package nl.tno.stormcv.example;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.LocalCluster;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
import nl.tno.stormcv.StormCVConfig;
import nl.tno.stormcv.batcher.SlidingWindowBatcher;
import nl.tno.stormcv.bolt.BatchInputBolt;
import nl.tno.stormcv.bolt.SingleInputBolt;
import nl.tno.stormcv.example.util.GlobalContrastEnhancementOp;
import nl.tno.stormcv.example.util.GlobalContrastEnhancementOp.CEAlgorithm;
import nl.tno.stormcv.fetcher.StreamFrameFetcher;
import nl.tno.stormcv.model.Frame;
import nl.tno.stormcv.model.serializer.FrameSerializer;
import nl.tno.stormcv.operation.MjpegStreamingOp;
import nl.tno.stormcv.spout.CVParticleSpout;

 * @author John Schavemaker
public class E9_ContrastEnhancementTopology {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) 
		// first some global (topology configuration)
		StormCVConfig conf = new StormCVConfig();

		 * Sets the OpenCV library to be used which depends on the system the topology is being executed on
		//conf.put( StormCVConfig.STORMCV_OPENCV_LIB, "mac64_opencv_java248.dylib" );

		conf.setNumWorkers( 4 );                                           // number of workers in the topology
		conf.setMaxSpoutPending( 32 );                                     // maximum un-acked/un-failed frames per spout (spout blocks if this number is reached)
		conf.put( StormCVConfig.STORMCV_FRAME_ENCODING, Frame.JPG_IMAGE ); // indicates frames will be encoded as JPG throughout the topology (JPG is the default when not explicitly set)
		conf.put( Config.TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUTS, true );         // True if Storm should timeout messages or not.
		conf.put( Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS , 10 );             // The maximum amount of time given to the topology to fully process a message emitted by a spout (default = 30)
		conf.put( StormCVConfig.STORMCV_SPOUT_FAULTTOLERANT, false );      // indicates if the spout must be fault tolerant; i.e. spouts do NOT! replay tuples on fail
		conf.put( StormCVConfig.STORMCV_CACHES_TIMEOUT_SEC, 30 );          // TTL (seconds) for all elements in all caches throughout the topology (avoids memory overload)

		// some live camera feeds from http://webcam.prvgld.nl/
		List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>();
		urls.add( "rtsp://streaming3.webcam.nl:1935/n224/n224.stream" );
		urls.add( "rtsp://streaming3.webcam.nl:1935/n233/n233.stream" );

		int frameSkip = 13;

		// now create the topology itself (spout -> contrast enhancement --> streamer)
		TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();

		// just one spout reading streams; i.e. this spout reads two streams in parallel
		builder.setSpout( "spout", new CVParticleSpout( new StreamFrameFetcher( urls ).frameSkip( frameSkip ) ), 1 );

		// add bolt that does contrast enhancement (choose HSV_EQUALIZE_HIST or GRAY_EQUALIZE_HIST as algorithm)
		builder.setBolt( "contrastenhancement", new SingleInputBolt( new GlobalContrastEnhancementOp().setAlgorithm( CEAlgorithm.HSV_EQUALIZE_HIST ) ), 1 )
		.shuffleGrouping( "spout" );

		// add bolt that creates a web service on port 8558 enabling users to view the result
		builder.setBolt( "streamer", new BatchInputBolt(
				new SlidingWindowBatcher( 2, frameSkip).maxSize( 6 ), // note the required batcher used as a buffer and maintains the order of the frames
				new MjpegStreamingOp().port( 8558 ).framerate( 5 ) ).groupBy( new Fields( FrameSerializer.STREAMID ) )
				, 1)
				.shuffleGrouping( "contrastenhancement" );

		// NOTE: if the topology is started (locally) go to http://localhost:8558/streaming/tiles and click the image to see the stream!

			// run in local mode
			LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
			cluster.submitTopology( "BackgroundSubtraction", conf, builder.createTopology() );
			Utils.sleep( 120 * 1000 ); // run for one minute and then kill the topology
			System.exit( 1 );

			// run on a storm cluster
			// StormSubmitter.submitTopology("some_topology_name", conf, builder.createTopology());
		catch (Exception e)