 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.
package com.alipay.sofa.common.profile.diagnostic;

import com.alipay.sofa.common.utils.ObjectUtil;
import com.alipay.sofa.common.utils.StringUtil;
import com.alipay.sofa.common.profile.enumeration.IntegerEnum;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * @author luoguimu123
 * @version $Id: Profiler.java, v 0.1 2017年08月01日 上午11:30 luoguimu123 Exp $
public final class Profiler {

    private static final ThreadLocal entryStack = new ThreadLocal();

    public Profiler() {

    public static void start() {
        start((String) null);

    public static void start(String message) {
        entryStack.set(new Profiler.Entry(message, null, null));

    public static void start(Profiler.Message message) {
        entryStack.set(new Profiler.Entry(message, null, null));

    public static void reset() {
        entryStack.set((Object) null);

    public static void enter(String message) {
        Profiler.Entry currentEntry = getCurrentEntry();
        if (currentEntry != null) {


    public static void enter(Profiler.Message message) {
        Profiler.Entry currentEntry = getCurrentEntry();
        if (currentEntry != null) {


    public static void release() {
        Profiler.Entry currentEntry = getCurrentEntry();
        if (currentEntry != null) {


    public static long getDuration() {
        Profiler.Entry entry = (Profiler.Entry) entryStack.get();
        return entry != null ? entry.getDuration() : -1L;

    public static String dump() {
        return dump("", "");

    public static String dump(String prefix) {
        return dump(prefix, prefix);

    public static String dump(String prefix1, String prefix2) {
        Profiler.Entry entry = (Profiler.Entry) entryStack.get();
        return entry != null ? entry.toString(prefix1, prefix2) : "";

    public static Profiler.Entry getEntry() {
        return (Profiler.Entry) entryStack.get();

    private static Profiler.Entry getCurrentEntry() {
        Profiler.Entry subEntry = (Profiler.Entry) entryStack.get();
        Profiler.Entry entry = null;
        if (subEntry != null) {
            do {
                entry = subEntry;
                subEntry = subEntry.getUnreleasedEntry();
            } while (subEntry != null);

        return entry;

    public interface Message {
        Profiler.MessageLevel getMessageLevel(Profiler.Entry var1);

        String getBriefMessage();

        String getDetailedMessage();

    public static final class MessageLevel extends IntegerEnum {
        private static final long                 serialVersionUID = 3257849896026388537L;
        public static final Profiler.MessageLevel NO_MESSAGE       = (Profiler.MessageLevel) create();
        public static final Profiler.MessageLevel BRIEF_MESSAGE    = (Profiler.MessageLevel) create();
        public static final Profiler.MessageLevel DETAILED_MESSAGE = (Profiler.MessageLevel) create();

        public MessageLevel() {

    public static final class Entry {
        private final List           subEntries;
        private final Object         message;
        private final Profiler.Entry parentEntry;
        private final Profiler.Entry firstEntry;
        private final long           baseTime;
        private final long           startTime;
        private long                 endTime;

        private Entry(Object message, Profiler.Entry parentEntry, Profiler.Entry firstEntry) {
            this.subEntries = new ArrayList(4);
            this.message = message;
            this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.parentEntry = parentEntry;
            this.firstEntry = (Profiler.Entry) ObjectUtil.defaultIfNull(firstEntry, this);
            this.baseTime = firstEntry == null ? 0L : firstEntry.startTime;

        public String getMessage() {
            String messageString = null;
            if (this.message instanceof String) {
                messageString = (String) this.message;
            } else if (this.message instanceof Profiler.Message) {
                Profiler.Message messageObject = (Profiler.Message) this.message;
                Profiler.MessageLevel level = Profiler.MessageLevel.BRIEF_MESSAGE;
                if (this.isReleased()) {
                    level = messageObject.getMessageLevel(this);

                if (level == Profiler.MessageLevel.DETAILED_MESSAGE) {
                    messageString = messageObject.getDetailedMessage();
                } else {
                    messageString = messageObject.getBriefMessage();

