
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.WorldCreator;
import org.bukkit.WorldType;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Monster;
import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.Settings;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.handler.AsyncWorldEditHandler;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.handler.MultiverseCoreHandler;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.handler.MultiverseInventoriesHandler;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.uSkyBlock;
import us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.util.LocationUtil;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import static us.talabrek.ultimateskyblock.Settings.island_height;

public class WorldManager {
    private final uSkyBlock plugin;
    private final Logger logger;

    public static volatile World skyBlockWorld;
    public static volatile World skyBlockNetherWorld;

    static {
        skyBlockWorld = null;

    public WorldManager(@NotNull uSkyBlock plugin) {
        this.plugin = plugin;
        this.logger = plugin.getLogger();

     * Get the {@link ChunkRegenerator} for the given {@link World}.
     * @param world World to get the ChunkRegenerator for.
     * @return ChunkRegenerator for the given world.
    public ChunkRegenerator getChunkRegenerator(@NotNull World world) {
        return new ChunkRegenerator(world);

     * Removes all unnamed {@link Monster}'s at the given {@link Location}.
     * @param target Location to remove unnamed monsters.
    public void removeCreatures(@Nullable final Location target) {
        if (!Settings.island_removeCreaturesByTeleport || target == null || target.getWorld() == null) {

        final int px = target.getBlockX();
        final int py = target.getBlockY();
        final int pz = target.getBlockZ();
        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x) {
            for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z) {
                Chunk chunk = target.getWorld().getChunkAt(
                        new Location(target.getWorld(), (px + x * 16), py, (pz + z * 16)));

                        .filter(entity -> entity instanceof Monster)
                        .filter(entity -> entity.getCustomName() == null)

     * Sets the spawn location for the given {@link World} if currently unset. Creates a safe spawn location if
     * necessary by calling {@link WorldManager#createSpawn(Location)}.
     * @param world World to setup.
     * @param islandHeight Height at which islands will be created.
    private void setupWorld(@NotNull World world, int islandHeight) {
        Validate.notNull(world, "World cannot be null");

        if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("options.advanced.manageSpawn")) {

        if (LocationUtil.isEmptyLocation(world.getSpawnLocation())) {
            world.setSpawnLocation(0, islandHeight, 0);

        Location spawnLocation = world.getSpawnLocation();
        if (!LocationUtil.isSafeLocation(spawnLocation)) {

     * Creates the world spawn at the given {@link Location}. Places the spawn schematic if
     * configured and when it exists on disk. Places a gold block with two air above it otherwise.
     * @param spawnLocation Location to create the spawn at.
    private void createSpawn(@NotNull Location spawnLocation) {
        Validate.notNull(spawnLocation, "SpawnLocation cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(spawnLocation.getWorld(), "SpawnLocation#world cannot be null");

        File schematic = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "schematics" +
                File.separator + "spawn.schem");
        World world = spawnLocation.getWorld();

        if (plugin.getConfig().getInt("options.general.spawnSize", 0) > 32 && schematic.exists()) {
            AsyncWorldEditHandler.loadIslandSchematic(schematic, spawnLocation, null);
        } else {
            Block spawnBlock = world.getBlockAt(spawnLocation).getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
            Block air = spawnBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);

     * Gets the {@link ChunkGenerator} responsible for generating chunks in the overworld skyworld.
     * @return ChunkGenerator for overworld skyworld.
    private ChunkGenerator getOverworldGenerator() {
        try {
            String clazz = plugin.getConfig().getString("options.advanced.chunk-generator",
            Object generator = Class.forName(clazz).newInstance();
            if (generator instanceof ChunkGenerator) {
                return (ChunkGenerator) generator;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException ex) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid overworld chunk-generator configured: " + ex);
        return new SkyBlockChunkGenerator();

