package org.sidoh.reactor_simulator.simulator;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import cofh.lib.util.helpers.ItemHelper;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.api.IHeatEntity;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.api.registry.Reactants;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.api.registry.ReactorInterior;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.BigReactors;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.interfaces.IMultipleFluidHandler;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.interfaces.IReactorFuelInfo;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.block.BlockReactorPart;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.helpers.CoolantContainer;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.helpers.FuelContainer;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.interfaces.ITickableMultiblockPart;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorAccessPort;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorControlRod;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorCoolantPort;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorFuelRod;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorGlass;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorPart;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorPowerTap;
import erogenousbeef.bigreactors.utils.StaticUtils;
import erogenousbeef.core.common.CoordTriplet;
import erogenousbeef.core.multiblock.IMultiblockPart;
import erogenousbeef.core.multiblock.MultiblockControllerBase;
import erogenousbeef.core.multiblock.MultiblockValidationException;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTankInfo;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock;

public class MultiblockReactorSimulator implements IEnergyHandler, IReactorFuelInfo, IMultipleFluidHandler {
  public static final int FuelCapacityPerFuelRod = 4 * Reactants.standardSolidReactantAmount; // 4 ingots per rod

  public static final int FLUID_SUPERHEATED = CoolantContainer.HOT;
  public static final int FLUID_COOLANT = CoolantContainer.COLD;

  private static final float passiveCoolingPowerEfficiency = 0.5f; // 50% power penalty, so this comes out as about 1/3 a basic water-cooled reactor
  private static final float passiveCoolingTransferEfficiency = 0.2f; // 20% of available heat transferred per tick when passively cooled
  private static final float reactorHeatLossConductivity = 0.001f; // circa 1RF per tick per external surface block

  // Game stuff - stored
  protected boolean active;
  private float reactorHeat;
  private float fuelHeat;
  private WasteEjectionSetting wasteEjection;
  private float energyStored;
  protected FuelContainer fuelContainer;
  protected RadiationHelperSimulator radiationHelper;
  protected CoolantContainer coolantContainer;

  // Game stuff - derived at runtime
  public float fuelToReactorHeatTransferCoefficient;
  public float reactorToCoolantSystemHeatTransferCoefficient;
  public float reactorHeatLossCoefficient;

  protected Iterator<TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator> currentFuelRod;
  int reactorVolume;

  // UI stuff
  private float energyGeneratedLastTick;
  private float fuelConsumedLastTick;
  private CoordTriplet minCoord;
  public CoordTriplet maxCoord;
  private Set connectedParts = Sets.newHashSet();
  private IFakeReactorWorld worldObj;

  public enum WasteEjectionSetting {
    kAutomatic,          // Full auto, always remove waste
    kManual,          // Manual, only on button press

  public static final WasteEjectionSetting[] s_EjectionSettings = WasteEjectionSetting.values();

  // Lists of connected parts
  private Set<TileEntityReactorPowerTap> attachedPowerTaps;
  private Set<ITickableMultiblockPart> attachedTickables;

  private Set<TileEntityReactorControlRod> attachedControlRods;  // Highest internal Y-coordinate in the fuel column
  private Set<TileEntityReactorAccessPort> attachedAccessPorts;
  private Set<TileEntityReactorPart> attachedControllers;

  private Set<TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator> attachedFuelRods;
  private Set<TileEntityReactorCoolantPort> attachedCoolantPorts;

  private Set<TileEntityReactorGlass> attachedGlass;

  // Updates
  private Set<EntityPlayer> updatePlayers;
  private int ticksSinceLastUpdate;
  private static final int ticksBetweenUpdates = 3;
  private static final int maxEnergyStored = 10000000;

  public MultiblockReactorSimulator(IFakeReactorWorld world, String fuel, boolean activelyCooled) {

    // Game stuff
    active = false;
    reactorHeat = 0f;
    fuelHeat = 0f;
    energyStored = 0f;
    wasteEjection = WasteEjectionSetting.kAutomatic;

    // Derived stats
    fuelToReactorHeatTransferCoefficient = 0f;
    reactorToCoolantSystemHeatTransferCoefficient = 0f;
    reactorHeatLossCoefficient = 0f;

