package org.json.junit;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONPointerException;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;

 * Tests for JSON-Java
public class JSONArrayTest {
    private final String arrayStr = 

     * Tests that the similar method is working as expected.
    public void verifySimilar() {
        final String string1 = "HasSameRef";
        JSONArray obj1 = new JSONArray()
        JSONArray obj2 = new JSONArray()

        JSONArray obj3 = new JSONArray()
                .put(new String(string1))
        assertFalse("Should eval to false", obj1.similar(obj2));
        assertTrue("Should eval to true", obj1.similar(obj3));
     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with a null string.
     * Expects a NullPointerException.
    public void nullException() {
        String str = null;
        assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray(str));

     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with an empty string.
     * Expects a JSONException.
    public void emptStr() {
        String str = "";
        try {
            assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray(str));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message", 
                    "A JSONArray text must start with '[' at 0 [character 1 line 1]",
     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with an unclosed array.
     * Expects an exception
    public void unclosedArray() {
        try {
            assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray("["));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message", 
                    "Expected a ',' or ']' at 1 [character 2 line 1]",
     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with an unclosed array.
     * Expects an exception
    public void unclosedArray2() {
        try {
            assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray("[\"test\""));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message", 
                    "Expected a ',' or ']' at 7 [character 8 line 1]",
     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with an unclosed array.
     * Expects an exception
    public void unclosedArray3() {
        try {
            assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray("[\"test\","));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message", 
                    "Expected a ',' or ']' at 8 [character 9 line 1]",

     * Attempt to create a JSONArray with a string as object that is
     * not a JSON array doc.
     * Expects a JSONException.
    public void badObject() {
        String str = "abc";
        try {
            assertNull("Should throw an exception", new JSONArray((Object)str));
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertTrue("Expected an exception message", 
                    "JSONArray initial value should be a string or collection or array.".
     * Verifies that the constructor has backwards compatibility with RAW types pre-java5.
    public void verifyConstructor() {
        final JSONArray expected = new JSONArray("[10]");
        Collection myRawC = Collections.singleton(Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaRaw = new JSONArray(myRawC);

        Collection<Integer> myCInt = Collections.singleton(Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaInt = new JSONArray(myCInt);

        Collection<Object> myCObj = Collections.singleton((Object) Integer
        JSONArray jaObj = new JSONArray(myCObj);

                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",

     * Verifies that the put Collection has backwards compatibility with RAW types pre-java5.
    public void verifyPutCollection() {
        final JSONArray expected = new JSONArray("[[10]]");

        Collection myRawC = Collections.singleton(Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaRaw = new JSONArray();

        Collection<Object> myCObj = Collections.singleton((Object) Integer
        JSONArray jaObj = new JSONArray();

        Collection<Integer> myCInt = Collections.singleton(Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaInt = new JSONArray();

                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",

     * Verifies that the put Map has backwards compatibility with RAW types pre-java5.
    public void verifyPutMap() {
        final JSONArray expected = new JSONArray("[{\"myKey\":10}]");

        Map myRawC = Collections.singletonMap("myKey", Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaRaw = new JSONArray();

        Map<String, Object> myCStrObj = Collections.singletonMap("myKey",
                (Object) Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaStrObj = new JSONArray();

        Map<String, Integer> myCStrInt = Collections.singletonMap("myKey",
        JSONArray jaStrInt = new JSONArray();

        Map<?, ?> myCObjObj = Collections.singletonMap((Object) "myKey",
                (Object) Integer.valueOf(10));
        JSONArray jaObjObj = new JSONArray();

                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",
                "The RAW Collection should give me the same as the Typed Collection",

