
import static band.full.core.Window.screen;
import static;
import static java.lang.Math.floor;
import static java.lang.Math.log10;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static javafx.scene.layout.Background.EMPTY;
import static javafx.scene.text.Font.font;
import static javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment.CENTER;
import static javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment.LEFT;
import static javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment.RIGHT;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS;

import band.full.core.Window;
import band.full.core.color.CIEXYZ;
import band.full.core.color.CIExy;
import band.full.core.color.CIExyY;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;

import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.Parent;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment;
import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow;

 * Base class for creating single-color patches in the middle of the screen with
 * specified area percentage.
 * @author Igor Malinin
 * @see CalibrateGrayscaleBase
 * @see CalibrateColorPatchesBase
public abstract class CalibratePatchesBase extends GeneratorBase<Args> {
    public static class Args {
        public final String file;
        public final String sequence;
        public final String set;
        public final String label;
        public final int window; // Use 0 for 100% screen fill!
        public final int[] yuv;

        public Args(String file, String sequence, String set,
                String label, int window, int[] yuv) {
            this.file = file;
            this.sequence = sequence;
            this.set = set;
            this.label = label;
            this.window = window;
            this.yuv = yuv;

        public Args(String file, String sequence, String set, String label,
                int window, int y, int u, int v) {
            this(file, sequence, set, label, window, new int[] {y, u, v});

        public String toString() {
            return format("Win%02d %s %03d:%03d:%03d",
                    window, sequence, yuv[0], yuv[1], yuv[2]);

    public CalibratePatchesBase(GeneratorFactory factory,
            EncoderParameters params, String folder, String group) {
        super(factory, params, folder, x -> x.file, group);

    public CalibratePatchesBase(GeneratorFactory factory,
            EncoderParameters params, NalUnitPostProcessor<Args> processor,
            MuxerFactory muxer, String folder, String group) {
        super(factory, params, processor, muxer, folder, x -> x.file, group);

    protected String formatCIE(CIExyY xyY) {
        double l = xyY.Y * transfer.getNominalDisplayPeakLuminance();
        String luminance = formatLuminance(l);
        return format("CIE(x=%.5f, y=%.5f) %s", xyY.x, xyY.y, luminance);

     * Limit fractional part in rage of 0 to 6 digits while trying to keep
     * precision at 5 digits.
    protected String formatLuminance(double l) {
        int d = max(4 - (int) floor(max(-2.0, log10(l))), 0);
        return format("%." + d + "f cd/m²", l);

    protected String getTopLeftText(Args args) {
        if (transfer.code() == 18) return "Hybrid Log-Gamma";
        if (transfer.isDefinedByEOTF()) return "Encoded with EOTF";

        CIExyY xyY = getColor(args);

        return format("OETF: %s %s", transfer, formatCIE(xyY));

    protected String getBottomLeftText(Args args) {
        boolean useMatrixTransfer = transfer.code() == 18
                || transfer.isDefinedByEOTF();

        String name = useMatrixTransfer
                ? transfer.toString()
                : "BT.1886";

        DoubleUnaryOperator eotf = useMatrixTransfer
                ? transfer::toLinear
                : TRUE_BLACK_TRANSFER::eotf;

        CIExyY xyY = getColor(args, eotf);

        return format("EOTF: %s %s", name, formatCIE(xyY));

    protected String getTopCenterText(Args args) {
        return args.label;

    protected String getBottomCenterText(Args args) {
        int[] yuv = args.yuv;

        if (matrix.isAchromatic(yuv)) return "Code " + yuv[0];

        String fmt = matrix instanceof ICtCp ? "ITP" : "YUV";

        double[] buf = matrix.fromCodes(yuv, new double[3]);
        matrix.toRGBCodes(matrix.toRGB(buf, buf), buf);

        var df = new DecimalFormat("#.#");

        return format("%s %d:%d:%d        RGB %s:%s:%s",
                fmt, yuv[0], yuv[1], yuv[2],
                df.format(buf[0]), df.format(buf[1]), df.format(buf[2]));

    protected String getTopRightText(Args args) {
        return args.set;

    protected String getBottomRightText(Args args) {
        return format("%dx%dp", width, height);

    public List<String> encode(File dir, Args args)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        var all = new ArrayList<String>(PATTERN_SECONDS);
        all.addAll(encode(dir, args, INTRO, INTRO_SECONDS));
        all.addAll(encode(dir, args, BODY, BODY_SECONDS));
        return all;

    protected void encode(EncoderY4M e, Args args, String phase) {
        var fb = e.newFrameBuffer();
        fb.fillRect(getWindow(args.window), args.yuv);

