package com.github.sabomichal.akkaspringfactory;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

 * An Akka Extension to provide access to Spring managed Actor Beans.
 * source:
public class SpringExtension extends AbstractExtensionId<SpringExtension.SpringExt> {

    private static final SpringExtension instance = new SpringExtension();

    private SpringExtension() {

     * The method used to access the SpringExtension.
    public static SpringExtension instance() {
        return instance;

     * Is used by Akka to instantiate the Extension identified by this
     * ExtensionId, internal use only.
    public SpringExt createExtension(ExtendedActorSystem system) {
        return new SpringExt();

     * The lookup method is required by ExtensionIdProvider, so we return ourselves here,
     * this allows us to configure our extension to be loaded when the ActorSystem starts up
     * @return extension itself
    public SpringExtension lookup() {
        return SpringExtension.instance();

     * The Extension implementation.
    public static class SpringExt implements Extension {
        private volatile ApplicationContext applicationContext;

        public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
            this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

         * Create a Props for the specified actorBeanName using the
         * SpringActorProducer class.
         * @param actorBeanName The name of the actor bean to create Props for
         * @return a Props that will create the named actor bean using Spring
        public Props create(String actorBeanName) {
            return Props.create(SpringActorProducer.class,
                    applicationContext, actorBeanName);

         * Create a Props for the specified actorBeanName using the
         * SpringActorProducer class.
         * @param requiredType Type of the actor bean must match. Can be an interface or superclass
         *                     of the actual class, or {@code null} for any match. For example, if the value
         *                     is {@code Object.class}, this method will succeed whatever the class of the
         *                     returned instance.
         * @return a Props that will create the actor bean using Spring
        public Props create(Class<?> requiredType) {
            return Props.create(SpringActorProducer.class,
                    applicationContext, requiredType);

         * Create a Props for the specified actorBeanName using the
         * SpringActorProducer class.
         * @param actorBeanName The name of the actor bean to create Props for
         * @param requiredType  Type of the actor bean must match. Can be an interface or superclass
         *                      of the actual class, or {@code null} for any match. For example, if the value
         *                      is {@code Object.class}, this method will succeed whatever the class of the
         *                      returned instance.
         * @return a Props that will create the actor bean using Spring
        public Props create(String actorBeanName, Class<? extends AbstractActor> requiredType) {
            return Props.create(SpringActorProducer.class,
                    applicationContext, actorBeanName, requiredType);