 * Copyright 2014-2020 Real Logic Limited.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.agrona.agent;

import static net.bytebuddy.asm.Advice.to;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isInterface;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.isSubTypeOf;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.nameContains;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.nameMatches;
import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.not;

import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;

import net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.ResettableClassFileTransformer;
import org.agrona.DirectBuffer;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.CharVerifier;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.DoubleVerifier;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.FloatVerifier;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.IntVerifier;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.LongVerifier;
import org.agrona.agent.BufferAlignmentInterceptor.ShortVerifier;

import net.bytebuddy.ByteBuddy;
import net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.TypeValidation;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher.Junction;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaModule;

 * A Java agent that verifies that all memory accesses in {@link DirectBuffer} implementations are aligned.
 * <p>
 * Unaligned accesses can be slower or even make the JVM crash on some architectures.
 * <p>
 * Using this agent will avoid such crashes, but it has a performance overhead and should only be used for testing
 * and debugging.
public class BufferAlignmentAgent
    private static ResettableClassFileTransformer alignmentTransformer;
    private static Instrumentation instrumentation;

     * Invoked when the agent is launched with the JVM and before the main application.
     * @param agentArgs       ignored for buffer alignment agent.
     * @param instrumentation for adding bytecode to classes.
    public static void premain(final String agentArgs, final Instrumentation instrumentation)
        agent(false, instrumentation);

     * Invoked when the agent is attached to an already running application.
     * @param agentArgs       ignored for buffer alignment agent.
     * @param instrumentation for adding bytecode to classes.
    public static void agentmain(final String agentArgs, final Instrumentation instrumentation)
        agent(true, instrumentation);

    private static synchronized void agent(final boolean shouldRedefine, final Instrumentation instrumentation)
        BufferAlignmentAgent.instrumentation = instrumentation;
        // all Int methods, and all String method other than
        // XXXStringWithoutLengthXXX or getStringXXX(int, int)
        final Junction<MethodDescription> intVerifierMatcher = nameContains("Int")
            .or(nameMatches(".*String[^W].*").and(not(ElementMatchers.takesArguments(int.class, int.class))));

        alignmentTransformer = new AgentBuilder.Default(new ByteBuddy().with(TypeValidation.DISABLED))
            .with(new AgentBuilderListener())
            .with(shouldRedefine ?
                AgentBuilder.RedefinitionStrategy.RETRANSFORMATION : AgentBuilder.RedefinitionStrategy.DISABLED)
            .transform((builder, typeDescription, classLoader, module) -> builder

     * Remove the bytecode transformer and associated bytecode weaving so the alignment checks are not made.
    public static synchronized void removeTransformer()
        if (alignmentTransformer != null)
            alignmentTransformer.reset(instrumentation, AgentBuilder.RedefinitionStrategy.RETRANSFORMATION);
            alignmentTransformer = null;
            BufferAlignmentAgent.instrumentation = null;

    static class AgentBuilderListener implements AgentBuilder.Listener
        public void onDiscovery(
            final String typeName,
            final ClassLoader classLoader,
            final JavaModule module,
            final boolean loaded)

        public void onTransformation(
            final TypeDescription typeDescription,
            final ClassLoader classLoader,
            final JavaModule module,
            final boolean loaded,
            final DynamicType dynamicType)

        public void onIgnored(
            final TypeDescription typeDescription,
            final ClassLoader classLoader,
            final JavaModule module,
            final boolean loaded)

        public void onError(
            final String typeName,
            final ClassLoader classLoader,
            final JavaModule module,
            final boolean loaded,
            final Throwable throwable)
            System.err.println("ERROR " + typeName);

        public void onComplete(
            final String typeName,
            final ClassLoader classLoader,
            final JavaModule module,
            final boolean loaded)