     * Create a JSONArray doc with a variety of different elements.
     * Confirm that the values can be accessed via the get[type]() API methods
    public void getArrayValues() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        // booleans
        assertTrue("Array true",
                true == jsonArray.getBoolean(0));
        assertTrue("Array false",
                false == jsonArray.getBoolean(1));
        assertTrue("Array string true",
                true == jsonArray.getBoolean(2));
        assertTrue("Array string false",
                false == jsonArray.getBoolean(3));
        // strings
        assertTrue("Array value string",
        // doubles
        assertTrue("Array double",
                new Double(23.45e-4).equals(jsonArray.getDouble(5)));
        assertTrue("Array string double",
                new Double(23.45).equals(jsonArray.getDouble(6)));
        // ints
        assertTrue("Array value int",
                new Integer(42).equals(jsonArray.getInt(7)));
        assertTrue("Array value string int",
                new Integer(43).equals(jsonArray.getInt(8)));
        // nested objects
        JSONArray nestedJsonArray = jsonArray.getJSONArray(9);
        assertTrue("Array value JSONArray", nestedJsonArray != null);
        JSONObject nestedJsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(10);
        assertTrue("Array value JSONObject", nestedJsonObject != null);
        // longs
        assertTrue("Array value long",
                new Long(0).equals(jsonArray.getLong(11)));
        assertTrue("Array value string long",
                new Long(-1).equals(jsonArray.getLong(12)));

        assertTrue("Array value null", jsonArray.isNull(-1));

     * Create a JSONArray doc with a variety of different elements.
     * Confirm that attempting to get the wrong types via the get[type]()
     * API methods result in JSONExceptions
    public void failedGetArrayValues() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getBoolean to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a boolean.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected get to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[-1] not found.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getDouble to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a double.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getInt to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a int.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getJSONArray to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a JSONArray.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getJSONObject to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a JSONObject.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getLong to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[4] is not a long.",e.getMessage());
        try {
            assertTrue("expected getString to fail", false);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            assertEquals("Expected an exception message",
                    "JSONArray[5] is not a String.",e.getMessage());

     * Exercise JSONArray.join() by converting a JSONArray into a 
     * comma-separated string. Since this is very nearly a JSON document,
     * array braces are added to the beginning and end prior to validation.
    public void join() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        String joinStr = jsonArray.join(",");

        // validate JSON
         * Don't need to remake the JSONArray to perform the parsing
        Object doc = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse("["+joinStr+"]");
        assertTrue("expected 13 items in top level object", ((List<?>)(, "$"))).size() == 13);
        assertTrue("expected true", Boolean.TRUE.equals(jsonArray.query("/0")));
        assertTrue("expected false", Boolean.FALSE.equals(jsonArray.query("/1")));
        assertTrue("expected \"true\"", "true".equals(jsonArray.query("/2")));
        assertTrue("expected \"false\"", "false".equals(jsonArray.query("/3")));
        assertTrue("expected hello", "hello".equals(jsonArray.query("/4")));
        assertTrue("expected 0.002345", Double.valueOf(0.002345).equals(jsonArray.query("/5")));
        assertTrue("expected \"23.45\"", "23.45".equals(jsonArray.query("/6")));
        assertTrue("expected 42", Integer.valueOf(42).equals(jsonArray.query("/7")));
        assertTrue("expected \"43\"", "43".equals(jsonArray.query("/8")));
        assertTrue("expected 1 item in [9]", ((List<?>)(, "$[9]"))).size() == 1);
        assertTrue("expected world", "world".equals(jsonArray.query("/9/0")));
        assertTrue("expected 4 items in [10]", ((Map<?,?>)(, "$[10]"))).size() == 4);
        assertTrue("expected value1", "value1".equals(jsonArray.query("/10/key1")));
        assertTrue("expected value2", "value2".equals(jsonArray.query("/10/key2")));
        assertTrue("expected value3", "value3".equals(jsonArray.query("/10/key3")));
        assertTrue("expected value4", "value4".equals(jsonArray.query("/10/key4")));
        assertTrue("expected 0", Integer.valueOf(0).equals(jsonArray.query("/11")));
        assertTrue("expected \"-1\"", "-1".equals(jsonArray.query("/12")));

     * Confirm the JSONArray.length() method
    public void length() {
        assertTrue("expected empty JSONArray length 0",
                new JSONArray().length() == 0);
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        assertTrue("expected JSONArray length 13. instead found "+jsonArray.length(), jsonArray.length() == 13);
        JSONArray nestedJsonArray = jsonArray.getJSONArray(9);
        assertTrue("expected JSONArray length 1", nestedJsonArray.length() == 1);

