package com.github.stefvanschie.inventoryframework;

import com.github.stefvanschie.inventoryframework.exception.XMLLoadException;
import com.github.stefvanschie.inventoryframework.pane.*;
import com.github.stefvanschie.inventoryframework.pane.component.*;
import com.github.stefvanschie.inventoryframework.util.XMLUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * The base class of all GUIs
public class Gui implements InventoryHolder {

     * A set of all panes in this inventory
    private final List<Pane> panes;

     * The inventory of this gui
    private Inventory inventory;

     * The title of this gui
    private String title;

     * The state of this gui
    private State state = State.TOP;

     * A player cache for storing player's inventories
    private final HumanEntityCache humanEntityCache = new HumanEntityCache();

     * The consumer that will be called once a players clicks in the top-half of the gui
    private Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onTopClick;

     * The consumer that will be called once a players clicks in the bottom-half of the gui
    private Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onBottomClick;

     * The consumer that will be called once a players clicks in the gui or in their inventory
    private Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onGlobalClick;

     * The consumer that will be called once a player clicks outside of the gui screen
    private Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onOutsideClick;

     * The consumer that will be called once a player closes the gui
    private Consumer<InventoryCloseEvent> onClose;

     * Whether this gui is updating (as invoked by {@link #update()}), true if this is the case, false otherwise. This
     * is used to indicate that inventory close events due to updating should be ignored.
    private boolean updating = false;

     * The pane mapping which will allow users to register their own panes to be used in XML files
    private static final Map<String, BiFunction<Object, Element, Pane>> PANE_MAPPINGS = new HashMap<>();

     * Whether listeners have ben registered by some gui
    private static boolean hasRegisteredListeners;

     * Constructs a new GUI
     * @param plugin the main plugin.
     * @param rows the amount of rows this gui should contain, in range 1..6.
     * @param title the title/name of this gui.
     * @deprecated use {@link #Gui(int, String)} instead
    public Gui(@NotNull Plugin plugin, int rows, @NotNull String title) {
        this(rows, title);

     * Constructs a new GUI
     * @param rows the amount of rows this gui should contain, in range 1..6.
     * @param title the title/name of this gui.
     * @since 0.6.0
    public Gui(int rows, @NotNull String title) {
        if (!(rows >= 1 && rows <= 6)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rows should be between 1 and 6");

        this.panes = new ArrayList<>();
        this.inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(this, rows * 9, title);
        this.title = title;

        if (!hasRegisteredListeners) {
            Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new GuiListener(),

            hasRegisteredListeners = true;

     * Adds a pane to this gui
     * @param pane the pane to add
    public void addPane(@NotNull Pane pane) {


     * Shows a gui to a player
     * @param humanEntity the human entity to show the gui to
    public void show(@NotNull HumanEntity humanEntity) {

        //set the state to the top, so in case there are no longer any bottom part panes, their inventory will be shown again


        //initialize the inventory first -> pane.display(this, inventory,
            humanEntity.getInventory(), 0, 0, 9, getRows() + 4));

        //ensure that the inventory is cached before being overwritten and restore it if we end up not needing the bottom part after all
        if (state == State.TOP) {


     * Sets the amount of rows for this inventory.
     * This will (unlike most other methods) directly update itself in order to ensure all viewers will still be viewing the new inventory as well.
     * @param rows the amount of rows in range 1..6.
    public void setRows(int rows) {
        if (!(rows >= 1 && rows <= 6)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rows should be between 1 and 6");

        //copy the viewers
        List<HumanEntity> viewers = getViewers();

        this.inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(this, rows * 9, getTitle());

        viewers.forEach(humanEntity -> humanEntity.openInventory(inventory));

     * Gets the count of {@link HumanEntity} instances that are currently viewing this GUI.
     * @return the count of viewers
     * @since 0.5.19
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public int getViewerCount() {
        return inventory.getViewers().size();