        if (phase != null) {
            FxImage.overlay(overlay(args), fb);

        e.render(gop, () -> fb);

    public void generate(FrameBuffer fb, Args args) {
        fb.fillRect(getWindow(args.window), args.yuv);
        FxImage.overlay(overlay(args), fb);

    protected void verify(File dir, String mp4, Args args) {
        verify(dir, mp4, INTRO_SECONDS - 1, 2, args);

    protected void verify(DecoderY4M d, Args args) { -> verify(fb, args));

    protected void verify(FrameBuffer fb, Args args) {
        Window win = getVerifyWindow(args.window);
        FrameVerifier.verifyRect(args.yuv, fb, win, 1,
                max(width, height), max(width + 1 >> 1, height + 1 >> 1));

    private Window getWindow(int window) {
        if (window == 0) return screen(resolution);

        // assume strong alignment
        assertEquals(0, width % 8);
        assertEquals(0, height % 8);

        return window(window / 100.0);

    private Window getVerifyWindow(int window) {
        // remove patch edges
        if (window > 0) return getWindow(window).shrink(8);

        // remove areas with labels
        return center(width, height - height / 10);

    public Window window(double area) {
        double target = width * height * area;
        return area < 0.5 ? square(target) : proportional(target, area);

    protected Window square(double target) {
        int h = align(sqrt(target), height);
        int w = align(target / h, width);
        return center(w, h);

    protected Window proportional(double target, double area) {
        int w = align(width * sqrt(area), width);
        int h = align(target / w, height);
        return center(w, h);

    protected Window center(int w, int h) {
        return new Window((width - w) >> 1, (height - h) >> 1, w, h);

     * Assume screen sides are divisible by 8.
     * <p>
     * Make patch size divisible by 8 or 16 so it will be aligned to 8 pixels by
     * centering, only reducing size.
    protected int align(double suggestion, int side) {
        int mask = side % 16 == 0 ? ~0xF : ~0x7;
        int masked = (int) suggestion & mask;
        if (side % 16 != 0 && masked % 16 == 0) {
            masked -= 8; // adjust for odd (side / 8) value
        return masked;

    protected Parent overlay(Args args) {
        Color fill = getTextFill(args);

        TextFlow topLeft = text(fill, getTopLeftText(args), LEFT);
        TextFlow topCenter = text(fill, getTopCenterText(args), CENTER);
        TextFlow topRight = text(fill, getTopRightText(args), RIGHT);
        TextFlow bottomLeft = text(fill, getBottomLeftText(args), LEFT);
        TextFlow bottomCenter = text(fill, getBottomCenterText(args), CENTER);
        TextFlow bottomRight = text(fill, getBottomRightText(args), RIGHT);

        StackPane top = new StackPane(topLeft, topCenter, topRight);
        StackPane bottom = new StackPane(bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight);

        BorderPane.setMargin(top, new Insets(20));
        BorderPane.setMargin(bottom, new Insets(20));

        BorderPane layout = new BorderPane();

        return layout;

    protected Color getTextFill(Args args) {
        double ye = matrix.fromLumaCode(args.yuv[0]);

        boolean useMatrixTransfer = transfer.code() == 18
                || transfer.isDefinedByEOTF();

        DoubleUnaryOperator eotfi = useMatrixTransfer
                ? transfer::fromLinear
                : TRUE_BLACK_TRANSFER::eotfi;

        double peak = transfer.getNominalDisplayPeakLuminance();
        double minY = eotfi.applyAsDouble(1.0 / peak);

        if (args.window == 0)
            return ye > minY ? Color.BLACK : Color.gray(ye + minY);

        double maxY = eotfi.applyAsDouble(20.0 / peak);
        return Color.gray(min(max(ye, minY), maxY));

    protected TextFlow text(Color fill, String text, TextAlignment alignment) {
        Text label = new Text(text);
        label.setFont(font(height / 54));

        TextFlow flow = new TextFlow(label);
        return flow;

    protected CIExyY getColor(Args args) {
        return getColor(args, transfer::toLinear);

    protected CIExyY getColor(Args args, DoubleUnaryOperator eotf) {
        if (args.yuv[0] <= matrix.YMIN) {
            // fake color value for pure black
            CIExy white = primaries.white;
            return new CIExyY(white.x, white.y, 0);

        double[] buf = matrix.fromCodes(args.yuv, new double[3]);
        matrix.toLinearRGB(eotf, buf, buf);
        matrix.RGBtoXYZ.multiply(buf, buf);

        return new CIEXYZ(buf).CIExyY();