 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PositionedReadable;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Seekable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit;
import org.apache.pig.IndexableLoadFunc;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MRConfiguration;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigTextInputFormat;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigTextOutputFormat;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.shims.HadoopShims;
import org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.IndexedStorage.IndexedStorageInputFormat.IndexedStorageRecordReader;
import org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.IndexedStorage.IndexedStorageInputFormat.IndexedStorageRecordReader.IndexedStorageRecordReaderComparator;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage;
import org.apache.pig.data.DataReaderWriter;
import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple;
import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.StorageUtil;
import org.apache.pig.data.DataType;
import org.apache.pig.data.DataByteArray;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.shims.HadoopShims;

 * <code>IndexedStorage</code> is a form of <code>PigStorage</code> that supports a
 * per record seek.  <code>IndexedStorage</code> creates a separate (hidden) index file for
 * every data file that is written.  The format of the index file is:
 * <pre>
 * | Header     |
 * | Index Body |
 * | Footer     |
 * </pre>
 * The Header contains the list of record indices (field numbers) that represent index keys.
 * The Index Body contains a <code>Tuple</code> for each record in the data.
 * The fields of the <code>Tuple</code> are:
 * <ul>
 * <li> The index key(s) <code>Tuple</code> </li>
 * <li> The number of records that share this index key. </li>
 * <li> Offset into the data file to read the first matching record. </li>
 * </ul>
 * The Footer contains sequentially:
 * <ul>
 * <li> The smallest key(s) <code>Tuple</code> in the index. </li>
 * <li> The largest key(s) <code>Tuple</code> in the index. </li>
 * <li> The offset in bytes to the start of the footer </li>
 * </ul>
 * <code>IndexStorage</code> implements <code>IndexableLoadFunc</code> and
 * can be used as the 'right table' in a PIG 'merge' or 'merge-sparse' join.
 * <code>IndexStorage</code> does not require the data to be globally partitioned & sorted
 * by index keys.  Each partition (separate index) must be locally sorted.
 * Also note IndexStorage is a loader to demonstrate "merge-sparse" join.
public class IndexedStorage extends PigStorage implements IndexableLoadFunc {

     * Constructs a Pig Storer that uses specified regex as a field delimiter.
     * @param delimiter - field delimiter to use
     * @param offsetsToIndexKeys - list of offset into Tuple for index keys (comma separated)
    public IndexedStorage(String delimiter, String offsetsToIndexKeys) {

        this.fieldDelimiter = StorageUtil.parseFieldDel(delimiter);

        String[] stroffsetsToIndexKeys = offsetsToIndexKeys.split(",");
        this.offsetsToIndexKeys = new int[stroffsetsToIndexKeys.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < stroffsetsToIndexKeys.length; ++i) {
            this.offsetsToIndexKeys[i] = Integer.parseInt(stroffsetsToIndexKeys[i]);

    public OutputFormat getOutputFormat() {
        return new IndexedStorageOutputFormat(fieldDelimiter, offsetsToIndexKeys);

     * Assumes this list of readers is already sorted except for the provided element.
         * This element is bubbled up the array to its appropriate sort location
         * (faster than doing a Utils sort).
    private void sortReader(int startIndex) {
        int idx = startIndex;
        while (idx < this.readers.length - 1) {
            IndexedStorageRecordReader reader1 = this.readers[idx];
            IndexedStorageRecordReader reader2 = this.readers[idx+1];
            if (this.readerComparator.compare(reader1, reader2) <= 0) {
            this.readers[idx] = reader2;
            this.readers[idx+1] = reader1;

     * Internal OutputFormat class
    public static class IndexedStorageOutputFormat extends PigTextOutputFormat {

        public IndexedStorageOutputFormat(byte delimiter, int[] offsetsToIndexKeys) {
            /* Call the base class constructor */

            this.fieldDelimiter = delimiter;
            this.offsetsToIndexKeys = offsetsToIndexKeys;

        public RecordWriter<WritableComparable, Tuple> getRecordWriter(
                TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException,
                InterruptedException {

            Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
            Path file = this.getDefaultWorkFile(context, "");
            FSDataOutputStream fileOut = fs.create(file, false);

            IndexManager indexManager = new IndexManager(offsetsToIndexKeys);
            indexManager.createIndexFile(fs, file);
            return new IndexedStorageRecordWriter(fileOut, this.fieldDelimiter, indexManager);