    // UI and stats
    energyGeneratedLastTick = 0f;
    fuelConsumedLastTick = 0f;

    attachedPowerTaps = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorPowerTap>();
    attachedTickables = new HashSet<ITickableMultiblockPart>();
    attachedControlRods = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorControlRod>();
    attachedAccessPorts = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorAccessPort>();
    attachedControllers = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorPart>();
    attachedFuelRods = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator>();
    attachedCoolantPorts = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorCoolantPort>();
    attachedGlass = new HashSet<TileEntityReactorGlass>();

    currentFuelRod = null;

    updatePlayers = new HashSet<EntityPlayer>();

    ticksSinceLastUpdate = 0;
    fuelContainer = new FuelContainer();
    radiationHelper = new RadiationHelperSimulator();
    coolantContainer = new CoolantContainer();

    reactorVolume = 0;

    this.worldObj = world;
    this.maxCoord = world.getMaxCoord();
    this.minCoord = world.getMinCoord();

    if(activelyCooled) {
      this.coolantContainer = new CoolantContainerSimulator();
    for (TileEntity tileEntity : world.getParts()) {

    fuelContainer.addFuel(fuel, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true); //fill to the brim, next call will clamp to actual size


  public void beginUpdatingPlayer(EntityPlayer playerToUpdate) {

  public void stopUpdatingPlayer(EntityPlayer playerToRemove) {

  protected void onBlockAdded(IMultiblockPart part) {
    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorAccessPort) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorControlRod) {
      TileEntityReactorControlRod controlRod = (TileEntityReactorControlRod)part;

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorPowerTap) {

//    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorPart) {
//      TileEntityReactorPart reactorPart = (TileEntityReactorPart)part;
//      if (BlockReactorPart.isController(reactorPart.getBlockMetadata())) {
//        attachedControllers.add(reactorPart);
//      }
//    }

    if (part instanceof ITickableMultiblockPart) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator) {
      TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator fuelRod = (TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator)part;

      // Reset iterator
      currentFuelRod = attachedFuelRods.iterator();


    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorCoolantPort) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorGlass) {

  protected void onBlockRemoved(IMultiblockPart part) {
    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorAccessPort) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorControlRod) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorPowerTap) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorPart) {
      TileEntityReactorPart reactorPart = (TileEntityReactorPart)part;
      if (BlockReactorPart.isController(reactorPart.getBlockMetadata())) {

    if (part instanceof ITickableMultiblockPart) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorFuelRod) {
      currentFuelRod = attachedFuelRods.iterator();

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorCoolantPort) {

    if (part instanceof TileEntityReactorGlass) {

  // Update loop. Only called when the machine is assembled.
  public boolean updateServer() {
    if (Float.isNaN(this.getReactorHeat())) {

    float oldHeat = this.getReactorHeat();
    float oldEnergy = this.getEnergyStored();
    energyGeneratedLastTick = 0f;
    fuelConsumedLastTick = 0f;

    float newHeat = 0f;

    // Select a control rod to radiate from. Reset the iterator and select a new Y-level if needed.
    if (!currentFuelRod.hasNext()) {
      currentFuelRod = attachedFuelRods.iterator();

    // Radiate from that control rod
    TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator source =;
    TileEntityReactorControlRod sourceControlRod = (TileEntityReactorControlRod)worldObj.getTileEntity(source.xCoord, maxCoord.y, source.zCoord);
    if (source != null && sourceControlRod != null) {
      RadiationData radData = radiationHelper.radiate(worldObj, fuelContainer, source, sourceControlRod, getFuelHeat(), getReactorHeat(), attachedControlRods.size(), this);
      // Assimilate results of radiation
      if (radData != null) {
        fuelConsumedLastTick += radData.fuelUsage;

    // Allow radiation to decay even when reactor is off.

