 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Snowflake Computing Inc. All rights reserved.

package net.snowflake.ingest;

import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse;
import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse;
import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException;
import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse;
import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder;
import net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.BackOffException;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateCrtKey;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * This class provides a basic, low-level abstraction over
 * the Snowflake Ingest Service REST api
 * <p>
 * Usage of this class delegates all exception and state handling to the developer
 * @author obabarinsa
public class SimpleIngestManager implements AutoCloseable

   * This Builder allows someone to configure a SimpleIngestManager
   * prior to instantiating the manager
   * @author obabarinsa

  public static class Builder

    //the account name we want to use
    private String account;

    //the user who will be loading data
    private String user;

    //the fully qualified pipe name
    private String pipe;

    //the key pair we want to use to authenticate
    private KeyPair keypair;

     * getAccount - returns the name of the account this builder will inject into the
     * IngestManager
     * @return account name
    public String getAccount()
      return account;

     * setAccount - set the account for the ingest manager and return this builder
     * @param account the account which will be loading into this table
     * @return this builder object
    public Builder setAccount(String account)
      this.account = account;
      return this;

     * getUser - get the user who will be loading using the ingest service
     * @return the user name
    public String getUser()
      return user;

     * setUser - sets the user who will be loading with the ingest manager
     * @param user the user who will be loading
     * @return the current builder with the user set
    public Builder setUser(String user)
      this.user = user;
      return this;

     * getPipe - get the pipe for the ingest manager this builder will create
     * @return the target pipe for this ingest manager
    public String getPipe()
      return pipe;

     * setTable - sets the pipe which the SimpleIngestManager will be using
     * @param pipe the target pipe for the ingest manager
     * @return the current builder with the target pipe
    public Builder setPipe(String pipe)
      this.pipe = pipe;
      return this;

     * getKeyPair - returns the key-pair we're using for authentication
     * @return the RSA 2048 key-pair we use to sign tokens
    public KeyPair getKeypair()
      return keypair;

     * setKeypair - sets the RSA 2048 bit keypair we'll be using for token signing
     * @param keypair the keypair we'll be using for auth
     * @return the current builder with the key set
    public Builder setKeypair(KeyPair keypair)
      this.keypair = keypair;
      return this;

     * build - returns a new instance of SimpleIngestManager using the information
     * set in this builder object
    public SimpleIngestManager build()
      return new SimpleIngestManager(account, user, pipe, keypair);


  //logger object for this class
  private static final Logger LOGGER =
  //HTTP Client that we use for sending requests to the service
  private HttpClient httpClient;

  //the account in which the user lives
  private String account;

  //the username of the user
  private String user;

  //the fully qualified name of the pipe
  private String pipe;

  //the keypair we're using for authentication
  private KeyPair keyPair;

  //the request builder who handles building the HttpRequests we send
  private final RequestBuilder builder;

   * init - Does the basic work of constructing a SimpleIngestManager that
   * is common across all constructors
   * @param account The account into which we're loading
   * @param user the user performing this load
   * @param pipe the fully qualified name of pipe
   * @param keyPair the KeyPair we'll use to sign JWT tokens
  private void init(String account, String user, String pipe,
                    KeyPair keyPair)
    //set up our reference variables
    this.account = account;
    this.user = user;
    this.pipe = pipe;
    this.keyPair = keyPair;

    //make our client for sending requests
    httpClient = HttpUtil.getHttpClient();
    //make the request builder we'll use to build messages to the service

   * Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account
   * In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage
   * Finally, it also requires a valid KeyPair object registered with
   * Snowflake DB
   * This method is deprecated, please use the constructor that only requires
   * PrivateKey instead of KeyPair.
   * @param account The account into which we're loading
   *                Note: account should not include region or cloud provider
   *                info. e.g. if host is testaccount.us-east-1.azure
   *                .snowflakecomputing.com, account should be testaccount
   * @param user    the user performing this load
   * @param pipe    the fully qualified name of the pipe
   * @param keyPair the KeyPair we'll use to sign JWT tokens
  public SimpleIngestManager(String account, String user, String pipe,
                             KeyPair keyPair)
    //call our initializer method
    init(account, user, pipe, keyPair);

    //create the request builder
    this.builder = new RequestBuilder(account, user, keyPair);

   * Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account
   * In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage
   * Finally, it also requires a valid private key registered with
   * Snowflake DB
   * Note: this method only takes in account parameter and derive the hostname,
   * i.e. testaccount.snowfakecomputing.com. If your deployment is not aws
   * us-west, please use the constructor that accept hostname as argument
   * @param account    The account into which we're loading
   *                   Note: account should not include region or cloud provider
   *                   info. e.g. if host is testaccount.us-east-1.azure
   *                   .snowflakecomputing.com, account should be testaccount.
   *                   If this is the case, you should use the constructor that
   *                   accepts hostname as argument
   * @param user       the user performing this load
   * @param pipe       the fully qualified name of the pipe
   * @param privateKey the private key we'll use to sign JWT tokens
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if can't create
   *                                  key factory by using RSA algorithm
   * @throws InvalidKeySpecException  if private key or public key is
   *                                  invalid
  public SimpleIngestManager(String account, String user, String pipe,
                             PrivateKey privateKey)
      throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException
    KeyPair keyPair = createKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey);

    //call our initializer method
    init(account, user, pipe, keyPair);

    //create the request builder
    this.builder = new RequestBuilder(account, user, keyPair);

   * Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account
   * In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage
   * Finally, it also requires a valid KeyPair object registered with
   * Snowflake DB
   * This method is deprecated, please use the constructor that only requires
   * PrivateKey instead of KeyPair.
   * @param account    the account into which we're loading
   *                   Note: account should not include region or cloud provider
   *                   info. e.g. if host is testaccount.us-east-1.azure
   *                   .snowflakecomputing.com account should be testaccount
   *                   If this is the case, you should use the constructor that
   *                   accepts hostname as argument
   * @param user       the user performing this load
   * @param pipe       the fully qualified name of the pipe
   * @param keyPair    the KeyPair we'll use to sign JWT tokens
   * @param schemeName http or https
   * @param hostName   the hostname
   * @param port       the port number
  public SimpleIngestManager(String account, String user, String pipe,
                             KeyPair keyPair, String schemeName,
                             String hostName, int port)
    //call our initializer method
    init(account, user, pipe, keyPair);

    //make the request builder we'll use to build messages to the service
    builder = new RequestBuilder(account, user, keyPair,
        schemeName, hostName, port);

   * Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account
   * In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage
   * Finally, it also requires a valid private key registered with
   * Snowflake DB
   * @param account    the account into which we're loading
   *                   Note: account should not include region or cloud provider
   *                   info. e.g. if host is testaccount.us-east-1.azure
   *                   .snowflakecomputing.com, account should be testaccount
   * @param user       the user performing this load
   * @param pipe       the fully qualified name of the pipe
   * @param privateKey the private key we'll use to sign JWT tokens
   * @param schemeName http or https
   * @param hostName   the hostname i.e. testaccount.us-east-1.azure
   *                   .snowflakecomputing.com
   * @param port       the port number
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if can't create key factory by using
   *                                  RSA algorithm
   * @throws InvalidKeySpecException  if private key or public key is invalid
  public SimpleIngestManager(String account, String user, String pipe,
                             PrivateKey privateKey, String schemeName,
                             String hostName, int port)
      throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException
    KeyPair keyPair = createKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
    //call our initializer method
    init(account, user, pipe, keyPair);

    //make the request builder we'll use to build messages to the service
    builder = new RequestBuilder(account, user, keyPair,
        schemeName, hostName, port);


   * generate key pair object from private key
   * @param privateKey private key
   * @return a key pair object
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if can't create key factory by using
   *                                  RSA algorithm
   * @throws InvalidKeySpecException  if private key or public key is invalid
  private KeyPair createKeyPairFromPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey) throws
      NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException
    if(!(privateKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input private key is not a RSA private key");

    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");

    //generate public key from private key
    RSAPrivateCrtKey privk = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) privateKey;
    RSAPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(privk.getModulus(),
    PublicKey publicK = kf.generatePublic(publicKeySpec);

    //create key pairs
    return new KeyPair(publicK, privateKey);

   * getAccount - Gives back the name of the account
   * that this IngestManager is targeting
   * @return the name of the account
  public String getAccount()
    return account;

   * getUser - gives back the user on behalf of
   * which this ingest manager is loading
   * @return the user name
  public String getUser()
    return user;

   * getPipe - gives back the pipe which we are using
   * @return the pipe name
  public String getPipe()
    return pipe;

   * wrapFilepaths - convenience method to take a list of filenames and
   * produce a list of FileWrappers with unset size
   * @param filenames the filenames you want to wrap up
   * @return a corresponding list of StagedFileWrapper objects
  public static List<StagedFileWrapper> wrapFilepaths(Set<String> filenames)
    //if we get a null, throw
    if (filenames == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    return filenames.parallelStream()
        .map(fname -> new StagedFileWrapper(fname, null)).