     * Create a JSONArray doc with a variety of different elements.
     * Confirm that the values can be accessed via the opt[type](index)
     * and opt[type](index, default) API methods.
    public void opt() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        assertTrue("Array opt value true",
                Boolean.TRUE == jsonArray.opt(0));
        assertTrue("Array opt value out of range",
                null == jsonArray.opt(-1));

        assertTrue("Array opt value out of range",
                null == jsonArray.opt(jsonArray.length()));

         assertTrue("Array opt boolean",
                Boolean.TRUE == jsonArray.optBoolean(0));
        assertTrue("Array opt boolean default",
                Boolean.FALSE == jsonArray.optBoolean(-1, Boolean.FALSE));
        assertTrue("Array opt boolean implicit default",
                Boolean.FALSE == jsonArray.optBoolean(-1));

        assertTrue("Array opt double",
                new Double(23.45e-4).equals(jsonArray.optDouble(5)));
        assertTrue("Array opt double default",
                new Double(1).equals(jsonArray.optDouble(0, 1)));
        assertTrue("Array opt double default implicit",
           new Double(jsonArray.optDouble(99)).isNaN());

        assertTrue("Array opt float",
                new Float(23.45e-4).equals(jsonArray.optFloat(5)));
        assertTrue("Array opt float default",
                new Float(1).equals(jsonArray.optFloat(0, 1)));
        assertTrue("Array opt float default implicit",
           new Float(jsonArray.optFloat(99)).isNaN());

        assertTrue("Array opt Number",
                new Double(23.45e-4).equals(jsonArray.optNumber(5)));
        assertTrue("Array opt Number default",
                new Double(1).equals(jsonArray.optNumber(0, 1d)));
        assertTrue("Array opt Number default implicit",
           new Double(jsonArray.optNumber(99,Double.NaN).doubleValue()).isNaN());

        assertTrue("Array opt int",
                new Integer(42).equals(jsonArray.optInt(7)));
        assertTrue("Array opt int default",
                new Integer(-1).equals(jsonArray.optInt(0, -1)));
        assertTrue("Array opt int default implicit",
                0 == jsonArray.optInt(0));

        JSONArray nestedJsonArray = jsonArray.optJSONArray(9);
        assertTrue("Array opt JSONArray", nestedJsonArray != null);
        assertTrue("Array opt JSONArray default", 
                null == jsonArray.optJSONArray(99));

        JSONObject nestedJsonObject = jsonArray.optJSONObject(10);
        assertTrue("Array opt JSONObject", nestedJsonObject != null);
        assertTrue("Array opt JSONObject default", 
                null == jsonArray.optJSONObject(99));

        assertTrue("Array opt long",
                0 == jsonArray.optLong(11));
        assertTrue("Array opt long default",
                -2 == jsonArray.optLong(-1, -2));
        assertTrue("Array opt long default implicit",
                0 == jsonArray.optLong(-1));

        assertTrue("Array opt string",
        assertTrue("Array opt string default implicit",
     * Verifies that the opt methods properly convert string values.
    public void optStringConversion(){
        JSONArray ja = new JSONArray("[\"123\",\"true\",\"false\"]");
        assertTrue("unexpected optBoolean value",ja.optBoolean(1,false)==true);
        assertTrue("unexpected optBoolean value",ja.optBoolean(2,true)==false);
        assertTrue("unexpected optInt value",ja.optInt(0,0)==123);
        assertTrue("unexpected optLong value",ja.optLong(0,0)==123);
        assertTrue("unexpected optDouble value",ja.optDouble(0,0.0)==123.0);
        assertTrue("unexpected optBigInteger value",ja.optBigInteger(0,BigInteger.ZERO).compareTo(new BigInteger("123"))==0);
        assertTrue("unexpected optBigDecimal value",ja.optBigDecimal(0,BigDecimal.ZERO).compareTo(new BigDecimal("123"))==0);    }

     * Exercise the JSONArray.put(value) method with various parameters
     * and confirm the resulting JSONArray.
    public void put() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

        // index 0
        // 1

        String jsonArrayStr =
        // 2
        jsonArray.put(new JSONArray(jsonArrayStr));

        // 3
        // 4
        // 5

        // 6

        String jsonObjectStr = 
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonObjectStr);
        // 7

