
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.wrapper.spotify.exceptions.SpotifyWebApiException;
import com.wrapper.spotify.model_objects.specification.Playlist;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.ContentType;
import org.apache.hc.core5.http.ParseException;


 * Create a playlist for a Spotify user. (The playlist will be empty until you add tracks
 * with an {@link AddItemsToPlaylistRequest}.)
@JsonDeserialize(builder = CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder.class)
public class CreatePlaylistRequest extends AbstractDataRequest<Playlist> {

   * The private {@link CreatePlaylistRequest} constructor.
   * @param builder A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
  private CreatePlaylistRequest(final Builder builder) {

   * Create a new playlist.
   * @return The newly created {@link Playlist}.
   * @throws IOException            In case of networking issues.
   * @throws SpotifyWebApiException The Web API returned an error further specified in this exception's root cause.
  public Playlist execute() throws
    ParseException {
    return new Playlist.JsonUtil().createModelObject(postJson());

   * Builder class for building a {@link CreatePlaylistRequest}.
  public static final class Builder extends AbstractDataRequest.Builder<Playlist, Builder> {

     * Create a new {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
     * <p>
     * Creating a public playlists requires authorization of the {@code playlist-modify-public}
     * scope; Creating a private playlist requires the {@code playlist-modify-private} scope.
     * @param accessToken Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
     * @see <a href="">Spotify: Using Scopes</a>
    public Builder(final String accessToken) {

     * The user ID setter.
     * @param user_id The user's Spotify user ID.
     * @return A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
     * @see <a href="">Spotify: URIs &amp; IDs</a>
    public Builder user_id(final String user_id) {
      assert (user_id != null);
      assert (!user_id.equals(""));
      return setPathParameter("user_id", user_id);

     * The playlist name setter.
     * @param name Optional. The name for the playlist. This name does not need
     *             to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name.
     * @return A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
    public Builder name(final String name) {
      assert (name != null);
      assert (!name.equals(""));
      return setBodyParameter("name", name);

     * The public status setter.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note:</b> To be able to create private playlists, the user must have
     * granted the {@code playlist-modify-private} scope.
     * @param public_ Optional. If {@code true} the playlist will be public, if {@code false} it will be private.
     * @return A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
    public Builder public_(final Boolean public_) {
      return setBodyParameter("public", public_);

     * The collaborative state setter.
     * @param collaborative Optional, default {@code false}. If {@code true} the playlist will be collaborative.
     *                      <b>Note:</b> To create a collaborative playlist you must also set {@link #public_(Boolean)}
     *                      to {@code false}. To create collaborative playlists you must have granted
     *                      {@code playlist-modify-private} and {@code playlist-modify-public} scopes.
     * @return A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
    public Builder collaborative(final Boolean collaborative) {
      return setBodyParameter("collaborative", collaborative);

     * The playlist description setter.
     * @param description Optional, value for playlist description as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API.
     * @return A {@link CreatePlaylistRequest.Builder}.
    public Builder description(final String description) {
      assert (description != null);
      assert (!description.equals(""));
      return setBodyParameter("description", description);

     * the request build method.
     * @return A custom {@link CreatePlaylistRequest}.
    public CreatePlaylistRequest build() {
      return new CreatePlaylistRequest(this);

    protected Builder self() {
      return this;