   * ingestFile - ingest a single file
   * @param file - a wrapper around a filename and size
   * @param requestId - a requestId that we'll use to label - if null,
   *                    we generate one for the user
   * @return an insert response from the server
   * @throws BackOffException   - if we have a 503 response
   * @throws IOException        - if we have some other network failure
   * @throws URISyntaxException - if the provided account name was illegal and
   *                            caused a URI construction failure
  public IngestResponse ingestFile(StagedFileWrapper file, UUID requestId)
      throws URISyntaxException, IOException, Exception
    return ingestFiles(Collections.singletonList(file), requestId);

   * ingestFiles - synchronously sends a request to the ingest
   * service to enqueue these files
   * @param files - list of wrappers around filenames and sizes
   * @param requestId - a requestId that we'll use to label - if null,
   *                  we generate one for the user
   * @return an insert response from the server
   * @throws BackOffException   - if we have a 503 response
   * @throws IOException        - if we have some other network failure
   * @throws IngestResponseException - if snowflake encountered
   *                                    error during ingest
   * @throws URISyntaxException - if the provided account name was illegal and
   *                            caused a URI construction failure

  public IngestResponse ingestFiles(List<StagedFileWrapper> files,
                                    UUID requestId)
      throws URISyntaxException, IOException, IngestResponseException

    //the request id we want to send with this payload
    UUID request = requestId == null ? UUID.randomUUID() : requestId;

    //We're about to send this request number
    LOGGER.info("Sending Request UUID - ", request.toString());

    //send the request and get a response....
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(
             pipe, files));

    LOGGER.info("Attempting to unmarshall insert response - {}", response);
    return ServiceResponseHandler.unmarshallIngestResponse(response);

   * Pings the service to see the current ingest history for this table
   * @param requestId a UUID we use to label the request, if null, one is
   *                  generated for the user
   * @param recentSeconds history only for items in the recentSeconds window
   * @param beginMark mark from which history should be fetched
   * @return a response showing the available ingest history from the service
   * @throws BackOffException   - if we have a 503 response
   * @throws IOException        - if we have some other network failure
   * @throws IngestResponseException - if snowflake encountered a service error
   * @throws URISyntaxException - if the provided account name was illegal and
   *                              caused a URI construction failure
  public HistoryResponse getHistory(UUID requestId, Integer recentSeconds,
                                    String beginMark)
      throws URISyntaxException, IOException, IngestResponseException
    //if we have no requestId generate one
    if (requestId == null)
      requestId = UUID.randomUUID();

    //send the request and get a response...
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(
       builder.generateHistoryRequest(requestId, pipe, recentSeconds, beginMark)

    LOGGER.info("Attempting to unmarshall history response - {}", response);
    return ServiceResponseHandler.unmarshallHistoryResponse(response);

   * Pings the service to see the current ingest history for this table
   * @param requestId a UUID we use to label the request, if null, one is
   *                    generated for the user
   * @return a response showing the available ingest history from the service
   * @throws BackOffException   - if we have a 503 response
   * @throws IOException        - if we have some other network failure
   * @throws IngestResponseException -if snowflake encountered a service error
   * @throws URISyntaxException - if the provided account name was illegal
   *                                  and caused a URI construction failure
  public HistoryResponse getHistory(UUID requestId)
          throws URISyntaxException, IOException, IngestResponseException
    return getHistory(requestId, null, null);

   * Pings the service to see the current ingest history for this table
   * @param requestId a UUID we use to label the request, if null, one is
   *                    generated for the user
   ** @param startTimeInclusive Start time inclusive of scan range,
   *        in ISO-8601 format. Missing millisecond part in string will lead
   *        to a zero milliseconds. This is a required query parameter, and
   *        a 400 will be returned if this query parameter is missing
   * @param endTimeExclusive End time exclusive of scan range. If this
   *             query parameter is missing or user provided value is later
   *             than current millis, then current millis is used.
   * @return a response showing the available ingest history from the service
   * @throws BackOffException   - if we have a 503 response
   * @throws IOException        - if we have some other network failure
   * @throws IngestResponseException -if snowflake encountered a service error
   * @throws URISyntaxException - if the provided account name was illegal
   *                                  and caused a URI construction failure
  public HistoryRangeResponse getHistoryRange(UUID requestId,
                                              String startTimeInclusive,
                                              String endTimeExclusive)
          throws URISyntaxException, IOException, IngestResponseException
    if (requestId == null)
      requestId = UUID.randomUUID();

    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(
            builder.generateHistoryRangeRequest(requestId, pipe,

    LOGGER.info("Attempting to unmarshall history range response - {}",
    return ServiceResponseHandler.unmarshallHistoryRangeResponse(response);

   * Closes the resources associated with this object. Resources cannot be
   * reopened, initialize new instance of this class
   * {@link SimpleIngestManager} to reopen and start ingesting/monitoring new
   * data.
  public void close()