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("k1", "v1");
        // 8

        Collection<Object> collection = new ArrayList<Object>();
        // 9

        // validate JSON
        Object doc = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(jsonArray.toString());
        assertTrue("expected 10 top level items", ((List<?>)(, "$"))).size() == 10);
        assertTrue("expected true", Boolean.TRUE.equals(jsonArray.query("/0")));
        assertTrue("expected false", Boolean.FALSE.equals(jsonArray.query("/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 2 items in [2]", ((List<?>)(, "$[2]"))).size() == 2);
        assertTrue("expected hello", "hello".equals(jsonArray.query("/2/0")));
        assertTrue("expected world", "world".equals(jsonArray.query("/2/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 2.5", Double.valueOf(2.5).equals(jsonArray.query("/3")));
        assertTrue("expected 1", Integer.valueOf(1).equals(jsonArray.query("/4")));
        assertTrue("expected 45", Long.valueOf(45).equals(jsonArray.query("/5")));
        assertTrue("expected objectPut", "objectPut".equals(jsonArray.query("/6")));
        assertTrue("expected 3 items in [7]", ((Map<?,?>)(, "$[7]"))).size() == 3);
        assertTrue("expected val10", "val10".equals(jsonArray.query("/7/key10")));
        assertTrue("expected val20", "val20".equals(jsonArray.query("/7/key20")));
        assertTrue("expected val30", "val30".equals(jsonArray.query("/7/key30")));
        assertTrue("expected 1 item in [8]", ((Map<?,?>)(, "$[8]"))).size() == 1);
        assertTrue("expected v1", "v1".equals(jsonArray.query("/8/k1")));
        assertTrue("expected 2 items in [9]", ((List<?>)(, "$[9]"))).size() == 2);
        assertTrue("expected 1", Integer.valueOf(1).equals(jsonArray.query("/9/0")));
        assertTrue("expected 2", Integer.valueOf(2).equals(jsonArray.query("/9/1")));

     * Exercise the JSONArray.put(index, value) method with various parameters
     * and confirm the resulting JSONArray.
    public void putIndex() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

        // 1
        jsonArray.put(1, false);
        // index 0
        jsonArray.put(0, true);

        String jsonArrayStr =
        // 2
        jsonArray.put(2, new JSONArray(jsonArrayStr));

        // 5
        jsonArray.put(5, 45L);
        // 4
        jsonArray.put(4, 1);
        // 3
        jsonArray.put(3, 2.5);

        // 6
        jsonArray.put(6, "objectPut");

        // 7 will be null

        String jsonObjectStr = 
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonObjectStr);
        jsonArray.put(8, jsonObject);
        Collection<Object> collection = new ArrayList<Object>();

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("k1", "v1");
        jsonArray.put(10, map);
        try {
            jsonArray.put(-1, "abc");
            assertTrue("put index < 0 should have thrown exception", false);
        } catch(Exception ignored) {}

        // validate JSON
        Object doc = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(jsonArray.toString());
        assertTrue("expected 11 top level items", ((List<?>)(, "$"))).size() == 11);
        assertTrue("expected true", Boolean.TRUE.equals(jsonArray.query("/0")));
        assertTrue("expected false", Boolean.FALSE.equals(jsonArray.query("/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 2 items in [2]", ((List<?>)(, "$[2]"))).size() == 2);
        assertTrue("expected hello", "hello".equals(jsonArray.query("/2/0")));
        assertTrue("expected world", "world".equals(jsonArray.query("/2/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 2.5", Double.valueOf(2.5).equals(jsonArray.query("/3")));
        assertTrue("expected 1", Integer.valueOf(1).equals(jsonArray.query("/4")));
        assertTrue("expected 45", Long.valueOf(45).equals(jsonArray.query("/5")));
        assertTrue("expected objectPut", "objectPut".equals(jsonArray.query("/6")));
        assertTrue("expected null", JSONObject.NULL.equals(jsonArray.query("/7")));
        assertTrue("expected 3 items in [8]", ((Map<?,?>)(, "$[8]"))).size() == 3);
        assertTrue("expected val10", "val10".equals(jsonArray.query("/8/key10")));
        assertTrue("expected val20", "val20".equals(jsonArray.query("/8/key20")));
        assertTrue("expected val30", "val30".equals(jsonArray.query("/8/key30")));
        assertTrue("expected 2 items in [9]", ((List<?>)(, "$[9]"))).size() == 2);
        assertTrue("expected 1", Integer.valueOf(1).equals(jsonArray.query("/9/0")));
        assertTrue("expected 2", Integer.valueOf(2).equals(jsonArray.query("/9/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 1 item in [10]", ((Map<?,?>)(, "$[10]"))).size() == 1);
        assertTrue("expected v1", "v1".equals(jsonArray.query("/10/k1")));

