 * Copyright Strimzi authors.
 * License: Apache License 2.0 (see the file LICENSE or http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html).
package io.strimzi.operator.common.operator.resource;

import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.Deployment;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DeploymentList;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DoneableDeployment;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClient;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.MixedOperation;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.RollableScalableResource;
import io.strimzi.operator.common.Annotations;
import io.strimzi.operator.common.model.Labels;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;

 * Operations for {@code Deployment}s.
public class DeploymentOperator extends AbstractScalableResourceOperator<KubernetesClient, Deployment, DeploymentList, DoneableDeployment, RollableScalableResource<Deployment, DoneableDeployment>> {

    private final PodOperator podOperations;

     * Constructor
     * @param vertx The Vertx instance
     * @param client The Kubernetes client
    public DeploymentOperator(Vertx vertx, KubernetesClient client) {
        this(vertx, client, new PodOperator(vertx, client));

    public DeploymentOperator(Vertx vertx, KubernetesClient client, PodOperator podOperations) {
        super(vertx, client, "Deployment");
        this.podOperations = podOperations;

    protected MixedOperation<Deployment, DeploymentList, DoneableDeployment, RollableScalableResource<Deployment, DoneableDeployment>> operation() {
        return client.apps().deployments();

    protected Integer currentScale(String namespace, String name) {
        Deployment deployment = get(namespace, name);
        if (deployment != null) {
            return deployment.getSpec().getReplicas();
        } else {
            return null;

     * Asynchronously roll the deployment returning a Future which will complete once all the pods have been rolled
     * and the Deployment is ready.
     * @param namespace The namespace of the deployment
     * @param name The name of the deployment
     * @param operationTimeoutMs The timeout
     * @return A future which completes when all the pods in the deployment have been restarted.
    public Future<Void> rollingUpdate(String namespace, String name, long operationTimeoutMs) {
        return getAsync(namespace, name)
                .compose(deployment -> deletePod(namespace, name))
                .compose(ignored -> readiness(namespace, name, 1_000, operationTimeoutMs));

     * Asynchronously delete the given pod.
     * @param namespace The namespace of the pod.
     * @param name The name of the pod.
     * @return A Future which will complete once all the pods has been deleted.
    public Future<ReconcileResult<Pod>> deletePod(String namespace, String name) {
        Labels labels = Labels.EMPTY.withStrimziName(name);
        String podName = podOperations.list(namespace, labels).get(0).getMetadata().getName();
        return podOperations.reconcile(namespace, podName, null);

    protected Future<ReconcileResult<Deployment>> internalPatch(String namespace, String name, Deployment current, Deployment desired, boolean cascading) {
        String k8sRev = Annotations.annotations(current).get(Annotations.ANNO_DEP_KUBE_IO_REVISION);
        Annotations.annotations(desired).put(Annotations.ANNO_DEP_KUBE_IO_REVISION, k8sRev);
        return super.internalPatch(namespace, name, current, desired, cascading);

     * Asynchronously polls the deployment until either the observed generation matches the desired
     * generation sequence number or timeout.
     * @param namespace The namespace.
     * @param name The resource name.
     * @param pollIntervalMs The polling interval
     * @param timeoutMs The timeout
     * @return  A future which completes when the observed generation of the deployment matches the
     * generation sequence number of the desired state.
    public Future<Void> waitForObserved(String namespace, String name, long pollIntervalMs, long timeoutMs) {
        return waitFor(namespace, name, "observed", pollIntervalMs, timeoutMs, this::isObserved);

     * Check if a deployment has been observed.
     * @param namespace The namespace.
     * @param name The resource name.
     * @return Whether the deployment has been observed.
    private boolean isObserved(String namespace, String name) {
        Deployment dep = get(namespace, name);
        if (dep != null)   {
            return dep.getMetadata().getGeneration().equals(dep.getStatus().getObservedGeneration());
        } else {
            return false;