package com.richardradics.commons.widget;

 * Project: commons
 * Package: com.richardradics.commons.widget
 * Created by richardradics on 2015.02.24..
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.TextView;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * BabushkaText is a TextView which lets you customize the styling of parts of your text via
 * Spannables, but without the hassle of having to deal directly with Spannable themselves.
 * The idea behind a BabushkaText is that it is made up of {@code Piece}s. Each Piece represents a
 * section of the final text displayed by this TextView, and each Piece may be styled independently
 * from the other Pieces. When you put it all together, the final results is still a a single
 * TextView, but with a a very different graphic output.
public class BabushkaText extends TextView {

    // some default params
    private static int DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_TEXT_SIZE;
    private static float DEFAULT_RELATIVE_TEXT_SIZE = 1;

    private List<Piece> mPieces;

     * Create a new instance of a this class
     * @param context
    public BabushkaText(Context context) {

    public BabushkaText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public BabushkaText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    private void init() {
        mPieces = new ArrayList<Piece>();
        BabushkaText.DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_TEXT_SIZE = (int) getTextSize();

     * Use this method to add a {@link BabushkaText.Piece} to a BabushkaText.
     * Each {@link BabushkaText.Piece } is added sequentially, so the
     * order you call this method matters.
     * @param aPiece the Piece
    public void addPiece(Piece aPiece) {

     * Adds a Piece at this specific location. The underlying data structure is a
     * {@link java.util.List}, so expect the same type of behaviour.
     * @param aPiece the Piece to add.
     * @param location the index at which to add.
    public void addPiece(Piece aPiece, int location) {
        mPieces.add(location, aPiece);

     * Replaces the Piece at the specified location with this new Piece. The underlying data
     * structure is a {@link java.util.List}, so expect the same type of behaviour.
     * @param newPiece the Piece to insert.
     * @param location the index at which to insert.
    public void replacePieceAt(int location, Piece newPiece) {
        mPieces.set(location, newPiece);

     * Removes the Piece at this specified location. The underlying data structure is a
     * {@link java.util.List}, so expect the same type of behaviour.
     * @param location the index of the Piece to remove
    public void removePiece(int location) {

     * Get a specific {@link BabushkaText.Piece} in position index.
     * @param location position of Piece (0 based)
     * @return Piece o null if invalid index
    public Piece getPiece(int location) {
        if(location >= 0 && location < mPieces.size()) {
            return mPieces.get(location);

        return null;

     * Call this method when you're done adding {@link BabushkaText.Piece}s
     * and want this TextView to display the final, styled version of it's String contents.
     * You MUST also call this method whenever you make a modification to the text of a Piece that
     * has already been displayed.
    public void display() {

        // generate the final string based on the pieces
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for(Piece aPiece : mPieces) {

        // apply spans
        int cursor = 0;
        SpannableString finalString = new SpannableString(builder.toString());
        for(Piece aPiece : mPieces) {
            applySpannablesTo(aPiece, finalString, cursor, cursor + aPiece.text.length());
            cursor += aPiece.text.length();

        // set the styled text

    private void applySpannablesTo(Piece aPiece, SpannableString finalString, int start, int end) {

        if(aPiece.subscript) {
            finalString.setSpan(new SubscriptSpan(), start, end,

        if(aPiece.superscript) {
            finalString.setSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), start, end,

        if(aPiece.strike) {
            finalString.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), start, end,

        if(aPiece.underline) {
            finalString.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), start, end,

        // style
        finalString.setSpan(new StyleSpan(, start, end,

        // absolute text size
        finalString.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(aPiece.textSize), start, end,

        // relative text size
        finalString.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(aPiece.textSizeRelative), start, end,

        // text color
        finalString.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(aPiece.textColor), start, end,

        // background color
        if(aPiece.backgroundColor != -1) {
            finalString.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(aPiece.backgroundColor), start, end,

     * Resets the styling of this view and sets it's content to an empty String.
    public void reset() {
        mPieces = new ArrayList<Piece>();

     * Change text color of all pieces of textview.
    public void changeTextColor(int textColor) {
        for (Piece mPiece : mPieces) {

     * A Piece represents a part of the text that you want to style. Say for example you want this
     * BabushkaText to display "Hello World" such that "Hello" is displayed in Bold and "World" is
     * displayed in Italics. Since these have different styles, they are both separate Pieces.
     * You create a Piece by using it's {@link BabushkaText.Piece.Builder}
    public static class Piece {

        private String text;
        private int textColor;
        private final int textSize;
        private final int backgroundColor;
        private final float textSizeRelative;
        private final int style;
        private final boolean underline;
        private final boolean superscript;
        private final boolean strike;
        private final boolean subscript;

        public Piece(Builder builder) {
            this.text = builder.text;
            this.textSize = builder.textSize;
            this.textColor = builder.textColor;
            this.backgroundColor = builder.backgroundColor;
            this.textSizeRelative = builder.textSizeRelative;
            this.underline = builder.underline;
            this.superscript = builder.superscript;
            this.subscript = builder.subscript;
            this.strike = builder.strike;

         * Sets the text of this Piece. If you're creating a new Piece, you should do so using it's
         * {@link BabushkaText.Piece.Builder}.
         * Use this method if you want to modify the text of an existing Piece that is already
         * displayed. After doing so, you MUST call {@code display()} for the changes to show up.
         * @param text the text to display
        public void setText(String text) {
            this.text = text;

         * Sets the text color of this Piece. If you're creating a new Piece, you should do so using it's
         * {@link BabushkaText.Piece.Builder}.
         * Use this method if you want to change the text color of an existing Piece that is already
         * displayed. After doing so, you MUST call {@code display()} for the changes to show up.
         * @param textColor of text (it is NOT android Color resources ID, use getResources().getColor(R.color.colorId) for it)
        public void setTextColor(int textColor) {
            this.textColor = textColor;

         * Builder of Pieces
        public static class Builder {

            // required
            private final String text;

            // optional
            private int textSize = DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_TEXT_SIZE;
            private int textColor = Color.BLACK;
            private int backgroundColor = -1;
            private float textSizeRelative = DEFAULT_RELATIVE_TEXT_SIZE;
            private int style = Typeface.NORMAL;
            private boolean underline = false;
            private boolean strike = false;
            private boolean superscript = false;
            private boolean subscript = false;

             * Creates a new Builder for this Piece.
             * @param text the text of this Piece
            public Builder(String text) {
                this.text = text;

             * Sets the absolute text size.
             * @param textSize text size in pixels
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder textSize(int textSize) {
                this.textSize = textSize;
                return this;

             * Sets the text color.
             * @param textColor the color
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder textColor(int textColor) {
                this.textColor = textColor;
                return this;

             * Sets the background color.
             * @param backgroundColor the color
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder backgroundColor(int backgroundColor) {
                this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
                return this;

             * Sets the relative text size.
             * @param textSizeRelative relative text size
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder textSizeRelative(float textSizeRelative) {
                this.textSizeRelative = textSizeRelative;
                return this;

             * Sets a style to this Piece.
             * @param style see {@link}
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder style(int style) {
       = style;
                return this;

             * Underlines this Piece.
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder underline() {
                this.underline = true;
                return this;

             * Strikes this Piece.
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder strike() {
                this.strike = true;
                return this;

             * Sets this Piece as a superscript.
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder superscript() {
                this.superscript = true;
                return this;

             * Sets this Piece as a subscript.
             * @return a Builder
            public Builder subscript() {
                this.subscript = true;
                return this;

             * Creates a {@link BabushkaText.Piece} with the customized
             * parameters.
             * @return a Piece
            public Piece build() {
                return new Piece(this);