     * Exercise the JSONArray.remove(index) method 
     * and confirm the resulting JSONArray.
    public void remove() {
        String arrayStr1 = 
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(arrayStr1);
        assertTrue("array should be empty", null == jsonArray.remove(5));
        assertTrue("jsonArray should be empty", jsonArray.isEmpty());

     * Exercise the JSONArray.similar() method with various parameters
     * and confirm the results when not similar.
    public void notSimilar() {
        String arrayStr1 = 
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(arrayStr1);
        JSONArray otherJsonArray = new JSONArray();
        assertTrue("arrays lengths differ", !jsonArray.similar(otherJsonArray));

        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject("{\"k1\":\"v1\"}");
        JSONObject otherJsonObject = new JSONObject();
        jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        otherJsonArray = new JSONArray();
        assertTrue("arrays JSONObjects differ", !jsonArray.similar(otherJsonArray));

        JSONArray nestedJsonArray = new JSONArray("[1, 2]");
        JSONArray otherNestedJsonArray = new JSONArray();
        jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        otherJsonArray = new JSONArray();
        assertTrue("arrays nested JSONArrays differ",

        jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        otherJsonArray = new JSONArray();
        assertTrue("arrays values differ",

     * Exercise JSONArray toString() method with various indent levels.
    public void jsonArrayToStringIndent() {
        String jsonArray0Str =
                "[" +
                    "[1,2," +
                        "{\"key3\":true}" +
                    "]," +
                    "{\"key1\":\"val1\",\"key2\":" +
                        "{\"key2\":\"val2\"}" +
                    "}," +
                    "[" +
                        "[1,2.1]" +
                    "," +
                        "[null]" +
                    "]" +

        String jsonArray1Str =
                "[\n" +
                " [\n" +
                "  1,\n" +
                "  2,\n" +
                "  {\"key3\": true}\n" +
                " ],\n" +
                " {\n" +
                "  \"key1\": \"val1\",\n" +
                "  \"key2\": {\"key2\": \"val2\"}\n" +
                " },\n" +
                " [\n" +
                "  [\n" +
                "   1,\n" +
                "   2.1\n" +
                "  ],\n" +
                "  [null]\n" +
                " ]\n" +
        String jsonArray4Str =
                "[\n" +
                "    [\n" +
                "        1,\n" +
                "        2,\n" +
                "        {\"key3\": true}\n" +
                "    ],\n" +
                "    {\n" +
                "        \"key1\": \"val1\",\n" +
                "        \"key2\": {\"key2\": \"val2\"}\n" +
                "    },\n" +
                "    [\n" +
                "        [\n" +
                "            1,\n" +
                "            2.1\n" +
                "        ],\n" +
                "        [null]\n" +
                "    ]\n" +
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonArray0Str);
        assertEquals(jsonArray0Str, jsonArray.toString());
        assertEquals(jsonArray0Str, jsonArray.toString(0));
        assertEquals(jsonArray1Str, jsonArray.toString(1));
        assertEquals(jsonArray4Str, jsonArray.toString(4));

     * Convert an empty JSONArray to JSONObject
    public void toJSONObject() {
        JSONArray names = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        assertTrue("toJSONObject should return null",
                null == jsonArray.toJSONObject(names));

     * Confirm the creation of a JSONArray from an array of ints
    public void objectArrayVsIsArray() {
        int[] myInts = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
        Object myObject = myInts;
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(myObject);

