package com.colobu.zkrecipe.discovery;


import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework;
import org.apache.curator.utils.CloseableUtils;
import org.apache.curator.x.discovery.ServiceDiscovery;
import org.apache.curator.x.discovery.ServiceDiscoveryBuilder;
import org.apache.curator.x.discovery.ServiceInstance;
import org.apache.curator.x.discovery.UriSpec;
import org.apache.curator.x.discovery.details.JsonInstanceSerializer;

 * This shows a very simplified method of registering an instance with the
 * service discovery. Each individual instance in your distributed set of
 * applications would create an instance of something similar to ExampleServer,
 * start it when the application comes up and close it when the application
 * shuts down.
public class ExampleServer implements Closeable {
	private final ServiceDiscovery<InstanceDetails> serviceDiscovery;
	private final ServiceInstance<InstanceDetails> thisInstance;

	public ExampleServer(CuratorFramework client, String path, String serviceName, String description) throws Exception {
		// in a real application, you'd have a convention of some kind for the
		// URI layout
		UriSpec uriSpec = new UriSpec("{scheme}://{port}");
		thisInstance = ServiceInstance.<InstanceDetails> builder().name(serviceName).payload(new InstanceDetails(description))
				.port((int) (65535 * Math.random())) // in a real application,
														// you'd use a common
														// port
		// if you mark your payload class with @JsonRootName the provided
		// JsonInstanceSerializer will work
		JsonInstanceSerializer<InstanceDetails> serializer = new JsonInstanceSerializer<InstanceDetails>(InstanceDetails.class);
		serviceDiscovery = ServiceDiscoveryBuilder.builder(InstanceDetails.class).client(client).basePath(path).serializer(serializer)

	public ServiceInstance<InstanceDetails> getThisInstance() {
		return thisInstance;

	public void start() throws Exception {

	public void close() throws IOException {