package io.vertx.blueprint.todolist.common;

import io.reactivex.Completable;
import io.reactivex.Maybe;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.http.HttpServerResponse;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.handler.CorsHandler;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * An abstract base reactive verticle that provides several helper methods for RESTful API.
 * @author <a href="">Eric Zhao</a>
public abstract class RestfulApiVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

   * Create an HTTP server for the REST service.
   * @param router router instance
   * @param host   server host
   * @param port   server port
   * @return asynchronous result
  protected Completable createHttpServer(Router router, String host, int port) {
    return vertx.createHttpServer()
      .rxListen(port, host)

   * Enable CORS support for web router.
   * @param router router instance
  protected void enableCorsSupport(Router router) {
    Set<String> allowHeaders = new HashSet<>();
    // CORS support

  // Helper status methods.

   * Resolve an asynchronous status and send back the response.
   * By default, the successful status code is 200 OK.
   * @param context     routing context
   * @param asyncResult asynchronous status with no result
  protected void sendResponse(RoutingContext context, Completable asyncResult) {
    HttpServerResponse response = context.response();
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      asyncResult.subscribe(response::end, ex -> internalError(context, ex));

   * Resolve an asynchronous status and send back the response.
   * The successful status code depends on processor {@code f}.
   * @param context     routing context
   * @param asyncResult asynchronous status with no result
  protected void sendResponse(RoutingContext context, Completable asyncResult, Consumer<RoutingContext> f) {
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      asyncResult.subscribe(() -> f.accept(context), ex -> internalError(context, ex));

  protected <T> void sendResponse(RoutingContext context, Single<T> asyncResult,
                                  Function<T, String> converter, BiConsumer<RoutingContext, String> f) {
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      asyncResult.subscribe(r -> f.accept(context, converter.apply(r)), ex -> internalError(context, ex));

   * Resolve an asynchronous result and send back the response.
   * @param context     routing context
   * @param asyncResult asynchronous result
   * @param converter   result content converter
   * @param <T>         the type of result
  protected <T> void sendResponse(RoutingContext context, Single<T> asyncResult, Function<T, String> converter) {
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      asyncResult.subscribe(r -> ok(context, converter.apply(r)),
        ex -> internalError(context, ex));

  protected <T> void sendResponse(RoutingContext context, Maybe<T> asyncResult, Function<T, String> converter) {
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      Single<Optional<T>> single =
      sendResponseOpt(context, single, converter);

  protected <T> void sendResponseOpt(RoutingContext context, Single<Optional<T>> asyncResult, Function<T, String> converter) {
    if (asyncResult == null) {
      internalError(context, "invalid_status");
    } else {
      asyncResult.subscribe(r -> {
          if (r.isPresent()) {
            ok(context, converter.apply(r.get()));
          } else {
        ex -> internalError(context, ex));

   * Send back a response with status 200 Ok.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void ok(RoutingContext context) {

   * Send back a response with status 200 OK.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param content body content in JSON format
  protected void ok(RoutingContext context, String content) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")

   * Send back a response with status 201 Created.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void created(RoutingContext context) {

   * Send back a response with status 201 Created.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param content body content in JSON format
  protected void created(RoutingContext context, String content) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")

   * Send back a response with status 204 No Content.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void noContent(RoutingContext context) {

   * Send back a response with status 400 Bad Request.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param ex      exception
  protected void badRequest(RoutingContext context, Throwable ex) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", ex.getMessage()).encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 400 Bad Request.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void badRequest(RoutingContext context) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", "bad_request").encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 404 Not Found.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void notFound(RoutingContext context) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("message", "not_found").encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 500 Internal Error.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param ex      exception
  protected void internalError(RoutingContext context, Throwable ex) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", ex.getMessage()).encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 500 Internal Error.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param cause   error message
  protected void internalError(RoutingContext context, String cause) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", cause).encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 503 Service Unavailable.
   * @param context routing context
  protected void serviceUnavailable(RoutingContext context) {;

   * Send back a response with status 503 Service Unavailable.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param ex      exception
  protected void serviceUnavailable(RoutingContext context, Throwable ex) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", ex.getMessage()).encodePrettily());

   * Send back a response with status 503 Service Unavailable.
   * @param context routing context
   * @param cause   error message
  protected void serviceUnavailable(RoutingContext context, String cause) {
      .putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
      .end(new JsonObject().put("error", cause).encodePrettily());