 * Copyright 2016 Sai Pullabhotla.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.jmethods.catatumbo.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreException;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.GqlQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.IncompleteKey;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.KeyFactory;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.QueryResults;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreBatch;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreKey;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreMetadata;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreStats;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreTransaction;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.EntityManager;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.EntityManagerException;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.EntityQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.KeyQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.ProjectionQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.QueryResponse;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.Tenant;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.TransactionMode;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.TransactionalTask;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.Utility;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.impl.IdentifierMetadata.DataType;

 * Default implementation of {@link EntityManager} interface. Manages entities in the Cloud
 * Datastore such as inserting entities, updating, deleting, retrieving, etc. In addition to the
 * standard CRUD operations, the EntityManager allows running GQL queries to retrieve multiple
 * entities that match the specified criteria.
 * @author Sai Pullabhotla
public class DefaultEntityManager implements EntityManager {

   * Batch size for sending delete requests when using the deleteAll method
  private static final int DEFAULT_DELETE_ALL_BATCH_SIZE = 100;

   * Reference to the native Datastore object
  private Datastore datastore;

   * Datastore writer
  private DefaultDatastoreWriter writer;

   * Datastore reader
  private DefaultDatastoreReader reader;

   * Metadata of global callbacks
  private Map<CallbackType, List<CallbackMetadata>> globalCallbacks;

   * Creates a new instance of <code>DefaultEntityManager</code>.
   * @param datastore
   *          the Datastore object
  public DefaultEntityManager(Datastore datastore) {
    this.datastore = datastore;
    writer = new DefaultDatastoreWriter(this);
    reader = new DefaultDatastoreReader(this);

   * Returns the underlying Datastore object.
   * @return the underlying Datastore object.
  public Datastore getDatastore() {
    return datastore;

  public <E> long deleteAll(Class<E> entityClass) {
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entityClass);
    return deleteAll(entityMetadata.getKind());

  public long deleteAll(String kind) {
    if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(kind)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("kind cannot be null or blank");
    String query = "SELECT __key__ FROM " + kind;
    try {
      GqlQuery<Key> gqlQuery = Query.newGqlQueryBuilder(Query.ResultType.KEY, query)
      QueryResults<Key> keys = datastore.run(gqlQuery);
      Key[] nativeKeys = new Key[DEFAULT_DELETE_ALL_BATCH_SIZE];
      long deleteCount = 0;
      int i = 0;
      while (keys.hasNext()) {
        nativeKeys[i++] = keys.next();
        if (i % DEFAULT_DELETE_ALL_BATCH_SIZE == 0) {
          deleteCount += DEFAULT_DELETE_ALL_BATCH_SIZE;
          i = 0;
      if (i > 0) {
        datastore.delete(Arrays.copyOfRange(nativeKeys, 0, i));
        deleteCount += i;
      return deleteCount;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

  public DefaultDatastoreTransaction newTransaction() {
    return newTransaction(TransactionMode.READ_WRITE);

  public DefaultDatastoreTransaction newTransaction(TransactionMode transactionMode) {
    if (transactionMode == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("transactionMode cannot be null");
    return new DefaultDatastoreTransaction(this, transactionMode);

  public DatastoreBatch newBatch() {
    return new DefaultDatastoreBatch(this);

  public <T> T executeInTransaction(TransactionalTask<T> task) {
    return executeInTransaction(task, TransactionMode.READ_WRITE);

  public <T> T executeInTransaction(TransactionalTask<T> task, TransactionMode transactionMode) {
    if (transactionMode == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("transactionMode cannot be null");
    DatastoreTransaction transaction = null;
    try {
      transaction = new DefaultDatastoreTransaction(this, transactionMode);
      T returnValue = task.execute(transaction);
      return returnValue;
    } catch (Exception exp) {
      if (transaction != null) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);
    } finally {
      if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) {

  public <E> E insert(E entity) {
    return writer.insert(entity);

  public <E> List<E> insert(List<E> entities) {
    return writer.insert(entities);

  public <E> E update(E entity) {
    return writer.updateWithOptimisticLock(entity);

  public <E> List<E> update(List<E> entities) {
    return writer.updateWithOptimisticLock(entities);

  public <E> E upsert(E entity) {
    return writer.upsert(entity);

  public <E> List<E> upsert(List<E> entities) {
    return writer.upsert(entities);

  public void delete(Object entity) {

  public void delete(List<?> entities) {

  public <E> void delete(Class<E> entityClass, long id) {
    writer.delete(entityClass, id);

  public <E> void delete(Class<E> entityClass, String id) {
    writer.delete(entityClass, id);

  public <E> void delete(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, long id) {
    writer.delete(entityClass, parentKey, id);

  public <E> void delete(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, String id) {
    writer.delete(entityClass, parentKey, id);

  public void deleteByKey(DatastoreKey key) {

  public void deleteByKey(List<DatastoreKey> keys) {

  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, long id) {
    return reader.load(entityClass, id);

