 * Copyright 2003-2016 SSHTOOLS Limited. All Rights Reserved.
 * For product documentation visit https://www.sshtools.com/
 * This file is part of J2SSH Maverick.
 * J2SSH Maverick is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * J2SSH Maverick is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with J2SSH Maverick.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This file is originally from the http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsocks/
 * released under the LGPL.
package socks.server;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PushbackInputStream;
import java.net.Socket;

import socks.ProxyMessage;
import socks.UDPEncapsulation;

 An implementation of ServerAuthenticator, which does <b>not</b> do
 any authentication.
<FONT size="+3" color ="FF0000"> Warning!!</font><br> Should not be
used on machines which are not behind the firewall.
It is only provided to make implementing other authentication schemes
For Example: <tt><pre>
   class MyAuth extends socks.server.ServerAuthenticator{
    public ServerAuthenticator startSession(java.net.Socket s){
      if(!checkHost(s.getInetAddress()) return null;
      return super.startSession(s);

    boolean checkHost(java.net.Inetaddress addr){
      boolean allow;
      //Do it somehow
      return allow;
public class ServerAuthenticatorNone implements ServerAuthenticator{

   static final byte[] socks5response = {5,0};

   InputStream in;
   OutputStream out;

    Creates new instance of the ServerAuthenticatorNone.
   public ServerAuthenticatorNone(){
     this.in = null;
     this.out = null;
    Constructs new ServerAuthenticatorNone object suitable for returning
    from the startSession function.
    @param in Input stream to return from getInputStream method.
    @param out Output stream to return from getOutputStream method.
   public ServerAuthenticatorNone(InputStream in, OutputStream out){
      this.in = in;
      this.out = out;
    Grants access to everyone.Removes authentication related bytes from
    the stream, when a SOCKS5 connection is being made, selects an
    authentication NONE.
   public ServerAuthenticator startSession(Socket s)
                                  throws IOException{

     PushbackInputStream in =  new PushbackInputStream(s.getInputStream());
     OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();

     int version = in.read();
     if(version == 5){
          return null;
     }else if(version == 4){
       //Else it is the request message allready, version 4
       return null;

     return new ServerAuthenticatorNone(in,out);

     Get input stream.
     @return Input stream speciefied in the constructor.
   public InputStream getInputStream(){
      return in;
     Get output stream.
     @return Output stream speciefied in the constructor.
   public OutputStream getOutputStream(){
      return out;
     Allways returns null.
     @return null
   public UDPEncapsulation getUdpEncapsulation(){
      return null;

    Allways returns true.
   public boolean checkRequest(ProxyMessage msg){
     return true;

    Allways returns true.
   public boolean checkRequest(java.net.DatagramPacket dp, boolean out){
     return true;

    Does nothing.
   public void endSession(){

     Convinience routine for selecting SOCKSv5 authentication.
     This method reads in authentication methods that client supports,
     checks wether it supports given method. If it does, the notification
     method is written back to client, that this method have been chosen
     for authentication. If given method was not found, authentication
     failure message is send to client ([5,FF]).
     @param in Input stream, version byte should be removed from the stream
               before calling this method.
     @param out Output stream.
     @param methodId Method which should be selected.
     @return true if methodId was found, false otherwise.
   static public boolean selectSocks5Authentication(InputStream in, 
                                                    OutputStream out,
                                                    int methodId)
                                                    throws IOException{
      int num_methods = in.read();
      if (num_methods <= 0) return false;
      byte method_ids[] = new byte[num_methods];
      byte response[] = new byte[2];
      boolean found = false;

      response[0] = (byte) 5;    //SOCKS version
      response[1] = (byte) 0xFF; //Not found, we are pessimistic

      int bread = 0; //bytes read so far
      while(bread < num_methods)
         bread += in.read(method_ids,bread,num_methods-bread);

      for(int i=0;i<num_methods;++i)
         if(method_ids[i] == methodId){
           found = true;
           response[1] = (byte) methodId;

      return found;