
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import io.swagger.swaggerhub.plugin.exceptions.DefinitionParsingException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;


 * Service used to fetch features of a given API definition
public class DefinitionParserService {

     * Returns the API identifier by fetching title from the info section of a definition and normalizing.
     * Any whitespace or non-word characters are replaced by underscores
     * @param definition
     * @return
    public static String getApiId(JsonNode definition) throws DefinitionParsingException {
        String titleValue;
        try {
            titleValue = definition.get("info").get("title").asText();
        }catch (NullPointerException ne){
            throw new DefinitionParsingException("Unable to fetch a valid API ID. Info and/or Title is missing from the given definition.", ne);

        return titleValue.replaceAll("\\W", StringUtils.SPACE).trim().replaceAll("\\s","_");


     * Returns the API version from the info section of a definition
     * @param definition
     * @return
     * @throws DefinitionParsingException
    public static String getVersion(JsonNode definition) throws DefinitionParsingException {
        String versionValue;
        try {
            versionValue = definition.get("info").get("version").asText();
        }catch (NullPointerException ne){
            throw new DefinitionParsingException("Unable to fetch the version. Info and/or Title is missing from the given definition.", ne);

        return versionValue.trim();

     * Attempts to convert a given definition into JSON node object
     * If this is possible, the definition is potentially valid can be parsed prior to upload.
     * @param definition
     * @return
    public static JsonNode convertDefinitionToJsonNode(String definition, DefinitionFileFormat definitionFileFormat) throws DefinitionParsingException {
        try {
            return definitionFileFormat.getMapper().readTree(definition);
        }catch (IOException e){
            throw new DefinitionParsingException("Unable to parse definition prior to value extraction.", e);

    public static String getOASVersion(JsonNode definition) throws DefinitionParsingException {

        if (definition.has("swagger")) {
            return definition.get("swagger").textValue();
        }else if (definition.has("openapi")){
            return definition.get("openapi").textValue();
            throw new DefinitionParsingException("Unable to validate the OAS version of the definition.");
