 * Copyright 2016 Sai Pullabhotla.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.jmethods.catatumbo.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreException;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreReader;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.GqlQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.KeyFactory;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.ProjectionEntity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query.ResultType;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.QueryResults;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Transaction;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DatastoreKey;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DefaultDatastoreCursor;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DefaultDatastoreKey;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DefaultQueryResponse;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.DefaultQueryResponseMetadata;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.EntityManagerException;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.EntityQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.KeyQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.ProjectionQueryRequest;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.QueryResponse;
import com.jmethods.catatumbo.QueryResponseMetadata;

 * Worker class for performing read operations on the Cloud Datastore.
 * @author Sai Pullabhotla
public class DefaultDatastoreReader {

   * A reference to the entity manager
  private DefaultEntityManager entityManager;

   * Native datastore reader. This could either be {@link Datastore} or {@link Transaction}.
  private DatastoreReader nativeReader = null;

   * A reference to the Datastore.
  private Datastore datastore;

   * Creates a new instance of <code>DefaultDatastoreReader</code>.
   * @param entityManager
   *          the entity manager that created this reader.
  public DefaultDatastoreReader(DefaultEntityManager entityManager) {
    this.entityManager = entityManager;
    this.datastore = entityManager.getDatastore();
    this.nativeReader = datastore;

   * Creates a new instance of <code>DefaultDatastoreReader</code>.
   * @param transaction
   *          the transaction that created this reader.
  public DefaultDatastoreReader(DefaultDatastoreTransaction transaction) {
    this.entityManager = transaction.getEntityManager();
    this.datastore = entityManager.getDatastore();
    this.nativeReader = transaction.getNativeTransaction();

   * Loads and returns the entity with the given ID. The entity is assumed to be a root entity (no
   * parent). The entity kind is determined from the supplied class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param id
   *          the ID of the entity
   * @return the Entity object or <code>null</code>, if the the entity with the given ID does not
   *         exist in the Cloud Datastore.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, long id) {
    return load(entityClass, null, id);

   * Loads and returns the entity with the given ID. The entity kind is determined from the supplied
   * class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param parentKey
   *          the parent key of the entity.
   * @param id
   *          the ID of the entity
   * @return the Entity object or <code>null</code>, if the the entity with the given ID does not
   *         exist in the Cloud Datastore.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, long id) {
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entityClass);
    Key nativeKey;
    if (parentKey == null) {
      nativeKey = entityManager.newNativeKeyFactory().setKind(entityMetadata.getKind()).newKey(id);
    } else {
      nativeKey = Key.newBuilder(parentKey.nativeKey(), entityMetadata.getKind(), id).build();
    return fetch(entityClass, nativeKey);

   * Loads and returns the entity with the given ID. The entity is assumed to be a root entity (no
   * parent). The entity kind is determined from the supplied class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param id
   *          the ID of the entity
   * @return the Entity object or <code>null</code>, if the the entity with the given ID does not
   *         exist in the Cloud Datastore.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, String id) {
    return load(entityClass, null, id);

   * Loads and returns the entity with the given ID. The entity kind is determined from the supplied
   * class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param parentKey
   *          the parent key of the entity.
   * @param id
   *          the ID of the entity
   * @return the Entity object or <code>null</code>, if the the entity with the given ID does not
   *         exist in the Cloud Datastore.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey parentKey, String id) {
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entityClass);
    Key nativeKey;
    if (parentKey == null) {
      nativeKey = entityManager.newNativeKeyFactory().setKind(entityMetadata.getKind()).newKey(id);
    } else {
      nativeKey = Key.newBuilder(parentKey.nativeKey(), entityMetadata.getKind(), id).build();
    return fetch(entityClass, nativeKey);

   * Retrieves and returns the entity with the given key.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the expected result type
   * @param key
   *          the entity key
   * @return the entity with the given key, or <code>null</code>, if no entity exists with the given
   *         key.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while accessing the Datastore.
  public <E> E load(Class<E> entityClass, DatastoreKey key) {
    return fetch(entityClass, key.nativeKey());

   * Loads and returns the entities with the given <b>numeric IDs</b>. The entities are assumed to
   * be a root entities (no parent). The entity kind is determined from the supplied class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param identifiers
   *          the IDs of the entities
   * @return the list of entity objects in the same order as the given list of identifiers. If one
   *         or more requested IDs do not exist in the Cloud Datastore, the corresponding item in
   *         the returned list be <code>null</code>.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> List<E> loadById(Class<E> entityClass, List<Long> identifiers) {
    Key[] nativeKeys = longListToNativeKeys(entityClass, identifiers);
    return fetch(entityClass, nativeKeys);