        // validate JSON
        Object doc = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(jsonArray.toString());
        assertTrue("expected 7 top level items", ((List<?>)(, "$"))).size() == 7);
        assertTrue("expected 1", Integer.valueOf(1).equals(jsonArray.query("/0")));
        assertTrue("expected 2", Integer.valueOf(2).equals(jsonArray.query("/1")));
        assertTrue("expected 3", Integer.valueOf(3).equals(jsonArray.query("/2")));
        assertTrue("expected 4", Integer.valueOf(4).equals(jsonArray.query("/3")));
        assertTrue("expected 5", Integer.valueOf(5).equals(jsonArray.query("/4")));
        assertTrue("expected 6", Integer.valueOf(6).equals(jsonArray.query("/5")));
        assertTrue("expected 7", Integer.valueOf(7).equals(jsonArray.query("/6")));

     * Exercise the JSONArray iterator.
    public void iterator() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(this.arrayStr);
        Iterator<Object> it = jsonArray.iterator();
        assertTrue("Array true",
        assertTrue("Array false",
        assertTrue("Array string true",
        assertTrue("Array string false",
        assertTrue("Array string",

        assertTrue("Array double",
                new Double(23.45e-4).equals(;
        assertTrue("Array string double",
                new Double(23.45).equals(Double.parseDouble((String);

        assertTrue("Array value int",
                new Integer(42).equals(;
        assertTrue("Array value string int",
                new Integer(43).equals(Integer.parseInt((String);

        JSONArray nestedJsonArray = (JSONArray);
        assertTrue("Array value JSONArray", nestedJsonArray != null);

        JSONObject nestedJsonObject = (JSONObject);
        assertTrue("Array value JSONObject", nestedJsonObject != null);

        assertTrue("Array value long",
                new Long(0).equals(((Number);
        assertTrue("Array value string long",
                new Long(-1).equals(Long.parseLong((String);
        assertTrue("should be at end of array", !it.hasNext());
    @Test(expected = JSONPointerException.class)
    public void queryWithNoResult() {
        new JSONArray().query("/a/b");
    public void optQueryWithNoResult() {
        assertNull(new JSONArray().optQuery("/a/b"));
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void optQueryWithSyntaxError() {
        new JSONArray().optQuery("invalid");

     * Exercise the JSONArray write() method
    public void write() throws IOException {
        String str = "[\"value1\",\"value2\",{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":2,\"key3\":3}]";
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(str);
        String expectedStr = str;
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        try {
            String actualStr = stringWriter.toString();
            assertTrue("write() expected " + expectedStr +
                            " but found " + actualStr,
        } finally {

     * Exercise the JSONArray write() method using Appendable.
    public void writeAppendable() {
        String str = "[\"value1\",\"value2\",{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":2,\"key3\":3}]";
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(str);
        String expectedStr = str;
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        Appendable appendable = jsonArray.write(stringBuilder);
        String actualStr = appendable.toString();
        assertTrue("write() expected " + expectedStr +
                        " but found " + actualStr,

     * Exercise the JSONArray write(Writer, int, int) method
    public void write3Param() throws IOException {
        String str0 = "[\"value1\",\"value2\",{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":false,\"key3\":3.14}]";
        String str2 =
                "[\n" +
                "   \"value1\",\n" +
                "   \"value2\",\n" +
                "   {\n" +
                "     \"key1\": 1,\n" +
                "     \"key2\": false,\n" +
                "     \"key3\": 3.14\n" +
                "   }\n" +
                " ]";
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(str0);
        String expectedStr = str0;
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        try {
            String actualStr = jsonArray.write(stringWriter, 0, 0).toString();
            assertEquals(expectedStr, actualStr);
        } finally {
        stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        try {
            expectedStr = str2;
            String actualStr = jsonArray.write(stringWriter, 2, 1).toString();
            assertEquals(expectedStr, actualStr);
        } finally {

