 * Copyright (C) 2013 Rohan Padhye
 * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package vasco.callgraph;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import soot.Local;
import soot.RefLikeType;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.AnyNewExpr;
import soot.jimple.ArrayRef;
import soot.jimple.AssignStmt;
import soot.jimple.CastExpr;
import soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef;
import soot.jimple.Constant;
import soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt;
import soot.jimple.IdentityRef;
import soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.IntConstant;
import soot.jimple.InterfaceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeStmt;
import soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr;
import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt;
import soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.internal.JNewArrayExpr;
import vasco.CallSite;
import vasco.Context;
import vasco.OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis;
import vasco.ProgramRepresentation;
import vasco.soot.DefaultJimpleRepresentation;

 * An inter-procedural analysis for constructing a context-sensitive call graph
 * on-the-fly.
 * <p>This analysis uses the value-based context-sensitive inter-procedural framework
 * and was developed as an example instantiation of the framework.</p>
 * <p>The analysis uses {@link PointsToGraph} objects as data flow values, which
 * in turn abstracts heap locations using allocation sites.<p>
 * <p><strong>Warning!</strong> The current implementation of this class uses
 * the old API (see {@link OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis}) without separate
 * call/return flow functions. The developer is currently in the process of migrating
 * this implementation to the new API (see {@link vasco.ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis}).</p>
 * @author Rohan Padhye
public class PointsToAnalysis extends OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> {

	private static final SootMethod DUMMY_METHOD = new SootMethod("DUMMY_METHOD", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Scene.v().getObjectType());
	 * A shared points-to graph that maintains information about objects
	 * reachable from static fields (modelled as fields of a dummy global variable).
	 * <p>For static load/store statements, we union this points-to graph with the
	 * points-to graph in the flow function, perform the operation, and then
	 * separate stuff out again.</p>
	private PointsToGraph staticHeap;
	 * A set of classes whose static initialisers have been processed.
	private Set<SootClass> clinitCalled;

	 * Constructs a new points-to analysis as a forward-flow inter-procedural
	 * analysis.
	public PointsToAnalysis() {
		// Play around with these flags
		this.freeResultsOnTheFly = true;
		this.verbose = true;
		// No classes statically initialised yet
		this.clinitCalled = new HashSet<SootClass>();
		// Create a static points-to graph with a single "global" root object
		this.staticHeap = topValue();
		this.staticHeap.assignNew(PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL, PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_SITE);

	 * Returns a points-to graph with the locals of main initialised to
	 * <tt>null</tt>, except the command-line arguments which are
	 * initialised to an array of strings.
	public PointsToGraph boundaryValue(SootMethod entryPoint) {
		// For now we only support entry to the main method
		assert(entryPoint == Scene.v().getMainMethod());
		// Ok, start setting up entry value
		PointsToGraph entryValue = new PointsToGraph();		
		// Locals of main... (only reference types)
		SootMethod mainMethod = Scene.v().getMainMethod();
		for (Local local : mainMethod.getActiveBody().getLocals()) {
			if (local.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) {
				entryValue.assign(local, null);
		// Command-line arguments to main...
		Local argsLocal = mainMethod.getActiveBody().getParameterLocal(0);
		NewArrayExpr argsExpr = new JNewArrayExpr(Scene.v().getRefType("java.lang.String"), IntConstant.v(0));
		entryValue.assignNew(argsLocal, argsExpr);
		entryValue.setFieldConstant(argsLocal, PointsToGraph.ARRAY_FIELD, PointsToGraph.STRING_CONST);
		return entryValue;

	 * Returns a copy of the given points-to graph.
	public PointsToGraph copy(PointsToGraph graph) {
		return new PointsToGraph(graph);

	 * Performs operations on points-to graphs depending on the statement inside
	 * a CFG node. 
	protected PointsToGraph flowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> context, Unit unit, PointsToGraph in) 

		// First set OUT to copy of IN (this is default for most statements).
		PointsToGraph out = new PointsToGraph(in);

		// This analysis is written assuming that units are statements (and not,
		// for example, basic blocks)
		assert (unit instanceof Stmt);
		Stmt stmt = (Stmt) unit;

