package com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.processor;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.NeedPostProcess;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.Utils;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.XLSBeansConfig;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.XLSBeansException;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.annotation.*;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.xml.AnnotationReader;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.xssfconverter.WCell;
import com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.xssfconverter.WSheet;

 * @author Mitsuyoshi Hasegawa
 * @see com.github.takezoe.xlsbeans.annotation.IterateTables
public class IterateTablesProcessor implements FieldProcessor {

  public void doProcess(WSheet wSheet, Object obj, Method setter, Annotation ann, AnnotationReader reader,
                        XLSBeansConfig config, List<NeedPostProcess> needPostProcess) throws Exception {

    IterateTables iterateTables = (IterateTables) ann;

    Class<?>[] setterArgClzArray = setter.getParameterTypes();
    if (setterArgClzArray.length != 1) {
      // isn't setter attribute
      throw new XLSBeansException("Arguments of '" + setter.toString() + "' is invalid.");

    // create multi-table objects.
    List<?> value = createTables(wSheet, iterateTables, reader, config, needPostProcess);
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(setterArgClzArray[0])) {
      setter.invoke(obj, new Object[]{value});

    } else if (setterArgClzArray[0].isArray()) {
      Class<?> type = setterArgClzArray[0].getComponentType();
      Object array = Array.newInstance(type, value.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
        Array.set(array, i, value.get(i));
      setter.invoke(obj, new Object[]{array});

    } else {
      throw new XLSBeansException("Arguments of '" + setter.toString() + "' is invalid.");

  public void doProcess(WSheet wSheet, Object obj, Field field, Annotation ann, AnnotationReader reader,
                        XLSBeansConfig config, List<NeedPostProcess> needPostProcess) throws Exception {

    IterateTables iterateTables = (IterateTables) ann;

    Class<?> fieldType = field.getType();

    // create multi-table objects.
    List<?> value = createTables(wSheet, iterateTables, reader, config, needPostProcess);
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
      field.set(obj, value);

    } else if (fieldType.isArray()) {
      Class<?> type = fieldType.getComponentType();
      Object array = Array.newInstance(type, value.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
        Array.set(array, i, value.get(i));
      field.set(obj, array);

    } else {
      throw new XLSBeansException("Arguments of '" + field.toString() + "' is invalid.");

  protected List<?> createTables(WSheet wSheet, IterateTables iterateTables, AnnotationReader reader,
                                 XLSBeansConfig config, List<NeedPostProcess> needPostProcess) throws Exception {
    List<Object> resultTableList = new ArrayList<Object>();

    WCell after = null;
    WCell currentCell = null;
    String label = iterateTables.tableLabel();
    currentCell = Utils.getCell(wSheet, label, after, false, !iterateTables.optional(), config);
    while (currentCell != null) {
      // 1 table object instance
      Object tableObj = iterateTables.tableClass().newInstance();

      // process single label.
      processSingleLabelledCell(wSheet, tableObj, currentCell, reader, config, needPostProcess);
      // process horizontal table.
      processMultipleTableCell(wSheet, tableObj, currentCell, reader, iterateTables, config, needPostProcess);

      // TODO process vertical table

      after = currentCell;
      currentCell = Utils.getCell(wSheet, label, after, false, false, config);
    return resultTableList;

  protected void processSingleLabelledCell(WSheet wSheet, Object tableObj, WCell headerCell, AnnotationReader reader,
                                           XLSBeansConfig config, List<NeedPostProcess> needPostProcess) throws Exception {

    List<Object> properties = Utils.getPropertiesWithAnnotation(tableObj, reader, LabelledCell.class);

    LabelledCellProcessor labelledCellProcessor = new LabelledCellProcessor();
    for (Object property : properties) {
      LabelledCell ann = null;
      if (property instanceof Method) {
        ann = reader.getAnnotation(tableObj.getClass(), (Method) property, LabelledCell.class);

      } else if (property instanceof Field) {
        ann = reader.getAnnotation(tableObj.getClass(), (Field) property, LabelledCell.class);

      WCell titleCell = null;
      try {
        titleCell = Utils.getCell(wSheet, ann.label(), headerCell, config);
      } catch (XLSBeansException e) {
        if (ann.optional()) {
        } else {
          throw e;

      LabelledCell labelledCell = new LabelledCellForIterateTable(ann, titleCell.getRow(), titleCell.getColumn());

      if (property instanceof Method) {
        labelledCellProcessor.doProcess(wSheet, tableObj, (Method) property, labelledCell, reader, config, needPostProcess);

      } else if (property instanceof Field) {
        labelledCellProcessor.doProcess(wSheet, tableObj, (Field) property, labelledCell, reader, config, needPostProcess);

  protected void processMultipleTableCell(WSheet wSheet, Object tableObj, WCell headerCell, AnnotationReader reader,
                                          IterateTables iterateTables, XLSBeansConfig config, List<NeedPostProcess> needPostProcess) throws Exception {

    List<Object> properties = Utils.getPropertiesWithAnnotation(tableObj, reader, HorizontalRecords.class);

    int headerColumn = headerCell.getColumn();
    int headerRow = headerCell.getRow();

    if (iterateTables.bottom() > 0) {
      // if positive value set to bottom(), row index of table header move
      headerRow += iterateTables.bottom();

    HorizontalRecordsProcessor processor = new HorizontalRecordsProcessor();
    for (Object property : properties) {
      HorizontalRecords ann = null;
      if (property instanceof Method) {
        ann = reader.getAnnotation(tableObj.getClass(), (Method) property, HorizontalRecords.class);

      } else if (property instanceof Field) {
        ann = reader.getAnnotation(tableObj.getClass(), (Field) property, HorizontalRecords.class);

      if (iterateTables.tableLabel().equals(ann.tableLabel())) {
        HorizontalRecords records = new HorizontalRecordsForIterateTable(ann, headerColumn, headerRow);

        // horizontal record-mapping
        if (property instanceof Method) {
          processor.doProcess(wSheet, tableObj, (Method) property, records, reader, config, needPostProcess);

        } else if (property instanceof Field) {
          processor.doProcess(wSheet, tableObj, (Field) property, records, reader, config, needPostProcess);