            return StringUtil.defaultIfEmpty(messageString, (String) null);

        public long getStartTime() {
            return this.baseTime > 0L ? this.startTime - this.baseTime : 0L;

        public long getEndTime() {
            return this.endTime < this.baseTime ? -1L : this.endTime - this.baseTime;

        public long getDuration() {
            return this.endTime < this.startTime ? -1L : this.endTime - this.startTime;

        public long getDurationOfSelf() {
            long duration = this.getDuration();
            if (duration < 0L) {
                return -1L;
            } else if (this.subEntries.isEmpty()) {
                return duration;
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.subEntries.size(); ++i) {
                    Profiler.Entry subEntry = (Profiler.Entry) this.subEntries.get(i);
                    duration -= subEntry.getDuration();

                return duration < 0L ? -1L : duration;

        public double getPecentage() {
            double parentDuration = 0.0D;
            double duration = (double) this.getDuration();
            if (this.parentEntry != null && this.parentEntry.isReleased()) {
                parentDuration = (double) this.parentEntry.getDuration();

            return duration > 0.0D && parentDuration > 0.0D ? duration / parentDuration : 0.0D;

        public double getPecentageOfAll() {
            double firstDuration = 0.0D;
            double duration = (double) this.getDuration();
            if (this.firstEntry != null && this.firstEntry.isReleased()) {
                firstDuration = (double) this.firstEntry.getDuration();

            return duration > 0.0D && firstDuration > 0.0D ? duration / firstDuration : 0.0D;

        public List getSubEntries() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.subEntries);

        private void release() {
            this.endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        private boolean isReleased() {
            return this.endTime > 0L;

        private void enterSubEntry(Object message) {
            Profiler.Entry subEntry = new Profiler.Entry(message, this, this.firstEntry);

        private Profiler.Entry getUnreleasedEntry() {
            Profiler.Entry subEntry = null;
            if (!this.subEntries.isEmpty()) {
                subEntry = (Profiler.Entry) this.subEntries.get(this.subEntries.size() - 1);
                if (subEntry.isReleased()) {
                    subEntry = null;

            return subEntry;

        public String toString() {
            return this.toString("", "");

        private String toString(String prefix1, String prefix2) {
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            this.toString(buffer, prefix1, prefix2);
            return buffer.toString();

        private void toString(StringBuffer buffer, String prefix1, String prefix2) {
            String message = this.getMessage();
            long startTime = this.getStartTime();
            long duration = this.getDuration();
            long durationOfSelf = this.getDurationOfSelf();
            double percent = this.getPecentage();
            double percentOfAll = this.getPecentageOfAll();
            Object[] params = new Object[] { message, new Long(startTime), new Long(duration),
                    new Long(durationOfSelf), new Double(percent), new Double(percentOfAll) };
            StringBuffer pattern = new StringBuffer("{1,number} ");
            if (this.isReleased()) {
                if (durationOfSelf > 0L && durationOfSelf != duration) {
                    pattern.append(" ({3,number}ms)");

                if (percent > 0.0D) {
                    pattern.append(", {4,number,##%}");

                if (percentOfAll > 0.0D) {
                    pattern.append(", {5,number,##%}");

            } else {

            if (message != null) {
                pattern.append(" - {0}");

            buffer.append(MessageFormat.format(pattern.toString(), params));

            for (int i = 0; i < this.subEntries.size(); ++i) {
                Profiler.Entry subEntry = (Profiler.Entry) this.subEntries.get(i);
                if (i == this.subEntries.size() - 1) {
                    subEntry.toString(buffer, prefix2 + "`---", prefix2 + "    ");
                } else if (i == 0) {
                    subEntry.toString(buffer, prefix2 + "+---", prefix2 + "|   ");
                } else {
                    subEntry.toString(buffer, prefix2 + "+---", prefix2 + "|   ");