         * Internal class to do the actual record writing and index generation
        public static class IndexedStorageRecordWriter extends PigLineRecordWriter {

            public IndexedStorageRecordWriter(FSDataOutputStream fileOut, byte fieldDel, IndexManager indexManager) throws IOException {
                super(fileOut, fieldDel);

                this.fileOut = fileOut;
                this.indexManager = indexManager;

                /* Write the index header first */

            public void write(WritableComparable key, Tuple value) throws IOException {
                /* Write the data */
                long offset = this.fileOut.getPos();
                super.write(key, value);

                /* Build index */
                this.indexManager.BuildIndex(value, offset);

            public void close(TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException {

             * Output stream for data
            private FSDataOutputStream fileOut;

             * Index builder
            private IndexManager indexManager = null;

         * Delimiter to use between fields
        final private byte fieldDelimiter;

         * Offsets to index keys in given tuple
        final protected int[] offsetsToIndexKeys;

    public InputFormat getInputFormat() {
        return new IndexedStorageInputFormat();

    public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
        if (this.readers == null) {
            return super.getNext();

        while (currentReaderIndexStart < this.readers.length) {
            IndexedStorageRecordReader r = this.readers[currentReaderIndexStart];

            this.prepareToRead(r, null);
            Tuple tuple = super.getNext();
            if (tuple == null) {
                continue; //next Reader

            //if we haven't yet initialized the indexManager (by reading the first index key)
            if (r.indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple == null) {

                //initialize the indexManager
                if (r.indexManager.ReadIndex() == null) {
                    //There should never be a case where there is a non-null record - but no corresponding index.
                    throw new IOException("Missing Index for Tuple: " + tuple);


            if (r.indexManager.numberOfTuples == 0) {
                if (r.indexManager.ReadIndex() == null) {
                } else {
                    //Since the index of the current reader was increased, we may need to push the
                    //current reader back in the sorted list of readers.
            return tuple;

        return null;

     * IndexableLoadFunc interface implementation
    public void initialize(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        try {
            InputFormat inputFormat = this.getInputFormat();
            TaskAttemptID id = HadoopShims.getNewTaskAttemptID();

            if (System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION") != null) {
                        conf.set(MRConfiguration.JOB_CREDENTIALS_BINARY, System.getenv("HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION"));
            List<FileSplit> fileSplits = inputFormat.getSplits(HadoopShims.createJobContext(conf, null));
            this.readers = new IndexedStorageRecordReader[fileSplits.size()];

            int idx = 0;
            Iterator<FileSplit> it = fileSplits.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                FileSplit fileSplit = it.next();
                TaskAttemptContext context = HadoopShims.createTaskAttemptContext(conf, id);
                IndexedStorageRecordReader r = (IndexedStorageRecordReader) inputFormat.createRecordReader(fileSplit, context);
                r.initialize(fileSplit, context);
                this.readers[idx] = r;

            Arrays.sort(this.readers, this.readerComparator);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);

    /* The list of readers is always sorted before and after this call. */
    public void seekNear(Tuple keys) throws IOException {

        /* Keeps track of the last (if any) reader where seekNear was called */
        int lastIndexModified = -1;

        int idx = currentReaderIndexStart;
        while (idx < this.readers.length) {
            IndexedStorageRecordReader r = this.readers[idx];

            /* The key falls within the range of the reader index */
            if (keys.compareTo(r.indexManager.maxIndexKeyTuple) <= 0 && keys.compareTo(r.indexManager.minIndexKeyTuple) >= 0) {
                lastIndexModified = idx;

            /* The key is greater than the current range of the reader index */
            } else if (keys.compareTo(r.indexManager.maxIndexKeyTuple) > 0) {
            /* DO NOTHING - The key is less than the current range of the reader index */
            } else {

         * There is something to sort.
         * We can rely on the following invariants that make the following check accurate:
          *  - currentReaderIndexStart is always >= 0.
         *  - lastIndexModified is only positive if seekNear was called.
         *  - lastIndexModified >= currentReaderIndexStart if lastIndexModifed >= 0.  This is true because the list
          * is already sorted.
        if (lastIndexModified - currentReaderIndexStart >= 0) {

             * The following logic is optimized for the (common) case where there are a tiny number of readers that
                 * need to be repositioned relative to the other readers in the much larger sorted list.

