 * Copyright 2018-2018 Stefan Podkowinski
 * Copyright 2019-2019 The Last Pickle Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.cassandrareaper.service;

import io.cassandrareaper.AppContext;
import io.cassandrareaper.ReaperException;
import io.cassandrareaper.core.Cluster;
import io.cassandrareaper.core.DiagEventSubscription;
import io.cassandrareaper.core.Node;
import io.cassandrareaper.jmx.DiagnosticProxy;
import io.cassandrareaper.jmx.JmxProxy;
import io.cassandrareaper.resources.view.DiagnosticEvent;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectionNotification;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;

import com.codahale.metrics.InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.MultimapBuilder;
import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.sse.EventOutput;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.sse.OutboundEvent;
import org.glassfish.jersey.media.sse.SseBroadcaster;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ChunkedOutput;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public final class DiagEventSubscriptionService {

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiagEventSubscriptionService.class);

  private static final Map<DiagEventSubscription, Broadcaster> BROADCASTERS = new HashMap<>();
  private static final Map<Node, DiagEventPoller> POLLERS_BY_NODE = new HashMap<>();
  private static final ObjectMapper JSON_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory());
  private static final AtomicLong ID_COUNTER = new AtomicLong(0);

  private final Map<Node, NotificationListener> listenerByNode = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  private final AppContext context;
  private final HttpClient httpClient;
  private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;
  private final AtomicLong lastUpdateCheck = new AtomicLong(0);

  private Set<DiagEventSubscription> subsAlwaysActive;

  private DiagEventSubscriptionService(AppContext context, HttpClient httpClient, ScheduledExecutorService executor) {
    this.context = context;
    this.httpClient = httpClient;
    this.scheduler = new InstrumentedScheduledExecutorService(executor, context.metricRegistry);

    scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::updateEnabledEvents, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // ping registered clients to raise and error for already closed connections, only way to notice disconnections
    scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::pingSseClients, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  public static DiagEventSubscriptionService create(AppContext cxt, HttpClient client, ScheduledExecutorService exec) {
    return new DiagEventSubscriptionService(cxt, client, exec);

  public DiagEventSubscription getEventSubscription(UUID id) {
    return context.storage.getEventSubscription(id);

  public void deleteEventSubscription(UUID id) {
    DiagEventSubscription sub = context.storage.getEventSubscription(id);
    if (context.storage.deleteEventSubscription(id)) {
      if (null != sub) {
        updateEnabledEvents(new HashSet<>(sub.getNodes()));

  public DiagEventSubscription addEventSubscription(DiagEventSubscription subscription) {
    assert context.storage.getEventSubscriptions(subscription.getCluster())
            -> Objects.equals(sub.getNodes(), subscription.getNodes())
              && Objects.equals(sub.getEvents(), subscription.getEvents()));

    return context.storage.addEventSubscription(subscription.withId(subscription.getId().orElse(UUID.randomUUID())));

  public void subscribe(DiagEventSubscription sub, EventOutput eventOutput, String remoteAddr) {
    Broadcaster broadcaster = BROADCASTERS.computeIfAbsent(sub, (key) -> new Broadcaster(sub));
    LOG.debug("Using SSE broadcaster for subscription {} and new client {}", sub.getId(), remoteAddr);

    // enable events for nodes in subscription (if needed)
    updateEnabledEvents(new HashSet<>(sub.getNodes()));

  private synchronized void updateEnabledEvents() {
    if (context.isDistributed.get()) {
      if (!BROADCASTERS.isEmpty() || null == subsAlwaysActive || !subsAlwaysActive.isEmpty()
          // when there are no broadcasters and no known subscriptions, only check for updated events once per minute
          || (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdateCheck.get()) > TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)) {


  private synchronized void updateEnabledEvents(Set<String> filterByNode) {
    LOG.debug("Checking current event subscriptions");

    // enable all events with active consumers and disable events for non-active consumers
    // we have two different kind of consumers: always active (loggers and http) and ad-hoc (live view)
    Collection<DiagEventSubscription> allSubs = context.storage.getEventSubscriptions();

    this.subsAlwaysActive = allSubs.stream()
            .filter((sub) -> sub.getExportFileLogger() != null || sub.getExportHttpEndpoint() != null)

    // determine which of the ad-hoc subscriptions have currently active SSE clients listening
    Set<DiagEventSubscription> subsAdHocActive = allSubs.stream()
        .filter((sub) -> !subsAlwaysActive.contains(sub))
        .filter((sub) -> BROADCASTERS.containsKey(sub) && BROADCASTERS.get(sub).isActive())

    // create mapping for all subscriptions by node
    SetMultimap<Node, DiagEventSubscription> subscriptionsByNodeMulti
        = MultimapBuilder.SetMultimapBuilder.hashKeys().hashSetValues().build();

