
import com.intellij.notification.Notifications;
import com.reason.ORNotification;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls;

import static com.intellij.notification.NotificationListener.URL_OPENING_LISTENER;
import static com.intellij.notification.NotificationType.ERROR;

public class BsNotification {

    private BsNotification() {}

    public static void showBsbNotFound(String workingDirectory) {
        Notifications.Bus.notify(new ORNotification("Bsb",
                        + "Can't find bsb.\n"
                        + "The working directory is '" + workingDirectory + "'.\n"
                        + "Be sure that bsb is installed and reachable from that directory, "
                        + "see <a href=\"\">github</a>."
                        + "</html>",
                ERROR, URL_OPENING_LISTENER));

    public static void showWorkingDirectoryNotFound() {
        Notifications.Bus.notify(new ORNotification("BuckleScript",
                        + "Can't determine working directory.\n"
                        + "Ensure your project contains a <b>bsconfig.json</b> file."
                        + "</html>",
                ERROR, URL_OPENING_LISTENER));