            /* First, just sort the readers that were updated relative to one another. */
            Arrays.sort(this.readers, currentReaderIndexStart, lastIndexModified+1, this.readerComparator);

            /* In descending order, push the updated readers back in the the sorted list. */
            for (idx = lastIndexModified; idx >= currentReaderIndexStart; idx--) {

    public void close() throws IOException {
        for (IndexedStorageRecordReader reader : this.readers) {

     * <code>IndexManager</code> manages the index file (both writing and reading)
     * It keeps track of the last index read during reading.
    public static class IndexManager {

         * Constructor (called during reading)
         * @param ifile index file to read
        public IndexManager(FileStatus ifile) {
            this.indexFile = ifile;
            this.offsetToFooter = -1;

         * Constructor (called during writing)
         * @param offsetsToIndexKeys
        public IndexManager(int[] offsetsToIndexKeys) {
            this.offsetsToIndexKeys = offsetsToIndexKeys;
            this.offsetToFooter = -1;

         * Construct index file path for a given a data file
         * @param file - Data file
         * @return - Index file path for given data file
        private static Path getIndexFileName(Path file) {
            return new Path(file.getParent(), "." + file.getName() + ".index");

         * Open the index file for writing for given data file
         * @param fs
         * @param file
         * @throws IOException
        public void createIndexFile(FileSystem fs, Path file) throws IOException {
            this.indexOut = fs.create(IndexManager.getIndexFileName(file), false);

          * Opens the index file.
        public void openIndexFile(FileSystem fs) throws IOException {
            this.indexIn = fs.open(this.indexFile.getPath());

         * Close the index file
         * @throws IOException
        public void Close() throws IOException {

         * Build index tuple
         * @throws IOException
        private void BuildIndex(Tuple t, long offset) throws IOException {
            /* Build index key tuple */
            Tuple indexKeyTuple = tupleFactory.newTuple(this.offsetsToIndexKeys.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.offsetsToIndexKeys.length; ++i) {
                indexKeyTuple.set(i, t.get(this.offsetsToIndexKeys[i]));

            /* Check if we have already seen Tuple(s) with same index keys */
            if (indexKeyTuple.compareTo(this.lastIndexKeyTuple) == 0) {
                /* We have seen Tuple(s) with given index keys, update the tuple count */
                this.numberOfTuples += 1;
            else {
                if (this.lastIndexKeyTuple != null)

                this.lastIndexKeyTuple = indexKeyTuple;
                this.minIndexKeyTuple = ((this.minIndexKeyTuple == null) || (indexKeyTuple.compareTo(this.minIndexKeyTuple) < 0)) ? indexKeyTuple : this.minIndexKeyTuple;
                this.maxIndexKeyTuple = ((this.maxIndexKeyTuple == null) || (indexKeyTuple.compareTo(this.maxIndexKeyTuple) > 0)) ? indexKeyTuple : this.maxIndexKeyTuple;

                /* New index tuple for newly seen index key */
                this.indexTuple = tupleFactory.newTuple(3);

                /* Add index keys to index Tuple */
                this.indexTuple.set(0, indexKeyTuple);

                /* Reset Tuple count for index key */
                this.numberOfTuples = 1;

                /* Remember offset to Tuple with new index keys */
                this.indexTuple.set(2, offset);

         * Write index header
         * @param indexOut - Stream to write to
         * @param ih - Index header to write
         * @throws IOException
        public void WriteIndexHeader() throws IOException {
            /* Number of index keys */

            /* Offset to index keys */
            for (int i = 0; i < this.offsetsToIndexKeys.length; ++i) {

         * Read index header
         * @param indexIn - Stream to read from
         * @return Index header
         * @throws IOException
        public void ReadIndexHeader() throws IOException {
            /* Number of index keys */
            int nkeys = this.indexIn.readInt();

            /* Offset to index keys */
            this.offsetsToIndexKeys = new int[nkeys];
            for (int i = 0; i < nkeys; ++i) {
                offsetsToIndexKeys[i] = this.indexIn.readInt();

         * Writes the index footer
        public void WriterIndexFooter() throws IOException {
            /* Flush indexes for remaining records */

            /* record the offset to footer */
            this.offsetToFooter = this.indexOut.getPos();

            /* Write index footer */
            DataReaderWriter.writeDatum(indexOut, this.minIndexKeyTuple);
            DataReaderWriter.writeDatum(indexOut, this.maxIndexKeyTuple);

            /* Offset to footer */

         * Reads the index footer
        public void ReadIndexFooter() throws IOException {
            long currentOffset = this.indexIn.getPos();

            this.minIndexKeyTuple = (Tuple)DataReaderWriter.readDatum(this.indexIn);
            this.maxIndexKeyTuple = (Tuple)DataReaderWriter.readDatum(this.indexIn);