  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, String id) {
    return reader.load(entityClass, id);

  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, long id) {
    return reader.load(entityClass, parentKey, id);

  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, String id) {
    return reader.load(entityClass, parentKey, id);

  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey key) {
    return reader.load(entityClass, key);

  public <E> List<E> loadById(Class<E> entityClass, List<Long> identifiers) {
    return reader.loadById(entityClass, identifiers);

  public <E> List<E> loadByName(Class<E> entityClass, List<String> identifiers) {
    return reader.loadByName(entityClass, identifiers);

  public <E> List<E> loadByKey(Class<E> entityClass, List<DatastoreKey> keys) {
    return reader.loadByKey(entityClass, keys);

  public EntityQueryRequest createEntityQueryRequest(String query) {
    return reader.createEntityQueryRequest(query);

  public ProjectionQueryRequest createProjectionQueryRequest(String query) {
    return reader.createProjectionQueryRequest(query);

  public KeyQueryRequest createKeyQueryRequest(String query) {
    return reader.createKeyQueryRequest(query);

  public <E> QueryResponse<E> executeEntityQueryRequest(Class<E> expectedResultType,
      EntityQueryRequest request) {
    return reader.executeEntityQueryRequest(expectedResultType, request);

  public <E> QueryResponse<E> executeProjectionQueryRequest(Class<E> expectedResultType,
      ProjectionQueryRequest request) {
    return reader.executeProjectionQueryRequest(expectedResultType, request);

  public QueryResponse<DatastoreKey> executeKeyQueryRequest(KeyQueryRequest request) {
    return reader.executeKeyQueryRequest(request);

  public DatastoreMetadata getDatastoreMetadata() {
    return new DefaultDatastoreMetadata(this);

  public DatastoreStats getDatastoreStats() {
    return new DefaultDatastoreStats(this);

  public DatastoreKey allocateId(Object entity) {
    List<DatastoreKey> keys = allocateId(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { entity }));
    return keys.get(0);

  public List<DatastoreKey> allocateId(List<Object> entities) {
    for (Object entity : entities) {
      IdentifierMetadata identifierMetadata = EntityIntrospector.getIdentifierMetadata(entity);
      if (DataType.STRING == identifierMetadata.getDataType()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "ID allocation is only valid for entities with numeric identifiers");
      Object id = IntrospectionUtils.getFieldValue(identifierMetadata, entity);
      if (!(id == null || ((long) id) == 0)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "ID allocation is only valid for entities with a null or zero ID");
    IncompleteKey[] incompleteKeys = new IncompleteKey[entities.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (Object entity : entities) {
      incompleteKeys[i++] = getIncompleteKey(entity);
    List<Key> nativeKeys = datastore.allocateId(incompleteKeys);
    return DatastoreUtils.toDatastoreKeys(nativeKeys);

   * Returns an IncompleteKey of the given entity.
   * @param entity
   *          the entity
   * @return the incomplete key
  private IncompleteKey getIncompleteKey(Object entity) {
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entity.getClass());
    String kind = entityMetadata.getKind();
    ParentKeyMetadata parentKeyMetadata = entityMetadata.getParentKeyMetadata();
    DatastoreKey parentKey = null;
    IncompleteKey incompleteKey = null;
    if (parentKeyMetadata != null) {
      parentKey = (DatastoreKey) IntrospectionUtils.getFieldValue(parentKeyMetadata, entity);
    if (parentKey != null) {
      incompleteKey = IncompleteKey.newBuilder(parentKey.nativeKey(), kind).build();
    } else {
      incompleteKey = IncompleteKey.newBuilder(datastore.getOptions().getProjectId(), kind)
    return incompleteKey;

  public void setDefaultListeners(Class<?>... entityListeners) {
    globalCallbacks = new EnumMap<>(CallbackType.class);
    for (Class<?> listenerClass : entityListeners) {
      ExternalListenerMetadata listenerMetadata = ExternalListenerIntrospector
      Map<CallbackType, Method> callbacks = listenerMetadata.getCallbacks();
      if (callbacks != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<CallbackType, Method> entry : callbacks.entrySet()) {
          CallbackType callbackType = entry.getKey();
          Method callbackMethod = entry.getValue();
          CallbackMetadata callbackMetadata = new CallbackMetadata(EntityListenerType.DEFAULT,
              callbackType, callbackMethod);
          putDefaultCallback(callbackType, callbackMetadata);