     * Gets a mutable snapshot of the current {@link HumanEntity} viewers of this GUI.
     * This is a snapshot (copy) and not a view, therefore modifications aren't visible.
     * @return a snapshot of the current viewers
     * @see #getViewerCount()
     * @since 0.5.19
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public List<HumanEntity> getViewers() {
        return new ArrayList<>(inventory.getViewers());

     * Gets all the panes in this gui, this includes child panes from other panes
     * @return all panes
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public List<Pane> getPanes() {
        List<Pane> panes = new ArrayList<>();

        this.panes.forEach(pane -> panes.addAll(pane.getPanes()));

        return panes;

     * Sets the title for this inventory. This will (unlike most other methods) directly update itself in order
     * to ensure all viewers will still be viewing the new inventory as well.
     * @param title the title
    public void setTitle(@NotNull String title) {
        //copy the viewers
        List<HumanEntity> viewers = getViewers();

        this.inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(this, this.inventory.getSize(), title);
        this.title = title;

        viewers.forEach(humanEntity -> humanEntity.openInventory(inventory));

     * Gets all the items in all underlying panes
     * @return all items
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public Collection<GuiItem> getItems() {
        return getPanes().stream().flatMap(pane -> pane.getItems().stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

     * Update the gui for everyone
    public void update() {
        updating = true;


        if (!updating)
            throw new AssertionError("Gui#isUpdating became false before Gui#update finished");

        updating = false;

     * Calling this method will set the state of this gui. If this state is set to top state, it will restore all the
     * stored inventories of the players and will assume no pane extends into the bottom inventory part. If the state is
     * set to bottom state it will assume one or more panes overflow into the bottom half of the inventory and will
     * store all players' inventories and clear those.
     * Do not call this method if you just want the player's inventory to be cleared.
     * @param state the new gui state
     * @since 0.4.0
    public void setState(@NotNull State state) {
        this.state = state;

        if (state == State.TOP) {
        } else if (state == State.BOTTOM) {

     * Gets the state of this gui
     * @return the state
     * @since 0.5.4
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public State getState() {
        return state;

     * Gets the human entity cache used for this gui
     * @return the human entity cache
     * @see HumanEntityCache
     * @since 0.5.4
    @Contract(pure = true)
    protected HumanEntityCache getHumanEntityCache() {
        return humanEntityCache;

     * Loads a Gui from a given input stream.
     * Returns null instead of throwing an exception in case of a failure.
     * @param plugin the main plugin
     * @param instance the class instance for all reflection lookups
     * @param inputStream the file
     * @return the gui or null if the loading failed
     * @see #loadOrThrow(Object, InputStream)
     * @deprecated use {@link #load(Object, InputStream)} instead
    public static Gui load(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Object instance, @NotNull InputStream inputStream) {
        return load(instance, inputStream);

     * Loads a Gui from a given input stream.
     * Returns null instead of throwing an exception in case of a failure.
     * @param instance the class instance for all reflection lookups
     * @param inputStream the file
     * @return the gui or null if the loading failed
     * @see #loadOrThrow(Object, InputStream)
    public static Gui load(@NotNull Object instance, @NotNull InputStream inputStream) {
        try {
            return loadOrThrow(instance, inputStream);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            return null;

     * Loads a Gui from a given input stream.
     * Throws a {@link RuntimeException} instead of returning null in case of a failure.
     * @param plugin the main plugin
     * @param instance the class instance for all reflection lookups
     * @param inputStream the file
     * @return the gui
     * @see #load(Object, InputStream)
     * @deprecated use {@link #loadOrThrow(Object, InputStream)} instead
    public static Gui loadOrThrow(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Object instance, @NotNull InputStream inputStream) {
        return loadOrThrow(instance, inputStream);

     * Loads a Gui from a given input stream.
     * Throws a {@link RuntimeException} instead of returning null in case of a failure.
     * @param instance the class instance for all reflection lookups
     * @param inputStream the file
     * @return the gui
     * @see #load(Object, InputStream)
    public static Gui loadOrThrow(@NotNull Object instance, @NotNull InputStream inputStream) {
        Plugin plugin = JavaPlugin.getProvidingPlugin(Gui.class);
        try {
            Document document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);
            Element documentElement = document.getDocumentElement();


