package edu.berkeley.nlp.ui;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

import edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Tree;
import edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Trees;

 * Class for displaying a Tree.
 * @author Dan Klein

public class TreeJPanel extends JPanel {

	int VERTICAL_ALIGN = SwingConstants.CENTER;
	int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN = SwingConstants.CENTER;

	int maxFontSize = 10;
	int minFontSize = 2;

	int preferredX = 400;
	int preferredY = 300;

	double sisterSkip = 2.5;
	double parentSkip = 0.5;
	double belowLineSkip = 0.1;
	double aboveLineSkip = 0.1;

	FontMetrics myFont;

	Tree<String> tree;

	public Tree<String> getTree() {
		return tree;

	public void setTree(Tree<String> tree) {
		this.tree = tree;

	String nodeToString(Tree<String> t) {
		if (t == null) {
			return " ";
		Object l = t.getLabel();
		if (l == null) {
			return " ";
		String str = (String) l;
		if (str == null) {
			return " ";
		return str;

	static class WidthResult {
		double width = 0.0;
		double nodeTab = 0.0;
		double nodeCenter = 0.0;
		double childTab = 0.0;

	double width(Tree<String> tree, FontMetrics fM) {
		return widthResult(tree, fM).width;

	public int width() {
		return (int) widthResult(getTree(), myFont).width;

	WidthResult wr = new WidthResult();

	WidthResult widthResult(Tree<String> tree, FontMetrics fM) {
		if (tree == null) {
			wr.width = 0.0;
			wr.nodeTab = 0.0;
			wr.nodeCenter = 0.0;
			wr.childTab = 0.0;
			return wr;
		double local = fM.stringWidth(nodeToString(tree));
		if (tree.isLeaf()) {
			wr.width = local;
			wr.nodeTab = 0.0;
			wr.nodeCenter = local / 2.0;
			wr.childTab = 0.0;
			return wr;
		double sub = 0.0;
		double nodeCenter = 0.0;
		double childTab = 0.0;
		for (int i = 0; i < tree.getChildren().size(); i++) {
			WidthResult subWR = widthResult(tree.getChildren()
					.get(i), fM);
			if (i == 0) {
				nodeCenter += (sub + subWR.nodeCenter) / 2.0;
			if (i == tree.getChildren().size() - 1) {
				nodeCenter += (sub + subWR.nodeCenter) / 2.0;
			sub += subWR.width;
			if (i < tree.getChildren().size() - 1) {
				sub += sisterSkip * fM.stringWidth(" ");
		double localLeft = local / 2.0;
		double subLeft = nodeCenter;
		double totalLeft = Math.max(localLeft, subLeft);
		double localRight = local / 2.0;
		double subRight = sub - nodeCenter;
		double totalRight = Math.max(localRight, subRight);
		wr.width = totalLeft + totalRight;
		wr.childTab = totalLeft - subLeft;
		wr.nodeTab = totalLeft - localLeft;
		wr.nodeCenter = nodeCenter + wr.childTab;
		return wr;

	double height(Tree<String> tree, FontMetrics fM) {
		if (tree == null) {
			return 0.0;
		double depth = tree.getDepth();
		// double f = fM.getHeight() ;
		return fM.getHeight()
				* (depth * (1.0 + parentSkip + aboveLineSkip + belowLineSkip) - parentSkip);

	public int height() {
		return (int) height(getTree(), myFont);

	FontMetrics pickFont(Graphics2D g2, Tree<String> tree, Dimension space) {
		Font font = g2.getFont();
		String name = font.getName();
		int style = font.getStyle();

		for (int size = maxFontSize; size > minFontSize; size--) {
			font = new Font(name, style, size);
			FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics();
			if (height(tree, fontMetrics) > space.getHeight()) {
			if (width(tree, fontMetrics) > space.getWidth()) {
			// System.out.println("Chose: "+size+" for space: "+space.getWidth());
			return fontMetrics;
		font = new Font(name, style, minFontSize);
		return g2.getFontMetrics();