         * Seeks to the index footer
        public void SeekToIndexFooter() throws IOException {
            if (this.offsetToFooter < 0) {
                /* offset to footer is at last long (8 bytes) in the file */
                this.offsetToFooter = this.indexIn.readLong();

         * Writes the current index.
        public void WriteIndex() throws IOException {
            this.indexTuple.set(1, this.numberOfTuples);
            DataReaderWriter.writeDatum(this.indexOut, this.indexTuple);

         * Extracts the index key from the index tuple
        public Tuple getIndexKeyTuple(Tuple indexTuple) throws IOException {
            if (indexTuple.size() == 3)
                return (Tuple)indexTuple.get(0);
                throw new IOException("Invalid index record with size " + indexTuple.size());

         * Extracts the number of records that share the current key from the index tuple.
        public long getIndexKeyTupleCount(Tuple indexTuple) throws IOException {
            if (indexTuple.size() == 3)
                return (Long)indexTuple.get(1);
                throw new IOException("Invalid index record with size " + indexTuple.size());

         * Extracts the offset into the data file from the index tuple.
        public long getOffset(Tuple indexTuple) throws IOException {
            if (indexTuple.size() == 3)
                return (Long)indexTuple.get(2);
                throw new IOException("Invalid index record with size " + indexTuple.size());

          * Reads the next index from the index file (or null if EOF) and extracts
         * the index fields.
        public Tuple ReadIndex() throws IOException {
            if (this.indexIn.getPos() < this.offsetToFooter) {
                indexTuple = (Tuple)DataReaderWriter.readDatum(this.indexIn);
                if (indexTuple != null) {
                    this.lastIndexKeyTuple = this.getIndexKeyTuple(indexTuple);
                    this.numberOfTuples = this.getIndexKeyTupleCount(indexTuple);
                return indexTuple;
            return null;

         * Scans the index looking for a given key.
         * @return the matching index tuple OR the last index tuple
         * greater than the requested key if no match is found.
        public Tuple ScanIndex(Tuple keys) throws IOException {
            if (lastIndexKeyTuple != null && keys.compareTo(this.lastIndexKeyTuple) <= 0) {
                return indexTuple;

            /* Scan the index looking for given key */
            while ((indexTuple = this.ReadIndex()) != null) {
                if (keys.compareTo(this.lastIndexKeyTuple) > 0)

            return indexTuple;

         * stores the list of record indices that identify keys.
        private int[] offsetsToIndexKeys = null;

         * offset in bytes to the start of the footer of the index.
        private long offsetToFooter = -1;

         * output stream when writing the index.
        FSDataOutputStream indexOut;

         * input stream when reading the index.
        FSDataInputStream indexIn;

         * Tuple factory to create index tuples
        private TupleFactory tupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();

         * Index key tuple of the form
         * ((Tuple of index keys), count of tuples with index keys, offset to first tuple with index keys)
        private Tuple indexTuple = tupleFactory.newTuple(3);

         * "Smallest" index key tuple seen
        private Tuple minIndexKeyTuple = null;

         * "Biggest" index key tuple seen
        private Tuple maxIndexKeyTuple = null;

         * Last seen index key tuple
        private Tuple lastIndexKeyTuple = null;

         * Number of tuples seen for a index key
        private long numberOfTuples = 0;

          * The index file.
        private FileStatus indexFile;

     * Internal InputFormat class
    public static class IndexedStorageInputFormat extends PigTextInputFormat {

        public RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> createRecordReader(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context) {
            IndexManager im = null;
            try {
                FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration());
                Path indexFile = IndexManager.getIndexFileName(((FileSplit)split).getPath());
                im = new IndexManager(fs.getFileStatus(indexFile));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            return new IndexedStorageRecordReader(im);

        public boolean isSplitable(JobContext context, Path filename) {
            return false;

         * Internal RecordReader class
        public static class IndexedStorageRecordReader extends RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> {
            private long start;
            private long pos;
            private long end;
            private IndexedStorageLineReader in;
            private int maxLineLength;
            private LongWritable key = null;
            private Text value = null;
            private IndexManager indexManager = null;

            public String toString() {
                return indexManager.minIndexKeyTuple + "|" + indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple + "|" + indexManager.maxIndexKeyTuple;

            public IndexedStorageRecordReader(IndexManager im) {
                this.indexManager = im;