   * Loads and returns the entities with the given <b>names (a.k.a String IDs)</b>. The entities are
   * assumed to be root entities (no parent). The entity kind is determined from the supplied class.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class
   * @param identifiers
   *          the IDs of the entities
   * @return the list of entity objects in the same order as the given list of identifiers. If one
   *         or more requested IDs do not exist in the Cloud Datastore, the corresponding item in
   *         the returned list be <code>null</code>.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while inserting.
  public <E> List<E> loadByName(Class<E> entityClass, List<String> identifiers) {
    Key[] nativeKeys = stringListToNativeKeys(entityClass, identifiers);
    return fetch(entityClass, nativeKeys);

   * Retrieves and returns the entities for the given keys.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the expected result type
   * @param keys
   *          the entity keys
   * @return the entities for the given keys. If one or more requested keys do not exist in the
   *         Cloud Datastore, the corresponding item in the returned list be <code>null</code>.
   * @throws EntityManagerException
   *           if any error occurs while accessing the Datastore.
  public <E> List<E> loadByKey(Class<E> entityClass, List<DatastoreKey> keys) {
    Key[] nativeKeys = DatastoreUtils.toNativeKeys(keys);
    return fetch(entityClass, nativeKeys);

   * Fetches the entity given the native key.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the expected result type
   * @param nativeKey
   *          the native key
   * @return the entity with the given key, or <code>null</code>, if no entity exists with the given
   *         key.
  private <E> E fetch(Class<E> entityClass, Key nativeKey) {
    try {
      Entity nativeEntity = nativeReader.get(nativeKey);
      E entity = Unmarshaller.unmarshal(nativeEntity, entityClass);
      entityManager.executeEntityListeners(CallbackType.POST_LOAD, entity);
      return entity;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

   * Fetches a list of entities for the given native keys.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the expected result type
   * @param nativeKeys
   *          the native keys of the entities
   * @return the list of entities. If one or more keys do not exist, the corresponding item in the
   *         returned list will be <code>null</code>.
  private <E> List<E> fetch(Class<E> entityClass, Key[] nativeKeys) {
    try {
      List<Entity> nativeEntities = nativeReader.fetch(nativeKeys);
      List<E> entities = DatastoreUtils.toEntities(entityClass, nativeEntities);
      entityManager.executeEntityListeners(CallbackType.POST_LOAD, entities);
      return entities;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

   * Creates and returns a new {@link EntityQueryRequest} for the given GQL query string. The
   * returned {@link EntityQueryRequest} can be further customized to set any bindings (positional
   * or named), and then be executed by calling the <code>execute</code> or
   * <code>executeEntityQuery</code> methods.
   * @param query
   *          the GQL query
   * @return a new QueryRequest for the given GQL query
  public EntityQueryRequest createEntityQueryRequest(String query) {
    return new EntityQueryRequest(query);

   * Creates and returns a new {@link ProjectionQueryRequest} for the given GQL query string. The
   * returned {@link ProjectionQueryRequest} can further be customized to set any positional and/or
   * named bindings, and then be executed by calling the <code>execute</code> or
   * <code>executeProjectionQuery</code> methods.
   * @param query
   *          the GQL projection query
   * @return a new ProjectionQueryRequest for the given query
  public ProjectionQueryRequest createProjectionQueryRequest(String query) {
    return new ProjectionQueryRequest(query);

   * Creates and returns a new {@link KeyQueryRequest} for the given GQL query string. Key query
   * requests must only have __key__ in the <code>SELECT</code> list of field. The returned
   * {@link KeyQueryRequest} can further be customized to set any positional and/or named bindings,
   * and then be executed by calling the <code>executeKeyQuery</code> method.
   * @param query
   *          the GQL projection query
   * @return a new ProjectionQueryRequest for the given query
  public KeyQueryRequest createKeyQueryRequest(String query) {
    return new KeyQueryRequest(query);