	double paintTree(Tree<String> t, Point2D start, Graphics2D g2,
			FontMetrics fM) {
		if (t == null) {
			return 0.0;
		String nodeStr = nodeToString(t);
		double nodeWidth = fM.stringWidth(nodeStr);
		double nodeHeight = fM.getHeight();
		double nodeAscent = fM.getAscent();
		WidthResult wr = widthResult(t, fM);
		double treeWidth = wr.width;
		double nodeTab = wr.nodeTab;
		double childTab = wr.childTab;
		double nodeCenter = wr.nodeCenter;
		// draw root
		g2.drawString(nodeStr, (float) (nodeTab + start.getX()),
				(float) (start.getY() + nodeAscent));
		if (t.isLeaf()) {
			return nodeWidth;
		double layerMultiplier = (1.0 + belowLineSkip + aboveLineSkip + parentSkip);
		double layerHeight = nodeHeight * layerMultiplier;
		double childStartX = start.getX() + childTab;
		double childStartY = start.getY() + layerHeight;
		double lineStartX = start.getX() + nodeCenter;
		double lineStartY = start.getY() + nodeHeight * (1.0 + belowLineSkip);
		double lineEndY = lineStartY + nodeHeight * parentSkip;
		// recursively draw children
		for (int i = 0; i < t.getChildren().size(); i++) {
			Tree<String> child = t.getChildren().get(i);
			double cWidth = paintTree(child, new Point2D.Double(childStartX,
					childStartY), g2, fM);
			// draw connectors
			wr = widthResult(child, fM);
			double lineEndX = childStartX + wr.nodeCenter;
			g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(lineStartX, lineStartY, lineEndX,
			childStartX += cWidth;
			if (i < t.getChildren().size() - 1) {
				childStartX += sisterSkip * fM.stringWidth(" ");
		return treeWidth;

	public void repaint() {

	public void paint(Graphics g) {
		g.clearRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
		((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(
				AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f));

	public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
		Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
		// FontMetrics fM = pickFont(g2, tree, space);

		double width = width(tree, myFont);
		double height = height(tree, myFont);
		preferredX = (int) width;
		preferredY = (int) height;
		setSize(new Dimension(preferredX, preferredY));
		setPreferredSize(new Dimension(preferredX, preferredY));
		setMaximumSize(new Dimension(preferredX, preferredY));
		setMinimumSize(new Dimension(preferredX, preferredY));
		// setSize(new Dimension((int)Math.round(width),
		// (int)Math.round(height)));

		Dimension space = getSize();
		double startX = 0.0;
		double startY = 0.0;
		if (HORIZONTAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.CENTER) {
			startX = (space.getWidth() - width) / 2.0;
		if (HORIZONTAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.RIGHT) {
			startX = space.getWidth() - width;
		if (VERTICAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.CENTER) {
			startY = (space.getHeight() - height) / 2.0;
		if (VERTICAL_ALIGN == SwingConstants.BOTTOM) {
			startY = space.getHeight() - height;

		g2.clearRect(0, 0, space.width, space.height);


		paintTree(tree, new Point2D.Double(startX, startY), g2, myFont);

	public TreeJPanel() {
		this(SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER);

	public TreeJPanel(int hAlign, int vAlign) {
		// setPreferredSize(new Dimension(preferredX, preferredY));
		Font font = getFont();
		font = new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), maxFontSize);
		myFont = getFontMetrics(font);

	public void setMinFontSize(int size) {
		minFontSize = size;

	public void setMaxFontSize(int size) {
		maxFontSize = size;

	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		TreeJPanel tjp = new TreeJPanel();
		String ptbTreeString = "(NP-2 (NP-1 (QP-1 (CD-1 One) (JJR-1 more)) (NN-2 try)) (PP-0 (IN-1 with) (NP-2 (NP-1 (NN-1 something)) (ADVP-0 (RB-1 longer)))))";// "(ROOT (S (NP (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (NN test))) (. .)))";
		if (args.length > 0) {
			ptbTreeString = args[0];
		Tree<String> tree = (new Trees.PennTreeReader(new StringReader(
				ptbTreeString))).next();// new StringReader(ptbTreeString), new
										// LabeledScoredTreeFactory(new
										// StringLabelFactory()))).readTree();
		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		frame.getContentPane().add(tjp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
		frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
			public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
		// Image img = frame.createImage(frame.getWidth(),frame.getHeight());
		frame.setSize(tjp.preferredX, tjp.preferredY);

		int t = 1;

		BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(tjp.width(), tjp.height(),
		Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();
		// int rule = AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER;
		// AlphaComposite ac = AlphaComposite.getInstance(rule, 0f);
		// g2.setComposite(ac);

		g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 1.0f));
		Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0,
				frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight());


		tjp.paintComponent(g2); // paint the graphic to the offscreen image
		// g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER,
		// 1.0f));
		// g2.drawImage(src, null, 0, 0);
		// g2.dispose();

		ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File("example.png")); // save as png format
															// DONE!

		// System.exit(1);