   * Puts/adds the given callback type and its metadata to the list of default listeners.
   * @param callbackType
   *          the event type
   * @param metadata
   *          the callback metadata
  private void putDefaultCallback(CallbackType callbackType, CallbackMetadata metadata) {
    List<CallbackMetadata> metadataList = globalCallbacks.get(callbackType);
    if (metadataList == null) {
      metadataList = new ArrayList<>();
      globalCallbacks.put(callbackType, metadataList);

   * Executes the entity listeners associated with the given entity.
   * @param callbackType
   *          the event type
   * @param entity
   *          the entity that produced the event
  public void executeEntityListeners(CallbackType callbackType, Object entity) {
    // We may get null entities here. For example loading a nonexistent ID
    // or IDs.
    if (entity == null) {
    EntityListenersMetadata entityListenersMetadata = EntityIntrospector
    List<CallbackMetadata> callbacks = entityListenersMetadata.getCallbacks(callbackType);
    if (!entityListenersMetadata.isExcludeDefaultListeners()) {
      executeGlobalListeners(callbackType, entity);
    if (callbacks == null) {
    for (CallbackMetadata callback : callbacks) {
      switch (callback.getListenerType()) {
        case EXTERNAL:
          Object listener = ListenerFactory.getInstance().getListener(callback.getListenerClass());
          invokeCallbackMethod(callback.getCallbackMethod(), listener, entity);
        case INTERNAL:
          invokeCallbackMethod(callback.getCallbackMethod(), entity);
          String message = String.format("Unknown or unimplemented callback listener type: %s",
          throw new EntityManagerException(message);

   * Executes the entity listeners associated with the given list of entities.
   * @param callbackType
   *          the callback type
   * @param entities
   *          the entities
  public void executeEntityListeners(CallbackType callbackType, List<?> entities) {
    for (Object entity : entities) {
      executeEntityListeners(callbackType, entity);

   * Executes the global listeners for the given event type for the given entity.
   * @param callbackType
   *          the event type
   * @param entity
   *          the entity
  private void executeGlobalListeners(CallbackType callbackType, Object entity) {
    if (globalCallbacks == null) {
    List<CallbackMetadata> callbacks = globalCallbacks.get(callbackType);
    if (callbacks == null) {
    for (CallbackMetadata callback : callbacks) {
      Object listener = ListenerFactory.getInstance().getListener(callback.getListenerClass());
      invokeCallbackMethod(callback.getCallbackMethod(), listener, entity);

   * Invokes the given callback method on the given target object.
   * @param callbackMethod
   *          the callback method
   * @param listener
   *          the listener object on which to invoke the method
   * @param entity
   *          the entity for which the callback is being invoked.
  private static void invokeCallbackMethod(Method callbackMethod, Object listener, Object entity) {
    try {
      callbackMethod.invoke(listener, entity);
    } catch (Exception exp) {
      String message = String.format("Failed to execute callback method %s of class %s",
          callbackMethod.getName(), callbackMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName());
      throw new EntityManagerException(message, exp);


   * Invokes the given callback method on the given target object.
   * @param callbackMethod
   *          the callback method
   * @param entity
   *          the entity for which the callback is being invoked
  private static void invokeCallbackMethod(Method callbackMethod, Object entity) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception exp) {
      String message = String.format("Failed to execute callback method %s of class %s",
          callbackMethod.getName(), callbackMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName());
      throw new EntityManagerException(message, exp);


   * Creates and returns a new native KeyFactory. If a namespace was specified using {@link Tenant},
   * the returned KeyFactory will have the specified namespace.
   * @return a {@link KeyFactory}
  KeyFactory newNativeKeyFactory() {
    KeyFactory keyFactory = datastore.newKeyFactory();
    String namespace = Tenant.getNamespace();
    if (namespace != null) {
    return keyFactory;

   * Returns the effective namespace. If a namespace was specified using {@link Tenant}, it will be
   * returned. Otherwise, the namespace of this EntityManager is returned.
   * @return the effective namespace.
  String getEffectiveNamespace() {
    String namespace = Tenant.getNamespace();
    if (namespace == null) {
      namespace = datastore.getOptions().getNamespace();
    return namespace;