   * Executes the given {@link EntityQueryRequest} and returns the response.
   * @param expectedResultType
   *          the expected type of results.
   * @param request
   *          the entity query request
   * @return the query response
  public <E> QueryResponse<E> executeEntityQueryRequest(Class<E> expectedResultType,
      EntityQueryRequest request) {
    try {
      GqlQuery.Builder<Entity> queryBuilder = Query.newGqlQueryBuilder(ResultType.ENTITY,
      QueryUtils.applyNamedBindings(queryBuilder, request.getNamedBindings());
      QueryUtils.applyPositionalBindings(queryBuilder, request.getPositionalBindings());
      GqlQuery<Entity> gqlQuery = queryBuilder.build();
      QueryResults<Entity> results = nativeReader.run(gqlQuery);
      List<E> entities = new ArrayList<>();
      DefaultQueryResponse<E> response = new DefaultQueryResponse<>();
      response.setStartCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
      while (results.hasNext()) {
        Entity result = results.next();
        E entity = Unmarshaller.unmarshal(result, expectedResultType);
      response.setEndCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
          new DefaultQueryResponseMetadata(
      entityManager.executeEntityListeners(CallbackType.POST_LOAD, entities);
      return response;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

   * Executes the given {@link ProjectionQueryRequest} and returns the response.
   * @param expectedResultType
   *          the expected type of results.
   * @param request
   *          the projection query request
   * @return the query response
  public <E> QueryResponse<E> executeProjectionQueryRequest(Class<E> expectedResultType,
      ProjectionQueryRequest request) {
    try {
      GqlQuery.Builder<ProjectionEntity> queryBuilder = Query
          .newGqlQueryBuilder(ResultType.PROJECTION_ENTITY, request.getQuery());
      QueryUtils.applyNamedBindings(queryBuilder, request.getNamedBindings());
      QueryUtils.applyPositionalBindings(queryBuilder, request.getPositionalBindings());
      GqlQuery<ProjectionEntity> gqlQuery = queryBuilder.build();
      QueryResults<ProjectionEntity> results = nativeReader.run(gqlQuery);
      List<E> entities = new ArrayList<>();
      DefaultQueryResponse<E> response = new DefaultQueryResponse<>();
      response.setStartCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
      while (results.hasNext()) {
        ProjectionEntity result = results.next();
        E entity = Unmarshaller.unmarshal(result, expectedResultType);
      response.setEndCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
          new DefaultQueryResponseMetadata(
      // TODO should we invoke PostLoad callback for projected entities?
      return response;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

   * Executes the given {@link KeyQueryRequest} and returns the response.
   * @param request
   *          the key query request
   * @return the query response
  public QueryResponse<DatastoreKey> executeKeyQueryRequest(KeyQueryRequest request) {
    try {
      GqlQuery.Builder<Key> queryBuilder = Query.newGqlQueryBuilder(ResultType.KEY,
      QueryUtils.applyNamedBindings(queryBuilder, request.getNamedBindings());
      QueryUtils.applyPositionalBindings(queryBuilder, request.getPositionalBindings());
      GqlQuery<Key> gqlQuery = queryBuilder.build();
      QueryResults<Key> results = nativeReader.run(gqlQuery);
      List<DatastoreKey> entities = new ArrayList<>();
      DefaultQueryResponse<DatastoreKey> response = new DefaultQueryResponse<>();
      response.setStartCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
      while (results.hasNext()) {
        Key result = results.next();
        DatastoreKey datastoreKey = new DefaultDatastoreKey(result);
      response.setEndCursor(new DefaultDatastoreCursor(results.getCursorAfter().toUrlSafe()));
          new DefaultQueryResponseMetadata(
      return response;
    } catch (DatastoreException exp) {
      throw new EntityManagerException(exp);

   * Converts the given list of identifiers into an array of native Key objects.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class to which these identifiers belong to.
   * @param identifiers
   *          the list of identifiers to convert.
   * @return an array of Key objects
  private Key[] longListToNativeKeys(Class<?> entityClass, List<Long> identifiers) {
    if (identifiers == null || identifiers.isEmpty()) {
      return new Key[0];
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entityClass);
    Key[] nativeKeys = new Key[identifiers.size()];
    KeyFactory keyFactory = entityManager.newNativeKeyFactory();
    for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); i++) {
      long id = identifiers.get(i);
      nativeKeys[i] = keyFactory.newKey(id);
    return nativeKeys;

   * Converts the given list of identifiers into an array of native Key objects.
   * @param entityClass
   *          the entity class to which these identifiers belong to.
   * @param identifiers
   *          the list of identifiers to convert.
   * @return an array of Key objects
  private Key[] stringListToNativeKeys(Class<?> entityClass, List<String> identifiers) {
    if (identifiers == null || identifiers.isEmpty()) {
      return new Key[0];
    EntityMetadata entityMetadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(entityClass);
    Key[] nativeKeys = new Key[identifiers.size()];
    KeyFactory keyFactory = entityManager.newNativeKeyFactory();
    for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); i++) {
      String id = identifiers.get(i);
      nativeKeys[i] = keyFactory.newKey(id);
    return nativeKeys;