		// What kind of statement?
		if (stmt instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
			// Assignment of LHS to an RHS
			Value lhsOp = ((DefinitionStmt) stmt).getLeftOp();
			Value rhsOp = ((DefinitionStmt) stmt).getRightOp();

			// Invoke static initialisers if static members accessed
			// for the first time
			StaticFieldRef staticReference = null;
			if (lhsOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
				staticReference = ((StaticFieldRef) lhsOp);				
			} else if (rhsOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
				staticReference = ((StaticFieldRef) rhsOp);
			if (staticReference != null) {
				SootClass declaringClass = staticReference.getField().getDeclaringClass();
				if (clinitCalled.contains(declaringClass) == false) {
					// Don't initialise library classes
					if (declaringClass.isLibraryClass()) {
						// Set all static fields to null
						for (SootField field : declaringClass.getFields()) {
							// Only for static reference fields
							if (field.isStatic() && field.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) {
								staticHeap.setFieldSummary(PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL, field);
					} else {
						// We have to initialise this class...
						if (declaringClass.declaresMethodByName("<clinit>")) {
							// Get the static initialisation method
							SootMethod clinit = declaringClass.getMethodByName("<clinit>");
							// At its entry use a blank value (with STICKY to avoid TOP termination)
							PointsToGraph clinitEntryValue =  topValue();
							clinitEntryValue.assign(PointsToGraph.STICKY_LOCAL, null);
							// Make the call!
							this.processCall(context, stmt, clinit,clinitEntryValue);
							// Do not process this statement now, wait for clinit to return
							// and this statement as a "return site"
							return null; 
						// If no <clinit> defined for this class, then continue as normal :-)