    // Heat Transfer: Fuel Pool <> Reactor Environment
    float tempDiff = fuelHeat - reactorHeat;
    if (tempDiff > 0.01f) {
      float rfTransferred = tempDiff * fuelToReactorHeatTransferCoefficient;
      float fuelRf = StaticUtils.Energy.getRFFromVolumeAndTemp(attachedFuelRods.size(), fuelHeat);

      fuelRf -= rfTransferred;
      setFuelHeat(StaticUtils.Energy.getTempFromVolumeAndRF(attachedFuelRods.size(), fuelRf));

      // Now see how much the reactor's temp has increased
      float reactorRf = StaticUtils.Energy.getRFFromVolumeAndTemp(getReactorVolume(), getReactorHeat());
      reactorRf += rfTransferred;
      setReactorHeat(StaticUtils.Energy.getTempFromVolumeAndRF(getReactorVolume(), reactorRf));

    // If we have a temperature differential between environment and coolant system, move heat between them.
    tempDiff = getReactorHeat() - getCoolantTemperature();
    if (tempDiff > 0.01f) {
      float rfTransferred = tempDiff * reactorToCoolantSystemHeatTransferCoefficient;
      float reactorRf = StaticUtils.Energy.getRFFromVolumeAndTemp(getReactorVolume(), getReactorHeat());

      if (isPassivelyCooled()) {
        rfTransferred *= passiveCoolingTransferEfficiency;
        generateEnergy(rfTransferred * passiveCoolingPowerEfficiency);
      } else {
        rfTransferred -= coolantContainer.onAbsorbHeat(rfTransferred);
        energyGeneratedLastTick = coolantContainer.getFluidVaporizedLastTick(); // Piggyback so we don't have useless stuff in the update packet

      reactorRf -= rfTransferred;
      setReactorHeat(StaticUtils.Energy.getTempFromVolumeAndRF(getReactorVolume(), reactorRf));

    // Do passive heat loss - this is always versus external environment
    tempDiff = getReactorHeat() - getPassiveCoolantTemperature();
    if (tempDiff > 0.000001f) {
      float rfLost = Math.max(1f, tempDiff * reactorHeatLossCoefficient); // Lose at least 1RF/t
      float reactorNewRf = Math.max(0f, StaticUtils.Energy.getRFFromVolumeAndTemp(getReactorVolume(), getReactorHeat()) - rfLost);
      setReactorHeat(StaticUtils.Energy.getTempFromVolumeAndRF(getReactorVolume(), reactorNewRf));

    // Prevent cryogenics
    if (reactorHeat < 0f) {
    if (fuelHeat < 0f) {

    // Distribute available power
    int energyAvailable = (int)getEnergyStored();
    int energyRemaining = energyAvailable;
    if (attachedPowerTaps.size() > 0 && energyRemaining > 0) {
      // First, try to distribute fairly
      int splitEnergy = energyRemaining / attachedPowerTaps.size();
      for (TileEntityReactorPowerTap powerTap : attachedPowerTaps) {
        if (energyRemaining <= 0) {
        if (powerTap == null || !powerTap.isConnected()) {

        energyRemaining -= splitEnergy - powerTap.onProvidePower(splitEnergy);

      // Next, just hose out whatever we can, if we have any left
      if (energyRemaining > 0) {
        for (TileEntityReactorPowerTap powerTap : attachedPowerTaps) {
          if (energyRemaining <= 0) {
          if (powerTap == null || !powerTap.isConnected()) {

          energyRemaining = powerTap.onProvidePower(energyRemaining);

    if (energyAvailable != energyRemaining) {
      reduceStoredEnergy((energyAvailable - energyRemaining));

    // Send updates periodically
    if (ticksSinceLastUpdate >= ticksBetweenUpdates) {
      ticksSinceLastUpdate = 0;

    // TODO: Overload/overheat

    // Update any connected tickables
    for (ITickableMultiblockPart tickable : attachedTickables) {
      if (tickable == null) {

    this.fuelContainer.addFuel("yellorium", Integer.MAX_VALUE, true);
    if (this.fuelContainer.getWasteAmount() >= 1000) {

    return (oldHeat != this.getReactorHeat() || oldEnergy != this.getEnergyStored());

  public void setEnergyStored(float oldEnergy) {
    energyStored = oldEnergy;
    if (energyStored < 0.0 || Float.isNaN(energyStored)) {
      energyStored = 0.0f;
    } else if (energyStored > maxEnergyStored) {
      energyStored = maxEnergyStored;