    // always gather all subscriptions to create the complete list of relevant events for a node
    for (DiagEventSubscription sub : allSubs) {

      Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()

      for (String host : sub.getNodes()) {
        if (filterByNode.isEmpty() || filterByNode.contains(host)) {
          Node node = Node.builder().withCluster(cluster).withHostname(host).build();
          subscriptionsByNodeMulti.put(node, sub);

    // inspect activation status of subscriptions node by node
    Predicate<DiagEventSubscription> isActiveSubscription
        = (sub) -> subsAlwaysActive.contains(sub) || subsAdHocActive.contains(sub);

    Map<Node, Collection<DiagEventSubscription>> subscriptionsByNode = subscriptionsByNodeMulti.asMap();
    CountDownLatch nodesLatch = new CountDownLatch(subscriptionsByNode.size());
    AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(true);
    LOG.debug("Updating event subscriptions for {} nodes", subscriptionsByNode.size());

    for (Node node : subscriptionsByNode.keySet()) {
      LOG.debug("{}: {}", node, subscriptionsByNode.get(node));

      scheduler.submit(() -> {
        if (running.get()) {
          String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
          try {
            LOG.debug("Starting to update event subscriptions for {}", node);
            JmxProxy jmx = context.jmxConnectionFactory.connectAny(Collections.singleton(node));

            // create set of active and inactive events based on all subscriptions for this node
            // active events are all events included in an active subscription
            Collection<DiagEventSubscription> subscriptions = subscriptionsByNode.get(node);

            Set<String> activeEvents = subscriptions.stream()
                    .flatMap((sub) -> sub.getEvents().stream())

            // inactive events are all non-active events
            Set<String> inactiveEvents = subscriptions.stream()
                    .flatMap((sub) -> sub.getEvents().stream())
                    .filter((event) -> !activeEvents.contains(event))

            // if there are no active events for this node, disable them and stop polling
            if (activeEvents.isEmpty()) {
              LOG.debug("No active events subscriptions");
              Set<String> possiblyEnabledEvents = new HashSet<>();
              // kill poller
              DiagEventPoller poller = POLLERS_BY_NODE.remove(node);
              if (poller != null) {
                LOG.debug("Stopping existing event poller");
              // unsubscribe from jmx notifications
              unsubscribeNotifications(node, jmx);
              // clear any possible remaining enabled events
              if (!possiblyEnabledEvents.isEmpty()) {
                enableEvents(node, possiblyEnabledEvents, false, jmx);

            // if there are inactive events, just disable them
            if (!inactiveEvents.isEmpty()) {
              LOG.debug("Disabling events for inactive subscriptions");
              enableEvents(node, inactiveEvents, false, jmx);

            // active events need to be enabled and polled
            if (!activeEvents.isEmpty()) {
              LOG.debug("Enabling events for active subscriptions");
              enableEvents(node, activeEvents, true, jmx);
              DiagEventPoller poller = createPoller(node, jmx, activeEvents, true);
              subscribeNotifications(node, jmx, poller);
          } catch (ReaperException e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to acquire JMX connection {}", e.getMessage());
          } finally {

                "Finished handling event subscriptions for {} ({}/{})",
                node, nodesLatch.getCount(), subscriptionsByNode.size());

    try {
      if (!nodesLatch.await(context.config.getJmxConnectionTimeoutInSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {

            "Timeout while handling ({}/{}) remaining event subscriptions for some nodes",
            nodesLatch.getCount(), subscriptionsByNode.size());
    } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { }

  private void enableEvents(Node node, Set<String> events, boolean enabled, JmxProxy jmxProxy) {
    for (String event : events) {
      LOG.debug("{} {} for {}", enabled ? "Enabling" : "Disabling", event, node);
      try {
        if (enabled) {
        } else {
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
          LOG.warn("Event not supported on server: {}", event);
        } else if (e.getCause() instanceof ReflectionException) {
          LOG.warn(String.format("Failed to manage events via JMX for %s: "
              + "incompatible Cassandra version (>=4.0 required)", node));
        } else {
          LOG.error(String.format("Failed to enable/disable event %s via JMX for %s", event, node), e);

  private DiagEventPoller createPoller(Node node, JmxProxy jmxProxy, Set<String> events, boolean enabled) {
    DiagEventPoller poller = POLLERS_BY_NODE
        .computeIfAbsent(node, (key) -> new DiagEventPoller(key, jmxProxy, this::onEvent, scheduler));

    if (enabled) {
    } else {
    return poller;

  private void subscribeNotifications(Node node, JmxProxy jmxProxy, DiagEventPoller poller) {
    if (!listenerByNode.containsKey(node)) {
      LOG.debug("Subscribing to notifications on {} ({})", jmxProxy.getHost(), jmxProxy.getClusterName());