			// Handle statement depending on type
			if (lhsOp.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) { 
				// Both LHS and RHS are RefLikeType
				if (lhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef || lhsOp instanceof ArrayRef) {
					// SETFIELD
					Local lhs = (Local)(lhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef ?
							 	((InstanceFieldRef) lhsOp).getBase() : 
								((ArrayRef) lhsOp).getBase());
					SootField field = lhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef ?
							((InstanceFieldRef) lhsOp).getField() : PointsToGraph.ARRAY_FIELD;
					// RHS can be a local or constant (string, class, null)
					if (rhsOp instanceof Local) {
						Local rhs = (Local) rhsOp;
						out.setField(lhs, field, rhs);
					} else if (rhsOp instanceof Constant) {
						Constant rhs = (Constant) rhsOp;
						out.setFieldConstant(lhs, field, rhs);
					} else {
						throw new RuntimeException(rhsOp.toString());
				} else if (rhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef || rhsOp instanceof ArrayRef) {
					// GETFIELD
					Local rhs = (Local)(rhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef ?
						 	((InstanceFieldRef) rhsOp).getBase() : 
							((ArrayRef) rhsOp).getBase());
					SootField field = rhsOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef ?
							((InstanceFieldRef) rhsOp).getField() : PointsToGraph.ARRAY_FIELD;
					// LHS has to be local
					if (lhsOp instanceof Local) {
						Local lhs = (Local) lhsOp;
						out.getField(lhs, rhs, field);
					} else {
						throw new RuntimeException(lhsOp.toString());
				} else if (rhsOp instanceof AnyNewExpr) {
					AnyNewExpr anyNewExpr = (AnyNewExpr) rhsOp;
					if (lhsOp instanceof Local) {
						Local lhs = (Local) lhsOp;
						out.assignNew(lhs, anyNewExpr);
					} else {
						throw new RuntimeException(lhsOp.toString());						
				} else if (rhsOp instanceof InvokeExpr) {
					InvokeExpr expr = (InvokeExpr) rhsOp;	
					// Handle method invocation!
					out = handleInvoke(context, stmt, expr, in);
				} else if (lhsOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) { 
					// Get parameters
					SootField staticField = ((StaticFieldRef) lhsOp).getField();
					// Temporarily union locals and globals
					PointsToGraph tmp = topValue();
					tmp.union(out, staticHeap);
					// Store RHS into static field
					if (rhsOp instanceof Local) {
						Local rhsLocal = (Local) rhsOp;
						tmp.setField(PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL, staticField, rhsLocal);
					} else if (rhsOp instanceof Constant) {
						Constant rhsConstant = (Constant) rhsOp;
						tmp.setFieldConstant(PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL, staticField, rhsConstant);
					} else {
						throw new RuntimeException(rhsOp.toString());
					// Now get rid of all locals, params, etc.
					Set<Local> locals = new HashSet<Local>(tmp.roots.keySet());
					for (Local local : locals) {
						// Everything except the GLOBAL must go!
						if (local != PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL) {
					// Global information is updated!
					staticHeap = tmp;
				} else if (rhsOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
					// Get parameters
					Local lhsLocal = (Local) lhsOp;
					SootField staticField = ((StaticFieldRef) rhsOp).getField();
					// Temporarily union locals and globals
					PointsToGraph tmp = topValue();
					tmp.union(out, staticHeap);
					// Load static field into LHS local
					tmp.getField(lhsLocal, PointsToGraph.GLOBAL_LOCAL, staticField);
					// Now get rid of globals that we do not care about
					// Local information is updated!
					out = tmp;			
				}  else if (rhsOp instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) { 
					Local lhs = (Local) lhsOp;
				} else if (rhsOp instanceof IdentityRef) { 
					// Ignore identities
				} else if (lhsOp instanceof Local) {
					// Assignment
					Local lhs = (Local) lhsOp;
					// RHS op is a local, constant or class cast
					if (rhsOp instanceof Local) {
						Local rhs = (Local) rhsOp;
						out.assign(lhs, rhs);
					} else if (rhsOp instanceof Constant) {
						Constant rhs = (Constant) rhsOp;
						out.assignConstant(lhs, rhs);
					} else if (rhsOp instanceof CastExpr) { 
						Value op = ((CastExpr) rhsOp).getOp();
						if (op instanceof Local) {
							Local rhs = (Local) op;
							out.assign(lhs, rhs);
						} else if (op instanceof Constant) {
							Constant rhs = (Constant) op;
							out.assignConstant(lhs, rhs);
						} else {
							throw new RuntimeException(op.toString());
					} else {
						throw new RuntimeException(rhsOp.toString());
				} else {
					throw new RuntimeException(unit.toString());
			} else if (rhsOp instanceof InvokeExpr) {
				// For non-reference types, only method invocations are important
				InvokeExpr expr = (InvokeExpr) rhsOp;	
				// Handle method invocation!
				out = handleInvoke(context, stmt, expr, in);

		} else if (stmt instanceof InvokeStmt) {
			// INVOKE without a return
			InvokeExpr expr = stmt.getInvokeExpr();
			// Handle method invocation!
			out = handleInvoke(context, stmt, expr, in);
		} else if (stmt instanceof ReturnStmt) {
			// Returning a value (not return-void as those are of type ReturnVoidStmt)
			Value op = ((ReturnStmt) stmt).getOp();
			Local lhs = PointsToGraph.RETURN_LOCAL;
			// We only care about reference-type returns
			if (op.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) {
				// We can return a local or a constant
				if (op instanceof Local) {
					Local rhs = (Local) op;
					out.assign(lhs, rhs);
				} else if (op instanceof Constant) {
					Constant rhs = (Constant) op;
					out.assignConstant(lhs, rhs);
				} else {
					throw new RuntimeException(op.toString());

		return out;