   * Generate energy, internally. Will be multiplied by the BR Setting powerProductionMultiplier
   * @param newEnergy Base, unmultiplied energy to generate
  protected void generateEnergy(float newEnergy) {
    this.energyGeneratedLastTick += newEnergy * BigReactors.powerProductionMultiplier;
    this.addStoredEnergy(newEnergy * BigReactors.powerProductionMultiplier);

   * Add some energy to the internal storage buffer.
   * Will not increase the buffer above the maximum or reduce it below 0.
   * @param newEnergy
  protected void addStoredEnergy(float newEnergy) {
    if (Float.isNaN(newEnergy)) {

    energyStored += newEnergy;
    if (energyStored > maxEnergyStored) {
      energyStored = maxEnergyStored;
    if (-0.00001f < energyStored && energyStored < 0.00001f) {
      // Clamp to zero
      energyStored = 0f;

   * Remove some energy from the internal storage buffer.
   * Will not reduce the buffer below 0.
   * @param energy Amount by which the buffer should be reduced.
  protected void reduceStoredEnergy(float energy) {
    this.addStoredEnergy(-1f * energy);

  protected void addReactorHeat(float newCasingHeat) {
    if (Float.isNaN(newCasingHeat)) {

    reactorHeat += newCasingHeat;
    // Clamp to zero to prevent floating point issues
    if (-0.00001f < reactorHeat && reactorHeat < 0.00001f) {
      reactorHeat = 0.0f;

  public float getReactorHeat() {
    return reactorHeat;

  public void setReactorHeat(float newHeat) {
    if (Float.isNaN(newHeat)) {
      reactorHeat = 0.0f;
    } else {
      reactorHeat = newHeat;

  protected void addFuelHeat(float additionalHeat) {
    if (Float.isNaN(additionalHeat)) {

    fuelHeat += additionalHeat;
    if (-0.00001f < fuelHeat & fuelHeat < 0.00001f) {
      fuelHeat = 0f;

  public float getFuelHeat() {
    return fuelHeat;

  public void setFuelHeat(float newFuelHeat) {
    if (Float.isNaN(newFuelHeat)) {
      fuelHeat = 0f;
    } else {
      fuelHeat = newFuelHeat;

  public int getFuelRodCount() {
    return attachedControlRods.size();

  // Static validation helpers
  // Water, air, and metal blocks
  protected void isBlockGoodForInterior(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
    if (world.isAirBlock(x, y, z)) {
    } // Air is OK

    Material material = world.getBlock(x, y, z).getMaterial();
    if (material == net.minecraft.block.material.MaterialLiquid.water) {

    Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
    if (block == Blocks.iron_block || block == Blocks.gold_block || block == Blocks.diamond_block || block == Blocks.emerald_block) {

    // Permit registered moderator blocks
    int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);

    if (ReactorInterior.getBlockData(ItemHelper.oreProxy.getOreName(new ItemStack(block, 1, metadata))) != null) {

    // Permit TE fluids
    if (block != null) {
      if (block instanceof IFluidBlock) {
        Fluid fluid = ((IFluidBlock)block).getFluid();
        String fluidName = fluid.getName();
        if (ReactorInterior.getFluidData(fluidName) != null) {

        throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - The fluid %s is not valid for the reactor's interior", x, y, z, fluidName));
      } else {
        throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - %s is not valid for the reactor's interior", x, y, z, block.getLocalizedName()));
    } else {
      throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Null block found, not valid for the reactor's interior", x, y, z));