      NotificationListener listener = new NotificationListener(
          // reopen JMX connection by re-enabling all events for this node
          (notification) -> updateEnabledEvents(Collections.singleton(node.getHostname())),
          // forward incoming notifications (event summaries) to poller

      if (null == listenerByNode.putIfAbsent(node, listener)) {

  private void unsubscribeNotifications(Node node, JmxProxy jmxProxy) {
    LOG.debug("Unsubscribing from notifications on {} ({})", jmxProxy.getHost(), jmxProxy.getClusterName());
    NotificationListener listener = listenerByNode.remove(node);
    Preconditions.checkState(null != listener, "Notification listener not found for %s", node);

  // as provided by DiagEventPoller
  private void onEvent(DiagnosticEvent event) {
    String json;
    try {
      json = JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(event);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to serialize diagnostic event as JSON", e);

    // always-active subscriptions
    for (DiagEventSubscription sub : subsAlwaysActive) {
      try {
        if (sub.getCluster().equals(event.getCluster())
                && sub.getNodes().contains(event.getNode())
                && sub.getEvents().contains(event.getEventClass())) {

          if (sub.getExportFileLogger() != null) {
            Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(sub.getExportFileLogger());
            if (logger == null) {
              LOG.error("Failed to get logger: {}", sub.getExportFileLogger());
            } else {
          if (sub.getExportHttpEndpoint() != null) {
            HttpPost req = new HttpPost(sub.getExportHttpEndpoint());
            req.setEntity(new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
            try {
              HttpResponse resp = httpClient.execute(req);
              // consume response to return connection to pool
            } catch (IOException e) {
              LOG.error("Failed to post event to endpoint: " + sub.getExportHttpEndpoint(), e);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        LOG.error("Error while checking subscription: " + sub, e);

    // ad-hoc subscriptions
    OutboundEvent out = new OutboundEvent.Builder()

    // broadcast event to all clients with matching event subscriptions (node and event type)
    for (Map.Entry<DiagEventSubscription, Broadcaster> entry : BROADCASTERS.entrySet()) {
      DiagEventSubscription sub = entry.getKey();
      if (sub.getCluster().equals(event.getCluster())
              && sub.getNodes().contains(event.getNode())
              && sub.getEvents().contains(event.getEventClass())) {

            "[{}] Broadcasting diagnostic event {}/{} from {}",
            entry.getValue(), event.getEventClass(), event.getEventType(), event.getNode());


  private void pingSseClients() {
    OutboundEvent.Builder builder = new OutboundEvent.Builder()

    for (Broadcaster broadcaster : BROADCASTERS.values()) {

  private static class NotificationListener implements javax.management.NotificationListener {

    private final Node node;
    private final Consumer<Notification> onConnectionClosed;
    private final Consumer<Map<String, Comparable>> onSummary;
    private final ExecutorService taskExecutor;

        Node node,
        Consumer<Notification> onConnectionClosed,
        Consumer<Map<String, Comparable>> onSummary,
        ExecutorService taskExecutor) {

      this.node = node;
      this.onConnectionClosed = onConnectionClosed;
      this.onSummary = onSummary;
      this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;

    public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) {
      // pass off the work immediately to a separate thread
      taskExecutor.submit(() -> {
        String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        try {

          switch (notification.getType()) {
            case JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED:
            case JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED:
              LOG.debug("JMX connection closed");
              if (onConnectionClosed != null) {

            case JMXConnectionNotification.NOTIFS_LOST:
              LOG.warn("Lost JMX notifications");

            case "event_last_id_summary":
              LOG.debug("Received event summary: {}", notification);
              if (onSummary != null) {
                onSummary.accept((Map<String, Comparable>) notification.getUserData());

        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          LOG.error("Error while handling JMX notification", e);
        } finally {

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj) {
        return true;
      if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
        return false;
      NotificationListener that = (NotificationListener) obj;
      return Objects.equals(node, that.node);

    public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(node);

  private static final class Broadcaster extends SseBroadcaster {

    private final AtomicLong outputs = new AtomicLong();
    private final DiagEventSubscription sub;

    private Broadcaster(DiagEventSubscription sub) {
      this.sub = sub;

    public void onException(ChunkedOutput<OutboundEvent> chunkedOutput, Exception exception) {
      super.onException(chunkedOutput, exception);
      LOG.debug("[{}] SSE exception", this);

    public <OUT extends ChunkedOutput<OutboundEvent>> boolean add(OUT chunkedOutput) {
      LOG.debug("[{}] Adding SSE channel", this, chunkedOutput);
      return super.add(chunkedOutput);

    public void onClose(ChunkedOutput<OutboundEvent> chunkedOutput) {
      LOG.debug("[{}] SSE channel closed", this);

    boolean isActive() {
      return outputs.get() > 0;