	 * Computes the targets of an invoke expression using a given points-to graph.
	 * <p>For static invocations, there is only target. For instance method
	 * invocations, the targets depend on the type of receiver objects pointed-to
	 * by the instance variable whose method is being invoked.</p>
	 * <p>If the instance variable points to a summary node, then the returned
	 * value is <tt>null</tt> signifying a <em>default</em> call-site.</p>
	private Set<SootMethod> getTargets(SootMethod callerMethod, Stmt callStmt, InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph ptg) {
		Set<SootMethod> targets = new HashSet<SootMethod>();
		SootMethod invokedMethod = ie.getMethod();
		String subsignature = invokedMethod.getSubSignature();
		// Static and special invocations refer to the target method directly
		if (ie instanceof StaticInvokeExpr || ie instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) {
			return targets;
		} else {
			assert (ie instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr || ie instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr);
			// Get the receiver
			Local receiver = (Local) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase();
			// Get what objects the receiver points-to
			Set<AnyNewExpr> heapNodes = ptg.getTargets(receiver);
			if (heapNodes != null) {
				// For each object, find the invoked method for the declared type
				for (AnyNewExpr heapNode : heapNodes) {
					if (heapNode == PointsToGraph.SUMMARY_NODE) {						
						// If even one pointee is a summary node, then this is a default site
						return null;
					} else if (heapNode instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
						// Probably getClass() or something like that on an array
						return null;
					// Find the top-most class that declares a method with the given
					// signature and add it to the resulting targets
					SootClass sootClass = ((RefType) heapNode.getType()).getSootClass();
					do {
						if (sootClass.declaresMethod(subsignature)) {
						} else if (sootClass.hasSuperclass()) {
							sootClass = sootClass.getSuperclass();
						} else {
							sootClass = null;
					} while (sootClass != null);
			if (targets.isEmpty()) {
				// System.err.println("Warning! Null call at: " + callStmt+ " in " + callerMethod);
			return targets;

	private Set<SootMethod> getDummyTarget() {
		Set<SootMethod> targets = new HashSet<SootMethod>();
		return targets;

	 * Handles a call site by resolving the targets of the method invocation. 
	 * The resultant flow is the union of the exit flows of all the analysed
	 * callees. If the method returns a reference-like value, this is also taken
	 * into account.
	protected PointsToGraph handleInvoke(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> callerContext, Stmt callStmt,
			InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph in) {
		// Get the caller method
		SootMethod callerMethod = callerContext.getMethod();
		// Initialise the final result as TOP first
		PointsToGraph resultFlow = topValue();

		// If this statement is an assignment to an object, then set LHS for
		// RETURN values.
		Local lhs = null;
		Value lhsOp = null;
		if (callStmt instanceof AssignStmt) {
			lhsOp = ((AssignStmt) callStmt).getLeftOp();
			if (lhsOp.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) {
				lhs = (Local) lhsOp;

		// Find target methods for this call site (invoke expression) using the points-to data
		Set<SootMethod> targets = getTargets(callerMethod, callStmt, ie, in);

		// If "targets" is null, that means the invoking instance was SUMMARY
		// So we use the DUMMY METHOD (which is a method with no body)
		if (targets == null) {
			targets = getDummyTarget();			
			this.contextTransitions.addTransition(new CallSite<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph>(callerContext, callStmt), null);
			if (verbose) {
				System.out.println("[DEF] X" + callerContext + " -> DEFAULT " + ie.getMethod());
		// Make calls for all target methods
		for (SootMethod calledMethod : targets) {

			// The call-edge is obtained by assign parameters and THIS, and killing caller's locals
			PointsToGraph callEdge = copy(in);
			if (calledMethod.hasActiveBody()) {
				// We need to maintain a set of locals not to kill (in case the call is recursive)
				Set<Local> doNotKill = new HashSet<Local>();
				// Initialise sticky parameter
				callEdge.assign(PointsToGraph.STICKY_LOCAL, null);
				// Assign this...
				if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
					Local receiver = (Local)((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase();
					Local thisLocal = calledMethod.getActiveBody().getThisLocal();
					callEdge.assign(thisLocal, receiver);
					// Sticky it!
					callEdge.assignSticky(PointsToGraph.STICKY_LOCAL, thisLocal);
				// Assign parameters...
				for (int i = 0; i < calledMethod.getParameterCount(); i++) {
					// Only for reference-like parameters
					if (calledMethod.getParameterType(i) instanceof RefLikeType) {
						Local parameter = calledMethod.getActiveBody().getParameterLocal(i);
						Value argValue = ie.getArg(i);
						// The argument can be a constant or local, so handle accordingly
						if (argValue instanceof Local) {
							Local argLocal = (Local) argValue;
							callEdge.assign(parameter, argLocal);
							// Sticky it!
							callEdge.assignSticky(PointsToGraph.STICKY_LOCAL, argLocal);
						} else if (argValue instanceof Constant) {
							Constant argConstant = (Constant) argValue;
							callEdge.assignConstant(parameter, argConstant);
							// No need to sticky constants as caller does not store them anyway
						} else {
							throw new RuntimeException(argValue.toString());
				// Kill caller data...
				for (Local callerLocal : callerMethod.getActiveBody().getLocals()) {
					if (doNotKill.contains(callerLocal) == false)
				// There should be no "return local", but we kill it anyway (just in case)
				// Create callee locals..
				for (Local calleeLocal : calledMethod.getActiveBody().getLocals()) {
					if (calleeLocal.getType() instanceof RefLikeType 
							&& doNotKill.contains(calleeLocal) == false) {
						callEdge.assign(calleeLocal, null);
			// The intra-procedural edge is the IN value minus the objects from the call edge
			PointsToGraph intraEdge = copy(in);
			if (lhs != null) {
				// Oh, and remove the LHS targets too
				intraEdge.assign(lhs, null);
			// Value at the start of the called procedure is 
			// whatever went through the call edge
			PointsToGraph entryFlow = callEdge;

