package org.anarres.dhcp.v6.service;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.anarres.dhcp.v6.Dhcp6Exception;
import org.anarres.dhcp.v6.options.DuidOption;
import org.anarres.dhcp.v6.options.IaOption;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Basic implementation of a lease manager providing IPs from an IP pool
public class PooledDhcp6LeaseManager extends AbstractDhcp6LeaseManager {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PooledDhcp6LeaseManager.class);

    private final InetAddress startingAddress;
    private final InetAddress endingAddress;

    // TODO should we use utilities from package org.anarres.dhcp.common.address here ??

    public PooledDhcp6LeaseManager(@Nonnull final InetAddress startingAddress, @Nonnull final InetAddress endingAddress,
        @Nonnull final Lifetimes lifetimes) {
        super(lifetimes, ClientBindingRegistry.createForIaNa(), ClientBindingRegistry.createForIaTa());
        this.startingAddress = startingAddress;
        this.endingAddress = endingAddress;

     * Invoked during renew, rebind and confirm. Each address needs to be checked if still appropriate
     * @throws org.anarres.dhcp.v6.Dhcp6Exception.UnableToAnswerException in case the test can not be performed
    @Override protected boolean isAppropriate(final Dhcp6RequestContext requestContext, final DuidOption.Duid clientId, final int iaid,
        final InetAddress ip) throws Dhcp6Exception.UnableToAnswerException {
        return true;

     * @return next available IP
    @Override protected InetAddress newIp(final Dhcp6RequestContext requestContext, final DuidOption.Duid clientId, final IaOption iaOption)
        throws Dhcp6Exception {
        // Client provided address hints
        final Iterable<InetAddress> requestedAddresses = getAddressesFromIa(iaOption);
        // TODO try to use hints in address allocation
        // Warning, this is highly inefficient
        InetAddress current = startingAddress;
        while (true) {
            if(current.equals(endingAddress)) {
                LOG.warn("IP pool exhausted");
                return null;

            if(!getIaNaRegistry().containsIp(current) && !getIaTaRegistry().containsIp(current)) {
                return current;

            current = InetAddresses.increment(current);