             * Class to compare record readers using underlying indexes
            public static class IndexedStorageRecordReaderComparator implements Comparator<IndexedStorageRecordReader> {
                public int compare(IndexedStorageRecordReader o1, IndexedStorageRecordReader o2) {
                    Tuple t1 = (o1.indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple == null) ?  o1.indexManager.minIndexKeyTuple : o1.indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple;
                    Tuple t2 = (o2.indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple == null) ?  o2.indexManager.minIndexKeyTuple : o2.indexManager.lastIndexKeyTuple;
                    return t1.compareTo(t2);

            public static class IndexedStorageLineReader {
                private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
                private int bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
                private InputStream in;
                private byte[] buffer;
                // the number of bytes of real data in the buffer
                private int bufferLength = 0;
                // the current position in the buffer
                private int bufferPosn = 0;
                private long bufferOffset = 0;

                private static final byte CR = '\r';
                private static final byte LF = '\n';

                 * Create a line reader that reads from the given stream using the
                 * default buffer-size (64k).
                 * @param in The input stream
                 * @throws IOException
                public IndexedStorageLineReader(InputStream in) {
                    this(in, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

                 * Create a line reader that reads from the given stream using the
                 * given buffer-size.
                 * @param in The input stream
                 * @param bufferSize Size of the read buffer
                 * @throws IOException
                public IndexedStorageLineReader(InputStream in, int bufferSize) {
                    if( !(in instanceof Seekable) || !(in instanceof PositionedReadable) ) {
                          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                              "In is not an instance of Seekable or PositionedReadable");

                    this.in = in;
                    this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
                    this.buffer = new byte[this.bufferSize];

                 * Create a line reader that reads from the given stream using the
                 * <code>io.file.buffer.size</code> specified in the given
                 * <code>Configuration</code>.
                 * @param in input stream
                 * @param conf configuration
                 * @throws IOException
                public IndexedStorageLineReader(InputStream in, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
                    this(in, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE));

                 * Close the underlying stream.
                 * @throws IOException
                public void close() throws IOException {

                 * Read one line from the InputStream into the given Text.  A line
                 * can be terminated by one of the following: '\n' (LF) , '\r' (CR),
                 * or '\r\n' (CR+LF).  EOF also terminates an otherwise unterminated
                 * line.
                 * @param str the object to store the given line (without newline)
                 * @param maxLineLength the maximum number of bytes to store into str;
                 *  the rest of the line is silently discarded.
                 * @param maxBytesToConsume the maximum number of bytes to consume
                 *  in this call.  This is only a hint, because if the line cross
                 *  this threshold, we allow it to happen.  It can overshoot
                 *  potentially by as much as one buffer length.
                 * @return the number of bytes read including the (longest) newline
                 * found.
                 * @throws IOException if the underlying stream throws
                public int readLine(Text str, int maxLineLength,
                        int maxBytesToConsume) throws IOException {
                    /* We're reading data from in, but the head of the stream may be
                     * already buffered in buffer, so we have several cases:
                     * 1. No newline characters are in the buffer, so we need to copy
                     *    everything and read another buffer from the stream.
                     * 2. An unambiguously terminated line is in buffer, so we just
                     *    copy to str.
                     * 3. Ambiguously terminated line is in buffer, i.e. buffer ends
                     *    in CR.  In this case we copy everything up to CR to str, but
                     *    we also need to see what follows CR: if it's LF, then we
                     *    need consume LF as well, so next call to readLine will read
                     *    from after that.
                     * We use a flag prevCharCR to signal if previous character was CR
                     * and, if it happens to be at the end of the buffer, delay
                     * consuming it until we have a chance to look at the char that
                     * follows.
                    int txtLength = 0; //tracks str.getLength(), as an optimization
                    int newlineLength = 0; //length of terminating newline
                    boolean prevCharCR = false; //true of prev char was CR
                    long bytesConsumed = 0;
                    do {
                        int startPosn = bufferPosn; //starting from where we left off the last time
                        if (bufferPosn >= bufferLength) {
                            startPosn = bufferPosn = 0;
                            if (prevCharCR)
                                ++bytesConsumed; //account for CR from previous read

                            bufferOffset = ((Seekable)in).getPos();
                            bufferLength = in.read(buffer);