     * Exercise the JSONArray write(Appendable, int, int) method
    public void write3ParamAppendable() {
        String str0 = "[\"value1\",\"value2\",{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":false,\"key3\":3.14}]";
        String str2 =
                "[\n" +
                        "   \"value1\",\n" +
                        "   \"value2\",\n" +
                        "   {\n" +
                        "     \"key1\": 1,\n" +
                        "     \"key2\": false,\n" +
                        "     \"key3\": 3.14\n" +
                        "   }\n" +
                        " ]";
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(str0);
        String expectedStr = str0;
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        Appendable appendable = jsonArray.write(stringBuilder, 0, 0);
        String actualStr = appendable.toString();
        assertEquals(expectedStr, actualStr);

        expectedStr = str2;
        stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        appendable = jsonArray.write(stringBuilder, 2, 1);
        actualStr = appendable.toString();
        assertEquals(expectedStr, actualStr);

     * Exercise JSONArray toString() method with various indent levels.
    public void toList() {
        String jsonArrayStr =
                "[" +
                    "[1,2," +
                        "{\"key3\":true}" +
                    "]," +
                    "{\"key1\":\"val1\",\"key2\":" +
                        "{\"key2\":null}," +
                    "\"key3\":42,\"key4\":[]" +
                    "}," +
                    "[" +
                        "[\"value1\",2.1]" +
                    "," +
                        "[null]" +
                    "]" +

        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonArrayStr);
        List<?> list = jsonArray.toList();

        assertTrue("List should not be null", list != null);
        assertTrue("List should have 3 elements", list.size() == 3);

        List<?> val1List = (List<?>) list.get(0);
        assertTrue("val1 should not be null", val1List != null);
        assertTrue("val1 should have 3 elements", val1List.size() == 3);

        assertTrue("val1 value 1 should be 1", val1List.get(0).equals(Integer.valueOf(1)));
        assertTrue("val1 value 2 should be 2", val1List.get(1).equals(Integer.valueOf(2)));

        Map<?,?> key1Value3Map = (Map<?,?>)val1List.get(2);
        assertTrue("Map should not be null", key1Value3Map != null);
        assertTrue("Map should have 1 element", key1Value3Map.size() == 1);
        assertTrue("Map key3 should be true", key1Value3Map.get("key3").equals(Boolean.TRUE));

        Map<?,?> val2Map = (Map<?,?>) list.get(1);
        assertTrue("val2 should not be null", val2Map != null);
        assertTrue("val2 should have 4 elements", val2Map.size() == 4);
        assertTrue("val2 map key 1 should be val1", val2Map.get("key1").equals("val1"));
        assertTrue("val2 map key 3 should be 42", val2Map.get("key3").equals(Integer.valueOf(42)));

        Map<?,?> val2Key2Map = (Map<?,?>)val2Map.get("key2");
        assertTrue("val2 map key 2 should not be null", val2Key2Map != null);
        assertTrue("val2 map key 2 should have an entry", val2Key2Map.containsKey("key2"));
        assertTrue("val2 map key 2 value should be null", val2Key2Map.get("key2") == null);

        List<?> val2Key4List = (List<?>)val2Map.get("key4");
        assertTrue("val2 map key 4 should not be null", val2Key4List != null);
        assertTrue("val2 map key 4 should be empty", val2Key4List.isEmpty());

        List<?> val3List = (List<?>) list.get(2);
        assertTrue("val3 should not be null", val3List != null);
        assertTrue("val3 should have 2 elements", val3List.size() == 2);

        List<?> val3Val1List = (List<?>)val3List.get(0);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 1 should not be null", val3Val1List != null);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 1 should have 2 elements", val3Val1List.size() == 2);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 1 list element 1 should be value1", val3Val1List.get(0).equals("value1"));
        assertTrue("val3 list val 1 list element 2 should be 2.1", val3Val1List.get(1).equals(Double.valueOf("2.1")));

        List<?> val3Val2List = (List<?>)val3List.get(1);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 2 should not be null", val3Val2List != null);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 2 should have 1 element", val3Val2List.size() == 1);
        assertTrue("val3 list val 2 list element 1 should be null", val3Val2List.get(0) == null);

        // assert that toList() is a deep copy
        jsonArray.getJSONObject(1).put("key1", "still val1");
        assertTrue("val2 map key 1 should be val1", val2Map.get("key1").equals("val1"));

        // assert that the new list is mutable
        assertTrue("Removing an entry should succeed", list.remove(2) != null);
        assertTrue("List should have 2 elements", list.size() == 2);