     * Gets the {@link ChunkGenerator} responsible for generating chunks in the nether skyworld.
     * @return ChunkGenerator for nether skyworld.
    private ChunkGenerator getNetherGenerator() {
        try {
            String clazz = plugin.getConfig().getString("nether.chunk-generator",
            Object generator = Class.forName(clazz).newInstance();
            if (generator instanceof ChunkGenerator) {
                return (ChunkGenerator) generator;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException ex) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid nether chunk-generator configured: " + ex);
        return new SkyBlockNetherChunkGenerator();

     * Gets a {@link ChunkGenerator} for use in a default world, as specified in the server configuration
     * @param worldName Name of the world that this will be applied to
     * @param id Unique ID, if any, that was specified to indicate which generator was requested
     * @return ChunkGenerator for use in the default world generation
    public ChunkGenerator getDefaultWorldGenerator(@NotNull String worldName, @Nullable String id) {
        Validate.notNull(worldName, "WorldName cannot be null");

        return ((id != null && id.endsWith("nether")) || (worldName.endsWith("nether")))
                && Settings.nether_enabled
                ? getNetherGenerator()
                : getOverworldGenerator();

     * Gets the skyblock island {@link World}. Creates and/or imports the world if necessary.
     * @return Skyblock island world.
    public synchronized World getWorld() {
        if (skyBlockWorld == null) {
            skyBlockWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(Settings.general_worldName);
            ChunkGenerator skyGenerator = getOverworldGenerator();
            ChunkGenerator worldGenerator = skyBlockWorld != null ? skyBlockWorld.getGenerator() : null;
            if (skyBlockWorld == null
                    || skyBlockWorld.canGenerateStructures()
                    || worldGenerator == null
                    || !worldGenerator.getClass().getName().equals(skyGenerator.getClass().getName())) {
                skyBlockWorld = WorldCreator
            setupWorld(skyBlockWorld, island_height);
        return skyBlockWorld;

     * Gets the skyblock nether island {@link World}. Creates and/or imports the world if necessary. Returns null if
     * the nether is not enabled in the plugin configuration.
     * @return Skyblock nether island world, or null if nether is disabled.
    public synchronized World getNetherWorld() {
        if (skyBlockNetherWorld == null && Settings.nether_enabled) {
            skyBlockNetherWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(Settings.general_worldName + "_nether");
            ChunkGenerator skyGenerator = getNetherGenerator();
            ChunkGenerator worldGenerator = skyBlockNetherWorld != null ? skyBlockNetherWorld.getGenerator() : null;
            if (skyBlockNetherWorld == null
                    || skyBlockNetherWorld.canGenerateStructures()
                    || worldGenerator == null
                    || !worldGenerator.getClass().getName().equals(skyGenerator.getClass().getName())) {
                skyBlockNetherWorld = WorldCreator
                        .name(Settings.general_worldName + "_nether")
            setupWorld(skyBlockNetherWorld, island_height / 2);
            MultiverseInventoriesHandler.linkWorlds(getWorld(), skyBlockNetherWorld);
        return skyBlockNetherWorld;

     * Checks if the given {@link World} is the skyblock island world.
     * @param world World to check.
     * @return True if the given world is the skyblock island world, false otherwise.
    public boolean isSkyWorld(@Nullable World world) {
        if (world == null) {
            return false;

        return getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(world.getName());

     * Checks if the given {@link World} is the skyblock nether island world.
     * @param world World to check.
     * @return True if the given world is the skyblock nether island world, false otherwise.
    public boolean isSkyNether(@Nullable World world) {
        if (world == null) {
            return false;

        World netherWorld = getNetherWorld();
        return netherWorld != null && world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(netherWorld.getName());

     * Checks if the given {@link World} is associated with Ultimate Skyblock.
     * @param world World to check.
     * @return True if the given world is associated with the plugin, false otherwise.
    public boolean isSkyAssociatedWorld(@Nullable World world) {
        if (world == null) {
            return false;

        return world.getName().startsWith(WorldManager.skyBlockWorld.getName())
                && !(world.getEnvironment() == World.Environment.NETHER && !Settings.nether_enabled)
                && !(world.getEnvironment() == World.Environment.THE_END);