWalker;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class CommentUtil {

	private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommentUtil.class);

	private CommentUtil() {


	 * Returns the comment the given DOCX4J run is commented with.
	 * @param run the DOCX4J run whose comment to retrieve.
	 * @param document the document that contains the run.
	 * @return the comment, if found, null otherwise.
	public static Comments.Comment getCommentAround(R run,
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) {
		try {
			if (run instanceof Child) {
				Child child = (Child) run;
				ContentAccessor parent = (ContentAccessor) child.getParent();
				if (parent == null)
					return null;
				CommentRangeStart possibleComment = null;
				boolean foundChild = false;
				for (Object contentElement : parent.getContent()) {

					// so first we look for the start of the comment
					if (XmlUtils.unwrap(contentElement) instanceof CommentRangeStart) {
						possibleComment = (CommentRangeStart) contentElement;
					// then we check if the child we are looking for is ours
					else if (possibleComment != null && child.equals(contentElement)) {
						foundChild = true;
					// and then if we have an end of a comment we are good!
					else if (possibleComment != null && foundChild && XmlUtils
							.unwrap(contentElement) instanceof CommentRangeEnd) {
						try {
							BigInteger id = possibleComment.getId();
							CommentsPart commentsPart = (CommentsPart) document.getParts()
									.get(new PartName("/word/comments.xml"));
							Comments comments = commentsPart.getContents();
							for (Comments.Comment comment : comments.getComment()) {
								if (comment.getId().equals(id)) {
									return comment;
						catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
									"Error while searching comment. Skipping run %s.",
									run), e);
					// else restart
					else {
						possibleComment = null;
						foundChild = false;
			return null;
		catch (Docx4JException e) {
			throw new DocxStamperException(
					"error accessing the comments of the document!", e);

	 * Returns the first comment found for the given docx object. Note that an object is
	 * only considered commented if the comment STARTS within the object. Comments
	 * spanning several objects are not supported by this method.
	 * @param object the object whose comment to load.
	 * @param document the document in which the object is embedded (needed to load the
	 * comment from the comments.xml part).
	 * @return the concatenated string of all paragraphs of text within the comment or
	 * null if the specified object is not commented.
	 * @throws Docx4JException in case of a Docx4J processing error.
	public static Comments.Comment getCommentFor(ContentAccessor object,
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) {
		try {
			for (Object contentObject : object.getContent()) {
				if (contentObject instanceof CommentRangeStart) {
					try {
						BigInteger id = ((CommentRangeStart) contentObject).getId();
						CommentsPart commentsPart = (CommentsPart) document.getParts()
								.get(new PartName("/word/comments.xml"));
						Comments comments = commentsPart.getContents();
						for (Comments.Comment comment : comments.getComment()) {
							if (comment.getId().equals(id)) {
								return comment;
					catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
								"Error while searching comment. Skipping object %s.",
								object), e);
			return null;
		catch (Docx4JException e) {
			throw new DocxStamperException(
					"error accessing the comments of the document!", e);

	public static String getCommentStringFor(ContentAccessor object,
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) throws Docx4JException {
		Comments.Comment comment = getCommentFor(object, document);
		return getCommentString(comment);

	 * Returns the string value of the specified comment object.
	public static String getCommentString(Comments.Comment comment) {
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
		for (Object commentChildObject : comment.getContent()) {
			if (commentChildObject instanceof P) {
				builder.append(new ParagraphWrapper((P) commentChildObject).getText());
		return builder.toString();

	public static void deleteComment(CommentWrapper comment) {
		if (comment.getCommentRangeEnd() != null) {
			ContentAccessor commentRangeEndParent = (ContentAccessor) comment
		if (comment.getCommentRangeStart() != null) {
			ContentAccessor commentRangeStartParent = (ContentAccessor) comment
		// TODO: also delete comment from comments.xml

	private static boolean deleteCommentReference(ContentAccessor parent,
			BigInteger commentId) {
		for (int i = 0; i < parent.getContent().size(); i++) {
			Object contentObject = XmlUtils.unwrap(parent.getContent().get(i));
			if (contentObject instanceof ContentAccessor) {
				if (deleteCommentReference((ContentAccessor) contentObject, commentId)) {
					return true;
			if (contentObject instanceof R) {
				for (Object runContentObject : ((R) contentObject).getContent()) {
					Object unwrapped = XmlUtils.unwrap(runContentObject);
					if (unwrapped instanceof R.CommentReference) {
						BigInteger foundCommentId = ((R.CommentReference) unwrapped)
						if (foundCommentId.equals(commentId)) {
							return true;
		return false;

	public static Map<BigInteger, CommentWrapper> getComments(
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) {
		Map<BigInteger, CommentWrapper> comments = new HashMap<>();
		collectCommentRanges(comments, document);
		collectComments(comments, document);
		return comments;

	private static void collectCommentRanges(
			final Map<BigInteger, CommentWrapper> comments,
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) {
		DocumentWalker documentWalker = new BaseDocumentWalker(
				document.getMainDocumentPart()) {
			protected void onCommentRangeStart(CommentRangeStart commentRangeStart) {
				CommentWrapper commentWrapper = comments.get(commentRangeStart.getId());
				if (commentWrapper == null) {
					commentWrapper = new CommentWrapper();
					comments.put(commentRangeStart.getId(), commentWrapper);

			protected void onCommentRangeEnd(CommentRangeEnd commentRangeEnd) {
				CommentWrapper commentWrapper = comments.get(commentRangeEnd.getId());
				if (commentWrapper == null) {
					commentWrapper = new CommentWrapper();
					comments.put(commentRangeEnd.getId(), commentWrapper);

	private static void collectComments(final Map<BigInteger, CommentWrapper> comments,
			WordprocessingMLPackage document) {
		try {
			CommentsPart commentsPart = (CommentsPart) document.getParts()
					.get(new PartName("/word/comments.xml"));
			if (commentsPart != null) {
				for (Comments.Comment comment : commentsPart.getContents().getComment()) {
					CommentWrapper commentWrapper = comments.get(comment.getId());
					if (commentWrapper != null) {
		catch (Docx4JException e) {
			throw new IllegalStateException(e);