            Gui gui = new Gui(plugin, Integer.parseInt(documentElement.getAttribute("rows")), ChatColor
                    .translateAlternateColorCodes('&', documentElement.getAttribute("title")));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("field"))
                XMLUtil.loadFieldAttribute(instance, documentElement, gui);

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("onTopClick")) {
                        documentElement, InventoryClickEvent.class, "onTopClick"));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("onBottomClick")) {
                        documentElement, InventoryClickEvent.class, "onBottomClick"));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("onGlobalClick")) {
                        documentElement, InventoryClickEvent.class, "onGlobalClick"));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("onOutsideClick")) {
                        documentElement, InventoryClickEvent.class, "onOutsideClick"));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("onClose")) {
                        documentElement, InventoryCloseEvent.class, "onClose"));

            if (documentElement.hasAttribute("populate")) {
                MethodUtils.invokeExactMethod(instance, "populate", gui, Gui.class);
            } else {
                NodeList childNodes = documentElement.getChildNodes();
                for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node item = childNodes.item(i);

                    if (item.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
                        gui.addPane(loadPane(instance, item));

            return gui;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XMLLoadException("Error loading " + plugin.getName() + "'s gui with associated class: "
                    + instance.getClass().getSimpleName(), e);

     * Set the consumer that should be called whenever this gui is clicked in.
     * @param onTopClick the consumer that gets called
    public void setOnTopClick(@Nullable Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onTopClick) {
        this.onTopClick = onTopClick;

     * Calls the consumer (if it's not null) that was specified using {@link #setOnTopClick(Consumer)},
     * so the consumer that should be called whenever this gui is clicked in.
     * Catches and logs all exceptions the consumer might throw.
     * @param event the event to handle
     * @since 0.6.0
    public void callOnTopClick(@NotNull InventoryClickEvent event) {
        callCallback(onTopClick, event, "onTopClick");

     * Set the consumer that should be called whenever the inventory is clicked in.
     * @param onBottomClick the consumer that gets called
    public void setOnBottomClick(@Nullable Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onBottomClick) {
        this.onBottomClick = onBottomClick;

     * Calls the consumer (if it's not null) that was specified using {@link #setOnBottomClick(Consumer)},
     * so the consumer that should be called whenever the inventory is clicked in.
     * Catches and logs all exceptions the consumer might throw.
     * @param event the event to handle
     * @since 0.6.0
    public void callOnBottomClick(@NotNull InventoryClickEvent event) {
        callCallback(onBottomClick, event, "onBottomClick");

     * Set the consumer that should be called whenever this gui or inventory is clicked in.
     * @param onGlobalClick the consumer that gets called
    public void setOnGlobalClick(@Nullable Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onGlobalClick) {
        this.onGlobalClick = onGlobalClick;

     * Calls the consumer (if it's not null) that was specified using {@link #setOnGlobalClick(Consumer)},
     * so the consumer that should be called whenever this gui or inventory is clicked in.
     * Catches and logs all exceptions the consumer might throw.
     * @param event the event to handle
     * @since 0.6.0
    public void callOnGlobalClick(@NotNull InventoryClickEvent event) {
        callCallback(onGlobalClick, event, "onGlobalClick");

     * Set the consumer that should be called whenever a player clicks outside the gui.
     * @param onOutsideClick the consumer that gets called
     * @since 0.5.7
    public void setOnOutsideClick(@Nullable Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> onOutsideClick) {
        this.onOutsideClick = onOutsideClick;

     * Calls the consumer (if it's not null) that was specified using {@link #setOnOutsideClick(Consumer)},
     * so the consumer that should be called whenever a player clicks outside the gui.
     * Catches and logs all exceptions the consumer might throw.
     * @param event the event to handle
     * @since 0.6.0
    public void callOnOutsideClick(@NotNull InventoryClickEvent event) {
        callCallback(onOutsideClick, event, "onOutsideClick");