                            if (bufferLength <= 0)
                                break; // EOF
                        for (; bufferPosn < bufferLength; ++bufferPosn) { //search for newline
                            if (buffer[bufferPosn] == LF) {
                                newlineLength = (prevCharCR) ? 2 : 1;
                                ++bufferPosn; // at next invocation proceed from following byte
                            if (prevCharCR) { //CR + notLF, we are at notLF
                                newlineLength = 1;
                            prevCharCR = (buffer[bufferPosn] == CR);
                        int readLength = bufferPosn - startPosn;
                        if (prevCharCR && newlineLength == 0)
                            --readLength; //CR at the end of the buffer
                        bytesConsumed += readLength;
                        int appendLength = readLength - newlineLength;
                        if (appendLength > maxLineLength - txtLength) {
                            appendLength = maxLineLength - txtLength;
                        if (appendLength > 0) {
                            str.append(buffer, startPosn, appendLength);
                            txtLength += appendLength;
                    } while (newlineLength == 0 && bytesConsumed < maxBytesToConsume);

                    if (bytesConsumed > (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                        throw new IOException("Too many bytes before newline: " + bytesConsumed);
                    return (int)bytesConsumed;

                 * Read from the InputStream into the given Text.
                 * @param str the object to store the given line
                 * @param maxLineLength the maximum number of bytes to store into str.
                 * @return the number of bytes read including the newline
                 * @throws IOException if the underlying stream throws
                public int readLine(Text str, int maxLineLength) throws IOException {
                    return readLine(str, maxLineLength, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

                 * Read from the InputStream into the given Text.
                 * @param str the object to store the given line
                 * @return the number of bytes read including the newline
                 * @throws IOException if the underlying stream throws
                public int readLine(Text str) throws IOException {
                    return readLine(str, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

                 * If given offset is within the buffer, adjust the buffer position to read from
                 * otherwise seek to the given offset from start of the file.
                 * @param offset
                 * @throws IOException
                public void seek(long offset) throws IOException {
                    if ((offset >= bufferOffset) && (offset < (bufferOffset + bufferLength)))
                        bufferPosn = (int) (offset - bufferOffset);
                    else {
                        bufferPosn = bufferLength;

            public void initialize(InputSplit genericSplit, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

                FileSplit split = (FileSplit) genericSplit;
                Configuration job = context.getConfiguration();
                this.maxLineLength = job.getInt(MRConfiguration.LINERECORDREADER_MAXLENGTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                start = split.getStart();
                end = start + split.getLength();
                final Path file = split.getPath();

                FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(job);
                FSDataInputStream fileIn = fs.open(split.getPath());
                boolean skipFirstLine = false;
                if (start != 0) {
                    skipFirstLine = true;
                in = new IndexedStorageLineReader(fileIn, job);
                if (skipFirstLine) {
                    start += in.readLine(new Text(), 0, (int)Math.min((long)Integer.MAX_VALUE, end - start));
                this.pos = start;

            public void seek(long offset) throws IOException {
                pos = offset;

             * Scan the index for given key and seek to appropriate offset in the data
             * @param keys to look for
             * @return true if the given key was found, false otherwise
             * @throws IOException
            public boolean seekNear(Tuple keys) throws IOException {
                boolean ret = false;
                Tuple indexTuple = this.indexManager.ScanIndex(keys);
                if (indexTuple != null) {
                    long offset = this.indexManager.getOffset(indexTuple) ;

                    if (keys.compareTo(this.indexManager.getIndexKeyTuple(indexTuple)) == 0) {
                        ret = true;

                return ret;

            public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
                if (key == null) {
                    key = new LongWritable();
                if (value == null) {
                    value = new Text();
                int newSize = 0;
                while (pos < end) {
                    newSize = in.readLine(value, maxLineLength,
                            Math.max((int)Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, end-pos),
                    if (newSize == 0) {
                    pos += newSize;
                    if (newSize < maxLineLength) {
                if (newSize == 0) {
                    key = null;
                    value = null;
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;

            public LongWritable getCurrentKey() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
                return key;

            public Text getCurrentValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
                return value;

            public float getProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                if (start == end) {
                    return 0.0f;
                } else {
                    return Math.min(1.0f, (pos - start) / (float)(end - start));

            public void close() throws IOException {
                if (in != null) {

     * List of record readers.
    protected IndexedStorageRecordReader[] readers = null;

     * Index into the the list of readers to the current reader.
      * Readers before this index have been fully scanned for keys.
    protected int currentReaderIndexStart = 0;

     * Delimiter to use between fields
    protected byte fieldDelimiter = '\t';

     * Offsets to index keys in tuple
    final protected int[] offsetsToIndexKeys;

     * Comparator used to compare key tuples.
    protected Comparator<IndexedStorageRecordReader> readerComparator = new IndexedStorageInputFormat.IndexedStorageRecordReader.IndexedStorageRecordReaderComparator();