			// Make the call to this method!! (in case of body-less methods, no change)
			PointsToGraph exitFlow = calledMethod.hasActiveBody() ? 
					processCall(callerContext, callStmt, calledMethod, entryFlow) : entryFlow;

			// If the called context was analysed, exitFlow will be set, else it
			// will be null.
			if (exitFlow != null) {
				// Propagate stuff from called procedure's exit to the caller's return-site
				PointsToGraph returnEdge = copy(exitFlow);
				// Two ways to handle this:
				if (calledMethod.hasActiveBody()) {
					// Kill all the called method's locals. That's right.
					for (Local calleeLocal : calledMethod.getActiveBody().getLocals()) {
					// Remove the stickies (so not to interfere with stickies in the intra-edge)
					// but do not collect unreachable nodes

				// Let's unite the intra-edge with the return edge
				PointsToGraph callOut = topValue();
				callOut.union(intraEdge, returnEdge);
				// Now we are only left with the return value, if any
				if (calledMethod.hasActiveBody()) {
					if (lhs != null) {
						callOut.assign(lhs, PointsToGraph.RETURN_LOCAL);
					// Kill the @return variable whether there was an LHS or not
				} else {
					// Handle returned objects for native methods
					if (lhs != null) {
						// If a string is returned, optimise
						if (lhs.getType().equals(PointsToGraph.STRING_CONST.getType())) {
							callOut.assignConstant(lhs, PointsToGraph.STRING_CONST);
						} else if (lhs.getType().equals(PointsToGraph.CLASS_CONST.getType())) {
							callOut.assignConstant(lhs, PointsToGraph.CLASS_CONST);
						} else {
							// Have to assume the worst!
							//System.err.println("Warning! Summary node returned at " + 
							//		callStmt + " in " + callerMethod);
					// Also assume that all parameters are modified
					for (int i = 0; i < calledMethod.getParameterCount(); i++) {
						// Only for reference-like parameters
						if (calledMethod.getParameterType(i) instanceof RefLikeType) {
							Value argValue = ie.getArg(i);
							// Summarize if the argument is local (i.e. not a constant)
							if (argValue instanceof Local) {
								Local argLocal = (Local) argValue;
				// As we may have multiple virtual calls, merge the value at OUT
				// of this target's call-site with an accumulator (resultFlow)
				resultFlow = meet(resultFlow, callOut);
		// If at least one call succeeded, result flow is not TOP
		if (resultFlow.equals(topValue())) {
			return null;
		} else {
			return resultFlow;


	 * Returns the union of two points-to graphs.
	public PointsToGraph meet(PointsToGraph op1, PointsToGraph op2) {
		PointsToGraph result = new PointsToGraph();
		result.union(op1, op2);
		return result;

	 * The default data flow value (lattice top) is the empty points-to graph.
	public PointsToGraph topValue() {
		return new PointsToGraph();

	public ProgramRepresentation<SootMethod, Unit> programRepresentation() {
		return DefaultJimpleRepresentation.v();