     * Set the consumer that should be called whenever this gui is closed.
     * @param onClose the consumer that gets called
    public void setOnClose(@Nullable Consumer<InventoryCloseEvent> onClose) {
        this.onClose = onClose;

     * Calls the consumer (if it's not null) that was specified using {@link #setOnClose(Consumer)},
     * so the consumer that should be called whenever this gui is closed.
     * Catches and logs all exceptions the consumer might throw.
     * @param event the event to handle
     * @since 0.6.0
    public void callOnClose(@NotNull InventoryCloseEvent event) {
        callCallback(onClose, event, "onClose");

     * Calls the specified consumer (if it's not null) with the specified parameter,
     * catching and logging all exceptions it might throw.
     * @param callback the consumer to call if it isn't null
     * @param event the value the consumer should accept
     * @param callbackName the name of the action, used for logging
     * @param <T> the type of the value the consumer is accepting
    private <T extends InventoryEvent> void callCallback(@Nullable Consumer<T> callback,
            @NotNull T event, @NotNull String callbackName) {
        if (callback == null) {

        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Logger logger = JavaPlugin.getProvidingPlugin(getClass()).getLogger();
            String message = "Exception while handling " + callbackName + " in inventory '" + title + "', state=" + state;
            if (event instanceof InventoryClickEvent) {
                InventoryClickEvent clickEvent = (InventoryClickEvent) event;
                message += ", slot=" + clickEvent.getSlot();
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, t);

     * Returns the amount of rows this gui currently has
     * @return the amount of rows
    public int getRows() {
        return inventory.getSize() / 9;

     * Returns the title of this gui
     * @return the title
    @Contract(pure = true)
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public Inventory getInventory() {
        return inventory;

     * Gets whether this gui is being updated, as invoked by {@link #update()}. This returns true if this is the case
     * and false otherwise.
     * @return whether this gui is being updated
     * @since 0.5.15
    @Contract(pure = true)
    protected boolean isUpdating() {
        return updating;

     * Registers a property that can be used inside an XML file to add additional new properties.
     * @param attributeName the name of the property. This is the same name you'll be using to specify the property
     *                      type in the XML file.
     * @param function how the property should be processed. This converts the raw text input from the XML node value
     *                 into the correct object type.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when a property with this name is already registered.
    public static void registerProperty(@NotNull String attributeName, @NotNull Function<String, Object> function) {
        Pane.registerProperty(attributeName, function);

     * Registers a name that can be used inside an XML file to add custom panes
     * @param name the name of the pane to be used in the XML file
     * @param biFunction how the pane loading should be processed
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when a pane with this name is already registered
    public static void registerPane(@NotNull String name, @NotNull BiFunction<Object, Element, Pane> biFunction) {
        if (PANE_MAPPINGS.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pane name '" + name + "' is already registered");

        PANE_MAPPINGS.put(name, biFunction);

     * Loads a pane by the given instance and node
     * @param instance the instance
     * @param node the node
     * @return the pane
    public static Pane loadPane(@NotNull Object instance, @NotNull Node node) {
        return PANE_MAPPINGS.get(node.getNodeName()).apply(instance, (Element) node);

     * The gui state
     * @since 0.4.0
    public enum State {

         * This signals that only the top-half of the Gui is in use and the player's inventory will stay like it is
         * @since 0.4.0

         * This signals that the bottom-hal of the Gui is in use and the player's inventory will be cleared and stored
         * @since 0.4.0

    static {
        registerPane("masonrypane", MasonryPane::load);
        registerPane("outlinepane", OutlinePane::load);
        registerPane("paginatedpane", PaginatedPane::load);
        registerPane("staticpane", StaticPane::load);

        registerPane("cyclebutton", CycleButton::load);
        registerPane("label", Label::load);
        registerPane("percentagebar", PercentageBar::load);
        registerPane("slider", Slider::load);
        registerPane("togglebutton", ToggleButton::load);