   * Attempt to distribute a stack of ingots to a given access port, sensitive to the amount and type of ingots already in it.
   * @param port The port to which we're distributing ingots.
   * @param itemsToDistribute The stack of ingots to distribute. Will be modified during the operation and may be returned with stack size 0.
   * @param distributeToInputs Should we try to send ingots to input ports?
   * @return The number of waste items distributed, i.e. the differential in stack size for wasteToDistribute.
  private int tryDistributeItems(TileEntityReactorAccessPort port, ItemStack itemsToDistribute, boolean distributeToInputs) {
    ItemStack existingStack = port.getStackInSlot(TileEntityReactorAccessPort.SLOT_OUTLET);
    int initialWasteAmount = itemsToDistribute.stackSize;
    if (!port.isInlet() || (distributeToInputs || attachedAccessPorts.size() < 2)) {
      // Dump waste preferentially to outlets, unless we only have one access port
      if (existingStack == null) {
        if (itemsToDistribute.stackSize > port.getInventoryStackLimit()) {
          ItemStack newStack = itemsToDistribute.splitStack(port.getInventoryStackLimit());
          port.setInventorySlotContents(TileEntityReactorAccessPort.SLOT_OUTLET, newStack);
        } else {
          port.setInventorySlotContents(TileEntityReactorAccessPort.SLOT_OUTLET, itemsToDistribute.copy());
          itemsToDistribute.stackSize = 0;
      } else if (existingStack.isItemEqual(itemsToDistribute)) {
        if (existingStack.stackSize + itemsToDistribute.stackSize <= existingStack.getMaxStackSize()) {
          existingStack.stackSize += itemsToDistribute.stackSize;
          itemsToDistribute.stackSize = 0;
        } else {
          int amt = existingStack.getMaxStackSize() - existingStack.stackSize;
          itemsToDistribute.stackSize -= existingStack.getMaxStackSize() - existingStack.stackSize;
          existingStack.stackSize += amt;


    return initialWasteAmount - itemsToDistribute.stackSize;

  protected void onAssimilated(MultiblockControllerBase otherMachine) {
    currentFuelRod = null;

  public float getEnergyStored() {
    return energyStored;

  protected void onMachineAssembled() {

  private void recalculateDerivedValues() {
    fuelContainer.setCapacity(attachedFuelRods.size() * FuelCapacityPerFuelRod);

    // Calculate derived stats

    // Calculate heat transfer based on fuel rod environment
    fuelToReactorHeatTransferCoefficient = 0f;
    for (TileEntityReactorFuelRodSimulator fuelRod : attachedFuelRods) {
      fuelToReactorHeatTransferCoefficient += fuelRod.getHeatTransferRate(worldObj);

    // Calculate heat transfer to coolant system based on reactor interior surface area.
    // This is pretty simple to start with - surface area of the rectangular prism defining the interior.
    int xSize = maxCoord.x - minCoord.x - 1;
    int ySize = maxCoord.y - minCoord.y - 1;
    int zSize = maxCoord.z - minCoord.z - 1;

    int surfaceArea = 2 * (xSize * ySize + xSize * zSize + ySize * zSize);

    reactorToCoolantSystemHeatTransferCoefficient = IHeatEntity.conductivityIron * surfaceArea;

    // Calculate passive heat loss.
    // Get external surface area
    xSize += 2;
    ySize += 2;
    zSize += 2;

    surfaceArea = 2 * (xSize * ySize + xSize * zSize + ySize * zSize);
    reactorHeatLossCoefficient = reactorHeatLossConductivity * surfaceArea;

//    if (attachedCoolantPorts.size() > 0) {
//      int outerVolume = StaticUtils.ExtraMath.Volume(minCoord, maxCoord) - reactorVolume;
//      coolantContainer.setCapacity(Math.max(0, Math.min(50000, outerVolume * 100)));
//    } else {
//      coolantContainer.setCapacity(0);
//    }

  protected int getMaximumXSize() {
    return BigReactors.maximumReactorSize;

  protected int getMaximumZSize() {
    return BigReactors.maximumReactorSize;

  protected int getMaximumYSize() {
    return BigReactors.maximumReactorHeight;

   * Used to update the UI
  public void setEnergyGeneratedLastTick(float energyGeneratedLastTick) {
    this.energyGeneratedLastTick = energyGeneratedLastTick;

   * UI Helper
  public float getEnergyGeneratedLastTick() {
    return this.energyGeneratedLastTick;

   * Used to update the UI
  public void setFuelConsumedLastTick(float fuelConsumed) {
    fuelConsumedLastTick = fuelConsumed;

   * UI Helper
  public float getFuelConsumedLastTick() {
    return fuelConsumedLastTick;

  public FuelContainer getFuelContainer() {
    return fuelContainer;

   * UI Helper
   * @return Percentile fuel richness (fuel/fuel+waste), or 0 if all control rods are empty
  public float getFuelRichness() {
    int amtFuel, amtWaste;
    amtFuel = fuelContainer.getFuelAmount();
    amtWaste = fuelContainer.getWasteAmount();

    if (amtFuel + amtWaste <= 0f) {
      return 0f;
    } else {
      return (float)amtFuel / (float)(amtFuel + amtWaste);

