 * Copyright ©1998-2020 by Richard A. Wilkes. All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, version 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with
 * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
 * defined by the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.

package com.trollworks.gcs.ui.widget;

import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.DoubleCriteria;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.IntegerCriteria;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.NumericCompareType;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.NumericCriteria;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.StringCompareType;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.StringCriteria;
import com.trollworks.gcs.criteria.WeightCriteria;
import com.trollworks.gcs.ui.UIUtilities;
import com.trollworks.gcs.ui.border.EmptyBorder;
import com.trollworks.gcs.utility.text.DoubleFormatter;
import com.trollworks.gcs.utility.text.IntegerFormatter;
import com.trollworks.gcs.utility.text.WeightFormatter;
import com.trollworks.gcs.utility.units.WeightValue;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory;

/** A generic editor panel. */
public abstract class EditorPanel extends ActionPanel implements ActionListener, PropertyChangeListener {
    private static final int    GAP        = 5;
    private static final String COMPARISON = "Comparison";

    /** Creates a new {@link EditorPanel}. */
    protected EditorPanel() {

     * Creates a new {@link EditorPanel}.
     * @param indent The amount of indent to apply to the left side, if any.
    protected EditorPanel(int indent) {
        setBorder(new EmptyBorder(GAP, GAP + indent, GAP, GAP));

     * Creates a new {@link JComboBox}.
     * @param command   The command to issue on selection.
     * @param items     The items to add to the {@link JComboBox}.
     * @param selection The item to select initially.
     * @return The new {@link JComboBox}.
    protected <T> JComboBox<T> addComboBox(String command, T[] items, T selection) {
        JComboBox<T> combo = new JComboBox<>(items);
        return combo;

     * @param compare The current string compare object.
     * @param extra   The extra text to add to the menu item.
     * @return The {@link JComboBox} that allows a string comparison to be changed.
    protected JComboBox<Object> addStringCompareCombo(StringCriteria compare, String extra) {
        Object[] values;
        Object   selection;
        if (extra == null) {
            values = StringCompareType.values();
            selection = compare.getType();
        } else {
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
            selection = null;
            for (StringCompareType type : StringCompareType.values()) {
                String title = extra + type;
                if (type == compare.getType()) {
                    selection = title;
            values = list.toArray();
        JComboBox<Object> combo = addComboBox(COMPARISON, values, selection);
        combo.putClientProperty(StringCriteria.class, compare);
        return combo;

     * @param compare The current string compare object.
     * @return The field that allows a string comparison to be changed.
    protected EditorField addStringCompareField(StringCriteria compare) {
        DefaultFormatter formatter = new DefaultFormatter();
        EditorField field = new EditorField(new DefaultFormatterFactory(formatter), this, SwingConstants.LEFT, compare.getQualifier(), null);
        field.putClientProperty(StringCriteria.class, compare);
        return field;

     * @param compare The current integer compare object.
     * @param extra   The extra text to add to the menu item.
     * @return The {@link JComboBox} that allows a comparison to be changed.
    protected JComboBox<Object> addNumericCompareCombo(NumericCriteria compare, String extra) {
        Object       selection = null;
        List<String> list      = new ArrayList<>();
        for (NumericCompareType type : NumericCompareType.values()) {
            String title = extra == null ? type.toString() : extra + type.getDescription();
            if (type == compare.getType()) {
                selection = title;
        JComboBox<Object> combo = addComboBox(COMPARISON, list.toArray(), selection);
        combo.putClientProperty(NumericCriteria.class, compare);
        return combo;

     * @param compare   The current compare object.
     * @param min       The minimum value to allow.
     * @param max       The maximum value to allow.
     * @param forceSign Whether to force the sign to be visible.
     * @return The {@link EditorField} that allows an integer comparison to be changed.
    protected EditorField addNumericCompareField(IntegerCriteria compare, int min, int max, boolean forceSign) {
        EditorField field = new EditorField(new DefaultFormatterFactory(new IntegerFormatter(min, max, forceSign)), this, SwingConstants.LEFT, Integer.valueOf(compare.getQualifier()), Integer.valueOf(max), null);
        field.putClientProperty(IntegerCriteria.class, compare);
        return field;

     * @param compare   The current compare object.
     * @param min       The minimum value to allow.
     * @param max       The maximum value to allow.
     * @param forceSign Whether to force the sign to be visible.
     * @return The {@link EditorField} that allows a double comparison to be changed.
    protected EditorField addNumericCompareField(DoubleCriteria compare, double min, double max, boolean forceSign) {
        EditorField field = new EditorField(new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DoubleFormatter(min, max, forceSign)), this, SwingConstants.LEFT, Double.valueOf(compare.getQualifier()), Double.valueOf(max), null);
        field.putClientProperty(DoubleCriteria.class, compare);
        return field;

     * @param compare The current compare object.
     * @return The {@link EditorField} that allows a weight comparison to be changed.
    protected EditorField addWeightCompareField(WeightCriteria compare) {
        EditorField field = new EditorField(new DefaultFormatterFactory(new WeightFormatter(true)), this, SwingConstants.LEFT, compare.getQualifier(), null, null);
        field.putClientProperty(WeightCriteria.class, compare);
        return field;

    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
        if ("value".equals(event.getPropertyName())) {
            EditorField    field    = (EditorField) event.getSource();
            StringCriteria criteria = (StringCriteria) field.getClientProperty(StringCriteria.class);
            if (criteria != null) {
                criteria.setQualifier((String) field.getValue());
            } else {
                IntegerCriteria integerCriteria = (IntegerCriteria) field.getClientProperty(IntegerCriteria.class);
                if (integerCriteria != null) {
                    integerCriteria.setQualifier(((Integer) field.getValue()).intValue());
                } else {
                    DoubleCriteria doubleCriteria = (DoubleCriteria) field.getClientProperty(DoubleCriteria.class);
                    if (doubleCriteria != null) {
                        doubleCriteria.setQualifier(((Double) field.getValue()).doubleValue());
                    } else {
                        WeightCriteria weightCriteria = (WeightCriteria) field.getClientProperty(WeightCriteria.class);
                        if (weightCriteria != null) {
                            weightCriteria.setQualifier((WeightValue) field.getValue());

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        String command = event.getActionCommand();
        if (COMPARISON.equals(command)) {
            JComboBox<?>   combo          = (JComboBox<?>) event.getSource();
            int            selectedIndex  = combo.getSelectedIndex();
            StringCriteria stringCriteria = (StringCriteria) combo.getClientProperty(StringCriteria.class);
            if (stringCriteria != null) {
            } else {
                NumericCriteria numericCriteria = (NumericCriteria) combo.getClientProperty(NumericCriteria.class);
                if (numericCriteria != null) {