
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.widget.Toast;

import nico.styTool.*;

 * Builder for crop Intents and utils for handling result
public class Crop {

    public static final int REQUEST_CROP = 6709;
    public static final int REQUEST_PICK = 9162;
    public static final int RESULT_ERROR = 404;

    interface Extra {
        String ASPECT_X = "aspect_x";
        String ASPECT_Y = "aspect_y";
        String MAX_X = "max_x";
        String MAX_Y = "max_y";
        String AS_PNG = "as_png";
        String ERROR = "error";

    private Intent cropIntent;

     * Create a crop Intent builder with source and destination image Uris
     * @param source      Uri for image to crop
     * @param destination Uri for saving the cropped image
    public static Crop of(Uri source, Uri destination) {
        return new Crop(source, destination);

    private Crop(Uri source, Uri destination) {
        cropIntent = new Intent();
        cropIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, destination);

     * Set fixed aspect ratio for crop area
     * @param x Aspect X
     * @param y Aspect Y
    public Crop withAspect(int x, int y) {
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.ASPECT_X, x);
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.ASPECT_Y, y);
        return this;

     * Crop area with fixed 1:1 aspect ratio
    public Crop asSquare() {
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.ASPECT_X, 1);
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.ASPECT_Y, 1);
        return this;

     * Set maximum crop size
     * @param width  Max width
     * @param height Max height
    public Crop withMaxSize(int width, int height) {
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.MAX_X, width);
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.MAX_Y, height);
        return this;

     * Set whether to save the result as a PNG or not. Helpful to preserve alpha.
     * @param asPng whether to save the result as a PNG or not
    public Crop asPng(boolean asPng) {
        cropIntent.putExtra(Extra.AS_PNG, asPng);
        return this;

     * Send the crop Intent from an Activity
     * @param activity Activity to receive result
    public void start(Activity activity) {
        start(activity, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent from an Activity with a custom request code
     * @param activity    Activity to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(Activity activity, int requestCode) {
        activity.startActivityForResult(getIntent(activity), requestCode);

     * Send the crop Intent from a Fragment
     * @param context  Context
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public void start(Context context, Fragment fragment) {
        start(context, fragment, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent from a support library Fragment
     * @param context  Context
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public void start(Context context, fragment) {
        start(context, fragment, REQUEST_CROP);

     * Send the crop Intent with a custom request code
     * @param context     Context
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(Context context, Fragment fragment, int requestCode) {
        fragment.startActivityForResult(getIntent(context), requestCode);

     * Send the crop Intent with a custom request code
     * @param context     Context
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public void start(Context context, fragment, int requestCode) {
        fragment.startActivityForResult(getIntent(context), requestCode);

     * Get Intent to start crop Activity
     * @param context Context
     * @return Intent for CropImageActivity
    public Intent getIntent(Context context) {
        cropIntent.setClass(context, CropImageActivity.class);
        return cropIntent;

     * Retrieve URI for cropped image, as set in the Intent builder
     * @param result Output Image URI
    public static Uri getOutput(Intent result) {
        return result.getParcelableExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT);

     * Retrieve error that caused crop to fail
     * @param result Result Intent
     * @return Throwable handled in CropImageActivity
    public static Throwable getError(Intent result) {
        return (Throwable) result.getSerializableExtra(Extra.ERROR);

     * Pick image from an Activity
     * @param activity Activity to receive result
    public static void pickImage(Activity activity) {
        pickImage(activity, REQUEST_PICK);

     * Pick image from a Fragment
     * @param context  Context
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public static void pickImage(Context context, Fragment fragment) {
        pickImage(context, fragment, REQUEST_PICK);

     * Pick image from a support library Fragment
     * @param context  Context
     * @param fragment Fragment to receive result
    public static void pickImage(Context context, fragment) {
        pickImage(context, fragment, REQUEST_PICK);

     * Pick image from an Activity with a custom request code
     * @param activity    Activity to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public static void pickImage(Activity activity, int requestCode) {
        try {
            activity.startActivityForResult(getImagePicker(), requestCode);
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

     * Pick image from a Fragment with a custom request code
     * @param context     Context
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public static void pickImage(Context context, Fragment fragment, int requestCode) {
        try {
            fragment.startActivityForResult(getImagePicker(), requestCode);
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

     * Pick image from a support library Fragment with a custom request code
     * @param context     Context
     * @param fragment    Fragment to receive result
     * @param requestCode requestCode for result
    public static void pickImage(Context context, fragment, int requestCode) {
        try {
            fragment.startActivityForResult(getImagePicker(), requestCode);
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {

    private static Intent getImagePicker() {
        return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT).setType("image/*");

    private static void showImagePickerError(Context context) {
        Toast.makeText(context.getApplicationContext(), R.string.crop__pick_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