  /** DO NOT USE **/
  public int receiveEnergy(ForgeDirection from, int maxReceive,
                           boolean simulate) {
    int amtReceived = (int)Math.min(maxReceive, Math.floor(this.maxEnergyStored - this.energyStored));
    if (!simulate) {
    return amtReceived;

  public int extractEnergy(ForgeDirection from, int maxExtract,
                           boolean simulate) {
    int amtRemoved = (int)Math.min(maxExtract, this.energyStored);
    if (!simulate) {
    return amtRemoved;

  public boolean canConnectEnergy(ForgeDirection from) {
    return false;

  public int getEnergyStored(ForgeDirection from) {
    return (int)energyStored;

  public int getMaxEnergyStored(ForgeDirection from) {
    return maxEnergyStored;

  // Redstone helper
  public void setAllControlRodInsertionValues(int newValue) {
    for (TileEntityReactorControlRod cr : attachedControlRods) {
      if (cr != null && cr.isConnected()) {

  public void changeAllControlRodInsertionValues(short delta) {

    for (TileEntityReactorControlRod cr : attachedControlRods) {
      if (cr != null && cr.isConnected()) {
        cr.setControlRodInsertion((short)(cr.getControlRodInsertion() + delta));

  public CoordTriplet[] getControlRodLocations() {
    CoordTriplet[] coords = new CoordTriplet[this.attachedControlRods.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (TileEntityReactorControlRod cr : attachedControlRods) {
      coords[i++] = cr.getWorldLocation();
    return coords;

  public int getFuelAmount() {
    return fuelContainer.getFuelAmount();

  public int getWasteAmount() {
    return fuelContainer.getWasteAmount();

  public String getFuelType() {
    return fuelContainer.getFuelType();

  public String getWasteType() {
    return fuelContainer.getWasteType();

  public int getEnergyStoredPercentage() {
    return (int)(this.energyStored / (float)this.maxEnergyStored * 100f);

  public int getCapacity() {
    return fuelContainer.getCapacity();

  public float getFuelFertility() {
    return radiationHelper.getFertilityModifier();

  // Coolant subsystem
  public CoolantContainer getCoolantContainer() {
    return coolantContainer;

  protected float getPassiveCoolantTemperature() {
    return IHeatEntity.ambientHeat;

  public float getCoolantTemperature() {
    if (isPassivelyCooled()) {
      return getPassiveCoolantTemperature();
    } else {
      return coolantContainer.getCoolantTemperature(getReactorHeat());

  public boolean isPassivelyCooled() {
    if (coolantContainer == null || coolantContainer.getCapacity() <= 0) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  protected int getReactorVolume() {
    return reactorVolume;

  protected void calculateReactorVolume() {
    CoordTriplet minInteriorCoord = minCoord.copy();
    minInteriorCoord.x += 1;
    minInteriorCoord.y += 1;
    minInteriorCoord.z += 1;

    CoordTriplet maxInteriorCoord = maxCoord.copy();
    maxInteriorCoord.x -= 1;
    maxInteriorCoord.y -= 1;
    maxInteriorCoord.z -= 1;

    reactorVolume = StaticUtils.ExtraMath.Volume(minInteriorCoord, maxInteriorCoord);

  private static final FluidTankInfo[] emptyTankInfo = new FluidTankInfo[0];

  public FluidTankInfo[] getTankInfo() {
    if (isPassivelyCooled()) {
      return emptyTankInfo;

    return coolantContainer.getTankInfo(-1);

  public String getDebugInfo() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("Attached Blocks: ").append(Integer.toString(connectedParts.size())).append("\n");

    sb.append("\nStored Energy: ").append(Float.toString(getEnergyStored()));
    sb.append("\nCasing Heat: ").append(Float.toString(getReactorHeat()));
    sb.append("\nFuel Heat: ").append(Float.toString(getFuelHeat()));
    sb.append("\n\nReactant Tanks:\n");
    sb.append("\n\nActively Cooled: ").append(Boolean.toString(!isPassivelyCooled()));
    if (!isPassivelyCooled()) {
      sb.append("\n\nCoolant Tanks:\n");

    return sb.toString();